HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-03, Page 23GOING TO THE BEACH — Warm, sunny September weather made the beach inviting for these children at Grand Bend Nursery School. Going for a walk to the beach and hanging on to the rope so they don't get lost are teacher Sharon Jacobe, Melissa DeBrum, Brent La rmer, Jennifer Weigand Andrew Geiger, Jeff Lingard, Dwayne Scott, Stacey Thurman, Fiona Walker, and teacher Cathy Smith, T-A photo Combine for Green way service maisimeime)mm WROWNI. Mary's musings BY MARY ALDERSON HURON SANITATION -1 Owned by John J. Hotson CAN OFFER YOU PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE Custom backhoeing & power sewer line cleaning. Phone John Hotson at 238-2140 or 238.8240 R R 1 GRAND BEND My - how the years go by! Join our $alebration. Huge Sale of Men's and ladies sweaters in- cluding machine washable. Ladies Pullovers c.,S1w-gatztt FACTORY OUTLET 16 Main St. Grand Bend 238-8007 We'll Do the Job Right... r- We've Moved Our Office we are now located at our Exeter shop Whatever the project, call on us for Ready-Mix Concrete • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD. EXETER, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 235-1969 p) EATO N toag Trust Member Canada Deposit insurance Corp 1 Guaranteed Investment Certificates 5 years ... interest paid annually Visit or phone: Peter Martens Eaton/Bay Financial Services Eaton's Mall Level 333 Wellington Street, London PHONE: 433-3912 PHONE IN THE EVENING LUCAN 227- 1 1 97 OLD SCH (bLHOUSE glass shop leaded and stained glass windows new and repaired complete glass service 5 km WEST OF VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD ON HWY. # 83 TEL. 237-3373 something." In other business, Sharen declared a conflict of in- terest when the home for- merly owned by Art and Betty Heist received a reduction in assessment. Later Sharen said the house, Grand Bind notes which he had recently Mrs. Dina Inthout is a purchased, was "badly over- patient in St, Joseph's assessed." When Sharen left hospital, London. Your the meeting, Harold Green neighbours and friends wish took the chair. This left only you a speedy recovery, Dina, Keith Crawford to vote on Rev. H. Moore, and Mrs. the question. Councillors Bill Irene Kennedy, attended Baird and Judy Uniac were Huron Perth Presbytery absent from the meeting. meeting last Tuesday at the Council agreed to grant United Church in St. Mar 's, sign permits to Grand Bend Decorating centre, and Blnewa ter Auto Sales. Council went "in camera" at. the conclusion of their meeting to discuss personnel problems. Featuring automatic chording, bass and rhythm, lighted keyboards for easy playing with our full 'lima speed mask; .A. GRAND BEND DECORATING and FLOORING CENTRE 15 Main St. 238-8603 oicomi A mstrong cdi•••••••••••••• :Floor, Show • 1 • • • woo ar SNOW • Dozens of colors and patterns to choose from. All no-wax.,, all Armstrong! WE GIVE YOU GUARANTEED INSTALLATION Floors that keep their high gloss far longer than ordinary vinyl no-wax floors! Atmstrong There's never been a better time to buy a sunny Armstrong Solarian• floor that shines without waxing! (..,4-?mstrong floor fashionn het: F.F.C. EXCLUSIVE SOLARIAN Subtle small scale chip design with ,9 classic look of an e inlaid multisized IF Mirabond no-wax 14 wear surface. Reg. $18.95 DESIGNER SOLARIAN Armstrong's most luxurious no-wax floor! Unique in- laid 0 as color con- struction for un- matched depth and realism. sq. Yd. Reg. $25.95 sq. v d. 5 Armstrong Premier Sundial Dense inner layer of step-supporting cushion provides added measure of comfort. Sunny Mira bond surface shines without wax! $16.95 sq. yd. SAV • 4 tri • ti) • • • 1111 4 • U1 • SAVE • SAVE • SAV • m • Ui .11g1 • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • ;T1 , y • • y • ' • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • SA E • SA • N1 SAVE was done in Grand Bend. Cowan reported that there were no families in need of subsidized housing in Grand Bend, and only about four senior citizens who required subsidized housing. Reeve Bob Sharen asked if housing would be granted for less than 10 units, and Cowan said that it would not be likely. Cowan suggested that they get together with Bosanquet township where only a small number of subsidized homes are required, too. Sharen suggested that the Medical Centre Board also be contacted about their plan to build senior citizen housing on property behind the medical centre. Philip Walden, solicitor for the Ministry of Government Services came before council with papers for the plirChase by the government of two pieces of land in Grand Bend. The land is required due to sewer construction. For $1 council an Anglican Church in Leamington. The September meeting of the Ladies Guild was held in the Parish Hall. During the month two visits had been made to the Chateau Gar- dens in Parkhill. Plans were completed for the bazaar to be held in October. A money donation was voted to the Christ Anglican Church in Oxford Centre, a victim of the recent tornado. Persona Is Mrs`. Irvin Luther, Jean and Maxine, Viola Curts, London, and Evelyn and Manuel Curts attended the fortieth wedding an- niversary festivities for Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lee (nee Dorothy Luther) held at their home in Strathroy Saturday afternoon. A miscellaneous shower was held at the Corbett Community centre Saturday evening for Brenda Romphf bride elect of this month. Many area friends and relatives attended. Visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Selbourne English were Mrs. English's sisters. Retta Nephew and Mrs. Grace Anderson, Ingleside, Ontario and Vincent McKay, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Reid have sold their home here to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dawe,. Sarnia and intend moving to London in November. By the way-According to the little boy who attends Sunday School, Goliath was the man who David rocked to sleep. Colonials crew suffer first loss The Grand Bend senior soccer team, "The Colonials," lost for the first time this year in a playoff game Sunday. West Williams took the close match 2 to 1. Bill Van- denberk scored the only Grand Bend goal. The Grand Bend team blamed their only loss of the season on the lack of players. Tony Mennen is in hospital with knee problems, and Peter Backx left the game early. Some other key players were unable to at- tend the match. The team plan a comeback as the playoffs continue. Times, Advocate, October 3, 1979 Page 7A booth meets council's approval Chamber seeks more visible location • Proposal to move tourist everything is set up for a traffic survey to take place next summer. Council requested that the traffic survey be done during a busy holiday weekend. Reeve Bob Sharen estimated that the survey will cost about $10,000 and the Ministry will be paying about 75 per cent of that. David Cowan of the Ministry of Housing attended the meeting to tell council the results of a survey on subsidized housing which planning board. Council members requested that the Chamber look after having the land surveyed, and also look into the problem of hydro guy wires that cross the area in question. Another delegation at Monday night's meeting included representatives from the Ministry of Transportation and Com- m uni ca tion Regional council to make sure that director Ray Britton came to By MANUEL CURTS G R E EN WAY Sunday a combined church service was held for the Thedford, Pt. Franks and Greenway parishes in Grace Anglican Church. The harvest festival was ob- served and the Holy Com- munion was administered. During the service Lesley Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Rock was baptized. Following the service a social hour was held in the Parish Hall when the rector, the Rev. Aubrey Bell and his son James were honored prior to their appointment to My husband and I have had a lot of fun this week, telling friends that we've adopted a baby. He's about eight inches long, and weighs less than three pounds. He's also black and white and fuzzy. We named him Pepper and he's an eight week old springer spaniel puppy. Having a pet in the house is nothing new.When Victor married me, it was a package deal. He got my budgie bird, too. When I bought the budgie two years ago, I named him Hamlet, hoping he would become a great orator. With that name, I figured the budgie would speak with the eloquence of a Shakespearean actor. Unfortunately, Hamlet has yet to utter a word. He does know two tricks - eating and sleeping. He used to do another trick, too. It was called "pecking holes in leaves of house plants, especially expensive defenbochia." Since the plants belong to ray husband, Hamlet soon had to forget that trick. His flights around the living room are now curtailed, unless a control tower, namely me, is keeping a close watch on him. While Hamlet was going through his plant pecking stage, Victor threatened daily to give him his freedom. He quite generously offered to set Hamlet's open cage out on the sun deck. I purchased Hamlet when my elderly hamster Rodney Rodent passed away. At that time I was living alone in an apartment in London, and having a pet was essential. You see, if I woke up in the night and heard a noise in the apartment, I could calmly say to myself "it's just Rodney", roll over, and go back to sleep. But after Rodney died, I was always waking up in the night and hearing rustling noises or foot steps. Sud- denly I was sitting bolt upright in bed with my heart pounding. I was sure it was an intruder - a burgler after my jewellery, or a drunk breaking into the wrong apartment. So I would usually sit in bed wide awake tor hours, until I could convince myself that it was, just my imagination. Then I purchased Hamlet, and than when I heard things go bump in the night, I could go back to sleep saying to myself that it was just the bird. Rodney Rodent had been my companion for a number of years prior to his death. I think we estimated his age to be five, which is ancient in hamster years. He lived with me during my first year at university, when we shared an apartment with three other girls - all of them rodent haters. One girl's boyfriend was a science major, who offered to dissect Rodney on many occasions. But keeping a budgie or a hamster is a little different than housebreaking a puppy. For one thing it takes a lot less newspaper to cover the bottom of a cage, than to cover the whole kitchen floor. I can't figure out why someone hasn't invented a "pamper" for puppies. Grand Bend council PUC office, agreed in principle to a Simpson added that now proposal from the Chamber would be the logical time to of Commerce that the tourist move because of the sewer information centre be moved installation. He said that the on to village property in a Chamber would like to see more visable location. the office on village property Secretary Manager of the between the Gaiser-Kneale Chamber of Commerce Bob office building and highway Simpson came before 81 on 81 Crescent. council Monday night with Simpson said that the the request that the small 12 Chamber executive agreed by 10 foot building be moved. that the small building could Simpson said that he be dressed up, and perhaps a received a report from the large lighted sign added. South Western Ontario They would also like to add Tourist Association saying women's and men's that the booth is poorly washrooms, and a storage situated, and a lack of signs area. Simpson said that they hinders the use of it. The would see to it that ample booth is now located behind parking spots would be the Public Utilities Building available, on the street towards the Reeve Bob Sharen said Legion Hall. that would be a good Simpson pointed out that location, and that the village the location of the booth was might lease the land to the not meant to be permanent, chamber for $2 a year. He and it was erected there as a suggested that the Chamber temporary measure when make a sketch of their plans they could no longer use the and take the ideas to the - NOTICE NOTICE Village of Grand Bend ratepayes Waste site will be open to the public Oct. 6, 1979 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. (No permit fee required). Winter season garbage collection begins October 8, Garbage day for entire village is Monday. Grand Bend Council REGISTRATION Zurich - Grand Bend Figure Skating Club Oct. 6 - Zurich arena 10 - 12 Oct. 13 - Grand Bend 10 - 12 New pro, new registration forms, new skating hours, new fees. • Our Sweater Shop in Grand Bend has been open for 8 years selling sweaters manufactured by Avon Knit in Stratford which has been operating for 75 years. * 100% nylon * sleevelesi, short sleeve, long sleeve * sizes S, M, L, XL - 40-46 * 16 colors *22 styles all at low prices reg. '11 to '14 '3.95 '4.95 sold the province the land at the turn around at the end of Main Street, and the land where the main pumping station is located on highway 81, Council received a letter from Dr. Judith Brigham saying that because she lives 500 miles away, she would not be present to act as a witness in a court case concerning noise complaints on Labour Day weekend, Dr. Brigham also pointed out that she doesn't know Richard Montieth who is being charged in the noise problems. After clerk Louise Clip- perton read the letter, Reeve Sharen said "This means she ain't gonna come to court. She supports our action whole heartedly until it Pedestrian is injured Pedestrian Donald South- cott of Southcott Pines received minor injuries Friday when he collided with a car driven by Peter Gil of Dietrich Crescent, Grand Bend. Southcott was walking across the Main Street of Grand Bend when the ac- cident occurred. The Gil vehicle sustained mina damage. Pinery detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated During the week of Sep- tember 23 to 29, Pinery OPP laid 19 charges under the liquor licence act, and 10 under the highway traffic act. One impaired driver was charged, and two people were charged for driving under suspension. Three warrants for arrest were executed, and four charges were laid under the narcotic control act. One break and enter and one car theft were investigated. See our stock of ORGAN and PIANO MUSIC Thomas Organs 3RD BIRTHDAY 5% OFF ALL ORGANS FOR BALANCE OF OCTOBER r. OZ t.SALE. Why not trade up that small organ for a solid state two keyboard Thomas. Feel free to phone anytime for an appointment to resident number Exeter 235-0771' FREE Bench, Zh Music & Delivery ontas Organs A SOUND FOR EVERYONE Closed Wednesdays. 429 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-2522