HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-03, Page 17A DUMMY PUSHER — Senior football coach Ron Bogart agreed Wednesday to push football dummies over a mile at South Huron District High School. He may have cheated a lit- tle but got the job done with the help of a wheelbarrow. • Field hockey entry . win in two tests MEASURING WINDOWS — Teacher Dave McClure and student Kim Kennedy spent some time Wednesday measuring the area of windows at South Huron District High School. It was part of Pun Day. T-A photo MEXICAN HANDIWORK — A colourful wall hanging was just one of the gifts that Adriana Medini11,3 brought to the Cleve family. Here Mrs. Pat Cleve, Adnana, Belinda and Patti Cleve admire the weaving. Times- Advocate, October 3, 1979 Page 1A What's new in the zoo? School spirit comes alive AROUND THE TRACK — Teacher Al De Haan circled the track at South Huron District High School wearing wooden shoes while Pat Quigley used a bicycle. T-A photo Steve Pearce tops in H-P golf contest CO-OP GAMES As a part of spirit week at South Huron High the grade 9's took part in the co- operative games set up by the student council. These games were meant as a chance for the grade 9's to get to know one another and have a great amount of fun, The activities were, hug tag, tail game, lap sit, chain tag, water balloon throw, tug-of-war on logs and the parachute flop. By the sound of the yelling and laughing it was enjoyed by all, Karen Hodge Six years ago at S.H. a number of dedicated students formed a field hockey team. Due to the late start they ended the season with a 0-0.0 record. Since then, field hockey has gained recognition, not only at the local level, but at the provincial level, It is now in its third year of Huron- Perth, its second year of WOSSA and will be played at the OFSAA level this year. There are six teams in Huron Perth competition. They play each other once in the regular season and conclude the season with a round robin tournament. The two top teams proceed to WOSSA competition, where they compete with teams from Middlesex and Oxford- Elgin. The top WOSSA team proceeds to OFSAA which will be played in Toronto. This years team has a good blend of experience and new talent. The members are Carol Abbott (captain), Karen Ford (captain), Carol DeJonge, Liz Scott, Bonnie Keys, Patti Shapton, Teresa Van Raay, Barb Rader, Karen Brand, Ann Marie Brand, Mary Ann Hogan, Sheila Edwards, Mad R oc k group ,,zRaitce.hhaier,., CBi nrdeyn dFa is heBrr, aSnude Mexican exchange girl loves animals SPORT REPORT On the 17th and 18th of September the Huron Perth tennis championships took place. Although South Huron didn't make an extremely strong showing (or interest) in the matches, we did have 2 outstanding finishers. Maja Gans and Ronnalee • Bogart finished 2nd in girls doubles. Congratulations to them! • Marilyn Brand, Ruth Ryan, Joanne DeHaan, Marg Pryde, Patti Willis, Carla Soloman, Katherine Pat- terson. In exhibition play the team travelled to Parkhill where they defeated the local team 1-0. Marg Ritchie scored the winning goal. On Tuesday September 25 the team played Stratford Northwestern and defeated them 5-1. The South Huron girls completely dominated the game as the score would indicate, Scorers were Bonnie Keys (2), Karen Brand (2) and Karen Ford (1). This was a real team effort where the defense completely snuffed any scoring attempt by the op- posing forwards and distributed the ball to our own forward line which resulted in the high score. The following is the schedule for this year: October 3 - Norwell- Home October 10 - St. Marys - Away October 12 - Lis towel- Home October 13 - Tournament in Toronto October 17 - Central - Away October 19 - Huron Perth 20 - tournament October 27 - WOSSA November 2 - OFSAA. Please give your support to the girls. Adriana Mediriella would like to take a pet with her when she goes back to Mexico next summer. Perhaps a raccoon would be nice, She saw a racoon for the first time recently at Pineridge Zoo near Grand Bend. The 18 year old. Mexican girl is living with Jim and Pat Cleve and their family at RR 1 Grand Bend, The Cleves picked Adriana up at Toronto airport, and she will be spending the school year with them as an exchange student with International Fellowship, The Cleves daughter, Patti, 15, joined International Fellowship last June, when the request for Basketball teams are on the move The 1979 South Huron Junior girls basketball team was chosen recently from among forty students who participated in tryouts. The members are: Val Baker, Brenda Bell, Dana Bozzato, Lori Brand, Lori Cronyn, Cindy Down, Janet Ferguson, Diane Fisher, Faye Gaiser, Maja Gans, Leslie Hunter, -Duvar, Jacqueline Hyde, Starr Jesney, Chris Kennedy, Melanie Lovell, Carrie Sweeney and Deb Taylor. The Juniors dropped their first league game to Goderich by a 35-30 score but they have won exhibition games against Parkhill and Sarnia Collegiate. The team plays this week against Mitchell on Monday and against Norwell on Thursday at home. Game time is 2:00 p.m. and parents are welcome to attend home games. Sr. Girls Basketball The 1979 girls basketball season is now under way, and it appears as though this years team may very well challenge for a playloff position. Led by veterans Helen Muller, Heather Riddell, Liz Datars, Shiela Snider, Julianne McLean, and Cindy O'Brien, the girls dropped their first league game to Goderich by the score of 30-25, though this was by far their best effort of the young season. Promising newcomers to the years squad includes Brenda Riddell, Ronalee Bogart, Lisa Stretton, Colleen Waddell and Janet McAllister. The senior team has a very ambitious schedule lined up as well, including tournaments in Wingham, Brighton and Listowel, as well as trips to Woodstock and London. T.O'Rourke This year, as in other years, there are new students at South Huron who have moved here from different regions. The largest group is from Trail British Columbia. These students with their families have moved to the area because their fathers are employed with Trail Manufacturing Ltd., a maker of chainsaws located in Huron Park. Included in this group are Bruce Berg, Darrell Rat- tray, Tony Wales and Natalie Wales. Although they find the homes for exchange students was announced at South Huron District High School. Patti has a sister Belinda 13, and a brother Tom, 8. Now Adriana is just like another member of the family, they say. School spirit has returned to South Huron. In less than a month since classes have begun, the student council and the intramural corn- schools generally the same they noticed the absence of mountains and the relatively flat landscape of this area compared to B.C. The y also say it is much windier here, and that there are more people. Hank Hendricks, another new student claims that the population density in the area he came from was much higher than here. Hank and his family are immigrants from near Eindheven in southern Holland. The farm they reside on near Zurich, is a lot bigger than the one where Hank lived in the Netherlands. In comparison to Holland, Hank likes to be able to choose his own subjects and also to be able to take a bus to school instead of having to ride a bicycle. As well, he say he enjoys the intramural football program at the school. Paul Nichol from Stratford and Everett Grant formerly of Windsor both said that although our 70 minute periods were longer they were glad of the fact that there are only four classes every day. Paul whose father works for the London Free Press, is a scout leader and is in Grade 12. Paul Kaer, a gaade 10 student from Ingersoll says he finds the community of Exeter smaller and more personal. Jenny White, is a grade ten student formerly from CFB Trenton who told this reporter that generally she enjoys school at South Huron. To these students and their family a welcome is ex- tended from South Huron and I am sure from the surrounding area. Matt McClure Adriana came bearing gifts from Mexico, There was a colourful woven wall hanging, and mexican silver jewellery for Mrs. Cleve, The girls were given at- tractive woven purses, typical of Mexico, mittee have achieved the impossible. The organization of extra ciricular activities. For years the students had been drifting along from day to day with no real knowledge of what went on in the school. This year, every home room has a representative who informs the students of what's going on that day. This year, intramurals are divided up into 4 teams : the dog house, monkey house, bird house and bug house. Each house has a zoo-keeper as well as zoo-helpers. The slogan is "Join the Zoo' ; ' and each house has its own cheer. The "Zoo" theme song is a revised edition of the old Assembly is big hit "It's all happening at the Zoo," is the theme song for our new intramural program, and so it was on Tuesday the 25th. There was a rippin' assembly at 2:00 for the whole school. Each intramural house, (bugs, dogs, monkeys, birds) had to yell their house cheer, the composers of which received a record for their artistic endeavours. The cheerleaders came prancing in and gave us some spirit, raising cheers. They conducted a com- petition among the grades to see who could yell a cheer the loudest. The grade nines won, of course. The teachers tried to but their efforts were drowned out by the unap- preciative students. All upcoming events in the Spirit Week were outlined and the grade 9's were told what to wear for dress up day. Throughout the assembly we were entertained by our own band with Brenda Creces, Chris Mittleholtz, Jeff Rooth and Mr. Mar- shall. It was a great assembly, some said it was the best show of school spirit in years. Which just goes to show that "it's all happening at the Zoo." Susan McClure As for the long air plane ride, Adriana says, "I don't like it, I was sick." It was her first ride in a plane, even though her older brother is a commercial pilot. Adriana enjoys the Cleve's two dogs and their cat. She Simon and Garfunkel song "The Zoo" Everyone seems to be quite enthused about it and some intramural activities (golf and touch football) have already started. Each time a student enters an activity, he or she receives one point. At the end of the year, prizes will be given out to the following persons: the junior boy and girl and the senior boy and girl with the highest score, the home room with the highest score and the house with the highest score. The winners will receive a free ticket to one of the "Blue Jays" baseball games in Toronto. As well each week a student council newsletter is sent out which outlines the activities planned for the rest of the week. Besides the activities the students receive points for, there are also noon hour activities such as roller skating, open badminton, open basketball, etc. which are strictly non-competitive. The student council this year appears to be one of the best. The president is Mike Burke and he and his crew have really put alot of effort was thrilled when the family went to Western Fair in London, and wanted to spend all her time in the livestock building. She is not often that close to animals in het home in downtown Mexico City. Patti says that at first Adriana seemed "flab- bergasted" at the wide open spaces around their home in the country. She marvels at the big farm machinery, too, and wants to learn to drive a tractor. For now, she enjoys driving Tom's minibike. The Cleves plan to take her to the International Plowing Match. They plan to take other weekend trips, too. Adriana says she enjoys school in Exeter, but finds the town very small. At school she is studying grade 13 subjects - English, French, Physics, History, Geography and Theatre Arts, The classes, she says, are very similar to those she attended in Mexico, Adriana is hoping to go on to university to become an interpreter. Adriana thinks that the weather is cold now, and is worried about the snow coming. She knits her own sweaters, and has already made a stockpile for the winter, Mrs. Cleve says that she was somewhat apprehensive about bringing a stranger into their home, but things couldn't be better. Despite the fact that Adriana comes from a family where maids did the housework, she is most helpful with cleaning, bedmaking and dishes, Mrs. Cleve says. "And she has a good sense of humour," Mrs. Cleve added. Adriana enjoys the teasing from Patti and BIG SUCCESS The dress up day for the grade niners was a success. Most of the grade nines dressed up. Some of the older studentshelpedthem (if you know what I mean ). Students dressed up as backwards men and women, dogs, monkeys, birds or bugs. The two best-dressed people from each home form were given a free pass to the dance on Thursday the 28th. Roxanne Woods Steve Pearce of South Huron District High School won the individual boys championship at the annual Huron-Perth Conference golf tournament held recently at Seaforth. Belinda, and is able to hand it right back, Her English is impl'oving everyday, they Say. Runners look good This year's cross country team, has lost some of its stars but the team looks promising, Those returning from last year's team together with some new members have already seen action. The first meet of the year was the Western Invitational, to which many universities were invited, In the men's 8 km good results were turned in by Murray Wareing and Matt McClure who finished 72nd and 73 respectively. In the women 4 km Alice Dietrich ran well finishing 36. On September 18, the tream travelled to Stratford Northwestern for that school's road races, In the midget girl's race Alice Dietrich finished 7th. Judith VanOss 9th and Joan Osgood 10th, In the midget boys race John Van Esbroeck turned in a 9th place fiinish. Doug Medd finished 13th as a junior boy. This past Wednesday the team travelled to Stratford Central for a meet. In the senior girl's s division Dorothy Van Esbroeck ran well placing 7th. Sharon Rundle, a junior, lead the junior girl's with a 44th placing. Another prospect, Susan McClure, finished 35th. The whole season will come to a climax when the Huron-Perth meet is held at The Falls Conservation Authority on October 18. At this time the senior girls will be defending their cham- pionship. As well the other girls and boys teams will be attempting to gain entry to W.O.S.S.A. competition. Matt McClure in the overall team rankings. Completing the South Huron team roster with Steve Pearce were Wayne Parsons, Steve Horn, Doug Fletcher and Roger Belling for a total team score of 231. Stratford Northwestern won the team championship with a score of 225. Nine Huron-Perth schools com- peted, is popular Thigh High, a young group out of Toronto played a comeback performance at South Huron High School on Thursday the 27th. This was the group's second annual visit and the students sup- ported them greatly. Attendance was around 200-250 which was up 100 from last year. The group played melody of popular hits by other groups and a few of their own. They're planning an album in the spring and after have ing two member changes, I think they are ready for it completely. As they said "We're a real group now and we're just getting better." Morty New arrivals give views of school into organizing events for everyone. On the 26th of September there was a marathon, in which the teachers got sponsors to donate money for the zaney things they had to do during a lunch period. To see the teachers ser- ving tennis balls, filling out computer cards and writing on the board for 45-50 minutes filled the students' hearts with hope that there is always a way to get even, All the money went to the student council funds. Another interesting aspect was the sponsorship to get Mr. Murphy (Vice- Prin- cipal), Mr. Lowndes (English, Theatre) and Mr. Eddy (English) to shave off their beards. If $200 was collected for each of these gentlemen, they would have their beards removed. The result was $600 and three beardless teachers. On the 2nd of October the first annual "herman turkey trot fun run" took place during the lunch periods. The students guessed how long it would take for them to run, walk, crawl, etc. the course. The one who came closest won. Pearce fired a 73 to take the top award and combined with four others from his school to take second place •;:r:‘-,w7 GOLF WINNERS — Golfers from SHDHS fared well in the recent Huron-Perth championships. Steve Pearce was the individual winner and the team finished second. From the left are Steve Pearce, Doug Fletcher, Steve Horn, Roger Belling and Wayne Parsons, T.A photo