HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-03, Page 16GUARD YOUR FAMILY S HEALTH AND BUDGET GUARDIAN DRUGS PARAMETTES VITAMINS SPECIAL PARAMETTES PARAMETTES with iron (adults) 125 3 e 99 with iron (adults) 250 $ 6.99 CHEWABLE PARAMETTES$2.99 PARAMETTE LIQUID 500 mi $3 .2 9 We Also Carry An Assortment Of Herbal Tea From Fox Mountain Farms Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. M • in Street 235-1570 DAIRY PRINCESS — Liz Mollard who was recently named Middlesex Counth Dairy Princess was one of the participants in Saturday's Ilderton Fair parade. ' T-A photo APPLES Excellent Quality Macintosh and Spartan' available now CRUNICAN BROS. 1 1/2 Miles South of Elginfield on Hwy. 4 PHONE 66'6-0286 VOTE FOR THE DARLING EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH And Have A Cnance To Win A $25.00 Food Voucher Vote for the employee who gave you that little bit of extra attention, or who made your shopping a little more pleasant..11 is your chance to give that employee the recognition he or she deserves. ' EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH AT DARLING'S Name Address Telephone No, My choice for Employee Of The Month Is EACH MONTH A DRAW WILL BE MADE AND A LUCKY CUSTOMER WILL RECEIVE A '26,00 FOOD VOUCHER FOR PARTICIPATING IN OUR CONTEST - NO PURCHASE REQUIRED. DARLING'S EXETER HURON PARK • MON., TUES. SAT. 9:00 - 6:00 WED., THUR. FRI. 9:00 - 9:00 MON. TO SAT. 9:00 • 6:00 MON. TO SAT. 9:00 - 6.00 FRI. 9:00 - 9:00 FRI. 9:00 - 9:00 235-0420 228-6754 227-4082 PRIZE WINNING BEEF FROM THE EXETER FALL FAIR ON SALE THIS WEEK SIDES lb $ 1 59 HINDS lb $ 189 FRONTS $119 FULLY PROCESSED MONEY BACK GUARANTEE SENIOR CITIZENS Every WEDNESDAY all per- sons 65 years of age or older upon presentation of their Government Health & Welfare identity Card on purchase up to '50,00 will get a 5% discount. LUCAN SCHOOL SUCCESSFUL — More than 140 boys took part in last week's Shamrock hockey school at the Lucan arena. One of the coaches Ted Ouimet is shown with a number of the youngsters. T-A photo Pug, it Times-Advocate, October 3, 1979 Hockey school a success, plan broombali tourney steam ahead with Val Neil and Sheila Hodgins on Monday nights in the small hall. First session of Badminton starts Tuesday night with Alf Williams. Come and join us for the fall. Ladies fitness with Barb Coughlin is Thursday nite at 8:30 - 9:30, Kids bring your mothers out for Mom and Tots skating every Tuesday from 2-3. Girls skating only is every Friday from 4-5. Lucan Jr. D first exhibition game is Wed- nesday October 10 against Exeter at 8 p.m. Come out and give the Irish your Seniors plan colour tour Lucan and district .news. Cancer society support. They play Seaforth in a exhibition game Sunday afternoon October 14 at 2 p.m. Skate-a-thon is Friday October 12 from 7 p.m.-12, Top 10 pledges will be given a season public skating pass, Each child is to bring his pledge sheets to be signed. The money will go towards sound equipment for the arena. Christmas craft and Art Show and Sale is Saturday, November 10 from 10-5. There will be 70 tables of Crafts on display for you to choose from, also a giant penny sale to interest everyone. The message by Rev. Keith Brown, in Lucan United Church Sunday morning dealt with "The Power of His Resurrection", based on Phil: 3:1-11 The Resurrection is celebrated at Easter Time, but also each day of the year. That power which raised Christ from death to life changed the lives of His followers and still tran- sforms our lives if we will let it. "Jesus died as a "passover offering" for the sins of the world and God is willing to forgive our past because Jesus has already paid the price of our forgiveness," said Mr. Brown. The choir sang the lovely gospel song "He Touched Me", with the congregation joining in the final chorus, It was a most appropriate song to augment the spoken word. The flowers in the sanc- tuary were from the funeral of the late Lillian Nickles , of Granton. The prayers of the congregation were extended to her loved ones. Junior congregation recommenced today for children ages 5-9. Bring your children to Sunday School and Church. There is a class for everyone. Childcare is provided for preschoolers during the Church service. Upcoming In the United Church. Next Sunday at 10 a.m. promptly, the Sunday School will meet in the Sanctuary for opening worship, then proceed to classes to be dismissed from 01166e6. The Sunshine and Busy Buddies groups met Thur- sday afternoon for cards and crafts. A letter of thanks was read from Gordon Hotson and verbal thanks from Ivan Stanley, for cards and gifts. Revival Centre Sunday morning, Rev. Ray Brewster was in charge of the service, while Rev. Roger Mason led the singing. Prior to the children going downstairs, for their service, Judy Henry led them in a couple of choruses which they use in Children's Church. Joan Lockyer sang ac- companying herself on her guitar, "He's The Precious Lamb of God." Rev. Brewster spoke from Revelation 22: 1-5 and 16-21. The last invitation from the Bible is when Jesus gives an urgent message saying He will come quickly. John, the writer, responds asking Jesus to come quickly. God's Holy Spirit gives the last Bible invitation for all who hear and thirst for God's word to come, and take the water of life freely. Sunday evening Rev. Roger Mason again led the song service and Ken Allen played his violin while Pam Seigmiller and Lorna Minogue played their guitars for the song service, Their playing is enjoyed in the Sunday services. Ken Allen also ministered in playing a medley of choruses on his violin. Mrs. Marlene Thornton led the choir in singing "The Love of God". Rev. Ray Brewster spoke from Psalm 81: 1-10, RED CROSS John Jury of the Canadian Red Cross, London, met with members of the Women's Institute Executive, on Wed. afternoon, Sept. 26th, at the home of Mrs. Frank Goring, to advise them of their responsibilities in connection with the up-coming Blood Donors' Clinic. The clinic for the Ailsa Craig, Clandeboye, Granton, Ilderton and Lucan areas will be held in the Lucan Community Centre on Thursday October 25th from 6 to 9 p.m. You are invited to help us advertise it, to come and bring your friends to support your local Clinic and most important of all your blood may save a life.. More Lucan news on page 13 Come and bring your weekend guests. At 11:15 Thanksgiving and Worldwide Communion services will be combined in the Morning Service. If you have garden produce you would like to use to decorate the Church, please bring it to the Church, Saturday af- ternoon, October 6. Members of the Friend- ship Unit will meet at the home of Jane Forster on Wed. October 10th and are asked to note the change of date and location. Saturday, October 13, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Couples' Club garage and bake sale will be held at the home of Helen and Bob Patterson, 129 Main Street. Please bring your useable "junk" and your home baking. Infant Baptism will be celebrated on Sunday, October 14th, Those parents wishing their children baptized please contact Mr. Brown, 227.1143, as soon as possible, Tuesday, October 16, at 8 p.m. Miss Lillias Brown, missionary on furlough from India will be the guest speaker at the U.C.W. All women are welcome. Clandeboye ladies are in- vited. The Church Bulletin was provided by Scripture Union, a daily Bible reading program which covers the entire Bible in five years. A display was setup and fur- ther information may be obtained from Jean Brown. Members were reminded of the Colour Tour on Friday, October 5th, leaving the Hall at 8 a.m. promptly. The date of the "flea market" and sale of home baking was changed so it would not conflict with that of the Couples' Club. The date now is Saturday, October 20, commencing at 10 a.m. The treasurer, Agnes Hotson, asked that all membership fees be paid tomorrow, Thursday, in order that name tags may be ordered. The "Sunshine" com- mittee was given the ap- proval of the meeting to send appropriate remembrances to members who are ill. Birthday greetings were extended to Louig Raycraft, Ed, Dowdall and Jean Miller, Euchre prize winners were as follows: Lady's High Kathleen Neil; second high, Mary Kooy; Lone Hands, Margaret Allen: Man's High Joe Carter, 2nd High Alex Young and Lone hands Harriet Holmes, playing a man's card. The Busy Buddies made two "Friendship" hangers as their last project with "Meonie" of the Crafty Crow in Thorndale. Today each member will bring her own piece of ceramics ready for cleaning. YOUTH MEET Members of the Lucan Youth Group met at the home of one of the leaders, Barbara Bannerman, on Sunday evening, September 30th. A personality discussion was held in order to get to know the members of the group better and a study made from a Christian Youth Group Book entitled "A Book of Noodles". The next meeting will be held October 14, at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. The annual meeting of the London-Middlesex Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society will be held in the Lucan Community Centre Tuesday, October 30, with the local Branch acting as hosts. Lucan Biddulph Branch president, Len Maslen, Assistant campaign chairman, Bruce Maslen; Vice-President John Egan; Publicity Convener, The Lucan and district Lions Club got off to a fine start, September 10 with the new Executive in charge. A change was made in one committee chairman, with Lion John MacDonald assuming chairmanship of boys' activities, replacing Lion Gary Manders who has held this position of several years. Dance tickets for the season were distributed and there will be no individual Margaret Cocquyt; and service to Patients Chair- person, Mary deBrouwer attended a "Mini Con- ference" for Essex- Southwestern Districts on Sat. Sept. 15th, in Chatham- Kent Secondary School. special Workshops were held on all major areas of interest. Bill Brady an Executive member was the "wrap-up" speaker for the day, ticket sales, except at the door, at the regular price. If you wish a book please see your nearest Lion. A new committee was added to be known as "Capital Projects" and to be headed by Lion Adrian Vandervenne, Approval of donations has been given as follows Senior Citizen endeavours, $700. "Helping Hands" - $100 and Meadowcrest $500. Here we are in another busy winter schedule at the Lucan Community Memorial Centre. Minor hockey practice is in full swing this week. Lucan Lions hockey starts for their season October 13. Shamrock Hockey School was a big success with 140 boys taking part. Plans for the school for next year are underway. A thank you goes out to the instructors Bill Bannerman, Ted Ouimet, Dave Revington, Randy Couples hear from adopted The Couples' Club members met Thursday, for their first meeting of the fall season, with President Howard Wright presiding. The Blood Donors' clinic was announced for Thursday evening, October 25 and members were asked to attend early then come to their meeting. A most interesting letter was read from Carol, the Club's adopted child, and each couple is to bring a short letter to the October meeting to be incorporated into a "continuing" letter from all. The committee in charge of Worship program and lunch, included Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Timms, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson. Members were taken on a tour of the North West Territories, the 'Yukon, the Panhandle of Alaska, and the Inside Passage to Vancouver, in word and picture by Mrs. M.H. Hodgins. Cards and booklets, as well as articles brought home by Mrs. Hodgins, were on display. Kraul and Barbara Roth. Also to Mike Anderson and Rich Gwalchmai for setting it up. A broom ball tournament is taking place Friday night and Saturday at the arena. Disco dancing is full Area 4-H clubs meet Lucan 1, 4-H Club held meetings 2 and 3 September 20 and 27. At meeting 2 the selection and care of hats was introduced, also selection of fabrics and advance preparation, e.g. pre-shrinking, etc. The making of a rain hat, jean cap, hat with a brim and a toque or stocking cap were discussed. In meeting 3 scarves were introduced with the leaders discussing with the members how to select and care for scarves and how to tie them using the Windsor, Square, and Soft Puff Knots. Meeting 4 will be held tomorrow, Thursday, October 4 at 7 p.m. promptly at the home of leader Bev. Huffman. The second meeting for Lucan 3 4-H Club was held at the home of Mrs. Gerald Straatman on the evening of Wednesday, September 26. The girls discussed the care of hats, pattern symbols, and the preparation and straightening of fabrics. The members are to bring a cover design to the next meeting, their favourite hat and have their fabric ready to be cut. Meeting 3 will be held at the home of Terri McRoberts, October 3, 1979, beginning at 7 pm. All young people of high school age are welcome. United Church Set bake sale Iva M. Hodgins 227-4714 Lions club starts