HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-09-26, Page 14Times-Advocate, September 26, 1979 A GIANT.'6QUASH — of Elmer Mosuriniofin of etable are Sat 'Holden, It weighed 204 pounds. .one of the largest squashes of the year was grown in the garden Lucan. Its circumference is 86 inches. Admiring the huge veg- Brad Coughlin. Jan Coughlin. Ned Froats and Jamie Froats. T A photo Iva M. Hodgins 227-4714 Seniors plan bake sale, flea market colour tour ler ILDERTON QUEEN CONTESTANTS — One of the eight young ladies shown above will be crowned Queen of the 1979 Ilderton Fair Friday night. Back, left, Doreen Campbell, Bev Anderson, Anna Luyten and Lori Robb. Front, Carolyn Moir, Mary Hedley, Jan Grant and Rosemarie Quintius. T-A photo ALL COLOUR NEGATIVE 12 EXPOSURE ROLLS ONLY $199 ATTENTION LUCAN RESIDENTS INTRODUCING NEW PHOTOFINISHING SERVICE COMPARE AND SAVE SUPER WITH OUR PROCESSING EVERYDAY SPECIAL Low prices on film, processing YOUNG'S DEPARTMENT STORE 165 MAIN ST, LUCAN, ONT, CITATION • All 12 exposure color negative rolls developed and printed All 20 exposure color negative rolls developed and printed $3 99 max $S 99 111111/F. Max Good Quality, Fast Dependable Service ALL COLOUR NEGATIVE 31,pcnTi.NIE ROLLS ONLY $399 ALL COLOUR NEGATIVE 39L 10239,1911E ROLLS ONLY $299 ALL COLOUR NEGATIVE 36 EXPOSURE ROLLS ONLY $499 monsimmwriumo si, NO LIMIT ON QUANTITY OFFER - WILL EXPIRE OCT. 6/79 We use Kodak paper for the good look APPLES-1 Excellent Quality Macintosh and Spartan available now CRUNICAN BROS. y, Miles South of Elginfield on Hwy. 4 PHONE 666-0286 • LUCAN COMMUNITY MEMORIAL CENTRE DISCO DANCING Starting date Oct. 1 with Val Neil and Sheila Hodgins as instructors, Children, Teenagers and Adult Groups. VOLLEYBALL Starts October 15 8:30 - 9:30. Registration that night or in the office before hand. Fee 5 10. for 10 weeks. RUG HOOKING With Helen Keil Monday nights 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. in the Small Com- mittee Room Starting Oct. 15 for 10 weeks. Use your old socks, dress, etc to learn how to make chair covers or rugs. Fee 5 15. plus materials. GIRL'S FLOOR HOCKEY (Ages 7-13) Every Monday 4-5 p.m. starting Oct. 15 in the gym. Fee $10. for season. BADMINTON with Alf Williams Tuesday nights 8 .p.m.-10 p.m. Starting Oct. 2- Dec. 4. 1st Session $10. JUDO LESSONS will be available to everyone on Tues- day nights. Please call us if ;you're interested. It will be for Children, Teenagers and Adults. BINGO every WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Doors open 7:15. LADIES FITNESS with Barb Coughlin starts Oct. 4 for 8 weeks. Fee 5 8. MOMS AND TOTS Skating starts Oct. 2 every Tuesday 2-3 p.m. Free. GIRLS SKATING every Friday 4-5 p.m. starts Oct. 5. GIRLS ONLY. CHAMPION STEER — Bonnie DeBlock, RR 4, Denfield won theQueen'sGuineas and red ribbon with her champion steer at the recent Western Fair. She IS the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter IDeEflaCk. T.A photo Roll call on beef WI motto on farmers Members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies Groups met on Thursday of ternoon in the Club rooms. Mary Kboy, Past President chaired the meeting, announcing the "Flea Market and Bake Sale" for October 13th at 10 a.m. and the tour convener took further orders for tickets for the Colour Tour on Friday October 5. It was agreed that each member going on the tour should pay half the' cost with the U CNN. barbecue successful The C.E.. Rooms at Lucan United Church were bebives of activity on Wednesday evening when the annual Chicken Barbecue was sponsored by the U.C.W. A total pf 340 half chickens were ordered of which 99 were take-outs by people wishing to eat at home, 24 were delivered to shut-ins and the balance were paten on the premises. Thanks to all who helped in any way by providing baking, etc. or by working before, during and after the supper, and in delivering the dinners, "Many hands make light work". The work of the youth of the Church was much appreciated. balance to be subsidized from some of the grant to the Sunshine Club from the Lions' Club for Sr. Citizens work. Mrs. Essie Harrison of Ailsa Craig was a welcome guest at the Club. Best Wishes for a happy birthday were extended to Laura & Percy Williams who are celebrating with relatives today, not only their birthdays but also a wedding anniversary, also to Charlotte Barker and Marjorie Steeper. Eight tables of euchre were enjoyed with prizes going as follows: Lady's High, Mary Scott; Second High. Kathleen Neil and Lone Hands, Harriet Holmes. Man's High, Pearl Shoebottom, playing a man's card Second High, Cecil Robb and Lone Hands, Gladys Atkinson, also playing a man's card. The Busy Buddies con- tinued their crafts with "Meonie" of the "Crafty Crow" in Thorndale, making two Christmas novelties. Next week they will make copper jewellery. Please FIRE CALL Early Thursday morning the Lucan Volunteer Fire Department answered a call to the Glavin Turnip Plant, on the 2nd of McGillivray. The plant is a complete loss. have your greenware and paint or glaze for the October 4, ceramics class. Lunch was served by Gayle Cronyn, Liz. Conlin, Mae Bowman and Charlotte Barker Lucan United Church celebrated Awards Day at morning worship Sunday. Supterintendent Ed Melanson presented Promotion cards to those graduating to a new department of the Sunday School, and certificates, seals and pins to the 26 pupils who had missed no more than three Sundays during the past year. Six students received a special award for perfect attendance. These were Debby Hall, Rick Hall, Jane Holden, Mary Holden, Sherry Smith, John Marshall and Steven Snider, Mr. Melanson mentioned that Mr. Jim Robertson is to take over the post of Sunday School Superintendent next week. Mr. Brown spoke especially to the boys and girls about the Bible picture of Jesus as a Lamb. "Jesus is a very special Person," said Mr. Brown. "He never did anything wrong and always tried to please His Father." John the Baptist "What is a farmer" was the motto chosen by Mrs. Glen Haskett for the Lucan Women's Institute meeting on Agriculture and Canadian Industries held on Wed- nesday evening in the Masonic Hall. In answer to this question, Mrs. Haskett read a poem'by H. Gorden Green, known as the Old Cynic, and heard over CKNX Wingham. Mr. Green is .a brother of Mrs. G. Nicholson, a former member. The roll call "Name a bi- product of Beef" was an- swered by guests from Granton and Cloverdale (Parkhill) as well as members of the hostess Branch. Mrs. Thomas Emery, president, welcomed everyone and called on the convener to introduce the guest speaker, Mr. John Deputter, farm editor of C,F,P,L., London, former secretary for the Federation of Agriculture. Mr.' Deputter pointed out that the W.I. and other women's groups like it, were most important in having made Agriculture the foremost industry in Ontario. He said that one out of four jobs in Ontario are in some phase of agriculture. An informatiPe question and answer period followed and answering the questioning concerning prime farm lands being used for urban "sprawl". Mr. Deputter suggested that municipal be boards should be approached if members felt this was happening itt their locality. 'Mrs. M. Steeper of Cloverdale. and Mrs. A. Hodgins, Granton expressed their appreciation for sharing in the meeting and Mrs. J. Radcliffe thanked the convener and her lunch committee, Mrs. R. Tuke and Mrs. M. H. Hodgins. During the business meeting, preceding arrival of the guests, Mrs. Radcliffe announced that she had been advised by the Cdn. Red Cross that Ilderton and Lucan would share the Blood Donors' Clinic in the Lucan Arena on Thursday evening, October 25th. Please mark this date on your calendar. The Arthritic Association canvass for the village will be conducted by various called him the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. When He died on the Cross as a sacrifice for sin, He made it possible for boys and girls and for adults to be forgiven and to be rescued from wrong ways of living. Thursday, the Prayer and Share Fellowship meets at 9:45 in the C.E. wing, and all ladies are very welcome. Thursday evening at Couples Club, Iva Hodgins will conduct a tour, by means of slides to the Northwest Territories Friends are asked to bring "useable junk" to Bob and Helen Patterson's garage for the Couple's Club Fall Garage Sale which is scheduled for October 13 A Baptismal service is planned for Sunday October 14, and parents wishing to have their children baptized are asked to contact Mr. Brown as soon as possible. Thanksgiving and World- wide Communion services are scheduled for Sunday October 7. women's groups the week of September 24th, but the W.I. members agreed that those who could, would be working in one or other of the Church groups. Mrs. Wm. Frogs was ap- pointed as delegate for the Area Convention in St, Marys in November, Seven area accidents Officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police in- vestigated seven accidents this week with damages injured. totalling $15,500. No one was Monday at 7:10 p,m, a tractor trailer loaded with cement turned over on County road 27 in West Nissouri township. The driver was John Gilmore of Detroit and Corporal Don Cox set damages at $5,000. At 2:30 p.m. Friday, a truck driven by Linda Hardy, RR 2, Lucan rolled over on Concession 2 of McGillivray township. Corporal T. Collins listed damages at $800. The remaining five ac- cidents occurred on Saturday. At 12:45 a,m. a vehicle driven by Andrew Buchner, Mitchell left High- way 4 and was damaged to the extent of $1,500. Con- stable D.R. Vance in- vestigated. Vehicles driven by Richard Vangriksven, Strathroy and Richard Railings, RR 2, Lucan were in collision at 11:15 am, on Highway 4. Constable W,T. Hodgins listed damages at $600. At 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Constable B.D. Munro estimated damages at $450 when vehicles driven by James McMillen and Guy Marrier, both of London collided on County road 23 in London township. At the same time Con- stable J. Frank was in- vestigating a mishap on Highway 23 between vehicles driven by Irwin Lunn and Andrew Haak, both of London. He set damages at $5,000. A calf owned by Torn Ryan, RR Lucan was killed when it was struck at 9:30 p.m. Saturday on Concession 2 of Biddulph township be a vehicle driven by Thomas Paul Gilmour, Lucan. Constable Fleming set damages at $2,000. 1. Have a medtal and dental checkup. 2 Watch for any change in your normal Slate ist 3 Furl out atmul any lump or sole that does not heal 4 PrOIPCI youicral Admit too much sunlight 5. Do mit smoke 6 Have a Pap test 7. Do a monthly breast sell examination. Canadian Cancer Society. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Emery for her untiring efforts in con- nection with the recent Rummage Sale, and Mrs. Emery also thanked all who participated in any way. A letter of thanks and a cheque are to be sent to Mr, Frank Goring for taking the many articles left, to Goodwill Industries. It wasannounced that Mrs. Don O'Neil and Mrs, Gerald Straatman, Bev. Huffman and Penny Hodgins are leading the two 4-H Clubs. Members of the W, I, will avail themselves of the opportunity of using the seats which are left on the Sr. Citizens "Colour Tour" on Friday, October 5. Sunday morning Rev. Ray Brewster led the service. Ken Allen played his violin, accompanied by Pam Seigmiller from Christianview Bible College, Ailsa Craig, and Lorna Minogue playing their guitars, while Mrs. Lorraine Armitage played piano. Rev. Brewster asked for prayer from pain. Several members of the the congreation prayed for others for healing. Mr. Brewster told about Fernandez Lamiguiero and family being expelled from Cuba because of his Christian witness. Mr. Lamiguiero will share his story Tuesday evening at the church. Mr. Brewster spoke from Isaiah 55: 1-3. God has blessings to give as flowing water, but they are only for those who will accept them, as water is available for those who will drink it. Rev. Brewster was again in charge of the evening service. Rick Brewster lead the song service. Mrs. Marlene Thornton led the choir in singing 0 Worship the King, and then in Fill Me Jesus. Mr. Howlett, secretary of Western District, Ontario, of the Canadian Bible Society, shared some of the work of the Society. Mr. Howlett then showed the film, Film Power, a film of the mission work of the Free Methodist Church, Hair - Cuts 10% off Oct. 2nd - 13th Senior Citizens Special 10% off EveryTues. & Wed. showing how scriptures supplies by the word of God from a hard lost life to a life of joy and useful service for God. Thursday evening the Women's Auxiliary held their monthly meeting at the church, with the president, Mrs. June Henry in charge. The ladies shared verses of scripture, and what they had meant to them. Janna Lyn Stewart from Ailsa Craig told how God had brought her future husband and her together. Janna Lyn told of a trip to Hong King she and her Mother took this past summer. They went to a evangelistic crusade there among the Chinese there. The people in Hong King are so poor in this world's goods, but they are humble loving people who when they accept the Lord are happy serving God, caring for one another. Through her experience over there she realized Christians need to care and help and love each' other. As the men held the men's weekly Bible study on the same night, lunch was served combining both groups. Cancer can be beaten Perms 10%off All of October Hours: Tues. 9 - 5 Thurs. 9 - 8 Wed. 9 - 5 Fri. 9 - 5 Sat, 9 - 1 UC news Pentecostals hear from Cuban witness Introducing SUSAN'S BEAUTY SALON Opening October 2nd For an appointment call: Susan Heffernan 227-1225 214 Butler St. Lucan Men & Women's Hairstyling