HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-09-26, Page 11FOR INFORMATION ON IrS in South-Huron Phone Z35-1834 We Need More Big Brothers Newt LADIES FAIR PRESIDENTS — During the Friday night show of the Exeter Fall Fair, past presidents of the women's division of the fair were introduced, Back, left, Margaret Strang, Elaine Skinner, Pat Down and Gladys Skinner. Front, Leita Kestle, Dolores Shapton, Maxine Sereda and Marion Skinner T-A photo STOCKER SALE 1200 Head at 1:00 P.M. HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES LTD., on Sat., Oct. 6, 1979 CONSISTING OF: Steers, Heifers and Calves Victor Hargreaves (519) 482-7511 Clinton Barry Millet' (519) 235-2717 Exeter or 229-6205 Kirk ton, Doug Carruthers 237-3734 Greg Hargreaves 262-2831 AUCTIONEERS: Larry Gardiner and Richard Lobb Times- Advocate, September 26, 1979 Pogo 11 Farm Sold Auction sale of farm equipment, household furnishings, antiques and miscellaneous items. Saturday, October 13,1979 1:00 p.m. sharp Lot 17 Concession 14 Hay Township. 2 1/2 miles west of Zurich, one mile south or 1 miles west of Dashwood, 4 miles north for Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Truemner for more information call Norm Whiting, Auctioneer 235-1964 PAST SCHOOL PRESIDENTS — Past presidents of the school section of the Exeter Fall Fair were honoured Friday night. Back, left, Bev Parsons, Marion Dougall, Dolores Shapton and Ross Skinner Front, Fern Dougall, Donna Webster, Agnes Aunger and Jean Neil. Bulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 noon E.D.T. Tues- day, October 2, 1979 for Huron County Library Building Alterations and Renovations Plans and specifications prepared by Snider, Reichard and March of Waterloo and Goderich are available fr6m the undersigned upon deposit of $25.00 which will be refunded. The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. B.G. Hanly Clerk-Treasurer- Administrator County of Huron Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 TENDERS RE FUEL OIL Sealed tenders, clearly, marked Tender Re Fuel Oil, will be received by the undersigned until twelve noon, Tuesday October 9, 1979 for supplying NO, 2 INDUSTRIAL FUEL OIL TO THE COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, for the next two years commencing November 1, 1979. Storage Capacity- 3,000 gals. Quantity used 'per annum-approx. 22,000 gals, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Manly. Clerk Treas Adroin County of Huron, Court House Godench, Ontario, N7A IM2 FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3:00 P.M. Tuesday Oct. 2, 1979 for 3 Trucks 1966 Ford Truck equipped with a 4 ton Fertilizer Spreader 1969 International Cab & Chassis 1974Ford Cab over Cab & Chassis All trucks will be sold in as is condition without license. Provincial sales tax to be paid by purchaser. Arrangements to inspect these vehicles may be made by contacting our office. • Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EXERTER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE 221 Brock St, Box 1360 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 235-2081 CORPORATION OF THE- TOWN OF EXETER DEMOLITION' OF BUILDINGS BY TENDER Sealed Tenders will be received by the under- signed until 5:00 p.m. Monday, OctOber 15th, 1979, for the demolition and removal of a two storey brick house and frame garage located on Part Lots 101 - 103, Plan 20, municipally known as' 20 Sanders Street, East and located directly west of the Post Office. Conditions of tender and forms for submission may be obtained at the Municipal Office or by con- tacting the undersigned. Elizabeth Bell, Clerk-Treasurer Corporation of the Town of Exeter 406 Main Street Box 759 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 (519) 235-0310 NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE , CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EXETER TO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS' TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Exeter intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of constructing a brick structure of approximately Two Thousand (2,000) Square Feet and all furnishings and equipment necessary for the establishment of a Nice Station at an es- timated cost of 5 70,000.00 which amount shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable out of the general rate over a period not exceeding 20 years. 2. Application will be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, serve per- sonally or by registered mail on the Clerk of the Town of Exeter, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such ap- proval and the grounds of such objection and that if a public hearing is held, he or his agent will attend such hearing to support such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that the assent of the electors shall not be required and may approve of the said works, but before doing so, it may appoint a time and place for public hearing when any objections will be considered but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of ob- jection as provided for above. DATED at the Town of Exeter this 17th day of September, 1979. Elizabeth Bell, Clerk-Triasurer Corporation of the Town of Exeter 406 Main Street, Box 759 Exeter, Ontario NOM 150 TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP Tractor Tender 1979 Contract No. 79-002 TT, Sealed tende -s clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 2:00 P.M. on Friday November 2, 1979 for the delivery of one 50 H.P. Utility Tractor, Rotary Mower, and loader. Tenders must be submitted on the Township Tender forms available from the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders subject to approval by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Allan Nicholson Road Superintendent Egmondville, Ontario, 1 TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3 P.M., Tuesday, October 2, 1979 for the construc- tion of 2 lumber storage buildings. Plans will be available at the address below upon deposit of a 525.00cheque which will be returned upon receipt of the plans in good condi- tion within one week following tender closing. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EXETER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE 221 Brock St. Box 1360 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 235-2081 NoRm , anc WHITING °neer Auction Sale of Real estate, household furnishings, antiques and miscellaneous items. Sat., Sept. 29/7 9 1 P.M. Sharp 68 Simcoe St, East, Exeter, Ontario. For Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodman and the estate of the late Pearl Kraft, Dashwood. REALESTATE consists of, 1 storey frame house, livingroom, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 piece bath, full basement, attached garage. Situated on a lot approximately 66 ft, x 165 ft. Parts of lots 1311, 1312, and 1313, plan 20 Town of Exeter. Realestate to be sold 2 p.m. subject to a reasonable reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, chesterfield, plat- form rocker, rocker, odd chairs, tub chair, foot stool, floor and table lamps, coffee and end tables, kitchen table, 3 chairs and buffet, 2 refrigerators, 24" range, 3 piece bedroom suite, dressers, vanity, bed springs and mattresses, bedroom chair, coat rack, electric kettle, fry pan, toaster, radios, mirrors, pictures and frames, dishes, silverware, pots and pans, linens, quilts, lawn chairs, small tools, garden tools, step ladder, many other items. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES 8 piece din- ing room suite includes table with 5 Jacobean legs, 5 leaves and chairs, bow front china cabinet bullet combination, leaded glass, pine bonnet chest, dry sink (cut down) oak pump organ (W. Dougherty), organ stool, secretary desk, oak drop leaf table, oval parlor table and square parlor table, platform rocker, oak rocker, single Jenny Lyn bed, 2 bamboo tables, set of 3 chairs, treadle sewing machine, blue velvet chesterfield and chair, Quebec heater, pitcher and bowl, Oil lamp, coal oil lanterns, coal scuttle, walking cane, many other items, Terms Cash Norm Whiting, Auctioneer For Further Information Call Exeter 235"-1964 20 Property For Rent FURNISHED apartment, heated central location. Available immediately. Beaver Hardware. Phone 235.1033, 37t 2 STOREY 3 bedroom house. 303 Andrew St. Available im- mediately, Contact Carl, S. Walker or phone 357-1522 or 357-3652, 37t 20 Property For Rent 4 BEDROOM brick, full base- ment, large diningroom. Near downtown. Minimum I year lease required. Available Oct. 15. 235-2233. 37t GRAND BEND - House in parklike setting. New appliances. Available Oct. 1. $250.00 per month. Phone 1-439-6419, 38t WAREHOUSE space at 15 John St, Exeter, Phone 235-1244 dur- ing business hours, 38t 20 Property For Rent 3 BEDROOM farm house newly re-decorated carpeted, garage, Idt 26, cone. 4. Phone 262-2928. References required. 38:39c 3 BEDROOM town houses for rent on Simcoe St., Exeter. For information call 2364230 or 235- 2393 evenings. 24t 3 BEDROOM house in Hensall. 262-2380. 38t COMPLETELY renovated bungalow, Suitable for couple at 366 Carling St. Exeter, Available Oct. 1st, Phone 235-1647. 38t FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment - available immediately. Phone Art Gaiser, 235.2754, 38t FARM HOUSE For Rent. 3 bedrooms between Green way and Grand Bend. Apply to 238- 8240. 38:39c LARGE 2 bedroom upper, private entrance, newly broadloomed, appliances and laundry facilities. $225.00 in- cludes heat, garden plot, country setting, Hwy 4 Exeter south. 235- 2430, 36t APARTMENT - 1 bedroom partially furnished, utilities paid. Phone 234-6707, 36t TWO 1 bedroom apartments, heated, centrally located. I available Sept. 1 and 1 available Oct. 1. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30. 34t ELIZABETH COURT IN NENSALL NOW AVAILABLE \One, two and three bedroom apartments, Featuring shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. For inquiries phone 262-2129 Hen- sall or433-778I, London, 50t I BEDROOM apartment, stove and fridge in a new apartment complex. Available immediately. Phone 235-0141, 24t ZURICH 3 Bedroom House Large kitchen, big lot, good dou- ble car garage. (workshop). Phone 2350302 evenings 24t 3 BEDROOM 1400 sq. ft. home for rent. Adult Mobile Home Community. Available 1st of Oc- tober. Phone 235-1542. 35t UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom apartment available Oct. I. Phone Art Gaiser 235-2754. 391- 2 BEDROOM house for rent. Apply in person to Walper's Ser- vice Centre 210 Main St. Exeter. 39:40c I BEDROOM apartment, heat and hydro supplied. Fireplece eluded, $250.00 per month. Phone 235-1950, 39c GRAND BEND - I bedroom furnished apartment on river overlooking harbour, Phone 238-2180. 39:40c HOUSE IN Hensall, 2 bedrooms, newly decorated in- cluding carpeting, large yard, good location. No house pets. Phone 262-2434 after 3:30, HOUSE - for rent. Phone 236- 4787, 39:40* HOUSE FOR rent t bedroom comfortable small cottage. Available Oct. 1 near Centralia. Phone 228-6235, 39:40c 4 13EDROOM house fully in- sulated, new furnane. Phone 237- 3326. '39:40c FURNISHED apartment, heated central locatio n., Available immediately. Beaver Hardware. Phone 235-1033 or 236-4880. 37f' 40'x60' INSULATED building 1 1/2 miles from Exeter. Excellent for storage or warehousing. Phone nights 473-3837. t4lc GRAND BEND - Winterized home's for rent $40.00 and $45.00 week ty. Phone 238-2531. 39t 4* BEDROOM farm house, large livingroom and kitchen, on 21 Hwy, Phone 236-4749, t4lc 21 For Rent 3000 SQ. FT, storage space in Dashwood. Phone 237-3212 after 7:00 p.m. 39:40* FORMAL RENTALS —one of Canada's largest selections, Agent. for Freeman's. Formal Rentals, Syd Silvers and Jeff's of Sarnia. Bob Swartman Men's Shoppe, Exeter, 235-0991. 35t PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, mixers, power trowel, eta. Form ties stocked. For more informa- tion call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays, any time weekends, 17t NICHOLS RENTAL Hwy 21 Port Blake. For rent cement mixers, roto-tiller, , lawnmowers, ladders, chain saws, drills, wheel barrels, hedge trimmer, grass edger, etc. Phone 238-2932. 26i- 25 Notices I MARIA Gibson will no longer be responsible for debts other than those contracted by me. 1 DAVE Gibson will no longer be responsible for debts other than those contracted by me. 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MURRAY NEIL BELL Late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 22nd day of February, 1979, Creditors and others hav- ing claims against the above es- tate are required to file full par- ticulars of such claims with the undersigned on or before the 13th day of October, 1979, after which date the assets of the es- tate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then fil- ed. J. CHRIS LITTLE Exeter, Ontario Solicitor for the Administratrix 39:40c Bowling Thursday Ladles J Mantey 612' 5 19 P Seller 570 7 14 W Walters 580 0 4 S Wurm 536 2 12 E Mielke 656 5 5 B Bowerman 779 7 21 D Datars 482 0 0 M McDonald 669 2 9 J Cooper 581 0 0 7 0 3 4 3 7 0 7 7 0 0 19 4 16 14 14 2 14 7 14 3 12 7 B Hogarth 640 5 J Stewart 576 2 D Harvey 733 7 7 C Zeehuisen 693' 0 0 D Murray 631 7 7 P Glover 607 0 „ 0 Friday Mixed League G Latulippe 649 5 10 B Bierling 713 5 7 P Lavier 651 7 7 K Pavlick 519 0 5 B McNutt 554 2 4 J Snell 598 2 2 Sunday Mixed League RC C Smith 640 5 10 GT H Roberts 576 7 9 MP K Mason 605 7 7 SN L Webber 652 0 7 BL B Barnes 639 2 7 LP D McNair 488 0 2 By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA "Don't Just Shine, Gleam for God" was the prticlamation of God's word as outlined by Mr. Paul Schott in his sermon in the 'United Church, Sunday morning and he used as a text, "Let your light shine before people so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in Heaven." Jesus wanted His followers to go into all the world and spread the gospel. The true Christian has a high calling to keep the faith alive and strong and to become the light of the world. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel returned home Friday evening following a bus' trip to the East Coast and Newfoundland with Ilderton Tours. There were 45 travellers on the 'bus they report an enjoyable trip. Prior to leaving on their trip they had as their guests Mrs. Donna Woods and daughter, Cindy, from Flin Flon, Manitoba. Mrs. Ron Brittain of Rich- mond Hill, Miss Elaine Powe of St. Catharines, and Alan Powe, a student at the University of Guelph, were visitors over the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Powe. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins have arrived home following month's vacation. They visited their daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Imre Toth and family in Boston and at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Hodgins and family in the Georgstown area, Miss Helen Hicks left Monday for her home in Sun City, Arizona after Spending the past three weeks at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lorne Hicks, Among those who visited with them during her stay were Mr. and Mrs. Irvin MacAulay of London and Mrs. Sid Henry of Listowel. Mr.s. Macaulay and Mrs. Henry are sisters of Helen. Mrs. Elmer Wilson, Exeter was a visitor for a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable . Thursday Rodney Bragg, Toronto has been vacationing with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Carman Bragg for a few days. Sunday .Mr. and Mrs. Carman Bragg and Robert and Ken attended the Christening of their grand- son Jeffrey James son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bragg of Camlachie, Mrs. Myrtle Stanley, London spent last week with her mother Mrs, Albert Bickell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Loughleen of Toronto spent thp weekend. There will be no service at St. Paul's Anglican Church Sunday due to Harvest Services at St. Patricks, Saintsbury. Dedication of the stained glass windows was held in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Crago and of- fering plates in memory of the late Reverend J. Elliott and the late Mr. and Mrs. Ray Trussler. Mrs. Osborne they.had as guests, Mrs. Wm Quinton, London, Mrs. Bob Lilley, Komoka, Mrs. Phil Johnston, Glansworth and Mrs. George McFalls, Centralia. Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Kooy were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Kooy, Bonnie and Clyde and Benjy Riley, Clayton and Alice Kooy were celebrating a wedding anniversryy. sang a lovely solo. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Crago after the service were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, New Castle; Mrs. Calvin Crago, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. George Webster, Millgrove; Mrs. Mildred Crago, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bradley, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Crago, all of St. Marys, Joyce Crago, Toronto; Hazel Crago, London; Mr. and Mrs, Wm Dunnell and family, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowdrey and family, Lucan and Reverend La Rouchie, Kirkton, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshall were, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marshall and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marshall and family of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Byrne of London, and Mr. Bob Marshall, Hamilton. Bob has just returned from a trip to England and Scotland. Sermoci theme "Let your light shine" TB ST HH MN IB TL DS GG LO SP RO FL OB CB SU C4 OP LE CM HD S PP MM PP R BB WR AH JS CG LP BS PE 8th YW TR FL CH CO UP TE BB FT Exeter Mons A G Stire 765 7 G Latulippe 654 P Lavier 795 4 W Pearce 682 3 G Ford 678 4 G Webb 588 3 G Black 881 7 K Mason 629 C Atthill 670 D Keeping 607 Ladles Tuesday Night B Hearn 645 5 R Eveland 564 2 L Hearn 679 7 L Pincombe 673 0 C Moore 609 5 V Flynn 660 2 B Sangster 570 ,7 N Westlake 421 M Holtzman 644 7 M Bridges 463 0 T Brannon 587 . 5 N Dowson 508 2 Mans Ind. League PAST FAIR PRESIDENTS — A dozen past presidents •of the Exeter Fall Fair were 5 honoured Friday night. Back, left, Garnet Hicks, Bruce Shapton, Bob Down, Winston Shap- 2 ton, Donald Dearing and Howard Pym. Front, Harry Hern, Whitney Coates, Roy Pepper, Gerald Dearing, Jack Stewart and Harry Strang. T-A photo Kirkton By MRS, HAROLD DAVIS t LUNGS ARE FOR LIFE WEEK OCTOBER 1.7 Contact Your Lung Association "The Christmas Seal People" Of Brand New Quality Household Furniture ARKONA, ONTARIO To be held at Taxandrla Community Centre, located on #7 highway, 1 mile sow* of Adcaaa. Mon., Oct. 1, 1979 7:30 p.m. Sharp $25,000 'Assorted Stock Must Be Sold No Reserve Here Is A Partial Listing 8 brand new bedroom suites, each suite comes complete with a •new top quality box spring and mattress and featuring a 5 piece pine suite complete with hutch, mirror, and triple dresser, 5 drawer chest, headboard, steel frape, 2 night tables, box spring and mattress; other suites are various Spanish, Contemporary, and Modern Styles — plus, for the daughter's room, a complete white and gold trim deluxe suits. 10 different dinettes — wood, chrome and coppertone suites in 5 and 7 piece sets: The wood colonial suites are in maple and pine finishes. 15 brand new chesterfield suites in 2 piece, 3 piece and 4 piece sets, in many styles and every suite covered in top quali- ty, top graded covers in Nylon Velvets, Ultra Velvets, Her- culons, Acrylic Pile, Nougahyd• and many more — as fine a selection as ever offered by public auction. Plus — much more — recliners, rockers, davenport sets, din- ing room suites complete with hutch and buffet, step and coffee tables, a nice assortment table lamps, swags, continen- tal beds in 39", 48", 54" and queen size, mate's bed, odd chest of drawers, desk, foot stool, odd night tables, maple and pine bunk beds, pictures, mirrors and smokers. Many other items as well. Doors open at 6 p.m. for early in- spection. Merchandise can be picked up night of sale or from 9 a.m. till noon the following day. Sale conducted by Victoria Soles, London, Ont. Sales Mgr. — Leo E. Bird AUCTIONEER — Jock Heywood Terms Cash — Cheques accepted — 7% sales tax in effect GIANT AUCTION