HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-09-06, Page 17WE HAD A GOOD TIME — Scott and Wendy Trevethick, RR 2, Denfield leave the recent Lucan Fair in a happy mood. T-A photo Police thank volunteers investigate crashes SCHOOL B BONO! PASSW SIGNALS FIASI WATCH FOR FLASHING REED LIGHTS, BE PREPARED TO STOP. CHARTERWAYS FURNITURE REFINISHING SPRAY PAINTING, SIGN WRITING FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY (ESTIMATES GIVEN UPON REQUEST) Discount For Senior Citizens LONDON & EXETER R. STEWART 1312 WEBSTER ST. LONDON, ONTARIO EXETER 235.2154 (after 5 p.m.) GETS AWARD — Lucan reeve Ivan Hearn presents works superintendent Doug Johnston with a certificate of comple- tion of a road school course in Guelph. T-A photo SPECIAL for this weekend 6" pot mums s4.75 8" pot mums $8.00 Glads doz. $4.00 Order Early NICHOLSON'S FLOWERS Lucan 277 Main St, WANTED BOWLERS Wed. Mixed League at 8 Fri. Mixed League at 9 New Bowlers Welcome Phone 227-1034 or 227-4236 • 411111=1111111111111W LUCAN AREA CONTINUING EDUCATION FALL PROGRAMS 1979 BIDDULPH PUBLIC SCHOOL REGISTRATION: Phone 1-800-265-9214 (toll free), or 452-4441, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until September 18, 1979. CLASSES BEGIN: September 25, 1979 in the evening, 7:30 - 9:30, CAKE DECORATING $25 CANING 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. 8 sessions $25 CHRISTMAS CRAFTS (starts Oct. 30)5 sessions $13 + materials ENERGY ALTERNATIVES 5 sessions '13 FLOWER ARRANGING II 5 sessions 8 1 3 + materials LADIES SPORTS & RHYTHMICS $25 PHOTOGRAPHY $25 PRE-COLLEGE MATH 15 sessions $60 -f- '10 Materials FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: 1-800-265-9214 (toll free), or 452-4441 kw gt• 0 0 Ot.LA g3INI?0,E AREA CONTINUING EDUCATION Ppgis SA Times-Advocate, September 6,1979 Seniors at Playhouse Assist disaster fund, discuss subdivision • Rev. Ray Brewster and his wife Becky have returned from a week's trip to Haiti, where they ministered in Mission Churches. At one Church they helped build benches, with Mr. Brewster showing the people how to do it. Mr. Brewster tells how the people in the Churches showed joy on their faces while worshipping Jesus. These people live in extreme poverty without enough food, but they enjoy their primitive worship buildings, where they gather for worship services. Rick Brewster led the singing at the Sunday morning service ac- companied by Mrs. Lorraine Armitage on the piano, Ken Allen, back from summer camp, played his violin for the song service. Rev. Ray Brewster spoke from Acts 8:5-13 saying that when Jesus Christ is presented, the preaching brings joy, as Jesus is the fulfillment of peace and ' happiness. When our faith is based on the name of Jesus, . we can see our situations changed for good. When we know Christ as Saviour, we expect our prayers ,to be answered when we pray in faith. Rev. Ray Brewster was also in charge at the evining service with Rick Thornton leading the song service. Robert Holland sang "This is the Time I Must Sing," *ith Mrs. Lorraine Armitage AGENTS Lucan council made a donation Tuesday night of $400 to the Oxford-Norfolk- Haldimand-Brant disaster fund. The grant was made following receipt of a letter for help from the fund raising chairman Ed Sim- mons. In the letter Simmons said the loss to the private sector was in excess of 60 million dollars, about one- third of this amount was not insured, While all councillors were in fav our of helping there was some disagreement in the amount. The motion to donate $400 was made by councillors Harry Wraith and Norm Steeper and supported by reeve Ivan Hearn. The other councillors Larry Hotson and Gary McFalls were in favour of a larger amount. Reeve Hearn said he was sure the County of Middlesex would be making a sizable donation next week and added, "we we will also be paying part of that grant." Councillor Hotson com- mented, "We should be generous to those com- munities close to us. It could just as easily been us looking for help." Council received a letter from local resident Lillian Radcliffe commending village works superintendent Doug Johnson and his em- ployees on their efforts in keeping the village clean. Plaudits were reversed whon Pnowo Ilaorn Gigantic Savings on 1980 Snowmobiles At PORT FRANKS YAMAHA Until Sept. 31, 1979 PH. 243-2703 EXAMPLE ET250 REG. $1,649.00 SALE '1,450.00 Jack Harrigan Robert Gardiner Lloyd Morrison Lorne Feeney Ray McCurdy William Chaffe Ross Hodgert John Moore Joseph Uniac Mrs. Elaine Skinner Wally Burton suggested a letter be sent to the Lucan Lions club congratulating the club for their excellent efforts in sponsoring the 1979 Lucan Fair, Hearn added, "It was well organized, well run and a credit to the village." Council has been informed by the Ministry of Housing that their request for an increase in grants for the village's official plan has been denied. The letter indicated that the 1977 guidelines specified no cost over-runs would be eligible for subsidy. The Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications told council information on a recent traffic count would not be available until early in 1980. A bylaw was passed authorizing Vina Emery to begin her duties as the village's bylaw enforcement officer. Gerry Van Bussel and Jim Young appeared before council on preliminary negotiations for a sub- division agreement on behalf United Church The Christian Attitude to Work was the theme of the Labour Day Sunday Service at Lucan United Church. When God became flesh, as a carpenter in Nazareth, He set His seal of approval upon honest work, Yet many today see work only as a necessary evil. But Paul reminds us that the Christian can discover joy and fulfilment in his work when he realizes that he can serve God as well with his body as with his mind or spirit. Work of whatever sort can be offered to God as an act of worship. But this attitude demands a radical inner change. Before we can do this, we need to be transformed in- wardly by letting Christ into our lives to change and control us at the very centre of our being. Said Mr. Brown, "Only then can we give real worship, which is the offering of every moment and every action of life to God." Mr. Brown sang two lovely solos during the service, "Nearer, still Nearer, and "The Wonder of it a11" R.R.3, Lucan R.R.2, Staff a R.R.1, St. Marys R.R.2, Dublin R.R.1, Kirkton Mitchell of North Middlesex Holdings. Authorization has been received from the Ministry of Housing for 18 homes in this subdivision located on Beech street adjacent to Whitfield Acres. Reception Following the marriage of Katherine Hopps and David Pritchard on Saturday, September 1st in Lucan Revival Centre, conducted by Rev. Ray Brewster, the guests were served fruit punch in the former church building. The reception was served by members of the Women's Auxiliary in the Fellowship Hall. Ken Allen, now chef for the Christianview Bible College, Ailsa Craig, prepared the wedding banquet. The groom's brother, Bill Pritchard acted as master of ceremonies and following the meal, the guests were treated to several musical numbers. Mr. and Mrs. Larry McGill sang a song he wrote for Kathy and David, Joan Lockyer accompanied herself on her guitar while she sang "I'm just Basking in the Sunshine of His Love", and Mrs, Marlene Thornton sang "The Way That He , Loves" accompanied by Mrs. Lorraine Armitage on the piano. For the toasts the lights were turned out and toasts proposed by candlelight followed by Harold Fletcher playing his guitar while he sang "Congratulations are in Order', with guests joining in the final chorus. After a short honeymoon the happy couple will reside in Ailsa Craig where David is taking his final year in Christian- view Bible College. NEED NEWS Contributions to the Lucan page from all organizations, following your meeting, will be appreciated. Please drop off at 230 Butler street before noon on Sunday or phone 227- 4714, as soon as possible after your meeting. You can help to make,the Lucan page more interesting with your contributions. Were you on a trip this summer? Tell us about it, a reader might like to go next year. Have you had guests from afar? Perhaps you would like to share this experience with others, particularly people who have moved away from Lucan, still take the Exeter Times and like to keep up with the news. It will all help. Businessmen, your ads will also help to keep the Lucan page alive and thriving. It pays to ad- vertise. You may call the paper direct, 235-1331, or drop the copy off at the above address. The Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police has issued a belated sincere thank-you to three unidentified persons who assisted a police officer andan Auxiliary officer in making an arrest on Lucan's Main street on August 18. The news release con- tinues, " It is gratifying to know there are people willing to assist police." During the week officers of the detachment investigated five accidents with damages totalling $14,275. Sunday, vehicles driven by Douglas William Dodge, RR 2, Kerwood and Perry John Van Dongen, Windsor collided on County road 22, north of Highway 22. Con- stable J. Frank set damages at $10.000, Constable Frank set damages at $125 when a bicyclist was struck by an unknown vehicle Monday, near Bryanston. The rider was not injured. At the intersection of County roads 23 and 16 on Thursday, vehicles driven by Sylvia Anthony, RR 3, Ilderton and Edward Goods books at your library With the beginning of the school year most parents will be interested in doing some reading to help their child through their years of education. Your local library has a number of titles from which to choose. Here is a sample of what you may request from your library in Lucan, Ailsa Craig and Parkhill. Alongside the child in the primary school, Stop school failure, The early childhood educator at work, About schools; what every Canadian parent should know, ' Learning for little kids, How to tutor, Children come first, Making schools work, and Chalkdust in my blood. were set at $1,000 by Con- stable Chapman. Constable Marshall listed damages at $1,550 when vehicles driven by John Bellowe and Gary Morritt, both of London collided on County road 38' on Friday, accompanying him on the piano. Mrs. Marlene Thornton directed the Church Choir in singing "Amazing Grace", with Miss Lorna Minogue at the piano. Mr, Brewster used Psalm 149 as his text saying, as the Lord takes pleasure in our praising Him, praise is a ministry toward God. When people wrong us, our praise for the good God does for us will cause God to judge and punish those who wrong us. Our praise can bind the work of satan against God's people. Healing can come through praising God. We must learn to praise Him at all times. The Singing Canadians from Sarnia, who appear Sunday in Lucan, are one of the fastest upcoming groups in Canada and the United States today. Some of the television programs that the Singing Canadians have appeared on are: 100 Huntley Street, with host David Mainse, PTL Club, with host Jim Bakker, and the 700 Club, with host Pat Robertson. Their ex- citement and enthusiasm is portrayed through some of their own compositions as well as many of the traditional and con- temporary sounds of today. The group consists of five members and is noted for their altar ministry and dedication. They will be at Lucan Revival Centre, Sunday, September9,at 7 .m• One bus load plus several carloads of members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies groups of the Lucan senior citizens and friends attended the matinee of the "Sound of Music" Wednesday. After the show which was ex- cellent, the group enjoyed a roast beef dinner provided WI plans bake sale Members and friends of the Lucan Women's Institute are reminded of the sale of home baking, penny sale, country store and rummage sale Saturday of this week September 8 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For "Pick-up" call 227- 4702 or 227-4947. Please mark on your calendar the com- mencement of the fall meetings Wednesday, September 19, at 7.30 sharp, in order to have the business meeting over by 8 p,m, when guests from Cloverdale and Granton Institutes will arrive, together with the guest speaker, John Deputter the farm editor of C.F.P.L. Be prepared to answer the roll call by naming "A bi- product of beef". Personals M.H. and Iva Hodgins celebrated their 40th wed- ding anniversary Sunday quietly with their sons and daughters-in-law, Ward and Barbara of Clinton and Wayne and Rosemary, of London township when the boys treated their parents to dinner at "Cafe du Midi", London. Mrs. Ann-Marie Morris and girls Sandra and Susan of Mt. Forest, were weekend guests with her mother Mrs. Jack Murdy when a 16th birthday was celebrated for Sandra with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murdy in London. Upcoming UC events Sunday School recom- mences next Sunday, Sep- tember 9th at 10 a.m. in all departments. The senior choir regular weekly practice starts Thursday at 8.30 p.m. If you enjoy singing come along and join in the service of song. The U.C.W, executive meets tonight Wednesday at 8.00 in the C.E. Wing and the Visitation Committee chaired by Cathy Kaune, will meet on Thursday evening at 8 p.m. at the church. Please mark on your calendar Wednesday Sep- tember 19, the annual chicken barbecue. Tickets will be available next weekend. Next Sunday evening, September 9 at 7.30 p.m, Rev. Morley Clarke will speak at the United Church Renewal Fellowship in the C.E. Centre. Everyone is welcome. and Tuesday September 11th the monthly meeting of the Cradle Roll will be held in the Walter Strangway Room at 10 a.m. new members are welcome. Thanks to all who helped in the "Food Booth" ' at the Fair. Over $800 was raised for the "Manse" fund. by the Guild of Greenway Anglican Church to which two of the members belong. Special thanks to Edythe Murdy for making all the necessary arrangements, Members of both groups are reminded that meetings commence this Thursday, tomorrow, with the business meeting at 1.30, followed by LUCAN DISTRICT CO-OP NURSERY SCHOOL still have openings For more information phone Lynn Heckman 227-4645 crafts by "Neonie" of the "Crafty Crow" in Thorndale and euchre and bridge, Crafters please bring sharp scissors. New members are welcome. Membership fees are payable at this meeting WANTED Cars & Trucks for scrap and resaleable parts. Highest prices paid. Turn that old fence, appliances, batteries, copper and farm machinery into cash. Give us a call. Miller's Auto Parts Scrap Metal Dealer R.R #2, Crediton 234.6343 Humbey, London were in collision. Damage was listed at $1,600. No injuries were incurred Thursday when a vehicle driven by Steven Hibbert, RR 3, Gran ton struck a tree, north of Granton, Damages Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire insurance Company (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Town Dwellings as well as Farm Properties DIRECTORS AND ADJUSTERS Woodham Dublin Mitchell Exeter Exeter 229-6643 345-2512 348-9012 235-1553 235.0350 Iw Pentecostal couple back from Hawaii drive like a life depends on it RACEME' For the month of Sept, during Open Bowling - Bowl 3 games for the price of 2. Public Bowling Hrs. Fri. At 7 Sat. At 7 Sunday At 2 ;9re " LUCAN REVIVAL CENTRE Sunday, September 9 - 7 p.m. All Welcome LUCAN BOWLING LANES OPEN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7