HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-08-15, Page 27Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. ,Main Street 235.1570 Compare And Save With Our Everyday LOW PRICES on FILM PROCESSING All 12 exposure color negative rolls developed a) 99 max and printed All 20 exposurey 1 t 99 color negative 6.1/ emeep- max rolls developed and printed CITATION SERWCE Good Quality, Fast Dependable Service G GUARDIAN DRUGS HAIR PIECE $1500° REGULARLY 5 e100?0 OPENING SPECIAL Surrounded by 125 year old barber chairs and shop fur. nishings In the new Bruno of Toronto hairpiece centre in Kitchener are Gina McCann, Harry and Frank Willem• sen. FREE FITTINGS ore provided on these quality human hair or lifelike synthetic fibre hairpieces, available only from Aug. 7 to Aug. 19. Early appointments are advised; some colours are in limited supply. Hairpiece specialist Gina MCann will operate the Bruno centre at Chris penderson's Barber Shop. 103 Water Street, Kit chener (744.86921 and Frank Willemsen will operate the Bruno centre in Henry's Barber Shop, 126 Downie Street (271.0980), Both learned their specialties from their award•winning hairpiece stylist borther, Harry Willem sun, for the post two years operator of the original Bruno of Toronto shop, Members of the Willemsen family have barbered in the Kitchener area for 25 years. All Bruno centres offer complete services in eluding hair adding, cleaning, colouring and spotle"I;/, in custom hairpiece martuteitturitig. er Ponman'S Pep Cats are made in Canada of 50°0 Polyester and 50".. cotton Choose from blue, beige and green, In size S, M, L. Slightly imperfect " 69 5 JUST EA. I . . 1Ni r,i / '—" fi .)° 4E......--.---.... • . I MI r ik.I. ION , .• til I ' liF"... A N Yr r Ik A II nwoodonaramonalimmorimmounowoommo••••• Mr 0 .., I "N•A14.11,11r , ..., 1 i.J/111111. - • - Tfrnett.Advocate August 154 1970 Students pass music tests Dashwood youngsters enjoy Ontario Place visit the older group (9-12)was the 370 foot winding water slide, They also enjoyed the various slides, tunnels, mazes and many other ac- tivities at the Children's Village. It was amazing to see how much fun the younger ones could have in six inches of water playing with the numerous pieces of equipment provided. .K-4c DILIGENT WORKERS — Behind every successful event there is a group of people who go largely unnoticed. At the three pool swimming meets held Saturday at Kirkton,Wanda Robinson of Kirkton and Grace Finnie kept track of all the races. T-A photo VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" 44, #°. SPECIALS • BOY'S & GIRL'S JACKETS BLUE JEANS LIMITED SIZE RANGE Sizes 8.18 10-18 SOME REVERSIBLE SOME FLEECE LINED Our Regular '11.37 wrktv JUST 2•00 EA. Now S 699 JUST • PR. Sizes 5 15 Our Regular '10 95 \ NOVA $ 8 99 CORDS JUST 0 PR. LADIES' CLOTHING JACKETS BLAZERS SKIRTS DRESS SLACKS CHOOSE FROM 2 SIZES 5-16 BLOUSES GAUCHOS SUITS ALL AT 25°. OFF 5 OFF 0 SIN OF VANASIRA IUCKtkSMIIN COUNTRY FAIR SPONSOR VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET Hwy 8 to $veliorth `S, V ANA IRA RD VANASTRA kir CENTRE By MRS. IRVIN RADER DASHWOOD The highlight of the playground program was a trip to Ontario Place, Wednesday. Even though it was a long bus ride down, the children thought the four hours spent there made it worth while. The greatest attraction for Unfortunately time was limited and many events could not be attended, They would have liked to visit Cinesphere to see a show, tour the historical ship and tour the canal in paddle boats, All in all the trip was a smashing and enjoyable success. Several mothers assisted in looking after the children, Youths to sell cards The Youth of Zion Lutheran church met August sth with Elise Vandeworp opening the meeting with a By MRS. THOMAS HERN A large number of Zion and Whalen area men motored to Woodstock area Saturday to help clean, up after the tornado in their area last week. The U.C.W. members are reminded of the articles needed for the Kirkton Fair display. Personals A family picnic was held last Sunday on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Hern. After a bountiful dinner everyone enjoyed the afternoon playing lawn games and visiting. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Tookey and Cheryl, London; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ballantyne, Jim, Shirlee and Diane, Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hern, Kelly, Jason and Adam, 'ATURDAY, AU TUG'O' WAR CON " GIANT PARADE over 30 entries, Intl Band and the Brus can enter decorat parade • prizes for BABY SHOW at 2:00 prayer followed by Bible study "Will Christ Return?" Judith Mellecke read a story about Saints and all Hallows Day. Several items of business were discussed, The Youth will be selling Christmas cards and wrap in September, Lunch followed and Jonathan closed the meeting with a prayer, Music Results Miss Idella Gabel A.R.C,T, announces results ' of her music pupils with the Royal Conservatory of Music. Grade 8 piano, pass, Judy " -1 Centralia; Miss Marilyn Regier, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Earl French Elizabeth and Andrea, Whalen; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Miller and Shelley, Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hern, Lisa, Michael, Brenda and Bradley; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hern, Lynne and Steven; Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Hern, Darryl and Kathryn and Alan Hem all of Zion, Miss Sandra Hem and friend Carol Abbott visited last week with Catherine Abbott who is attending Laval University, Quebec City. While there they toured the city. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley spent the weekend at their cottage at Wiarton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hern were Sunday visitors with Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Lynn Clandeboye. Mellecke; Grade 6 piano, pass, Larry Read; Grade 3 piano, honors, Allyson Shepherd; grade 2 theory, first class honors, Barbara Rader; honors, Elizabeth Datars. personals Carl Wein and Lee Carolyn, Hamner, spent last week with Mrs. Hilda Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader were supper guests Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rader, Stacey and Derek. Daniel, Jonathan and Judith Mellecke, Elise Vandeworp, Doris and David Stephen, Connie Schroeder and Lisa Miller, Youth from Zion Lutheran church at- tended the Camping Retreat at Goderich during the week- By MRS. HUGH MORENZ SHIPKA Corporal and Mrs. Harvey Desjardine stationed in West Germany, have been holidaying in Ontario. Harvey was born and raised in this area. On Sunday a family reunion was held at his parents home, Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Desjardine in Huron Park. Those attending were his grandmother Mrs. Mabel Desjardine, Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Smith, all of Greenway, Danny Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKeever and Tammy London, Earl Stebbins and Mrs, Trellis Little. Bride elect honored More than fifty friends, relatives and neighbours, comprising Shipka com- munity and the 12th con- cession from Dashwood to Mount Carmel, gathered last Wednesday evening for a miscellaneous shower for Nancy Pickering, bride elect of mid August, at Shipka Community centre, During the social time readings and contests were enjoyed. Assisting Nancy in opening her gifts were her two sisters, Susan and Jane, and Kathy Russell. She graciously thanked all for the lovely gifts. Hostesses for the program and lunch refreshments were the east group... Personals Mrs. Arnold ,Keller is a end. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Weigand spent the week-end at Chesley Lake with Mrs, Joe Marzene. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader spent last week at Wasaga Beach, Stuart Wolfe spent last week at) Beaver Lake, Quebec, assisting his nephew, Barry Wolfe, in building his cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wolfe, Oakville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Rader spent last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Miller, Brenda, Charoltte and Karen, Zion, patient in Victoria hospital, London, where she un- derwent surgery. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker have been their nephews and families, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Petznick, Lori and Sally of Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eckstein of Drumbo. Thursday visitors were Henry's two sisters, Mrs. Barbara Ten Eyck and Mrs. Christine Brancit, and cousins Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Braun, all of Kitchener- Waterloo area. The latter ones visited other area relatives too. Friday afternoon visitors with Hugh and Annie Morenz were Mrs. Blanche Kading, of Woodstock, her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Vince Totafurno, Toronto. The Kading family lived in the Morenz home about 40 years ago. Friday supper guests with the Morenz's were Bill and Michelle, of Goderich, celebrating Michelle's birthday and the young couple's first wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner, accompanied by her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake, at- tended the wedding of Doreen and Shirley's nephew Neil Coultif, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultif, of Camp- bellford, to Susan Cook at Hastings United church, with dinner and reception following at Oakwood golf course, $x 99 NOW • PR. 'The Store that Saves You More 0 MIN Ion LAMIS Ginl% BAN#wtok• *Alit) GOIPOS 'AWING PAA,N,NIS {I•OUNO GOOD/ STORE HOURS: Monday - Friday 10 a,m. 9 pdt Saturday 10 a.m.. 6 p.m. Sunday 12 nowt 6 p.m. Fi It(.F \ VISA LADIES' DENIM JEANS RUNNERS A special purchase enables us i`c. sell these runnors at low, low prices Mne Value '8.99 NOW s 4 Boy's • Reg, Value '7,99 NOW 1.99 Remember Our Annex is open Weekends from 5 till 9:00 p.m. on Friday arid Sat. 10 till 6:00 with SAVINGS 33 °,0 TO 75 °0 MEN 'S JEANS & CORDS SIZES 28.44 ASST. COLOURS Our Reg 17 95 NOW JUST " 5/4!! " FRIDAY, AUGUST 17 * QUEEN OF THE FAIR CON- TEST: at 8:00 p.m. in the Vanastra Rec. Centre. * TALENT SHOW: from 9:00 p.m, • 1:00 a.m., in the Vanastra Rec. Cen- tre. I We're easy to get to! VANASTRA ROAD • Hwy. to Ettore, Gauntry MAM.01 This FRIDAY & SATU AUGUST 17 MAKING THE GRAB — Unless you've played the outfield quite a bit, the position can be difficult even for the best of players. Snagging a fly ball in the squirt championship game between the Exeter Cougars and Huron Park Saturday in Cromarty was Vince Parent. T-A photo Zion and Whalen farmers help victims VANASTRA- TUCKERSMITH COUNTRY RDAY & 18 followed by PET SHOW starting p.m. uding the Seafer th High School els Legion Pipe Band. Children ed bicycles and tricycles in the best dece.rated. UST 18 TESTS: start at 10 a.m. starts at 1:00 p.m. Featuring * BINGO: starts at 2:00 p.my REFRESHMENTS ON FAIR SITE CRAFT BOOTHS PENNY SALES "MARDI GRAS" featuring the music of Kudenta, playing from 4 p,m. to 1 a.m. at the Vanastra Rec.. Centre. Admission after 7:00 p.m. is '2.50 per person. ED CY VANASTRA AND DISTRICT LIONS CLIJC "THE GRAND FINALE" the Vanastra Lions Club Former Shipka man back from Germany BOY'S LADIES' Assorted Colours Sizes 7-15. Our Regular '10.95 e "-t BOY'S PEP CATS Highway 4 South of Clinton at Vanastra