HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-08-15, Page 24Paige 12A Times-Advocate, August 15, 1979 TIME OFF -L-Mike Price, Toronto, Paul Robertson, Lindsay, Terry Keddy, St.Catharines,, and Lori McDonald, North Bay all took advantage of their day off to enjoy a chess game Monday. They are in Lucan with Fairmount Amusements of Brantford setting up rides for the big Lucan fair. They say there'll be a ferris wheel, scrambler, bumper cars, paratrooper, and a swinger as well as five kiddie rides. Fire destroys one area vehide, collisions damage several others Attention — Veterans Ex-Service Men and Women and Dependents THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION SERVICE BUREAU OFFICER Mr. Harvey S. Percy, Royal Canadian Legion, Suite 222, 635 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N9A 414. Will be visiting in the area, September 11, 1979, Br. 540 Lucan 12 Noon to 12:30 P.M. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding: (a) War Disability Pensions; (b) Treatment for entitled veterans: (c) Application for Benevolent Funds; (d) Appeals against adverse original applications for War Veterans and Widows Allowance, is requested to contact the Service Officer or Secretary of the local Branch, whose name appears below, to arrange an interview. Ms. Andrea Va hey, S ecretary Box 154, Lucan, Ontario. NOM 2J0 PHONE 227-4834 Mr. Sid Daley Service Officer 139 Kent Street, Lucan, Ontario. NOM 2J0 PHONE 227-4216 About $5,000 damage resulted in the three vehicle accident which occured on highway four south of Lucan last Tuesday. A car driven by Thomas Davis of Ilderton reeol eci $2500 while another car driven by James Brady of St. Catharines was damaged at $1500. A van driven by Joseph Gallinaro received $1000 damage. Also on. Tuesday Lucan detachment of the Ontario • MITCHELL'S ••••• Fun and excitement for the whole family! August 1 7,1 8 & 19 ere are some of the events that you can watch or participate in - s t* si- 0 AI 8' 1044 ti cpti \.S.A t):4 i.14\ - • " ."'"' SO S P' 40‘' ' '''.''." ‘143 tINC) t-X° , _,c, tO 01.' '- ** 1 ‘5.?"‘ b:t e. .1. 3RD ANNUAL CORN FESTIVAL • Monsanto Monsanto Canada Inc. Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW THE LABEL DIRECTIONS FOR ROUNDUP. Roundup® is a registered trademark or Monsanto Co. RCN 4179 ©Monsanto Company 1979 Sometimes you reap a lot more than you sow. If quackgrass is showing up in your harvest, use Roundup® before you fall plow. You didn't plant it. But that quackgrass came up anyhow, choking your crop and taking a bite out of your potential yield. Jamming up the works at harvest time. Don't let it happen again next year. Get the jump on quackgrass, right after harvest. But not by plow- ing. Plowing just breaks up the weeds, leaving under- ground root networks ready to send up new shoots in the spring. This year, before you fall plow, let quackgrass regrow until most of the weeds are at least eight inches high (the three or four leaf stage of growth). Then, anytime before the first weed killing frost, apply Roundup® herbicide by Monsanto. Roundup quickly translocates throughout the treated weeds, destroying them— root networks and all. Just five days after using Roundup, you can plow as usual. (Note: If you prefer to apply Roundup in the spring, don't plow the fields this fall.) Stop quackgrass before it attacks next year's crop. With a post-harvest application of Roundup before you plow. • There's never been a herbicide like this before. Everything set for Ilion fair event Corn - on - the - cob available with plenty of Butter!I! BILL VOSPER 348-9525 r Provincial Police in- vestigated an accident in- volving a car and a motor- cycle. The car was driven by Ian Wright of London and was damaged at $600. Douglas Davies of Ilderton was the motorcycle driver. He was injured in the ac- cident, and the bike received $300 damage. The accident took place on county road 20. Michael Riley of Denfield was the driver in a single car Scooters at area session By JOY SCHEIFELE AILSA CRAIG The Gillwell Club of Huron District and Scouters met Wednesday, August 8th at the home of Henry Kaune's, R.R. 1, Lucan to finalize preparation for the Gillwell reunion. The club will gather at the Blue Springs Cout Reserve near Acton next month, Ross Helium of Goderich and Wayne Swan also of Goderich were presented with the Gillwell neckerchief and beads at the meeting. In order to receive these awards the leaders take Part I of the Woodbadge course in their own district and then continue on to Blue Springs, Acton, for Part II of the Woodbadge course. On completion of these courses they are received into the Gillwell Club of World Gillwellians and are then able to serve in training scout, cub and beaver leaders throughout the area. accident on the London Lobo Town Line Thursday Riley was injured in the mishap, and damages were estimated $500. Damages came to $1000 in a two car crash Friday. A car driven by Robert Wilds of London collided with the vehicle of Wayne Oliver of Thorndale. The accidents occred on county road 23 in London Township. Fire destroyed a car owned by Brian McCafferty of Lucan Saturday. Damages were estimated at $2500 when the car was burned on county road 13 of Biddulph Township. There were no injuries. A car driven by Peter Anderson of London was damaged at $1000 on Adelaide Street in London Township Saturday. Lucan OPP also in- vestigated an accident on Highway 4 in Biddulph township when a vehicle driven by Joseph Fitt of London received $500 damage Saturday. There were no injuries. Altogether Lucan police investigated 11 accidents in which five people received injuries. They also investigated six thefts. Total value of property stolen came to about $650. There was one robbery investigation which occurred in Lucan. There were two oc- curences of wilful damage amounting to $100 during the week, and officers in- vestigated two incidents involving missing persons. One juvenile and one adult were both returned home. It may be a little fair but it's big on fun! That's the Lucan Fair this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 17 to 19 beginning with a grand parade Friday night 7 p.m. Lucan Fair, the biggest little fair around is big enough to provide all the action a midway lover could want: rides, games of skill and chance, carmel corn, candy floss and candy ap- ples. Small enough to feature special kiddies shows on the grounds Saturday afternoon from 3 to 7 p.m, and Sunday afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m, See and enjoy the beauty Lucan United Church Rhea Markus' lovely solo, "It is no Secret" was a highlight of morning worship at Lucan United Church Sunday. Mr. Brown used as his text the disciples' prayer, "Lord increase our faith." Used in a general sense, faith is a positive attitude which looks for the fulfilment of our hopes. It is not discouraged by setbacks, but presses on with enthusiasm and hard work. It provides a remedy for fear, and encourages us to see the promising side of difficulties. Specifically Christian faith begins with these ingredients, but goes much further. Said Mr. Brown, "Christian faith is an at- titude to God of love, trust and deep admiration. It believes what he -says, ac- cepts whatever He offers, and does whatever He says for the rest of eternity.t" It includes a firm con- viction about the truth of God's Word, a personal surrender to Jesus Christ, and daily conduct consistent with commitment. Ultimately real faith is a gift of God, for He enables us to trust, helps us to make the commitment, and enables us to live according to the standards He sets. The flowers in the sanc- tuary were from the funeral of the late Mrs. Emily Beard. The sympathy of the congregation is extended to her family. The U.C.W. is asking for the help of members, both men and women, at their Fair booth next weekend. Lucan Revival Centre News Rev. Ray Brewster was in charge of both morning and evening services. For the morning service Doug Butler and Larry and Julie McGill sang a trio, My Jesus I Love Thee, then they sang a song Larry McGill wrote. Rev. Brewster's message was taken from John 6:15-21; The church on a stormy sea. As Jesus was destined for a crown and a throne, so we who follow and serve Him are destined for a crown and a throne with Him. The world offers to give us a crown that is glamorous but worthless, but God offers us a glorious crown. Sunday Evening service Rev. Roger Mason led the Song service. Joan Lockyer accompanied herself on guitar while she sang Building my Heart is Your Loving Kindness. Mrs. and grace, power and speed brought together by rider and horse in the 18 action- packed events at the Western Horse Show, Saturday at 12:30. This year's competition awards cash prizes and ribbons to leading entrants in events including the cloverleaf barrel race, the flag race, pole bending and Texas speed action in the Lucan fairgrounds. The licensed Lion's Den this year features the Bush- mills showband. This five piece Itish group is enjoying acclaim for their musical taste shown in a repertoire Lorraine Armitage played piano and Ken Allen played violin for a medley of songs. Rev. Ray Brewster spoke from John 14:16-17; Acts 1:4- 8; Acts 2:1-4 and 32-33 and 38. Rick and Debbi Brewster that ranges from the top commercial pop tunes to old Irish folk favorites. Bush- mills perform in the Lion's. Den, pub area, Lucan arena, Friday from 8 to 1 a.m.; Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 1 a.m.; Sunday from 2 to 8 p.m. Top-notch performers join in the fun at the Lucan Fair grandstand shows this weekend. Jean Shepard, a true veteran in the country music business with 25 albums and numerous singles including "Then He Touched Me" appears with The Second Fiddles and special guest, Gordie Tapp, for four evening grandstand have returned from a seminar of Sunday School and Young Peoples work held at Raleigh N. Carolina, U.S.A. under the work of Young People at Lucan Revival Centre. shows Friday at 8 and 10 p.m. and Saturday at 7 and 9 p.m. Super-showmen, Tommy Cash and the "Tomcats", are joined by Gordie Tapp to wind up the Lucan '79 grandstand with two rousing performances Sunday af- ternoon at 2 and 4 p.m. Tommy and his talented five-member group, the "Tomcats" cross the con- tinent annually in their own bus, Tommy admits it took years of hard work to put their act together but his desire for perfection shows in everything he does and is, to a great degree, respon- sible for his glittering suc- cess. Saturday, traditionally the big day of the fair, has a full program beginning when the gates swing open at 10 a.m. At 12:30 the Western Horse Show and from 2 to 4 p.m. Ronnie and the Stampeders, one of Canada's leading groups, will entertain. Meanwhile at the Lion's Den from 2 to 5 it's music by Bushmills. The evening grandstand show features the Jean Shepherd Show, the Second Fiddles and guest Gordie Tapp. Back at the Lion's Den, once again from 7 to 1 a.m, it's Irish music by Bushmills. Sunday the gates open at 12 noon. At 1:30 p.m, watch as four members of the South-Western Ontario Organization of Paratroopers (The Molson Sky Divers) S.W.0.0,P. into the Lucan fairgrounds, arriving in style, demon- strating both "free fall" and canopy relative work." From 2 to 4 p,m. Tommy Cash and the Tomcats along with guest Gordie Tapp appear on the grandstand stage. At 3 p.m. there's a pony pulling exhibition and from 2 to 8 p.m. in the Lion's Den listen to music by Bush- mills. Now you can see why the Lucan Fair has firmly established its reputation as "the biggest little fair around," Join the fun at this year's edition of the Lucan Fair, August 17 to 19. O%St0 PP( °1 Ott S 10.5 01 „don Anyone wishing information on any of the competitions during Cornfett please call o Corniest '79 Box 129 0 ct ,at• lo,„ 1.4 '4 DO (PEA r(JR/NG: CC1717/ :CEKS: Pi?1°4 P'41' AR/V4 "CNEG BR A SS 4r 4N S•111 E a no. y o • 4 PANC40 :4441C. E"PAD NCI 4tt SA N11104 y ,...1404St 004,1yrow,"' /14 17,4, 44 kw#0,44,44 Mitchell, Ontario • WATCHING AND WAITING — Eleven year old Peter Bates and his sister Mindy, 12 sit E.E. outside Lucan arena waiting for the Fair to take shape. Many children in Lucan are looking forward to the rides being set up. Lucan church activities r-aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111911111111111111111111111111-! .44t, LUCAN REVIVAL CENTRE DAVID'S KEY Music Group Saturday Aug. 18 - 7:30 P.M. .5 Sunday Aug.19 - 11 A.M. & 7 P.M.P. = ALL WELCOME Wainginiumanigninagnanigagailliniumainionouningunnitualaimungalouguit: