HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-08-15, Page 11BIBLE SCHOOL HELPS NORTHERN SCHOOL — Thanks to Bethel Reformed Church and its Bible school, young people in the far north community of Cat Lake may have a vaca- tion Bible school next summer. The church and the school is helping to provide transporta- tion for the school through the Lutheran Association of Pilots and Missionaries, Pointing to the community are Darryl Simpson, John Vander Wiel and Maureen Mol. T-A photo Hay among recipients BINGO LUCAN ARENA Wed. Aug. 15 Doors open - 7:15 p.m. Early bird - 7:55 p.m. Regular games, Midway special, share the wealth, stand up, etc. Jackpot $625 -55 calls - Proceeds for Arena Double Door Card $1.00 Bingos will continue each Wednesday night. License No. 262386 Due to license regulations no one under 16 years of age will be admitted. Foi Dinnei Reservolions Dining Room 238 2328 Feel Free To Browse Our Beautiful Grounds O AKWOODINN OUR SUMMER RETREAT OFFERS: • .FINE DINING I.OUNCA ANL) RESTAURANT • I OLF & • A OlL t & CABINS • hEACIt & GA/VI • Motvl & (ion 238 2324 Qiond Bend Hwy #21 Entertainment August 17 & 18 Dwight James Dining Room Open Daily For Reservations Phone 238.2365 Grand Bend Smorgasbord every Saturday starting at 5 p.m. teen VO/reSt HOTEL DINING LOUNGE MOTEL The Green Forest Motor Hotel GRAND BEND H'way 21 1 Mile S. Traffic Light *Canadian Radio-television Conseil de la radiodiffusion\ and Telecommunications et des telecommunications Commission canadiennes Notice of Public Hearing -Yard Sale and Third Annual Pancake & Sausage 0 Breakfast Sat., Aug. 18 7 a.m.-11 a.m. EXETER FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION HULL , OTTAWA 2 OCTOBER 1979, 09:00 The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Corn- mission will hold a Public Hearing Beginning on October 2, 1979 at the Conference Center.Phase "4140 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec to consider the following: ONTARIO REGION EX-CEN CABLEVISION LIMITED, RR 2, CLINTON, ONTARIO. MOM 1L0 EXETER, CENTRALIA AND HURON PARK, ONTARIO (790888200) Application for renewal of its cable television broadcasting licence ser- ving Exeter, Centralia and Huron Park, Ontario expiring March 31, 1980. Location where the application may be examined( Town Clerk's Office, 406 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. GENERAL INFORMATION How to intervene Anyone wishing to comment on an application must submit a written intervention, stating clearly and concisely the relevant facts and the reasons for the intervener's support for, opposi- tion to, or proposed modification of, the application - also whether or not the intervener wishes to appear at the hearing. Deadline for receipt of interventions at the Commission and with the Applicant; 12 September 1979, -- to be sent by registered mail or personal delivery to Applicant and CRTC Ottawa, Ontario,K1A ON2 with proof of service, Must be actually received on specified date, not merely posted on this date. Examination of Applications and Documents — At local uddress given in this notice and at the Commission, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Chaudiere, 1 Promenade du Portage, Rotten 561, Hull, Quebec. Further inforMation is outlined In Rules of Procedure available for the sum of 35 cents from: The Publishing Centre, Printing and Publishing, Department of Supply and Services, 270 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario. Information: Write to CRTC or phone 819.997-1027 or 997-1328 Ottawa,August 7, 1979 J.G. Patenaude. Acting Secretary General. CRTC - Public Notice 1979.97 PIZZErtit OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK EXETER 235-2311 GRAND BEND-238-21611 GRANDMA'S SUBMARINES SENIORS COMMUNITY CONFERENCE August 21st 1979, 1 p.m. SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE Host: Bill Brady Take A Short Drive South On The Lake And Discover , . A gourmet's delight!. Pipery Ii Well known for its seafood, steaks and gourmet dinners WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING Join us for a lovely night out right across the road at the coach with dancing and enter- tainment. " Both Located on Hwy. 21, 9 mi, S. of Grand Bend CALL 243-2474 OPEN DAILY Huron County Family Planning Project Invites You To Attend FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Every Tuesday from 6:30 - 9 p.m, HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT • Ann St., Exeter For Information Call 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings Recreation Centre "Ailk\ SUMMER ACTIVITIES BUS TRIPS August 16 Toronto Zoo August 23 Ontario Science Centre COST: Adults $8.00 Students $7.00 Children $6.00 A minimum of 40 must register to enable us to confirm these trips. A few vacancies still exist so please register at the Recrea- tion Office. More information by calling 235-2833. MOVIE * Last Movie of the Summer* August 22, 1979 Andrew Forgraves *Magician* 6:30 p.m. Movie *Gus The Wonder Mule* 7:30 p.m. Admission Children 50c Adults $1.00 At the South Huron Rec Centre. ROLLER SKATING • Fridays 2 -4 Youth Skating *Free Ad- mission* Fridays 7:30-10:00 Regular Sundays 7:30-10:00 Regular Admission $1,00 per person Rentals 50' EXETER MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION "REGISTRATION" Sept. 8, 1979 9:30 - 12:00 Foyer at the South Huron Rec'n Centre FEES: $25.00 per person $25.00 representative teams $10.00 for trial registration (remainder to be paid by Nov. 15, 1979) Penalty to be assessed for late registration For more information call 235-1687 NOW AVAILABLE Best selling books by Canadian Authors and Records by Top Canadian Recording Stars Available only at EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE •Tinries-Advo I*, Auoust 15, 1979 P.O.11 Decoration at the GRANTON UNITED CHURCH CEMETERY Sun., Aug. 19th John W. Bryan Sec. Treas. RABBIT BAR-B-0, Sun. Aug. 26 at Centraila Adults - '4.50 Children-'2.25 ADVANCE SALE TICKETS ONLY For Information and tickets CALL 229-6286 or 227-4636 Sponsored By South Huron Rabbit Breeders Association wismeoroorrj BIG DAY for CORN GROWERS News about new varieties, effect of herbicides and planting depths. What you learn will help you get more income from every acre you plant. Tuesday And Wednesday August 21 & 22 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free Lunch, Hat and Memo Pad Hwy. 59, two miles south of Tavistock Pioneer Super Expo Wm. Coleman Kippen Visit our local Expo Plant 1/2 mile west .of Kippen on Wayne McBride's farm anytime. August Ilth,25thole 26th Each day filled with exciting activitieg highlighted by the Famous Turkey Races and Blue Grass Festival PARADES • BANDS • DANCING TURKEY SHOOT Food concessions featuring exciting New Ontario Turkey Products REMEMBER — Strathroy, Ontario Friday - Saturday - Sunday August 24th, 25th, & 26th NOTICE— Advance Tickets: London - Royal Bank, City Centre - Royal Bank, Byron - Turkey World, Trafalgar St. St. Thomas- Cliff Maxwell, Camera Shop REMEMBER: "Good Things Grow in Ontario" and Turkey is One of the Best To change assessment Hay township has requested that the township apply to the ministry of revenue for reassessment under section 86 of the assessment act. Clerk-treasurer Joan. Ducharme said she believed the revised assessment would be. based on a per- centage of 1975 assessment figures, Council made the decision to request the revised assessment after meeting with Floyd Jenkins, assessment commissioner for Huron at July's council meeting. In a move designed to control the location of mobile homes council passed a bylaw to provide for the licensing of trailers in the township. Ducharme emphasized that the township still per- mitted mobile housing but that the bylaw would give the township the power to determine the type and the location of the units. Council approVed a bylaw Tuesday to regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures in the area of the proposed Cantin sub- division at St. Joseph. The bylaws must be cir- culated to all land owners within 400 feet of the Cantin property and is subject to Ontario Municipal Board approval, Ducharme stated. In other business, council: Authorized the upping of the interest charges on overdue accounts from one percent to one and a quarter percent per month. Received tile drainage loan applications from Robert Taylor, R.R. 2 Hensall for $20,000 and Bernard Denomme R.R. 2 Zurich for $15,000. Passed a bylaw to licence, regulate and govern salvage yards, second hand shops and dealers in second hand goods. Received compliance certificates from the ministry of the environment for John McAllister, Herb Verbeek and the Pig Improvement Group Limited. Proclaimed the week of August 7 as Public Health Nurses Week. Referred a claim from Larry Merner for damage to his swather to Robert Westlake Insurance. HELP VICTIMS While it is now over a week when Woodstock and area was hit by the killer tornado the job of cleaning up remains. Locally, the Experience 79 crews working under the auspices of the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority have been sent to Oxford township. Senior supervisor John Smithers said the idea for sending the labour force to the area orginated with one of the students working out of Parkhill. Smithers said he con- tacted a member of the township council Monday with the result being the 12 students will be in the area for three days starting yesterday. The students will be doing general cleanup work, he said. Grants totalling $566,371 under the Ontario Home Renewal Program (OHRP), have been allocated to 15 municipalities, Housing Minister Claude Bennett announced today. OHRP provides per capita grants to Ontario municipalities to administer directly as loans to homeowner occupants to repair their houses to an acceptable municipal minimum standard. The grants announced today represent various portions of the total 1978-79 funding designated under OHRP for each municipality. Included is $40,000 for Hay Township. The prime objective of the program is the correction of faulty structural and sanitary conditions and the upgrading of plumbing, heating, insulation and electrical systems of the owner occupant's home. "OHRP is directly oriented to low and moderate income homeowners with a maximum annual income of $12,500", Bennett said. Loans of up to $7,500 can be given to eligible owner oc- One driver loses licence One licence suspension was ordered by Judge W.G. Cochrane when he presided at Exeter court, Tuesday. William Murray Arm- strong, RR 3 Zurich, who pleaded guilty to impaired driving, was fined $300 or .30 days and had his licence suspended for three months. He was given 30 days in which to pay the fine. Brian Wagler, RR 5 Stratford, was fined $350 on a charge of driving while disqualified. He had been apprehended after police spotted a speeding vehicle and they reported that a passenger had changed places with Wagler who was driving the vehicle at the outset. Steven John Hunter, 100 King St., Hensall, was fined $100 on a charge of illegal possession of marijuana and Ralph Edward Young, Main St., Exeter, was fined $100 for being in possession of stolen property. OHRP - extends home renewal possibilities to owner occupants in any municipality in Ontario, urban or rural, which has adopted either a minimum housing standards by-law or a resolution setting such standards. d back? tually caused by disc pathologies. In order to offer tills back exercise program a need by the public for such a program must . first be established. Industrial workers, secretaries, housewives, tradesmen and others can all benefit from an exercise program of this kind, A back exercise program could be offered in the fall session at the Vanastra Recreation Centre if enough public interest . is shown. We need immediate response in order to prepare the program for the fall session. If interested or more in- formation is required please phone the Vanastra Recreation Centre at 482- 3544. cupants to bring their homes up to the standards adopted by their municipality, A portion of the loan can be "forgiven" depending upon the income of the recipient. Interest rates vary from zero to eight percent, again depending on income. Got a ba The Vanastra Recreation Centre, plans to initiate an exercise program for suf- ferers of back pain and discomfort. The program would involve both small group exercise sessions as well as prescribed home exercises. It would be focused towards those in- dividuals who are serious about relief for their discomfort. The exercises are easy and in- clude relaxation, flexibility and muscle strengthening. It is estimated that eight million North Americans suffer from some form of back pain. Approximately 83 percent of all back pain is attributed to a combination of muscular-skeletal deficiencies and stress. Only a small percentage is ac- DASHWOOD HOTEL Entertainment Held over til Sat. Aug. 18 Playing nightly 9-1 Sat. matinee 3-6 ' THE ROY TODD SHOW TIFFANY DINING LOUNGE Daily 12 noon - 1:30 p.m. Fri. & Sat. nights 6-9p.m. SALE -`"61110111EPOIlliall HOUSE OF CERAMICS DASHWOOD MID SUMMER SALE 10% off all greenware orders AUG. 15, 16, 17, 18, Complete line of macrame cord yarn & accessories PHONE 237-3656 Summer Hours: Mon., Tu6s., Thurs, Fri, 0.5 Wed & Sat, open 'till noon Sign Up Now For Fall Classes Guest Speakers Come voice your opinion Refreshments provided For more information and transportation CALL 235-1411 • • •obi,* • • • • • • • • • • • 4.. A SA UCY BATTLE OF THE SEXES• • 1O THE OWL AND • • W THE PUSSYCAT • • 54 • P Aug. 8 - Aug. 18 • • • • 40, 0•• Miss Zurich Bean Festival CONTEST SPONSORS NEEDED Any business, industry, service club or group in Zurich, and surrounding district wishing to sponsor a contestant please contact: Mrs. Linda Hendrick 236-4940 Any young lady wishing to participate • in the Miss Zurich Bean Festival Contest girls must be 14-21 must reside or be employed in Zurich or surrounding areas. For More Information Contact LINDA HENDRICK The SecondAnmial STRATIEROY • (EXCEPT SUNDAY) A RESERVATIONS 2 -8451INFORMATION • Y The NCEo: tar4IfTTPRIaACyhT:Nse • • TuRKEy rEsTrin Grand Bend N THE SOUND OF MUSIC •