HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-08-08, Page 2Times-Advil:we-at*. Aupustl1.1 979 There are still openings for session three, Anyone wishing to join up should call the pool staff at 228-6331. Remember the pool is Available for private bookings at $30 per hour. Get your community group or ball Learn together for an evening dip at the Huron Park Pool. Mill forget moms, the Huron Park wading pool is now open weekdays from 1.3 p.m., weather permitting. SEMINAR RETAILERS WED., AUG. 22 AT 9 A.M. OLD TOWN HALL, EXETER Open to retailers and their staff. If you wish to attend please return the coupon below by Thurs., Aug. 15 Neme of Firm Number Attending CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST — Thanks to the Dashwood good companions we're all reminded that Christmas is not all that far away. Participating on the float were Oscar Pfaff as Santa, Jodi Galloway, Tina Lamport, Danny Weigand, Chris Weigand, Jennifer Weigand, Erma Krueger, John Stewart, Margaret Clarke, Gerry Geiser and Sid Neel:), Staff photo ' ' ' • ' ' "."714ZIOPOtAR: THE BLANSHARD MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM KIRKTON, ONT. NOK 1K0 August, 1979. SPECIAL NOTICE To Kirkton Telephone Customers: On Saturday, August 18th, the Kirkton telephone exchange will be cut-over to new electronic digital switching equipment. This new equipment plays an important part in our upgrading program to provide private-line and two-party service for all telephone users in the Kirkton exchange. This will also Make digit tone service available. PLEASE NOTE: — Saturday, August 18th (1) All Kirkton customers must dial all 7 numbers when placing calls to Granton, St. Marys, and Exeter including local calls within the Kirkton exchange. 12) The number for Directory Assistance in exchanges served by London - St. Thomas - Goderich Directory and numbers in your local calling area changes from "0" to 411. For Directory Assistance dial 411. Please make this change on Page 3 of your Telephone Directory. (3) Kirkton telephone users with private lines or two-party service will no longer be asked "Your number please?" when dialing long distance calls. The new system automatically identifies the telephone number from which long distance calls are made and will: * Eliminate the need for you to give your telephone number when dialing a long distance call, • Speed up the placing of your long distance dialed calls. * Ensure that calls are accurately charged to the telephone number from which they are placed. * Prohibit the fraudulent charging of calls to someone else's number when dialing long distance calls. We are pleased to announce these new additions to your telephone service. If you have any questionS about these changes please call our business office at 2294933. LLOYD MARDLINI Manager. RAINY DAY MUSIC — Stephanie Hayter of Lucan was one of the top preformers in the talent show Friday at Friedsburg Days in Dashwood. One of the songs which Stephanie sang was "Save it for a rainy day". T-A photo 11111111111111111111111111111.111111.111111111.1111111.1111111 • Financial assistance • Management counselling (CASE) • Management training • Information on government programs for business Can we help you? See our Representative Bog PEARCE AND OR RILL SCHUTZ at: T4V6 Devon a 58tu x clei: EV5F1Y TUESDAY on: (Next Visit: August 14th) Li f i Pf A'AI BuSim ,cs Of 14101)114f >VT BANk (Brandt Office AddteSs) or prior informaitoo coil 271.5650 (collect) or write 1036 Ontario Strett, Stratford. G. H. WARD & PARTNERS eharlered A.counlanis 476 Main St., South Exeter, Ontario 235.0120 Resident Partner A.W. Read, C.A. Home Telephone 238-8075 Manager J.S. Mchleilly, C.A. Home Telephone 235-1734 TE LEPHONE (510} 235-2211 tAooee tirtdodUrovat *ye 14/ MAIN stfteet, s, EXETER, ONTAtztio, P.O. BOX 1600 NOM 150 Many visit Ontario Place Stephen youngsters keep busy GUITAR STYLINGS AT FRIEDSOURG — The talent show at Friedsburg Days in Dash,wood once again attracted many talented youngsters from the area. Playing a guitar duet were Michelle Vandeworp and Kim Kipfer of Dashvvood. Staff photo Please mail c/o Jim Beckett, P.O. Box 850, Exeter. By LYNNE FARQUHAR S.P,A.R.K.. playground youngsters were busy last week when the group formed a clean-up crew for a clean- a-thou in Huron Park. The youngsters took pledges from area residents and had a two hour time limit to gather up the garbage and glass from the play areas and streets at the Park. The group was able to raise $150.00 which went towards their trip to Ontario Place on Wednesday August 8. Thanks goes to all those who gave donations to the S,P.A.R.K, crew and a hearty congratulations goes to the S.P,A.R.K. youngsters and staff for their great clean-up job. The S,P.A.R.K. youngsters will be treated to a special visit by < a magician on Tuesday August 14 at 2:00 p.m. The show will be held outdoors at the McCurdy School but any sign of rain will move the program in- doors to the Huron Park Annex, Thanks goes to the Optimists for making the Annex available to the group for rainy days. Wednesday August 15 S.P.A.R,K. is off to the Pinery Park for an af- ternoon hike and program. The juinior group will be returning home but the seniors aged 7-12 will be staying on for an overnight camp-out. Here's hoping for some dry weather next week! Dashwood playground was also off to Ontario Place on Wednesday August 8 where they joined the S.P.A.R.K. crew for an afternoon of fun. Dashwood youngsters were busy with preparations for their Friedsburg Days parade float last week. This week their big project is paper machee dinosaurs to follow their monster theme. These youngsters will also be joining S.P.A.R.K. for their upcoming magic show. Both Dashwood and S.P.A.R,K. members will be admitted to the magic show free, but guests are welcome to join the fun for $.25 per person, Huron Park pool is hop- ping these days with session two of lessons halfway done. C, HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN I., RORER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245.1272 By appointment please Guaranteed Investment Certificates representing several trust companies Norma J. Hooper 15 Gidley St., E. Exeter 235.1010 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Mensal! (519} 262-5515 Hugh Tam FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind, any place We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Ed Lawson UCENSED AUCTIONEER EXETER ONT. For Complete Auction Service Call Bus. 235.0541 Res. 235.0266 a Realty EXETER. 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 Appraisals Mortgages Life insurance Trust Certificates SEE US FOR A FULL LINE OF Office Supplies Furniture & Equipment LIVINGSTONE'S Downtown Exeter or In The North End Plaza mememimmenimmeri MT. CARMEL Income Tax Centre Income Tax - Accounting For Farmers & Businessmen Monthly Bookkeeping Service Phone 237-3469 Vince Ryan 8.A. 11.8 3. Dashwood Gerald A, Webb D.C, Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST., EXEUR By Appointment Phone 235-1680 People do read small ads You are! GERALD L MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235.0281 NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants 497 MAIN STREET SUITE 200 EXETER, ONTARIO 190 WORTLEY ROAD (519) 2274455 (519) 235-0101 LONDON, ONTARIO (519) 673-1421 J. A. NORRIS, C.A. Manager: L. D. GEE, C.A. S. W. HOMUTH, C.A. RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 Let Over 18,000 Readers Know You're In Business To Serve Them Phone 23,54331 DAVID C, HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, Exeter 235.1535 By Appointment Doily — Evening G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN ST. LUCAN PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 JOSEPH DARLING CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT THE OLD 'TOWN HALL AgE MAIN STUF:ET EXETER, ONTARIO rct, et 9-2:113.2204 NOM ARO CONSOLIDATED SIGN & LIGHTING SERVICES INC, CREDITON PH. 234.6721 Complete Soles, SERVICE & Leasing We tarry a complete stock of signs, lamps and ballasts. MUSIC HALL. TRADITION — Angela Hardy of Lucan belted several numbers in the old English musical hall fashion Friday at the Friedsburg Days talent show in Dashwood. T-A photo tql11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111118i The twelfth Heywood Reunion was held in Riverview Park with a good attendance on Saturday. Herb Heywood extended a warm welcome to all and wished a speedy recovery to those ill and suffering from accidents. Following races, by Thomas Heywood a sump- tuous smorgasbord dinner was enjoyed during much reminiscing. Rita Heywood presided for the business meeting. Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Cy Blommaert; Vice-Pres., Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heywood; Sect., Mrs. David Blackwell; Sports Comm., Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Heywood and Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Heywood; Program Comm, Earl and Bob Heywood. A very interesting and exciting sports program was convened by Jack and Hazel Heywood. Candy Sucker race, Angela Gould, Jessica McDonald, Leann Consitt. Ball throw, Angela Gould, Scott Gould, Elaine Heywood. Crab walk backwards, Allen Blommaert, Cherie McDonald, Stephen Heywood. Three Legged race, Cherrie Cottle and Chris Gould, Patty Heywood and Cindy Armstrong; Jackie Heywood and Rickie Heywood. Bubble Gum blowing, Julie Blominaert, Ladies drop a quarter in a bottle, Kathy Cottle, Jayne Consitt. Balloon toss, Lonnie Heywood, Bev. Heywood. Kick the Shoe, Bob Heywood. Oldest present, Gordon Heywood. Youngest present, Christopher Heywood. Coming farthest, Mrs. Iva Heywood, Largest car mileage, Diane Montavo, married longest, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heywood-63 years. Group games were en- joyed by all and a very ex- citing soft ball game resulted in a tie. The 1980 Reunion will be held in Riverview Park the third Saturday in July. Herb and Rita thank all for coming to help make this a happy memorable day. Sheppard Reunion The Sheppard Clan met in Parkhill Park for their 31st annual reunion, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sheppard conducted an interesting sports program with the following results: Linda Paton guessed the exact number of jelly beans in the jar, The clothespin- peanut contest was won by Paul Paton, Jeff Fraser was able to throw the most playing cards into a dish, the children found it was more difficult than it looked to kick their shoe into a box. Jeff Fraser and Grant Hayter were successful. Gordon Wilson was able to shell twelve peanuts in two minutes with oven mitts on. Allan Hayter had the best time (56 sec.) when he removed his partners shoes and socks and put them back on with oven mitts on. Diane Mitchell wrote the best sentence on any subject, Closest birthday to date of picnic was won by Jim McNaughton, Lyle Paton and family came the farthest, from Barrie, Youngest member pretent was Jennifer Holland- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Holland. The ..t.aser Family of Parkhill had the most members present-15. Harry Sheppard en- tertained with his wooden tap-dancing Man to Hen McNaughton's niusie, Allan flayter demonstrated the latest new dance step 'The Barnyard Shuffle'. Seventy Members arid 1 visitor sat down to a bountiful smorgasbord supper at A short business Meeting was conducted by president Ray Morrison, when it was decided to hold next years reunion at Anderson, the third Sunday in July. Eric and Donna Westman will be the President and secretary and Jim and Marion Mitchell will be vice-president and secretary. Allan and Marlene Hayter and family will look after the sports programme. Thelma Mc Naughton will take pictures for the record book. Business Directory