HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-12-06, Page 27The Friends of Ball’s Bridge, agroup of people who wereinstrumental in saving a historic landmark in Huron County, are still busy raising money for this project. They have t-shirts with the picture of Ball’s Bridge on the front for sale at the Auburn Co-op. This will make an excellent Christmas gift for anyone. There are several other souvenirs available by checking out their website at www.friendsofballsbridge.com By supporting this energetic groupknown as Friends of Ball’s Bridge,you are helping to preserve a pieceof our heritage.Bryan Gross and Mary EllenHorne were united in marriage onSaturday, Dec. 1. Bryan is the son ofGordon and Bernice Gross ofAuburn. The wedding took place at KnoxNorth Easthope Presbyterian Church with a reception following at Rec Complex in Milverton. Congratulations is extended to the newlyweds. Bright-eyed youngsters whispered their wishes to Santa Claus on Sunday morning at the Lions pancake breakfast. Santa treated every child to a bag of candy. The winner of the 50/50 draw was Alpine Industry. This week’s winner of the Lions hockey draw was Ross Daer. Last week’s winner was Jim Whytock. Congratulations. The Auburn District Lions is once again having the Christmas lights in and around Auburn judged on Dec. 19. Be sure to turn on your lights. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2007. PAGE 27. The headline in last week’s issue of The Citizen regarding Morris-Turnberry’s decision for curbside garbage pickup was incorrect. Council voted to extend curbside garbage pickup for urban areas but delayed the decision on expanding the service to rural areas. We apologize for any confusion this error may have caused. Children visit with Santa A new friend Little Livia Isa, who will celebrate her first birthday Dec. 21, has a visit with Santa when old St. Nick came to Auburn Hall on Sunday morning, compliments of the local Lions Club. 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