HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-10-25, Page 9THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2007. PAGE 9.
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For more information, please contact us
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In the dark
It was a perfect night for thrills and chills as participants
came out on Saturday night for the annual Witches Walk in
Blyth. There was a good turnout for the annual event, the
proceeds of which go to benefit the local fire department.
Though vandals undid some of the early work of the
volunteers, it was not enough to spoil the fun. (Vicky Bremner
What a change a week can make
and what great weather. Fields are
being wiped clean of the corn crop
and the mound of corn at P & H is
growing daily. The last two fields of
soybeans I have seen daily have also
finally disappeared as well.
The wheat that was planted islooking green and great. Fall leavescoloured against the brownploughed fields make for somebeautiful pictures.I see many fall decorations givingway to Halloween decorations asthat special day is just around thecorner.Howard Hackwell is coming alongjust great and tells me about Pam
Hackwell’s trip to England. Pam
works in a special field of
ophthalmology that produces special
effect contact lenses for actors, etc.
She was off to London, England for
her employer. She had time to visit
some of the high points of London
and enjoyed a great week away.
The building at McGavin’s isprogressing nicely with sides goingon. It amazes some of my kids to seehow much can change from themorning bus ride to the night busride.It was party time at Walton Hallfor the celebration of JudyBeuermann’s 50th birthday.Relatives on the Beuermann andRose side, along with friends,
gathered for a get-together on
Sunday afternoon. Food, fun, visits
and laughs were in store for all.
Our condolences to Jim Cook on
the passing of his mother last week.
It was moving day on the weekend
for Marilyn McDonald who is now
residing in Grand Bend. Good luck
to her in her new community and besure to come back and visit yourWalton friends.I’m sure she will enjoy seeing herfriends dropping in to visit her in hernew place as well.Some members of the WaltonWomen’s Institute were off toPalmerston for a District meetinglast week. Marjorie Humphries andLeona McDonald attended.
There was a great crowd at the
open house for Elgin and Ruth
Schade on Saturday. Happy 50th
anniversary to both of you.
Celebrating birthdays last week
were Maxine Marks, Randy Fraser,
Owen Taylor, Sarah Grobbink,
Jessica Kelso, Mary Helen
McLachlan, Clyde McClure, Travis
Wilts, Ron McCallum, Bryan Kelso,
Brett Lee, Lois McCall and Janice
There was a full house at Duff’s
United Church for the celebration of
Welcomed into the Duff’s family
were Jake Kenneth Bromley, son of
Scott and Colleen Bromley and Ava
Ann Strome, daughter of Ron and
Kim Strome.
The many members of the
McCallum/Bromley and
Fritz/Strome families were on hand
to witness and celebrate the
The families and visitors were
welcomed to Duff’s by Leona
A minute for missions was read by
Ryan Baan and the choir presented
an anthem.
Music was provided by organist
Glenda Morrison and pianist Marie
Kids are reminded about the
family games night this Friday at 7
The turkey supper tickets are out
there so get your advanced ticket
The kitchen cleaning is set for
Monday morning.
It is muffin Sunday after the
service next Sunday.
Full house at Duff’s
for baptism service
Update of History Books
for the
Municipality of
The Municipality is seeking individuals who would be interested in
updating the “history books”for the Township of Morris and the
Township of Turnberry.
If interested or know of someone who may be, please call the
municipal office by October 31, 2007 at 4 pm.
Nancy Michie
Administrator Clerk-Treasurer
Municipality of Morris-Turnberry
Telephone 519-887-6137
Fax 519-887-6424
Email: morris@scsinternet.com
By Jo-AnnMcDonaldCall 887-6570PEOPLE AROUNDWALTON
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