HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-10-18, Page 30By Jo-Ann McDonaldThe fall is upon us and so are themeetings and conventions. Comrades Jo-Ann McDonald, John Lowe, Glenn Bridge and Eric Ross attended the District C convention in Goderich on the weekend. Each attended their various meetings, as well as the general convention meeting on Sunday. Presentations by Veterans Affairs and PIB Insurance were enjoyed by all. The district chairman presented reports with emphasis on changes upcoming for all committees. Membership was emphasized with all Branches needing to pursue new members. Donations from the 52 branches were accepted with the District C Hospital Fund receiving $15,950. Another great example of what the Royal Canadian Legions can do. There was a wonderful presentation by Lisa Weber of Holstein, who was the Ontario Legion representative for the Pilgrimage of Remembrance this past spring. She travelled to Franceand attended the 90th anniversaryof the Battle of Vimy Ridge and therededication of the Canadian National Vimy Memorial. The trip included the touring of many of the cemeteries, as well as meeting the people who are so very welcoming and appreciative of Canadians for their efforts in the World Wars. Mrs. Weber is a public school teacher and an avid history buff. She related a very touching account of this experience and her lasting memories. Friday night suppers are back. There was a great turnout for the roast pork supper last week. This week is chicken wings, potatoes and salads. Friday night is also membership blitz and wing night. Drop in for snack, karaoke and information on joining the Legion or to pay your 2008 dues. Enter the early bird draw to win your 2009 dues like Greta Zehr did. There was a large crowd on hand on Saturday for the celebration surprise party for Lisa Glanville's 40th birthday. Family, friends andothers gathered and enjoyed foodand laughs for a great timedownstairs at the Legion. Happy birthday Lisa. It is Zone visitation by the Zone Commander at the general meeting next Tuesday. Everyone is encouraged to attend at 7 p.m. The annual poppy canvass will be held earlier this year on Saturday, Oct. 27. Comrades are asked to be at the Branch by 9:15 a.m. to help out canvassing or driving Cadets who will be helping. Comrade Al Nichol is a patient in Wingham hospital. We hope he is coming along well. Comrade Marg Bennett is doing well following eye surgery. A committee has been formed to investigate options on making the Branch wheelchair accessible. Comrades include Glenn Bridge, Eric Ross, Nancy Ducharme, Sandra Josling and Jo-Ann McDonald. If anyone has suggestions or ideas on changes they would like to see happen at the Branch, now is the time to speak to any committee member. PAGE 30. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2007.At the BranchComrades attend meeting Contribution Pat Nolan spoke recently to students and staff at Sacred Heart School in Wingham about the need for the food bank in the community. With Nolan are students from the Grade 3/4 class. (Photo submitted) A-Z DRIVERS WANTED OUTSTANDING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES for Experienced AZ drivers at Stevens Transport, Van Division. Competitive pay & benefits. Dedicated equipment & runs. Cdn & US exposure/border crossing experi- ence, clean abstract required. CALL 1-800-263-7461 & Join the Stevens team! AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. 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