HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-10-11, Page 13HESSELWOOD. In loving memory
of Reg Hesselwood, who passed
away on October 14, 2005.
We thought of you with love today,
but that is nothing new,
We thought about you yesterday, and
days before that too,
We think of you in silence, we often
speak your name,
All we have are memories, and your
picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake, with
which we’ll never part,
God has you in His keeping, we have
you in our heart.
– Lovingly remembered by Betty
and family, and sister Lois. 40-1p
RYAN. In loving memory of Mary
Three little words, “Forget me not”,
Don’t seem much, but mean a lot,
Just a memory fond and true,
To show, dear daughter, we think of
– Forever loved and always
remembered by Mom and Dad; Paul,
Cheryl, Curtis and Matthew; Chris
and Celeste; Mike, Kathy, Shane,
Holly and Mitchell. 40-1
WHEELER. In loving memory of a
dear husband, father and grandpa,
Robert Wheeler, who passed away
October 12, 2000.
A life unselfish, for others you lived,
Not to receive, but always to give.
Helpful, willing, thoughtful and
Beautiful memories left behind.
Sadly missed along the way,
Quietly remembered every day.
No longer in our lives to share,
But in our hearts you are always
– Always loved and remembered by
Isabelle, Brian, Suzanne, Wayne,
Julie, Bryce, Chad, Ashley and
Tanner. 40-1p
late of the Township of
North Huron, in the
County of Huron, deceased
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the Estate of the above-
named who died on September 21,
2007, are required to file full
particulars thereof with the
undersigned on or before the 9th day
of November, 2007, after which date
the assets will be distributed having
regard only to the claims of which
the undersigned shall then have
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 11th
day of October, 2007.
Barrister and Solicitor,
52 Huron Street, Box 1087,
Clinton, Ontario. N0M 1L0
Solicitors for the Estate Trustee.
in the Estate of
Helen June Gallop
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the Estate of Helen June
Gallop, late of the Municipality of
Huron East (Brussels) in the County
of Huron, deceased, who died on or
about the 26th day of August, 2007,
are hereby notified to send full
particulars of the claim to the
undersigned solicitors for the
Executorix on or before the 26th day
of October, 2007, after which date
the estate shall be distributed having
regard only to the claims of which
the undersigned shall then have
DATED at North Perth, Ontario this
25th day of September, 2007.
Professional Corporation
Barristers and Solicitors
140 Barber Ave. S.
P.O. Box 67
Listowel, Ontario
N4W 3H2
Solicitors for the Executorix. 39-3
aftermath of an abortion/emotions
you can’t explain? Most post-abortal
women experience trauma in their
lives. Call our 24-hour hotline
collect, 519-323-3751 for
confidential support. e4w
play the music you like. Call Joshua
519-887-6353. tfn
THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2007. PAGE 13.Classified Advertisements Help wantedHelp wanted In memoriam
Corporation of the County of Huron
Information Technology Division
requires a
Network & Security Architect
Working closely in a team environment, the Network &
Security Architect will protect and ensure the accessibility,
stability, integrity, optimization, and security of all County of
Huron network and information systems. This includes
developing, maintaining, supporting, and optimizing corporate
network infrastructures, server infrastructures, information
security mechanisms, data and telecommunication systems.
This person will also determine asset replacement cycles and
standard software for Corporate network hardware, servers,
workstations and communication systems.
Applications will be accepted until October 31, 2007. See
www.huroncounty.ca for more information regarding
qualifications and the application process.
Only those individuals selected for an interview will be contacted.
Information is collected solely for the purpose of job selection under the
provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act.
Food Manufacturing
Listowel $11/hr + shift premiums
Immediate Openings
We require candidates that are able to work day, afternoon and night shifts.
All candidates will be required to work a minimum of one weekend shift per
week. We are looking for candidates that: can work 40-48 hr/; have good
interpersonal; teamwork and communication skills; and can perform a variety
of duties with a range of physical requirements. Season-end bonus.
Interviews will be held immediately. Interested candidates are encouraged to
submit a résumé in person or by mail to:
The Agency Employment Services
125 Wallace Ave N. Listowel ON N4W 1K8
Tel: (519) 291-9865 Fax: (519) 291-9437
e-mail: info@theagencyemployment.com
Website: www.theagencyemployment.com
Please do not contact Campbell’s! If you have any questions or for further
information, please contact The Agency directly.
Parts Administrator
Hensall Location
72090 London Road
R.R. #1 Hensall, ON N0M 1X0
HJV Equipment is a leader in the sales and service of agricultural
application equipment across Eastern Canada. We currently have an
opening on our Hensall team for a Parts Administrator. This person will
be responsible for the computer processing of parts orders, receipts,
transfers and returns as well as updating our inventory system with
substitution and cross-referencing information. The following are the
qualifications required.
• Experience with standard inventory control procedures
• Excellent organizational and time management skills, with the
ability to produce timely and accurate information
• Good understanding of basic accounting principles
• Strong verbal and written communication skills and a pleasant
telephone manner
• Excellent computer skills including experience with
Microsoft Office
• The ability to work well independently and as a team member in
a fast paced customer service environment
• Completion of college or university business administration
courses and/or experience in the agricultural parts industry
would be definite assets.
Please forward résumés no later than Wednesday, October 17
via mail, fax 519-263-2455 or email to ken_hjv@tcc.on.ca
We appreciate all who apply but only those
selected for an interview will be contacted.
Legal notices
Legal notices
Proposals Proposals
Request for Proposal
Snow Removal for the 2007-2008 Season
Further particulars regarding the RFP can be obtained by contacting
Anne Marie Nicholson, Manager of Plant, at
The Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board
P.O. Box 70
87 Mill Street
DUBLIN, Ontario
N0K 1E0
Telephone: 519-345-2440
Deadline for RFP submissions — 12:00 noon, October 24, 2007
Ronald Marcy Larry Langan
Chair of the Board Director of Education
The CitizenClassified
published in
The Citizen
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The Citizen
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