HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-10-04, Page 23THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2007. PAGE 23. MARGARET ANDERSONA dearly loved mother MargaretAnderson passed away peacefully on Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007 at Huronview Home, Clinton in her 85th year. Previously she resided on her much-loved farm at RR1, Londesborough. Mary Margaret Heffron was born at Blyth, Ontario on Jan. 6, 1923. She was the beloved wife of the late David Anderson (1998). She was the loving mother of Robert and his wife Tilly, and Glenyce and Helen. She was a proud grandmother of seven. “Grammy” will be fondly remembered by her grandchildren Sharon and Rosalyn Hartman and Jillian Anderson, Steven and Geoff and his wife Leah Hutter and Claire and Robin McWatt. She has passed on to them her love of cooking andbaking, sewing, gardening and cardplaying. She was predeceased by her brothers William and Gerald Heffron. A memorial service for family and friends was held at the Londesborough United Church on Monday, Oct. 1 at 11 a.m. with Rev. Pat Cook officiating. Interment of ashes was in Clinton Cemetery. The family gathered at the farm to reminisce about the wonderful times and great meals they shared there with her. In Margaret’s memory donations may be made to the Huntington Society of Canada, Canadian Diabetes Association or to the charity of one’s choice.No longer in our hearts to shareBut in our hearts – always there Funeral arrangements were entrusted to the Falconer Funeral Homes Ltd., Clinton. SAMUEL (FRED/TED) STILES Samuel (Fred/Ted) Stiles passed away, after a lengthy illness, surrounded by family at Forest Heights LTCC. He was the much loved husband of Shirley (Lorentz) Stiles, and father of Kenneth Stiles and Sarah Stiles. He was the brother of Junior and Ruth Stiles, Gordon and Jean Stiles, Stewart and Joan Stiles, Barbara and Jim Rumball, Dorthy and George McMichan. Brothers Mac, John, William (Bill), Joseph, Allan; sisters, Alice,Annie, Louise; mother, SarahMartha Speers and father, William Henry Stiles predeceased him. There was a private graveside service.As expressions of sympathy adonation to a charity of one’s choice would be appreciated. Obituaries • be a non-smoker • eat 5-10 servings of vegetables and fruit a day • be physically active • limit your alcohol consumption • use sun protection • follow cancer-screening guidelines Find out MORE about reducing your risk of developing cancer. Call us at 1 888 939-3333 or visit www.cancer.ca. Men, Take Control of Your Health A-Z DRIVERS WANTED 10 AZ DRIVERS NEEDED - $0.40 per mile, 6 months Minimum experience, FAST Card, Dedicated Equipment, No NYC and you can take the truck home! Runs based near Cambridge. Call Today! Toll-Free 1-888-213-3375 Ext.6 (7 days/week) or apply on line at www.transportjobs.net. AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. 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