HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-10-04, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2007. PAGE 3. A North Huron councillor has taken it upon himself to see that the service club signs at the edge of Blyth are replaced. Councillor Greg McClinchey told council at the Monday night meeting, that he had been fundraising to offset the costs and already had collected enough for two of the four signs. “I joined council a year ago and we have talked about replacing these signs in some form since then. I’mgoing to get them replaced,” saidMcClinchey. He asked council for permission to have the old signs removed, to make use of the municipality’s charitable donation number and that municipal staff install the new ones. McClinchey said he hopes to raise $4,000 to cover the cost of four signs and will bring a schematic drawing for council to look at before the signs are ordered. Council approved the requests. The village was saddened yet again to hear that Harold Campbell, a long-time resident of the village had passed away on Sunday morning. Our sympathy goes out to Adeline and her families and extended families. Harold will be greatly missed. On a happier note, happy birthday to Bernice Pierce who celebrates her birthday Oct. 1. Bernice celebrated with a surprise party at the Legion on Saturday afternoon arranged by her family. Happy anniversary to Kim (Craig) and Mark Hornyak of Strathroy who celebrate on Oct. 10. Euchre is back for the fall and winter on Monday nights at the Legion Hall at 7:30 p.m. starting Oct. 15. Come out and enjoy the fun and fellowship. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Greeting at Blyth United Church on Sunday, Sept. 30 were Myrtle Badley and Mary Lou Stewart. Ushering were David Onn and Hope Button. Guest organist was Elizabeth Stennett. Guest speaker Tom Dunbar welcomed everyone to church with the Call to Worship. The first hymn Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, was followed by the Prayer of Confession, the Assurance of Pardon. The choir sang an anthem Make Me a Channel of Your Peace. The peace candles were lit at the front of the church. The scripture from John 4: 1-21 and Psalm 121 was led by Ollie Craig. The hymn My Faith Looks Up to Thee was sung. Mr. Dunbar’s message to the adults was Forever Friends and Neighbours. Mr. Dunbar reviewed some of his speeches for the last five months. He is leaving the church and going on to Victoria St./Benmiller charge as part of his training to be a minister. He said he always felt welcome at Blyth United and will always consider Blyth his home church. Mr. Dunbar thanked at David Onn, Emily Phillips and Steven Sparling for sitting on his discernment committee. Everyone was invited to join Tom and his family for cookies and coffee after the service. Ontario Provincial Police officers checked 832,058 vehicles during the annual province-wide fall seatbelt initiative that wrapped up at midnight. Over the nine days, there were three fatalities where seatbelt non- compliance was a factor. To date in 2007, 97 of the 351 people killed in collisions on roads the OPP patrols were not wearing seatbelts, a 32.9 per cent increase over the same period last year when 73 of the 337 people who died weren’t buckled up. The fine for not wearing a seatbelt is $110 and two demerit points for drivers. This long weekend the OPP will be out in full force targeting aggressive drivers, those who aren’t wearing their seatbelts and those who drink and drive. They will be using aerial surveillance as well and with the new regulations now in effect, will be impounding vehicles where the driver is doing more than 50 kilometres over the posted speed limit, is driving dangerously or street racing. BBLLYYTTHH PPRRIINNTTIINNGG IINNCC.. BLYTH 523-9211 PRINTING IS OUR BUSINESS • Colour • Business Printing Forms • Posters • Brochures • Letterheads • Flyers • Envelopes • Carbonless • Business Forms Cards • Labels WE CAN DO IT ALL! TOWNSHIP OF NORTH HURON BLYTH WARD & WINGHAM WARD LEAF AND GARDEN REFUSE PICK UP Notice is hereby given that leaf and garden refuse pick up for Blyth Ward and Wingham Ward will be October 15, 2007. Residents are asked to place leaf and garden refuse ONLY at the curb between October 6-14, 2007. TREE LIMBS WILL BE PICKED UP AT THIS TIME, BUT MUST NOT BE MIXED WITH LEAF AND GARDEN REFUSE. All other forms of rubbish will not be collected and must be prepared for regular garbage pick up. Residents placing leaf and garbage refuse before and/or after the above scheduled pick up date will be invoiced by the Township for the pick up. By order of Council, Township of North Huron CCoommee oouutt ttoo oouurr aannnnuuaall OOppeenn HHoouussee • Cider Making Demonstrations • Draws • Crackers & Cheese • Sample our own Cider DDoooorr PPrriizzeess Blythe Brooke Orchards 1 mile west of Blyth For more information call 519-523-9338 or 519-482-9371 EEvveerryyoonnee WWeellccoommee Saturday, October 13 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Relax, Rejuvenate … Detoxify Combine a reflexology treatment with an Ion Footbath Michele McDonald Certified Reflexologist 256 Dinsley St. Blyth, On. (519) 523-4351 Call to learn about the benefits of an Ion Footbath and book your appointment today! LAWN QUESTIONS? Organic Programs Available 524-2424 -Trust the Professionals - ACCREDITED By Marilyn Craig Call 523-9318 From Marilyn’s Desk NEWS FROM BLYTH A model citizen Congratulations were in order for Janice Henry, right, who was ambushed at Memorial Hall last week with her plaque as The Citizen’s Citizen of the Year award for Blyth and area. Presenting the plaque to Henry, is Citizen board member Lois van Vliet, left. (Shawn Loughlin photo) Guitar Lessons with Joshua Gropp at Pianovations, Blyth Call 519-523-4535 By Bonnie GroppThe CitizenBlyth service clubsigns to get facelift OPP out in full force