HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-06-21, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2007.EILEEN HAGGITTMrs. Eileen Haggitt of Blythpassed away peacefully at ClintonPublic Hospital on Thursday, June 14, 2007. She was in her 80th year. She was the beloved wife of the late George Haggitt. Eileen was the loving mother of Gordon and Susan Haggitt of Blyth, Evelyn and Jim Blake of RR2, Blyth and Carolyn and Paul Somerville of RR4,Walton. She was the cherished grandmother of Chad, Michael and Christa and Leanne Hagitt, Heather and Kevin Dunbar, Lisa and Chris Stevenson,Lorraine Blake, Craig, Brad andScott Somerville. She was the great-grandmother of Dawson Dunbar, and Kyle and Lerrisa Stevenson. Eileen was the dear sister and sister- in-law of Bob and Frances McClinchey of Blyth, Bill and Joanne McClinchey of Cobblehill, B.C., Jewel Plunkett of Auburn, Norman and Lila McClinchey of Auburn, Dave and Ruth McClinchey of Auburn, John and Maureen McClinchey of Blyth and Eppie Lawrence of Dungannon.Friends were received at the BlythVisitation Centre of the FalconerFuneral Homes, 407 Queen St., Blyth, on Friday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m., where the funeral service was held on Saturday, June 16, 2007 at 2 p.m. Rev. Pat Cook officiated. Interment was in Blyth Union Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy memorial donations to the Blyth United Church or the Clinton Public Hospital Foundation would begreatly appreciated.Flower bearers weregranddaughters Leanne Haggitt, Heather Dunbar, Lisa Stevenson and Lorraine Blake. Pallbearers weregrandsons, Chad and MichaelHaggitt, Craig, Brad and ScottSomerville, and nephew Ron Plunkett. To find out more about offering high school students work experience contact the Foundation for Enriching Education Perth Huron at 519-527-0111 ext 231 or visit www.foundationforeducation.on.ca Training students today creates a pool of skilled workers for tomorrow Sponsored by the Ontario Learning Partnership Group and the Provincial Partnership Council Supported by The Ontario Ministry of Education and The Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Obituaries A-Z DRIVERS WANTED DON MCKAY TRUCKING has posi- tions available for U.S. AZ DRIVERS. 1 year driving experience required. Competitive wages, benefits, home most weekends. DETAILS CALL 1- 800-561-0095 / 519-468-6958 or Fax 519-468-2027. EXPERIENCED AZ DRIVERS NEED- ED - Short/Mid Haul Tanks $0.46+ per mile, Canada and U.S. Teams - up to $0.54 per mile. Excellent Equipment, Lots of Miles, 100% company paid benefits. Call Today! 1-888-213-3375 Ext.222 (7 days/week) or apply online at www.transportjobs.net. 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