HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-05-03, Page 35THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE near Brussels. First and last month’s rent. References. Phone 519-887- 6097. 18-2p ------------------------------------------- LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $750/month, utilities included, five appliances, Londesborough. Phone 519-854- 9790. 17-2 -------------------------------------------- THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE IN Brussels. Phone 519-887-9611. 16-tfn FRESH MAPLE SYRUP, potatoes, onions. Orders for naturally hormone GMO free meats. Noah Stutzman, 84407 Prosperity Line, one block west of St. Augustine. 18-1p -------------------------------------------- PIANOVATIONS MUSIC CENTRE Best Value on New and Used Pianos, Guitars, Digital Pianos and More. Shop Wed. to Sat. 10-6. 287 Main Street, Londesborough, 519-523- 4535. 18-1 -------------------------------------------- PAPPLE’S GARDEN CENTRE IS now open. Special: bulbs in 1 gal. pots 3 for $10, tax included. Gift cards for Mother’s Day and all occasions available. Call 519-522- 0874 or www.papple.ca 18-1 -------------------------------------------- 2007 PHONE BOOKS may be purchased at The Citizen offices in Blyth and Brussels for only $1.00 each. tfn ------------------------------------------- BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Come in and browse through our selection of books mostly on rural themes. The Citizen, 404 Queen St., Blyth, 519-523-4792 or 541 Turnberry St., Brussels, 519-887- 9114. tfn -------------------------------------------- REPRINTS OF PHOTOS taken by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. Many in colour. 4x6 – $4.00, 5x7 – $5.00, 8x10 – $8.00. Phone 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 to order. tfn NEED A BABYSITTER FOR July and August? 15-year-old girl willing to babysit at your home. I have babysitting course. Have babysat kids of all ages for three years or so. Phone 519-523-9372. 17-2 EARN EXTRA MONEY SELLING your vegetables, fruit, home baking, preserves or flea market items at Blyth Area Farmers’ Market, Saturday afternoons, June 30 to Sept. 15. For more information call Keith at 519-523-4792 (days) or 519-523-9636. tfn HACKWELL. Thanks so much to friends and relatives for your thoughts and prayers, plus great appreciation for lovely flowers, visits, telephone calls, letters, cards and goodies. I do value our Emergency Assistance Dept., especially Dr. Allan Kozaros and R.N. Lyn Davies. Thanks to Dr. Rooyakkers and all the nursing and therapy staff of Seaforth Hospital. Many thank yous to Dr. Tomlinson and the nursing and therapy staff of Stratford Hospital also. Last but not least, thanks for the wonderful support of my family. Thanks again, Audrey Hackwell. 18-1p ------------------------------------------- HULLETT CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL. What a great birthday celebration! A special thank you to all those who attended our Community Fun Night and Auction on April 13. The carnival funds raised will be used to help each classroom and put up a new school sign in front of our school. Hullett School’s auction was a huge success and we sincerely thank the local businesses and individuals who donated items to our auction. It was great to see such a big crowd out to support our school. We live in such a wonderful and generous community. – Thank you from all of us at Hullett Central Public School. 18-1 FISCHER. The families of the late Doris (White) Fischer would like to thank everyone for the wonderful outpouring of care and sympathy that has been extended to us and our mother over the duration of her illness and death. What a terrific group of friends and relatives Mom had. We thank all of you for the beautiful floral arrangements and the delicious food items that we all received. Most of all thank you for the beautiful words and memories that you have shared with all of us about Mom. Thank you to Dr. Latuskie and the staff at Listowel Memorial Hospital, and to Dr. Stevens and the staff at Grand River Regional Cancer Centre. Thank you to Frank and Jennie Schimanski from the Schimanski Family Funeral Home in Brussels. Your professional work ethic is second to none and you are both very accommodating to all in such a time of need. Thank you to all who donated to the Canadian Cancer Society or to the Brussels Anglican Church. A heartfelt thank you to the Cardiff family for preparing our meal between the visitations. The food was absolutely delicious and Mom would have been so happy that we all got fed so well. It was exactly what she had requested. Cathy, Mom would have approved 100 per cent. To Rev. Tom Wilson: Mom spoke very highly of you and your thoughtful words provided for such a personalized and touching service. We will miss you when you leave the church. Thank you and safe travels, Tom. Also a kind thank you to Michelle Blake for her lovely piano playing, Mom always thought you were such a sweetheart. To all of the Anglican Church ladies who prepared the luncheon after the service, thank you for offering such a lovely time of fellowship for us. Mom would have been overwhelmed by the attendance at her visitation and funeral. It was such a tribute to her and to her life. We will never forget our dear Mom and we will never forget your countless acts of kindness. Sincerely – Carol, Sandra, Bonnie, Murray, Bruce, Kendra and their families. 18-1 -------------------------------------------- LAPP/HAYLOW. Thank you to the Walkerburn Club for hosting a beautiful shower. It’s wonderful to see the community come together to support us. Also thank you for your gifts and generosity. – Christine and Corey. 18-1b ------------------------------------------- SEERS. Thank you for the treats, cards, and telephone calls from near and far to talk to me. It so helped for a speedy recovery. – Bill. 18-1 -------------------------------------------- WASSON. Thank you to my family, friends and neighbours for the cards, flowers, visits and food sent in and phone calls following my recent surgery. Special thanks for all the prayers on my behalf. Sincerely – Nancy. 18-1 AUBURN HORTICULTURAL Society annual plant sale Monday, May 14, 7:30 p.m., Auburn Community Hall. Doors open after 4:00 for plant donations. Come and bring a friend. 18-2 SCOTT WOODS SHOW, THURS- day, June 14, ,7:00 p.m. Londesboro United Church, $15, 5-12 $5, family $45. 519-523-4228, 519-482-9822, 519-523-4225, 519-527-0349. 18-1 -------------------------------------------- SUNDAY, MAY 6 – HIKE FOR Hospice, Lions Park Picnic Shelter, Wingham, 11:00 a.m. Walkers, bikers, wheelchairs... Bring pledges. Prizes to be won. Contact Huron Hospice Volunteer Service, Wingham site. 519-357-2720. 18-1 -------------------------------------------- CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL auxiliary regular meeting, CPH Conference Room, 10 a.m., Monday, May 7. Come along, bring a friend. 18-1 -------------------------------------------- COME AND GO TEA FOR Winnie Bishop’s 75th birthday, Saturday, May 5, Ethel Hall, 2 until 4 p.m. Your presence is your gift. 18-1 -------------------------------------------- SPRING STUDIO TOUR, MAY 5 and 6, Wroxeter, Belmore, Gorrie area. Visit our unique shops in the heart of Mennonite country. A self- guided tour featuring “The Garage” - Belmore, The Country Shop - north of Wroxeter, Beehaven Consignment Clothing and Crafts - Gorrie, B&B Baskets ‘N’ Gifts - Gorrie, Ceramic Friends - Gorrie, Coulters Corner - Gorrie, Lofty Ideas - Gorrie, D.J.’s Pine and Oak Furniture - Amberley Road between Molesworth and Bluevale. “Country gifts and country prices”. Flyers at each location or call 519-335-3909. woodley@scsinternet.com 17-2 ------------------------------------------- 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF KNOX Presbyterian Church, Bluevale, Sunday, May 6 at 11:00 a.m. Guest speakers will be former pastors. Special music provided. Lunch to follow. Everyone welcome. 17-2 ------------------------------------------- DISTRICT 8 FALL FAIR Ambassador Competition - first time in Brussels, Saturday, May 5 at the Brussels Legion. Speeches begin at 7 p.m. Doors open to public at 6:45 p.m. Donation at the door. Nine contestants vying for District 8 Agricultural Society Ambassador Title. Come out and support our local ambassador, Alyssa Gowing. 17-2 ------------------------------------------- COME AND GO BRIDAL SHOWER for Kristen Vogels (fiancée of Chad Fischer), Brussels Library, May 5, 1- 3. 17-2p ------------------------------------------- ETHEL UNITED CHURCH HAM and Turkey Supper, Sunday, May 6, 4 -7 p.m., Grey Central School, Ethel. Adults - $10, 7-12 yrs. - $5, 6 yrs. and under - free. For tickets: Beth 519-887-6401, Karen 519-887- 9483, Dianne 519-887-9442. 15-4 FOR RENT – 30 FOOT R & R land roller. Phone 519-523-4260. 18-4 GARAGE/MOVING SALE, 39977 Blyth Road, apartment under the Grand View Restaurant in Blyth, Saturday, May 12 from 8 until 2. Everything must go. 18-2 -------------------------------------------- AUBURN VILLAGE YARD SALE, Saturday, May 5, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Auburn Lions Breakfast, Community Memorial Hall, 8 a.m. - 12 noon, $6 per person. Maple Syrup donated by Robinson’s Maple Products. We serve. 18-1 -------------------------------------------- WINTHROP COMMUNITY YARD Sales, Saturday, May 5, 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. Rain or shine. 18-1 LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO babysit, 7-year-old boy before and/or after school, in your house or mine, in the Brussels area. If interested please call 519-887-6839. 18-1 ------------------------------------------- TERRY SPROUL CONSTRUCTION requires one residential framer and one labourer. Must have some experience, 1 - 5 years and be physically fit. Heavy lifting involved. Some out of town. Must have valid transportation. Phone 519-887-6185 after 7 p.m. or fax résumé anytime 519-887-6943. Previous applicants need not apply. 18-tfn -------------------------------------------- STICKERS RESTAURANT, Auburn requires a responsible part- time cook. Will train right person. Phone 519-526-7759. 18-2 -------------------------------------------- ENERGETIC AND WILLING TO learn labourer wanted for a small construction company. Please call 519-887-9611. Experience an asset. 18-1 ------------------------------------------- RELIABLE, PART-TIME EVENING milker (parlour) required, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and every other Saturday from 5:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. Please call 519-523-4492. 18-3p -------------------------------------------- EXPERIENCED FLORAL Designer for Goderich and Blyth flower shops, must have valid driver’s licence, be willing to work weekends and occasional Sundays. Exceptional customer service skills. Drop off or fax résumé to Luann’s Country Flowers and Gifts, 34 Kingston St., Goderich. Fax# 519- 524-0181 or 409 Queen St., Blyth. Fax# 519-523-4855. 17-2 ------------------------------------------- MONOWAY FARMS OF Brussels, is presently looking for a farrowing room technician for a 1200-sow farrow-to-wean operation. Competitive wages and benefit package. Please fax résumé to 519- 887-9837 or call 519-887-6477 or evenings 519-887-9888. 17-2 THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2007. PAGE 35.Classified Advertisements – RRAATTEESS – 20 words or less only $6.00. Additional words 20¢ each. 50¢ will be deducted if ad is paid in advance DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 Articles for sale usiness opportunitiesB Cards of thanks Cards of thanks Auction sales Auction sales Coming events Coming events ccommodation for rentA Babysitting TOLL-FREE 1-877-513-5333 Beat the temptation. arage/yard salesG Help wanted BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED LARGE AUCTION SALE To be held at Thompson’s Tree Nursery Inc. Go 3 3/4 miles north of Seaforth and 2 miles west at 42072 Summerhill Road 519-527-1076 SATURDAY, MAY 12 AT 10 AM Approx. 4,000 trees, large offering of cedar, pines and spruce. Assortment of potted trees and shrubs, potted balled and burlapped hardwoods. Large quantity of evergreens suitable for windbreak. Also 5,000 board ft. of 1” thick white pine lumber, 2000 board ft. of 1" thick air-dried hardwood lumber. Woodmizer LT40 hyd. sawmill with 1385 hours, comes with 70 plus sharpened blades. Being sold as a stationary bandsaw - trailer package available. Owners have upgraded to larger unit (offered subject to a reserve bid). Terms: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Lunch Booth. Auctioneer: Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Clinton www.lobbauction.on.ca For rent ON $5.00 THURSDAYS Drop into either of our offices any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 20 words) and pay only $5.00 + GST (paid in advance). That’s $1.00 off regular rates. The Citizen Please Recycle This Newspaper