HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-04-26, Page 12By Scot Russell,Outreach Co-ordinatorThe skies over the Hullett Marshwere full of ducks, geese and swans as 20-25 people from the Kitchener- Waterloo, Cambridge, Woodstock, London, Central Huron and surrounding area gathered there Saturday, April 21, for Waterfowl Day 2007. Some of the guests were members of the Huron Fringe Field Naturalists and McIlwraith Field Naturalists. We enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and mid-20 degree weather with a showing of 38 bird species counted, including the following 13 species of duck: wood duck, mallard, northern pintail, american wigeon, northern shoveler, blue and green-winged teal, greater and lesser scaup, ring-necked duck, bufflehead, plus hooded and common merganser. Other highlights of the day included a calling male eastern towhee perched conspicuously at the top of a tree for all to see. Hundreds of late tundra swans both on the water and in the air, and Greater Yellowlegs were also encountered on the guided tour offered by the Friends of Hullett. Further species of note included: pied-billed grebe, Canada goose, turkey vulture, red- tailed hawk, ring-billed gull, mourning dove, red-bellied woodpecker, northern flicker, american crow, tree swallow, black- capped chickadee, American robin, cedar waxwing, northern cardinal, chipping sparrow, song sparrow, swamp sparrow, slate-coloured junco, red-winged blackbird, common grackle, brown-headed cowbird, American goldfinch, and a perched, stoic and photogenic great blue heron. In addition to bird life, wood frogs and spring peepers were heard calling, leopard frogs were seen hopping, a painted turtle basking, garter snake slithering and muskrat swimming. The Friends of Hullett appreciateall those who came out to enjoy theday, the ducks and the wildlife withus at Waterfowl Day 2007. We look forward to hearing about additional sightings not recorded on our list. Other species of note this week at Hullett Marsh included double- crested cormorant, sandhill crane, wild turkey, gadwall, common goldeneye, eastern meadowlark, brown creeper, American coot and rusty blackbird. The Spring Ephemerals Walk is April 28. The Owl Prowl is May 5, Canoe Day is May 12. The Songbirds tour is May 26. For details, visit our homepage at www.hullettmarsh.org or see your local newspaper. For more information about the Hullett Provincial Wildlife Area, call 519-482-7011 or e-mail outreach@hullettmarsh.org. PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2007. Gazing They came from near and relatively far to check out the birds at the Hullett Marsh’s Waterfowl Day on Saturday. From left: Linden Thurber, John Farrell and Art Doughty of the Kincardine- Ripley area have a birds-eye view from the observation deck. (Vicky Bremner photo) Waterfowl Day has visitors from afield The municipal taxation rate for Morris-Turnberry ratepayers will decrease by .81 per cent in 2007, according to a budget approved by councillors at their April 17 meeting. That doesn’t mean residents will see their taxes go down, however, as the Huron County tax rate is expected to go up 3.95 per cent while the education levy will remain the same. Holding the tax line was accomplished, in part, because of $200,000 being removed from the road reserve and $106,140 from the paving reserve, toward the road budget expenditures of $1,380,900, and increase of seven per cent over 2006. Largest item in the road construction budget is $325,000 for Glennanon Road reconstruction. Clyde Line in Morris Ward will receive $67,000 of tar and chip paving from Morris Road to Cranbrook Road and Huron-Bruce Road will see $50,000 of tar and chip paving. Added to the reserves were: $25,000 for the future purchase of Wingham Fire Department pumper truck, $30,000 for capital for the Wingham department, $30,000 for the Blyth and District Fire Department capital; and $25,000 for the Brussels library. A policing reserve of $42,197 was set up, making use of the rebate from the Ontario Provincial Police for policing services not provided last year because local officers were reassigned to the stand-off at Caledonia. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH HURON BLYTH, EAST WAWANOSH & WINGHAM WARDS 2007 Dog Tags and licenses are now available: (Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) at the Township of North Huron Municipal Office, 274 Josephine Street, P.O. Box 90 Wingham, Ontario N0G 2W0 ** Tags can be picked up in person or ordered by telephone** • All dogs must be licensed in compliance with By-law No. 04-2007. • A copy of the complete By-law is available for review at the Municipal Office. • All dogs must be identified by means of a tag and license, issued for a (1) one year period by: Monday, April 30, 2007 The fee schedule shall be follows: 1/ For each dog male, female, neutered male or spayed female $20.00 per dog 2/For each additional dog male, female, neutered male or spayed female $25.00 per dog 3/For each Pit Bull or Put Bull Cross dog, male, female, neutered male or spayed female $100.00 per dog 4/Kennel License Fee $90.00 (for a kennel of dogs that are registered or eligible for Registration under the Animal Pedigree Act) 5/Late Payment Charge (Shall be assessed in addition to the license fee, if the license and/or tag is not purchased by April 30th) Excrement: • The By-law requires dog owners to forthwith remove excrement left by a dog, from property other than the premises of the owner of the dog. • Any person contravening this provision is subject to a $50.00 fine. For further information contact: The Township of North Huron Telephone 519-357-3550 Fax 519-357-1110 HURON PERTH HEALTHCARE ALLIANCE Volunteer Opportunities You must be prepared to commit your time and energy to the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance business and offer a good community perspective on health care issues. Interested individuals are encouraged to visit the Alliance’s Website www.hpha.ca and attend the Information Session as follows: Information Session Monday, April 30, 2007 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Stratford General Hospital Site W1N Conference Room - W119 Please RSVP to Brenda Mitchell, 519-272-8210, Ext. 2437 or by e-mail at brenda.mitchell@hpha.ca, if you plan to attend. Information Packages and an Application Form will be available at the session. Clinton Public Hospital St. Marys Memorial Hospital Seaforth Community Hospital Stratford General Hospital Board of Directors ➢one Director from outside the City of Stratford who resides in the catchment area served by Stratford General Hospital. Local Advisory Committee ➢members for the Stratford Local Advisory Committee. TPI Lucknow Travel 1-877-582-5669 Ontario Reg. # 50006589 Thinking of a Motorcoach Tour of Europe or Mediterranean Cruise ~ give us a call? Morris-Turnberry approves .81% decrease in taxes By Keith Roulston The Citizen CCllaassssiiffiieedd aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn TThhee CCiittiizzeenn aarree nnooww aavvaaiillaabbllee oonn oouurr wweebbssiittee aatt wwwwww..nnoorrtthhhhuurroonn..oonn..ccaa