The Citizen, 2007-03-29, Page 2The March meeting of the Melville Guild was held in the church parlour on Tuesday evening, March 20 with 13 members present. Jean Bewley and Mary Carr opened the meeting with the call to worship, The Life of Jesus. Follow Me the Master Said was sung and the scripture Mark 14: 1-11 was read in unison. Jean Bewley read a story, Jesus Betrayed, which was followed by prayer. I am Not Ashamed to Own My Lord was sung. Mary Carr read a story The Legend of the Shamrock and a poem, The Four Leaf Clover. The Mizpah Benediction was repeated by by all to close this part of the meeting. The president, Mary Carr, read a poem, Emerald Isle. Plans were made for the lunch for the Tuesday,April 3 service for Holy Week which is held at the United Church. The Presbyterian WMS Synodical will be held in Listowel’s Presbyterian Church on April 17 and 18. Mary Huether and Leona Armstrong will attend. The springtime supper, to be held on April 29, was discussed. Leona Armstrong and Cathrine Campbell will print the tickets. The next Guild meeting will be held on Monday evening, April 16 with Mary Douma and Marg Work in charge of the devotions. Leona Armstrong gave the WMS report. PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2007. Spring is in the air. It’s more than just a tune to hum this week.The signs are everywhere. Bulbs are sneaking out of the ground by sending forth their wee green leaves as if to check the weather. Birds are singing joyfully at all times of the day even when I get home from work, they don’t seem to care that it’s still dark and for that I’mgrateful.My old standard of springreadiness are the skunks outprowling often in the place I reallydon’t want them – the travelledportion of the road that I’m driving.Summer jobs are on the radar screen for many of our young folks just lately as they try to balance money, experience, possibilities and availability. Summer jobs are the things that make capable adults and the broader the experience the more valuable over a life time. When you look back at your former jobs don’t you always start with the one that you like the mostand then the least or visa versa.Wrapping pounds of butter withHarry Elliott and Cliff Brewer at theBluevale Creamery let me knowquickly that repetitive work was notmy forte while the scrubbing offloors and doing the laundry in Seaforth hospital (yes the old one) helped me see that people service could be a life’s work. So if you know of jobs for kids put the word out. You’ll be helping our world. The young people of the confirmation class from Brussels and Ethel United Churches travelled to Kitchener on Saturday to see howthe Jewish tradition handles lifethere. A bit of history, a littletradition, some reality and lots ofthoughts and discussion helped themsee that we all believe in onesupreme being no matter the nameor day. Thanks Sandra for dealing with the details. Kathy Workman must be feeling her age. She left town for her birthday. It might have an influence that son Peter was in Montreal for a seminar dealing with his new position in Nunavut and they went to meet him there for a good visit. In case you’re missing some young folks out and about, they heard the call to “Go West”. Trevor Wilson, Morgan Bishop, Patricia Wilbee and Philip Graber have all decided to see if the west can be won. They are in boom areas where life as we know it is hard to find but it is offering them experience and events that will stay a lifetime. Thank goodness for West Jet. Holy Week is fast approaching. Daily services have become part of our tradition as the area churches share thoughts and food in the days approaching Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We need to share community as we approach this hold time of year. Stomp in a few puddles as you enjoy your week on earth Bye now, Betty G.W. 13 attend Guild meeting Brownies and cookies Joan Stephenson made an early purchase on Saturday from Jessica Johnston as Brussels Guiding began its cookie sales this past weekend. (Vicky Bremner photo) Brussels Optimist Club Annual Dinner & Auction On Saturday, April 21 The Brussels Optimists will be holding their Annual Dinner & Auction at the B.M. & G. Community Centre All Proceeds to Brussels Fire Department Emergency Lift Air Bags And Grey Firefighters Association Thermal Imaging Camera ALL YOU CAN EAT SUPPER Catered by: Cardiff Catering We are very appreciative of the support we have received from the community in the past and once again we are asking for your generous support. We would be grateful for anything at all, for either the Silent Auction or the Live Auction. Tickets available from any Optimist Member or call 519-887-6502. To donate items contact any Optimist Member. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. KKaarreenn’’ss NNeecceessssiittiieess * Gel nails * Manicures * Pedicures * Waxing * Gel toes G i f t C e r t i f i c a t e s A v a i l a b l e 519-887-6449 770 Ainley Street, Brussels Karen MitchellCertified Aesthetician Patricia Beuermann Registered Massage Therapist and Kinesiologist 80 McDonald Drive, Brussels Phone: 519-887-8246 Cell.: 519-531-0238 BRUSSELS MINOR SOCCER Registration deadline is April 5 for travel teams Parents can call Susan Jared at 519-887-8688 for forms and information. UPLIFTING THE LEGION Viewing Friday, March 30 7 pm - 9 pm Saturday, March 31 10 am - 4 pm Bidding closes at 4:00 p.m. Food, arts, crafts, tools, baking, knitting, vouchers and MORE!!! Silent Auction at Brussels LegionMait-Side Orchard Several varieties Sweet, sweet cider, apple butter, honey. Open 6 days a week Closed Sundays West end of Brussels 519-887-6883 Apples, Apples, Apples NEWS FROM BRUSSELS By BettyGraberWatsonCall 887-6236 887-9231 A NOTE FROM BETTY By Jo-Ann McDonald There has been lots going on at the Brussels Legion Branch this past week. The Cadet Corps went swimming at the North Huron Wescast complex in Wingham, then returned to the Branch for hot dogs. The executive met on Tuesday evening with nine comrades in attendance. Reports were given as well as there being discussion on upcoming events. The auction is the major fundraiser of the spring. Comrades are reminded that donations need to be brought in immediately. It takes a while to set up so the sooner the better. Brussels Agromart held a seed day event at the Brussels Legion on Thursday. Those attending were able to learn about seed orders and marketing crops. Guest speaker was Maurizio Agostino. They also were able to enjoy a breakfast brunch served by employees of Brussels Agromart. The Thursday night darts had 13 take aim at the boards. The first- place team was Heather Little, Roger McHardy and Tim Harrison. Coming in second were Catrina Josling and Gord Jacklin. High shots were by Tim shooting 140 and Sandra Josling shooting a 135. The Friday night supper of pork chops was sold out. This week is lasagna. Congratulations to Comrade Ron Schmidt who participated in Provincial singles darts in Everett. Ron finished in the top eight in Ontario and had a great time. The winner of the event was John Verwey of Auburn. Great job Ron and congrats. Representing the Branch at the District euchre competition held in At the Branch Busy time at Legion Continued on page 7