HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-03-22, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2007. Congratulations to Graeme Craig on his election to position of first vice-president of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association. There were 10 from Huron County travelling to Brockville to attend theannual meeting. They took the trainfrom Stratford to Toronto and wereboarded onto the next train, whennews of the derailment came. Thepassengers were then taken by bus toBrockville. It was quite an excitingway to start their excursion.Attending the OPA convention and election of Mr. Craig were Helen Craig, Neil and Marie McGavin, Don, Maja and Paul Dodds, George Townsend, Steve Corbett and the Queen of the Furrow from Lucknow. Again, congrats to Graeme as he begins a busy next couple of years as the Plowing Match comes to Bruce County near Teeswater in 2008.Our condolences are expressed tothe Wilson and Smith families on thepassing of Mona Wilson formerly ofthe 14th of McKillop. Mona was thewife of the late Harold Wilson andmother of Marilyn Smith ofSeaforth. Our sympathies areextended to all the extended family members. An apology to the Mitchell family children and especially Sean whose name became Jean in last week’s article. Sometimes my penmanship is difficult to read. Spring break usually means children and family getting away, but this time it was Neil and MarieMcGavin with friends Peter and DiniTwynstra from Ailsa Craig. When they left for their weekaway it was very cold with lots ofsnow and on return the snow was alot less and the temperature muchnicer. Quite a change in a week.They headed south searching for warmer weather and found it in Virginia and Kentucky where it was 65°F - 70°F every day. They stayed in the Williamsburg and Jamestown area where there are lots of historical sites with lots of antique places to visit. They toured on the Blue Ridge Parkway which is a twisty, curvydrive through the mountains andShenandoah Valley. The scenery isbeautiful.They also stopped and toured theLuray Caves which displayedbeautiful rock formations, fromyears of nature’s creation. The triphome brought them through Ohio and past many Amish furniture places. Marie reports it was a wonderful getaway. Our condolences are extended to Lin Steffler and Joe on the passing of her mother Geny Dellow. Our COMING EVENTS EXHIBITORS WANTED Fergus Lions Home and Leisure Show, May 9th, 10th & 11th, 2007. Show Chair 519-843-4516, website www.ferguslionsclub.org. TRAIN/TOY SHOW, March 31 - 10am-5pm; April 1 - 10am-4pm; W.B. George Centre, Kemptville College Concession Street, Kemptville (follow hospital signs!). Operating Layouts, Lego, Thomas, Model/Toy Train Vendors, Meccano Display. Bring the family! www.027trains.com, 613-592- 9402. AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. AUTOS FOR SALE GUARANTEED APPROVAL DRIVE AWAY Today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best inter- est rates, over 800 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery. www.autoapprovedcanada.com 1- 800-711-4491 BUSINESS OPPS. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED for U.S. product now available in Canada. Fuel Re-formulator proven to save 7%-19% on gas or diesel costs! No inventory required. 1-800-851-7017, www.canadasavesongas.com. FOOD/BEVERAGE LEASE SPACE: Woodlands Inn Hotel, Fort Nelson, BC. www.woodlandsinn.bc.ca. Sales potential: two million annually. For complete details, contact Ed Bulley at 250-775-0333, woodlandsinn@yahoo.ca. MONEY MAKER. Local route. No sell- ing on your part. For more info call 1- 866-821-2569; www.telecardinfo.com NO JOB SECURITY? Bad boss, crap- py hours, lousy pay? CHANGE IT!!! Teach children, adults to ballroom dance in your own business! Training provided. www.ddddance.com, 1-519- 846-8806. SELLING OR BUYING A SMALL BUSINESS. Post your business for sale, or buy a small business online at www.business2sell.ca. For the month of March you can post your small busi- ness for free. CAREER TRAINING EARN YOUR CAREER DIPLOMA with affordable at home training programs with STRATFORD CAREER INSTITUTE. Over 50 pro- grams are available. Call Toll-Free 1- 800-363-0058 ext.7841 or visit www.sci-online.com/OCNA06. THERE IS A CRITICAL SHORTAGE of medical transcriptionists. Start your on-line career training today! At-home and on-site employment opportunities. Contact CanScribe today for a free information package! 1-800-466-1535 or www.canscribe.com. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. MARITIME DRILLING SCHOOLS entry-level training for land and off- shore oilrigs. Excellent wages, bene- fits and opportunities to travel the world. April 2-21, 2007, April 30- May19, 2007. Information contact: 1- 866-807-3960, www.mdslimited.ca. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. $$$ ATTENTION CHOCOLATE $$$. Here's a great opportunity to make extra income by selling chocolate bars and new products. Managers Wanted. Fundraising services available. Call now: 1-800-383-3589 CANADIAN TAXPAYERS FEDERA- TION is seeking membership repre- sentatives in your area. FT/PT/Seasonal may apply. Paid weekly, equal opportunity, rapid advancement to become managers. Infoline Toll-Free 1-866-443-6020 or for interview CALL Mr. Cunningham today at 1-800-667-7933. CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Switch for Free - limited time offer, call for details! Disconnected? Monthly service only $39.95 and low connec- tion fee! Phone Factory Reconnect 1- 877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca. FUNDING FOR FARMERS & HRDC RECIPIENTS is now available. Training available on Truck, Bus, Heavy Equipment & Forklift. For more details CALL Ontario Truck Driving School. Registered Private Career College. 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SKILLED HELP WANTED AME'S AND APPRENTICES: Prism Helicopters (Pitt Meadows, BC) is a company operating a fleet of MD500's, AS350's and a B205 looking for licensed engineers and apprentices to join our team. MD500 experience an asset. Fax resume to (604) 465-7970, or email: hr@prismhelicopters.com. No phone calls. OLYMEL is a world class Canadian Pork and Poultry Product Producer, with more than 9,000 employees throughout Canada. Our Red Deer location is now hiring FOOD PRO- CESSING WORKERS. COMPETI- TIVE WAGES, RELOCATION PRO- GRAM, EMPLOYEE INCENTIVES!!! Send resume to OLYMEL 7550-40th Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta T4N-6R7. Phone 1-866-926-3544 Fax: (403) 309-7547 apply@olymel.com, www.olymel.ca. VOLUNTEER OPPS. HOST FAMILIES NEEDED. Northern Youth Abroad is looking for families to host 2 youth from Nunavut/NWT, vol- unteering in your community July/Aug. www.nya.ca. Call 613-232-9989. MORTGAGES SINKING IN DEBT? 1st, 2nd & 3rd Mortgages. 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