HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-03-15, Page 22PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2007.One of the special things about theInternational World Day of Prayerservice, an ecumenical Christianservice, is recognizing that people
around the world, in their own time
zones are using the same service of
worship. It gives a particular feeling
of connectedness.
On March 2, the set day for the
service, this area was recovering
from an ice storm. Many
communities did, however, hold
their service that day.
Londesborough’s UCW decided to
postpone the service for a week.
Under much better weather
conditions, those at the service still
felt that special connectedness with
sisters around the world.
Another unique feature of theservice is that each year the serviceis prepared by women’s councils indifferent countries. The women of
Paraguay had prepared the service
for 2007. This practice means we
learn about that land and the life of
its people, particularly the women.
Paraguay is a small, land-locked
country in the heart of South
America which has been plagued by
wars and dictatorships. The people
are recovering from poverty,
environmental destruction and
repression. Paraguayans are known
for their handmade spider web lace
or nanduti and their folk music. The
women attending Londesborough’s
service watched a narrated video
which gave insight into the land andits inhabitants.The service was titled UnitedUnder God’s Tent. There are many
references to tents and cloaks in the
Bible. The title was chosen to
symbolize the journey towards the
unity of all humankind with respect
for differences.
In the book of Genesis one finds
the story of Abraham and Sarah, who
with their tent set out to start a new
The women of Paraguay feel the
world is still journeying to be one
nation united under God’s
Women who attended a service
were encouraged to wear a shawl or
cloak as in the manner of a prayershawl, being wrapped in God’s care.At the end of the service womenpulled the shawl over their heads like
a tent.
The strands and patterns of the
nanduti lace are intricately woven
together to create beautiful pieces.
Similarly the peoples of the world
can be drawn together in harmony
through faith in God’s care and love.
This unity will not come easily. In
Ephesians 4: 1-16 Paul encouraged
the church in Ephesus to work and
live in harmony. He believed that for
the world to live in mutual
respect each person must value the
personalities and gifts of others.
The service at Londesborough was
led by president Barb Bosman, Jane
Hoggart, Rena Kolkman and Lena
Nesbit. Several appropriate hymns
were included such as In Christ
There Is No East or West and Make
Me a Channel of Your Peace.
Other women read segments
representing the voices of women of
The gospel reading, Luke 13: 1-9,
tells of a fig tree that for three years
bore no fruit. When the owner
wanted to cut it down, the gardener
convinced him to give the tree more
The Gift of Time was the title of
the message by Rev. Pat Cook at
Londesborough United Church on
Sunday, March 11.
With the boys and girls gathered at
the front, Rev. Pat talked about what
is needed to make plants grow. They
cut an apple to show God’s sign in
the centre. She remarked to them
that all of us grow in different ways.
Then they discussed how each of
them could help others grow. By a
loving, caring example seemed to be
the consensus.
The responsive psalm, Psalm 63,
speaks of God’s constant love that
stands the tests of time. In her
message, Rev. Cook, reminded the
adults that no matter how many
times a person repents and turns
back to God, He will welcome them.
God has infinite love and time to
give all of us time to change.
John and Barb Jewitt favoured the
congregation with a duet, Mansion
Over the Hilltop.
Rick and Brenda Konarski led the
Lenten Tennebrae that third morning
of Lent. Their theme was to
celebrate the faith, hope and love
found at the cross.
The minute for mission read by
Joan Whyte reassured Christians that
God will not let one of His children
be tested beyond what they can
endure. A corner drop-in centre
associated with St. Stephens’
Community House brings people
back from the edge and helps renew
their lives. The successes they
experience are made possible
through the funds donated to the
Mission and Service Fund of the
United Church.
The flowers in the sanctuary that
morning had been placed in loving
memory of Lloyd Josling by his
Please join the Sunday school on
Thursday, March 15 at 7 p.m. for the
annual crokinole party. This is
always a noisy, fun evening so come
along and be a part. Snacks will be
Time, minister’s message
The Happy Gang Seniors of
Londesborough played host to two
card parties at the Londesborough
Community Hall last week. For a
week that began with severe weather,
both events were fortunate to
experience good conditions.
On Thursday afternoon, March 8,
a card party to benefit the auxiliary
of the Clinton Public Hospital
included dessert. On hand to
welcome guests were auxiliary
members, Shirley Carter and Alice
Andrews of Clinton. Shirley gave a
short presentation on the work of the
auxiliary and mentioned plans for
the future for which funds raised at
the card parties would be used. She
thanked everyone for coming.
There were 16 tables of card
players. When results were tallied,
Murray Forbes was declared high
man with 80 points. Similarly,
Shirley Gilders won the prize for
high lady having scored 76 points.
Having successfully played five lone
hands, Willis Bromley won the
men’s prize for most lone hands. The
lady’s prize for most lone hands was
shared by Joanne MacDonald and
Irene Heimpel for four.
A bird door knocker donated by
Nature’s Nest for a door prize was
won by Doug Cartwright. The other
door prizes, donated by members of
the Londesborough seniors group,
were a wooden lamp won by Eileen
Kuenzig and an afghan won by Ruth
Shiell. There were also draws for 30
items donated by Londesborough
On Friday evening, there were 17
1/2 tables of euchre players gathered
at the hall. With 79 points George
and Deanna Bacon were the
evening’s high couple. Mabel
Wheeler and Helen Dale placed
second with 74 points. For scoring
70 points Willis and Marie Bromley
were awarded third prize.
With a tally of six, Charlie and
Millie Johnston were the most lone
hands winners.
The Happy Gang Seniors will hold
their next euchre party on Friday,
April 13.
UCW hosts World Day of Prayer
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16 tables in play at euchre party
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