HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-03-01, Page 11The benefit dance held for Cal and
Tab McCallum and family had a
good-sized crowd on hand at the
Seaforth Agriplex on Saturday
evening. A disc jockey provided the
music. Beef on a bun and door prizes
and fun was the order of the evening.
Paul and Dianne McCallum spent
five days in Ohio visiting friends
Matt and Jamie Jackson. They didn’t
go to snowmobile but while there,
Ohio received four inches of snow,
which meant no school, terrible
roads and an all-out disaster
according to Ohio residents. Of
course, Paul and Dianne found it
quite funny that four inches could
cause such chaos.
Chad and Crystal McCallum were
also away for a week’s vacation at
Punta Canta, Dominican Republic.
Their resort near La Roma was very
nice and is close to where the new
dock was built for the cruise ships. It
was hot, hot, hot so they had to cool
off by snorkelling, swimming and
being in their air conditioned room. The trip down to the airport in astorm and trip home again in a stormwas the only drawback.’The McGavin families were inToronto from Thursday until Sundayto attend the Canada’s EastEquipment Dealer Associationannual meeting and convention.Brian McGavin has served in theCEEDA in many chairs and has now
completed his years of service. Brian
received his past president’s plaque
during the convention awards
ceremony. There to witness the
presentation were Neil and Marie
McGavin, Shelley, Brandon, Abby
and Tyson McGavin and Jeff,
Shannon, Jacob, Mackenzie and
Teagan McGavin. Congrats to Brian
on his “retirement”.
Returning from a trip to Florida is
Maxine Marks. She reports a good
time although very cool at nights and
most days she still needed a sweater.
She spent two weeks at the
Clearwater area. She was able to
pick grapefruit right from the tree for
her breakfast. She says everything is
very green, flowers blooming
beautifully and grass cutting being
done continuously.
She visited the Sunken Gardens
and Psalm Springs where the sponge
shells are very popular. She alsovisited an orange processing plantwhere they made orange juice,orange wine, orange marmalade andorange honey.,There was a trip to the dog races.She also stopped in at three differentLegions to find them full of seniorshaving fun.Also returning from a trip to FortMeyers, Florida, are Ruth and John
Lowe. They stayed with Ruth’s sister
Cathy and husband Keith and
knowing them, I bet they have a ball
They had quite a trip home on
Thursday evening during the sudden
snowstorm and spent five hours at
the Exeter fire hall with four
Brussels folks and a dozen or so
other stranded motorists. They
eventually made it home safely and
it’s nice to see them back.
Our condolences to Marni
Dingman and Steve Knight on the
passing of Marni’s brother.
Fred and Heidi McClure and
family spent a unique time together
on Saturday. They gathered, along
with Bill and Darlene Nater and
family and with Heidi’s father and
mother, to celebrate Heidi’s dad’s
John’s, 85th birthday. They went on
a delightful sleigh ride at the Hugo
Bontrup Home On The Range farm.They enjoyed hot dogs and hotchocolate after their noon-hour ride.The family also gathered at Billand Darlene’s on Friday night forsupper with the birthday boy Johnand his wife, and Heidi and herfamily.Our thoughts and prayers are withBarry Hoegy as he has undergonesurgery this week in London.
The Walton Hall hosted the
company parties for Winthrop Bus
Lines and Grass Roots Construction
on Saturday night. Dinner was
served to nearly 30 people in
attendance, then an evening of cards
and social time followed.
Mary Huether is the proud
grandmother of a member of the
Markham and Area Precision
Skating team who are the All
The Walton Women’s Institute met
at the home of Ruth Axtmann last
They discussed their usual
business as well as the process of
ownership of the Hall going to
Huron East.
They decided they should inspect
and inventory what is at the
The guest speaker was from Plant
Paradise. The talk was on spring
planting of flowerbeds and different
Lunch was served at the end of the
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By Jo-AnnMcDonaldCall 887-6570PEOPLE AROUNDWALTON
R. Axtmann hosts Walton WI
Only a small attendance was at
Duff’s United Church on Sunday for
the first Sunday of Lent.
Keith and Gloria Wilbee greeted at
the door and Gloria was the scripture
reader. Phyllis Mitchell
accompanied Marion Godkin at the
organ with her violin.
Minister Gail welcomed the new
committee and board members and
led the congregation in the
affirmation of their faith.
The offering was collected by
Fred McClure and Keith Wilbee.
Some annual reports are still at the
church. A newsletter was distributed
to those attending.
World Day of Prayer is Friday,
March 2 at Melville Presbyterian
Church at 7:30 p.m. Gail will be
away for the next three Sundays and
guest speakers will be filling in.
Urgent pastoral care for the
congregation will be provided by
Rev. Cathrine Campbell of Brussels.
The fundraising committee has
plans for breakfast brunch March 11
and April 1 a family games night on
March 24 and a spaghetti dinner in
Duff’s anniversary service has
been set for June 24 and Gail’s last
service in Walton is April 15. This
will be a joint service with Bluevale.
The treasurer reports a shortfall of
givings for this date for expenses
and reminds everyone that PAR is a
great program for ensuring a steady
amount of automatic givings to the
church. Contact Glenda for more
information on this program of pre-
authorized payments.
The United Church Women will
meet Wednesday, March 7 at 7:30
Remember to give your grocery
tapes from Brussels and Seaforth
Foodland and any Zehrs. Marilyn
McDonald graciously tabulates and
and submits this very worthwhile
fundraiser and appreciates
everyone’s help.
The Sunday school invites adults
to share gifts as a class teacher or as
co-ordinator. If you feel you would
be able to contribute your time
contact Monique or Teresa Baan.
at Duff’s
Continued on page 13