HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-02-22, Page 17By Pastor John KuperusBlyth Christian ReformedChurchMy father died on Sunday, Jan.
21, 2007. He had cancerous tumors
around his liver. The cancer was a
very aggressive type.
In November he lost 15 lbs. In
December he took one
chemotherapy treatment. The
doctor told him that the treatments
had a 25 per cent chance of
shrinking the tumors, 25 per cent of
stabilizing and 50 per cent chance
they would do nothing at all.
After one treatment he decided
not to take any more. He was
hoping and praying for a miracle
that he would be healed.
By the end of December, he
deteriorated to the point where he
could not drive or leave his home
unless assisted. He acknowledged
that his days of driving his pickup
truck were over.
While he was homebound, he had
a lot of visitors. Over the new year
my family and I went to New Jersey
and we said “goodbye.” Before we
returned to Canada, one day my
children went to see him two at a
time. They all had a chance to say
A week later, my dad spent most
of his time in bed. Any noise
bothered him, so even my mom’s
clocks that chime, were stopped. It
was at this point he needed 24-hour
care. His diet was reduced to water
given to him in a straw. Sometimes
he even had trouble holding that
I returned to visit my father the
week before he died and spent three
days with him. I probably hugged
my dad more in those three days
than in my entire lifetime. It was
role reversal. My parents were
always strong for me and now my
siblings and I were strong for him.
(My parents had six children and 31
One of the observations I noticed
about my father is that he was
concerned about others. He was on
his deathbed and he asked my aunt,
“How is my brother?” His brother
was in rehabilitation to walk. That
was my father.
He also shared with the family
that his favourite song was There is
Power in the Blood. I pondered why
he liked this song. The first line of
the song says, “Would you be free
from the burden of sin? There’s
pow’r in the blood, pow’r in the
blood; would you o’er evil a victory
win? There is wonderful pow’r in
the blood.”
The fourth line of that song says
this. “Would you do service for
Jesus your King? There’s pow’r in
the blood, pow’r in the blood; would
you live daily His praises to sing?
There’s wonderful pow’r in the
blood.”As I ponder the message of thissong, it is dealing with impurities.My dad as a dairy farmer, was very
much aware of the impurities we
deal within our world. I think
that the way of measuring bacteria
is different in Canada and the
Acceptable levels of impurities do
not only apply to milk. Coffee beans
I have heard can be 10 per cent
insect infested and be sold. If the
infestation is over 10 per cent it is
pulled and cannot be sold.
The point is that we allow for
impurities on a deeper level as well.
He said things he should not have
and blew up at times too. I believe
he knew the tragedy of impurities in
our hearts and the need for
cleansing. He must have wrestled
with how an unclean people can
come into the presence of a holy
The song says, “There is power in
the blood.” The Bible speaks of the
significance of blood in Genesis 4.
Cain has killed his brother Abel
because he was jealous that Abel’s
sacrifice was accepted while his
was not. God speaks to Cain and
says, “Where is Abel, your
Cain answers, “I don’t know, am I
my brother’s keeper?”
The Lord said, “What have you
done? Listen! Your brother’s blood
cries out to me from the ground”
(Genesis 4: 9-10).
This conversation tells us that
blood speaks beyond the physical
world. There is power in the
Another place in the Bible that we
hear of the power in blood is when
the people of Israel are in Egypt.
Jacob and his family came to Egypt
to avoid the famine in Israel. His
son Joseph was a slave, but hasrisen to be the second in commandof Egypt. Over the years, the Egyptians
forgot about Joseph and enslaved
the Israelites and they cried out to
the Lord for deliverance. God raised
up Moses to lead them. Moses asks
Pharaoh to let my people (the
Hebrews) go.
Pharaoh refuses and there are nine
plagues that come upon the land as
a result of his disobedience.
Then there is the 10th plague.
Every firstborn male of humans and
animals will be killed, unless there
is blood of a lamb upon the
doorpost. Every home with blood of
a lamb upon the doorpost, the angel
of death would pass over.
To this day Jewish families
celebrate this event and it is called
the Passover. A lamb was slain on
behalf of the oldest male child.
The firstborn males would
recognize that a lamb was slain in
their place and its blood covered
Just as the oldest child needed to
be covered by blood of the lamb, the
New Testament tells us about
another lamb, the Lamb of God.
This Lamb shed his blood so that
whoever believes in him, may be
saved from death. Whoever is
covered by the blood of this Lamb
will be saved.
I believe my dad understood the
power of the blood to save him from
the angel of death.
Jack Heyford in his book The
Divine Visitor points out three
functions of blood in the physical
world that connect us with the
unseen world. This was helpful for
me to understand why my dad loved
to sing “There is power in the
First, blood carries pollution back
to the kidneys to be cleaned. Theblood serves as a purifier. The song brings out that whenJesus is Lord of our lives, his blood
purifies us from sin. I John I:7 puts
it this way, “The blood of Jesus
Christ His Son cleanses us from all
A second function of blood is that
it nourishes. When we eat food, it is
assimilated into the blood, which
carries nourishment to other parts of
the body.
This same principle is spiritual
truth practised in church when
communion is taken. Jesus said,
“Unless you eat the flesh of the
Son of Man and drink His Blood,
you have no life in you” (John
What Jesus is saying is real
nourishment to our invisible inner
being is fed through Christ’s body
and blood. The preacher normally
says these words, “Take, remember
and believe the blood of our Lord
Jesus Christ was shed for a
complete remission of all our
The picture we get is one of
cleansing of sin as well as
nourishment. Jesus gives us life and
empowers us to meet the challengesof each day.A third function of blood is tohelp fight off infections. Our blood
contains cells that resist organisms
hostile to the human body. In the
invisible or spiritual world, a battle
is raging and Satan’s goal is to
destroy and keep people from God.
Revelations 12:11a speaks of the
power to resist being in the blood of
the Lamb.
“They overcame him by the blood
of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony.”
I have a better understanding why
dad liked this song. I want to thank
my heavenly Father for giving his
Son as the perfect Lamb to take
away the sin of the world. I am very
grateful for the covering of his
blood that gives me life. What a
wonder and a joy as we face the
enemy of death.
THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2007. PAGE 17. From the Minister’s StudyWhen there’s power in the blood
SUNDAY ~ 9:45 to 10:45 am
Phone 519-440-8379 308 Blyth Rd. E. ~ Pastor Les Cook 519-523-4590
BB ll yy tt hh CC oo mm mm uu nn ii ttyy CChhuurrcchh ooff GGooddLooking for a Great
Sunday School Experience?
Sunday 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship Service
7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship Service
Wednesday 6:30 p.m. - Family Night with “Olympians”
7:00 p.m. - Adult & Youth Bible Study
Something for everyone!
Call the church for current Youth events
Auburn - 519-526-1131
Welcomes you to come
and worship with us
The Rev. Tom Wilson, B.A., MDiv. 519-887-9273
Trinity, Blyth
9:30 a.m.
St. John's, Brussels
11:15 a.m.
Corner of Dinsley & Mill Street
Blyth United Church
Office: 519-523-4224
Worship Service, Sunday School & Nursery
11:00 a.m.
Guest Speaker: Bruce Whitmore
Sunday, February 25
All Welcome
Sandra Cable, Worship Leader
Church Office 519-887-6259 E-mail - bepc@wightman.ca
Celebrating our Christian Faith together in worship
Sunday, February 25
Ethel United Church
Worship Service & Sunday School
9:30 a.m.
Brussels United Church
Worship Service & Sunday School
11:00 a.m.
February 25
Baptism and Communion
Please join us for worship
Morning Service 10:00am
Evening Service 7:30pm
Pastor John Kuperus
Hwy. 4, Blyth
Rev. Cathrine Campbell - 519-887-9831
Wheelchair accessible ~ Nursery care available
11:00 am - Sunday Morning Worship
- Sunday School
9:30 am - Sunday Belgrave Service
Pastor: Ernest Dow ~ 519-523-4848
February 25: Luke 4:1-13
Christ-centred, Bible-believing,
Fellowship-friendly, Growth-geared
Living Water
Christian Fellowship
at Blyth Public School,
corner of King & Mill
10:30 a.m. ~ Worship & Sunday School
Mondays 7:30 pm -Power of a Praying Woman DVD
Tuesdays 7:30 pm -Wingham Small Group
Fridays 7:30 pm -Youth Group
Lent 1 Communion
“Saying No
to the Tempter”
Saturday, February 24th:
Snow Fun Day, depart BPS 1 pm
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