HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-02-15, Page 15Don’t expect to hear apologiesfrom Bruce Saunders for Dairy Farmers of Ontario’s decision to impose a 15 per cent transfer assessment for quota sold on the quota exchange up to a $30,000 per kg. level. “I will not apologize for what we did,” the DFO chairman told the annual meeting of the Huron County Dairy Producers in Brussels, Monday. “I’ll only apologize if we haven’t done enough.” Saunders was answering criticism from a couple of producers at the meeting for the attempt to halt the increasing price of milk quota. “What we’re trying to do is absolutely right and give us credit for having the balls to do something about it,” he said. He received an ovation from the majority ofproducers in the room for hiscomments.Referring to his earlier commentsat the meeting of the possibilities for losses to the industry from a World Trade Organization agreement, Saunders said it was essential that the industry get its cashflow in order. In five or 10 years people might be describing today’s prices as “the good old days,” he said. At the same time, “Your costs are not going to go down.” To finance quota at $30,000 a kg “you have no cashflow left,” Saunders said. As for a young person coming in, the only way they can do it is to steal from current cashflow to finance the future, he said. “I’ve been focussing on the risk to the industry for the future,” he said. He warned dairy farmers that if they are hurt by a WTO agreement not to expect help from government.“If anyone in this room thinksgovernment will have a buyout forsupply management they have a lotbetter faith in certain people than I do,” he said. Recently U.S. and European Union negotiators have been holding talks behind closed doors and seem to be making progress, Saunders said. Canada’s negotiator had recently returned to Geneva to be on hand. There is pressure to complete an agreement before the U.S. “fast track” approval runs out in July. With a president at the end of his term it might be impossible to get the fast track extended which might mean no agreement before 2010, he said. Rumours of what the agreement might contain are not good for the dairy industry, Saunders said. The level of allowance for “sensitive” products is about half as high as theindustry needs meaning the level oftariffs would be reduced so low dairyproducts would flow in. As well, to protect those products that are classed as “sensitive”, Canada will likely have to give greater market access in other areas. “We knew going in that supply management had nothing to gain,” Saunders said. “We could only limitthe damage.”He warned that if there is a WTOagreement, Canada will sign it,whether it hurts supply managed commodities or not. Dairy farmers best allies are really countries like India, Brazil and Indonesia who may not think they benefit from the agreement, he said. PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2007.Saunders has no apologies for quota COMING EVENTS HUGE RV SHOW - "34th ANNUAL" Campground Operators & Suppliers Feb. 16th & 17th 10am-9pm, Feb. 18th 10am-5pm. Admission $10.00 Western Fair Grounds, London. An opportunity for a $5000.00 cash draw for anyone who buys a unit @ the show 1-519-685-1110. AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are imposters who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. AUTOS FOR SALE GUARANTEED APPROVAL DRIVE AWAY Today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best inter- est rates, over 800 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery. www.autoapprovedcanada.com 1- 800-711-4491 BUSINESS OPPS. AMAZING COFFEE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. 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Call today toll-free 1-800-201- 0864. Network Classifieds:Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! • It’s Affordable • It’s Fast • It’s Easy • It’s Effective • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $82 • Eastern Ontario $143 • Western Ontario $133 • Central Ontario $139 • All Ontario $424 • National Packages Available! For more information contact Your local newspaper By Keith RoulstonThe Citizen Challenge: Getting enough calcium and vitamin D to maintain strong bones and protect against osteoporosis Solution:Women 19-50 years of age should consume 1000 mg of calcium and 5 ug (200 IU) of Vitamin D per day. Milk and milk products, such as cheese and yogurt provide the most readily available source of calcium and other bone building nutrients. Other sources include calcium-fortified beverages (soy, rice and orange juice) tofu made with calcium sulfate, salmon and sardines with bones, sesame seeds and almonds. Bok choy, kale and broccoli also provide calcium but in smaller amounts. Vitamin D is found in fluid milk, eggs, fish and fish liver oils, margarine as well as in soy and rice beverages fortified with vitamin D. Sunlight on the skin can be a major source of vitamin D but is limited in Canada from October to March and by use of sunscreens. To prevent osteoporosis women are encouraged to get enough calcium, vitamin D and protein, limit caffeine, have sodium in moderation, and keep active particularly with weight-bearing activity.