HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-01-25, Page 15The hot topic was the cold and blustery weather this week. Most days last week presented an early morning or late day challenge. The B-W Trailblazers held their monthly meeting at Walton Hall on Wednesday evening. I’m sure their hot topic was trails – staking and grooming. This past week or two has seem the trail stakes going up. I can see the trail from our house and the groomer made a slow pass by on Sunday.Those with snowmobiles areanxiously waiting to get out.In Brussels on Friday evening nearthe arena, there were a few machinestaking advantage of the heavy Fridaysnowfall.The Walton Hall was the meetingplace for the Huron Perth MiddlesexBeef Breeders Association last Tuesday. There were nearly 20 members and executive in attendance to first enjoy a soup and sandwich dinner provided by the Hall board members. Helping out were Judy Lee, Audrey Hackwell and Jo-Ann McDonald. The Walton Hall had its third meeting of the week on Thursday evening. The Walton Women’s Institute and the Walton Hall board met to discuss the various running points of the Hall. The contact number for the Hall is 519-887-6735. Keith and Gloria Wilbee were thehosts for two couples on Saturdayevening. Donating a dinner for four atthe Duff’s United Church Auction lastspring, a mutual time to get togetherfinally happened on Saturdayevening. The lucky couple of Bill andSharon McClure, who purchased theauction dinner, along with their guests Ken and Brenda Dalton enjoyed a wonderful evening at the Wilbee home. A delicious dinner was enjoyed by all, then an evening of cards and socializing passed the night away. I’m pleased to report that Mary Humphries is out of the hospital and back to her home. We wish her steady improvement as she continues to recover from pneumonia. The Walton Inn looks different this week. The big tree out front of the Inn was removed on Saturday. Now the morning sun will be able to shine in the big front windows and thosewatching out the windows will beable to see everything going by.Speaking about looking out thewindow, as I am writing I glanced outand saw something across the roadmoving across the field. It was eithera very large dog, or a wolf or coyote.I watched its progress as it headedtowards Walton, until the landscape dipped and I lost sight. Waiting a few minutes, I kept watching until not one animal appeared, but two of them. They crossed the highway onto our property and headed towards the bush. I could see them quite clearly. They were very large and dark – probably wolves. This may not be unusual seeing wolves but at 10 a.m. in the open fields, I thought it was. It's been a while since the Walton fox saga; maybe this year it will be the saga of the Walton wolves. Duff’s United Church will hold its annual meeting on Jan. 31 at 7 p.m. Apotluck dessert item would beappreciated.Grocery tapes for Foodland,Brussels and Seaforth, and any Zehrstapes would be appreciated. Theycould be turned into the church withinthe next few weeks. TabulatorMarilyn McDonald would appreciateif they are flat and sorted into the different stores, just to help out a little. Thanks in advance. The birthday group for this past week included Catharine Baan, Heather Clarke, Joan Ritchie, Marni Dingman, Clint Emmrich, Angela Fraser, Nadine Ringgenberg, Marie Coutts, Henry Grobbink, Kaitlin Ritchie, Leona Armstrong, Helen Duncan, Brandon McGavin, Helen Williamson, Janice Carnochan, Connie Alcock, Valerie Bachert, David Griffith and Kendal Carnochan. PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007. AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. 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