HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-01-25, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007.By Jo-Ann McDonaldThe week at the Brussels LegionBranch began with nearly 20Comrades attending the funeralservices for Comrade Lyle Brothers. The service was held at the Brussels United Church with Comrades of Branch 218 conducting the Royal Canadian Legion funeral tribute, led by Branch Padre Tom Wilson. The memorial service followed, led by Sandra Cable. Comrade Lyle was a veteran of the Second World War and a 27-year member of REME, the engineering division of the Armed Forces and was stationed near Ottawa, on the St. Lawrence River. Lyle and Alice were faithful supporters of the Branch’s Friday night suppers. Our condolences are extended to Alice and family. The executive of the Branch met on Tuesday evening with nine members present. Committee reports were presented. Membership chairman Greg Wilson reported only 25 members have not paid their 2007 dues. Reminder notices will go out in the newsletter. The nominating committee wasappointed and will be callingComrades to become involved onthe executive or on variouscommittees. Take time to consider helping the Branch by serving a term. Fresh faces bring new ideas and can only make the Branch a better place. On Wednesday the Branch was the place for the Huron County Beef Producers Association annual meeting. Nearly 85 hungry members enjoyed a roast beef dinner prepared by the Legion catering group. Helping out this time were Glenn and Jean Bridge, Sharon Robbins,Deb Cann, Mabel Willis and Jo-AnnMcDonald.There were 14 darters on hand atThursday night darts. The first-place team was Sharon Robbins and John Harrison. The second-place team was Marlene Little, Alex Mawhinney and Gord Jacklin. The high shots for the night were by two ladies – Heather Little shooting 140 and Catrina Josling with 138. The Friday night supper had only a few people brave the stormy night for salisbury steak. This week is sausage and sauerkraut.Saturday was Zone euchre hostedby the Blyth Branch 420. There weretwo teams from Brussels attendingand one team finished in the top 10 out of 44 teams. The team of Helen Dobson, Mabel Willis, Norm Dobson and Harry Smith will advance to District play in March. Sandra Josling, Jo-Ann McDonald, Jim Brown and Lloyd Glanville enjoyed the play and day. Our condolences to Comrade Eugene Janes on the passing of his brother Ray in Seaforth. Our sympathy is extended to the family. Yippee, winter is here. The wonder of white lying so peacefully on the covered ground is one of the most tranquil scenes. It makes all other thoughts leave, as you clear your mind for the peaceful view. So yes, I do like winter. The challenges of driving in January in Huron County are what keep us alert and up on our driving skills. Slick roads, unexpected drifts and variable visibility remind you of all the senses that are required of a good winter driver. Last week was a refresher course on the skills of driving. Annual meetings are being scheduled and held – a time to look at the past year and see if the work held up to scrutiny and still remains relevant to the cause and the purpose for being. The world is in constant change and if we don’t stay in touch with those changes we can very soon lose our relevance. That’s probably the hardest part of any organization: defining a purpose that fills the needs of its varied members. So keep up the good work as you start into the next year’s agenda. As people around you change and grow, it doesn’t take a very large leap to see that yes, you’ve changed as well. Real estate being viewed and discussed, grandchildren growing by inches in a very few days, secondary education reviewed and critiqued. Yes, life is all about the people in your circle and January is a great time to make and review changes that could and would make life much more interesting. Bye now, Betty G.W. At the BranchComrades conduct service Building a platform Parry Sound-Muskoka Conservative MPP Norm Miller was on hand last Friday at the Centre for Applied Renewable Energy in Brussels to hear the issues of the people who are living them. The PC party is in the process of building its platform for the upcoming election year and Miller said that rural affairs will be a big part of that. (Shawn Loughlin photo) The Citizen 541 Turnberry St., Brussels 519-887-9114 404 Queen St., Blyth 519-523-4792 THE REAL WOOD BIBLE For the woodworker who loves wood, this is a complete and illustrated guide to choosing and using 100 decorative woods, from common native woods to exotic imported woods. Gives key characteristics, advice on working with the wood. $29.95 FEEDING WILD BIRDS IN WINTER Brighten dull winter days by helping attract colourful wild birds. $9.95 JOY OF QUILTING Wit and wisdom from Helen Kelley, the most popular quilting columnist in the U.S. Through these entertaining and light- hearted yarns. You’ll experience her insights into the warmth and enjoyment of quilting. 224 pages, hard cover. $22.95 Great Winter Reading NEVER SAY DIE Hot off the press, the latest hilarious adventures of Dr. David Perrin bestselling author of the “Adventures of a Country Vet” series which started with Don’t Turn Your Back in the Barn and continued with Stallside Manner and Where Does It Hurt? $23.95 SECRETS FROM THE VINYL CAFE Stuart McLean’s latest collection of 16 hilarious stories covers such wide- ranging topics as passion, double lives, lies and betrayal, civil disobedience and arson, theft and petty crimes. 274 pages, hard cover. $34.00 Drop in and see these and other books BRUSSELS SKATING CLUB For more information: Karen Smith 519-887-6000 or Allyson Cardiff 519-887-9988 Come see us at the beach! Brussels, Morris & Grey Community Centre, Brussels Admission at the door: $5.00 per person Under 6 yrs.FREE Family Rate: $20.00 (4 or more over 6 yrs.) presents HOT! HOT! HOT! SKATING CARNIVAL Sunday, January 28 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm NEWS FROM BRUSSELS By Betty Graber Watson Call 887-6236 887-9231 A NOTE FROM BETTY Students bring fresh ideas, energy and enthusiasm into the workplace To find out more about offering high school students work experience contact the Foundation for Enriching Education Perth Huron at 519-527-0111 ext 231 or visit www.foundationforeducation.on.ca Sponsored by the Ontario Learning Parternship Group and the Provincial Partnership Council Supported by The Government of Ontario CCllaassssiiffiieedd aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn TThhee CCiittiizzeenn aarree nnooww aavvaaiillaabbllee oonn oouurr wweebbssiittee aatt wwwwww..nnoorrtthhhhuurroonn..oonn..ccaa