HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-01-11, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2007.By Rev. Ethel Miner ClareKnox United Church, BelgraveThe telephone rang. “Well, Christmas is finally overfor another year! It has been a week since we celebrated New Year’s and our Eastern Orthodox friends had their Christmas last Sunday. The lights are down, decorations stored, and all that Christmas stuff is gone from the mall. What’s new in your world?” It was the voice of a friend who lives in another province. She had called to chat. Long after I hung up the phone her words “Christmas is over” echoed in my thinking. ‘NO CHRISTMAS IS NOT OVER’ I wanted to shout across the miles. Well, maybe all the partying is over. Certainly carols aren’t being played on radio stations any longer. And all those timers that turned onlights when dusk arrived have beendisconnected. But no, Christmas is not over. Thethings of Christmas that really matter are still here. What about the hope that came into the world in the tiny baby that first Christmas long ago. Emmanuel, God-with-us, the one who came to show us how we should live and love, continues to be with us if we open our eyes and look around. Think about the husband who cooks and cares for his invalid wife, and the love that shows in his eyes when he talks to her. What about the young teen who has been given a life-changing diagnosis, but is determined to live each day to the fullest and who still dares to dream a future. What about the couple, who dearly want children, but because of a genetic problem are making plansto welcome an adopted child. Internationally we see hope aswell. There is great hope in theannouncement from the Night of A Thousand Dinners people who tell us land mines will be cleared sooner than anticipated. Hope is found in the hands of young people who are able to go to school because people care and donated money to make this possible. We can see hope in the eyes of hungry people whenever a Canadian Foodgrains bag of grain is opened across the oceans. You know, you and I can bring that hope to people right here in our area. We can offer a word of encouragement to one who is struggling; a shoulder to cry on to another who is grieving; time to a harried parent. Someone who is lonely might appreciate a dinner invitation. An aged relative mightlike a phone call or note keepinghim/her up to date with family news. I believe whenever we give hope,that Christmas is not over. The words of Jim Strathdee’s modern carol come to mind: When the song of the angels isstilled,when the star in the sky is gone,when the kings and the shepherdshave found their way home, the work of Christmas is begun. May God’s people be blessed as they bring hope to others in 2007. From the Minister’s StudyWhat matters about Christmas still here Belated sympathies go out to Betty Anne Chisholm and Alex of Auburn on the passing of her father earlier in December. Oscar Schefter passed away on Dec. 12 in his 86th year. He was residing in Lucknow at the time of his death. Along with other family, Mr. Schefter leaves two brothers and one sister in the Gorrie, Wingham area. The Auburn community also extends sympathy to the family of Dorothy Grange. Children are, Elizabeth (Roderick Singh), London, Marg (Thomas Morris), Goderich, Jennifer (Timothy Avery), Toronto and Shelley (Robert Worsell) of Auburn. Visitation was held at McCallum and Palla Funeral Home and a memorial service was held at Knox Church, Auburn a week ago, Friday. Daughter Jennifer and grandson Graham provided lovely eulogies about their mother and grandmother. On Dec. 18 approximately 30 members of Friends of Ball’s Bridge met at the home of John and Helen Moore for a potluck dinner. Great food and company was enjoyed by all. Earlier in the day, a steering committee including Rebecca Garrett, Daryl Ball, Warden Shewfelt and Reeves Bert Dykstra and Ben VanDiepenbeek met and the two municipalities declared a willingness to take over the bridge. Over 20 of the members met at the County meeting and were pleased to see 14 council members vote in favour of saving the bridge while five voted against it. There is still a lot of work to do and the Friends of Ball’s Bridge are in need of the continued support from the community. The Friends of Ball’s Bridge, have had visitors from all over Canada, the U.S. as well as England and Germany sign the petition for the bridge. To date there are close to 1,000 signatures on line, as well as many signatures that have been collected at the bridge and other locations. For more information on the bridge, you can visit www.friendsofballsbridge.com The committee expressed a particular gratitude toward Judy David for doing such a wonderful job on the website as well as to Rebecca Garrett and Daryl Ball for all their hard work. They were not alone and all those on the committee who have worked so hard to save Ball’s Bridge are to be commended. Great work everyone. I am sorry to report that later that same day, committee member Bill Seers had an unfortunate accident and fractured his ankle. Here’s to a quick mend. Wayne and I along with son Jeffrey and daughter Leah, attended Myrah Bauer’s fourth birthday in Clinton on Sunday. Other guests included Auntie Donna from London, Emily and Debra Drennan of Goderich. Myrah’s mom and dad, (Monica and Steven Bauer) made sure everyone was well fed. What little room we had left, was filled with the traditional cake and ice cream. I wouldn’t have thought the stores had any toys left – but here we were again. Great fun! Early evening had Leah and Jeffrey headed back to their respective corners of the world and Pa and I are already finding it pretty quiet around the ‘ol ponderosa. FOR ALL AGES SUNDAY ~ 9:45 to 10:45 am WORSHIP SERVICE AT 11:00 am Phone 519-440-8379 308 Blyth Rd. E. ~ Pastor Les Cook 519-523-4590 BB ll yy tt hh CC oo mm mm uu nn ii ttyy CChhuurrcchh ooff GGooddLooking for a Great Sunday School Experience? THIS IS IT! P U P P E T S S T O R IE S DRAMAMUSIC BRUSSELS - ETHEL PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Sandra Cable, Worship Leader Church Office 519-887-6259 E-mail - bepc@wightman.ca Celebrating our Christian Faith together in worship Sunday, January 14 Ethel United Church Worship Service & Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Brussels United Church Worship Service & Sunday School 11:00 a.m. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Welcomes you to come and worship with us SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 The Rev. Tom Wilson, B.A., MDiv. 519-887-9273 Trinity, Blyth 9:30 a.m. St. John's, Brussels 11:15 a.m. Corner of Dinsley & Mill Street Blyth United Church Office: 519-523-4224 Worship Service, Sunday School & Nursery 11:00 a.m. Sunday, January 14 All Welcome Guest speaker: Barbara Hicks Please join us for worship SUNDAYS Morning Service 10:00am Evening Service 7:30pm BLYTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Pastor John Kuperus Hwy. 4, Blyth This week’s message: Peacekeepinggetlivingwater.org Pastor: Ernest Dow ~ 519-523-4848 January 14: 1 Cor. 12:12-30 Evangelical Missionary Church Living Water Christian Fellowship at Blyth Public School, corner of King & Mill 10:30 a.m. ~ Worship & Sunday School Mondays 7:30 pm -Power of a Praying Woman DVD Fridays 7:30 pm -Youth Group “The Spirit’s Gifting -- a Complete Workout” Jan. 21: Potluck, Annual Meeting The Jan. 8 meeting of the Walkerburn Club has been cancelled. The next one will beheld at Ila Cunningham’s on Feb. 12. Betty Archambault will be on lunch and Dorothy Schneider will have the program. St. Patrick’s Day favours will be made for the trays at Clinton hospital. On Jan. 15, the Club members will be meeting at Ball’s Cemetery at 1:40 p.m. to travel to Restview Retirement Home to sing old-time songs. Members are to bring a few cookies. MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRUSSELS SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 Rev. Cathrine Campbell - 519-887-9831 Wheelchair accessible ~ Nursery care available 11:00 am - Sunday Morning Worship - Sunday School 9:30 am - Sunday Belgrave Service Sunday 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship Service 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship Service Tuesday 7:30 p.m. - Youth Bible Study Wednesday 6:30 p.m. - Olympians (JK to Grade 6) 7:00 p.m. - Adult Bible Study Friday 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.- Drop-in Youth Centre HURON CHAPEL EVANGELICAL MISSIONARY CHURCH Auburn - 519-526-1131 PASTOR DAVE WOOD & PASTOR DON PLANT JR. Next Club meeting Feb. 12 NEWS FROM AUBURN By Debbie Bauer Call 529-7820 PEOPLE AROUND AUBURN