HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2007-01-04, Page 15THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2007. PAGE 15.
Funeral services were held
Thursday afternoon, Dec. 28, in
London for Bill Gerth of Belgrave.
Gerth was 51.
Gerth was killed on Dec. 22 after
succumbing to injuries suffered
when his Volkswagen collided with
a Clydesdale horse that was loose in
Wellesley Twp.
The collision occurred just before
6 p.m. on William Hastings Line.
Gerth was traveling alone when he
hit the horse. He was airlifted to St.
Michael’s in Toronto where he
eventually passed away.
The Clydesdale was killed in the
collision. Police say the horse
weighed in the neighbourhood of
2,000 pounds.
Gerth was the director of
education for the Waterloo Region
District School Board, former
superintendent at Avon Maitland
District School Board and a former
Huron County area school vice-
Police are currently attempting to
recreate the collision to aid the
investigation as well as provide
explanation to the family.
Authorities are not ruling out
charges against the owner of the
horse, who they will not name, but
who they say is co-operating.
Trustees had an emergency
meeting Dec. 28 to discuss what
they would do next without Gerth.
Linda Fabi, executive superintendent
of the Waterloo School Board has
been named interim director.
Born in 1955, Gerth was said to be
the type of person to get noticed
when he walked into a room. He is
described as a fit man, who enjoyed
running, ballroom dancing, cooking
and building boats.
In Huron County, Gerth brought
many activities to the school for the
students and when in St. Thomas, he
coached four teams in addition to
organizing other activities.
Gerth is survived by his wife Vicki
and his children Kristyn and Sjaan,
who were with him when he passed
away in Toronto.
Funeral held
Thursday for
former principal
By Shawn Loughlin
The Citizen
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