The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-12-24, Page 6alaargarekteatata
It is always our pleasure
this time of year to wish
you unbounded Christ-
mas joy.
4.4144444141114p tttttt 414411141141011010441111IluttmItMl41 4140 lllllll l “41141114m10.4 ttttt 44141 ,10 , .... . .4 ..... .. . 141.114.•
i're growing children and when, they
!take the .next look , the children
• may have grown into the adult stage
and be gone.
Michael going on two , . was
all eyes for Santa Claus up in the toy
department at Tim Murphy's General
Store. He had to climb .up in the old
fellows, lap and pluck at his whiskers
and although his language is just gib-
berish, he seemed to make it known
that there were many things he was
expecting in his stocking on Christmas
morning. He tried to get his hands
on all the toys and at one point es-
caped me long enough to pull a switch
that sent a spiral of sparks into the
air and a flock of electric trains dash-
ing around like mad,
I turned to Patricia Ann and said
"Do you want to go up and speak to
Santa Slaus?" She just withered me
with a look and said "Daddy, really
now," Mrs, Phil, who seems to have
more comprehension of such things
looked at me is amazement. "Phil",
:she said, "After all Patricia is getting,
a little old for,that dont you think?"
I just gave up. Later we went
through the teddy bears and doll sec-
, tion and while the young man went
through the exhibit in great glee, Pat-
:ricia Ann didn't seem to pay much at-
tention, I found her later browsing
through the book section. The whole
thing was too much for my curiosity,
so I asked her, "Patricia, just what do
you want for your stocking on Christ-
mas Day?"
The idea of a stocking amused her
but she only smiled and said "I would
like a cohmlete set of the Books of
Knowledge Daddy and a wrist watch.
Most of the other girls are getting
watches for Christmas this year or else
'for their birthdays in. the New Year."
I gave up. A wrist watch at nine
years of age seemed a bit too much.
On the other hand this sophistication
may wear off when the actual night of
Christmas Eve comes • along. We'll
just have to wait and see.
at the Arena,
Thur., Jan. I
New Year's Night
Puck faced at 8 p.m.
The regular meeting of the Torn-
berry Township , School Board was
held in the Wingham Town Hall on
Thursday, December 18th, 1947, at 2
p.m. All members present also Inspec-
tor Kinkead.
The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were read and on motion by Smith
and Kirton were adopted. (Carried.)
Letters were read from the follow-
ing: Margaret Hastings, W. R. Cruik-
shank, Maitland Porter, J. H. Fear,
clerk of Grey Twp., Miss McKenzie,
Inspector Kinkead.
Motion by Kirton and Smith that
Maitland Porter receive a refund of his
school tax. (Carried.)
,Mr. Shaw from Stratford waited on
the Board representing the Jack Hood
School Supplies from Stratford,
Applications for caretaking were read
and on motion of Willits and Kirton,
the following were accepted: S. S. No.
3, Reuben Appleby; U. S. S. No. 4,
FOR SALE—Set of Cocksbutt Sleighs, We wish to thank friends and neigh- Mrs. Fred Selling; S. S. No, 6, Mrs.
new; 60 eycle le lap. General-Elec- hours for their kind expressions of PHIL
offER oF Mabelle Moir; U. S. S. No. 11, Mrs.
tric Motor, 1 Empire Garden Tract- sympathy in our recent bereavement. Joe Bailey.
or complete with Plow and Cuhiva- Special thanks to Rev. 0. 3. Coupland, The following bills were read and
tor. This tractor is almost new and Members of the Baptist Church, Wing-
being the Christmas season. During $40.20; Harold J. Henry, Transoorta-
et New Yeaee. APPIY V Rint0114 All persons baying claims againetithe time that we were browsing around don, $18.00; Mrs. Gertrude C. Snell,
R- R- 2. tutk"cw* .P:''cl'e WitIgha;113 ' the estate of Janet Warwick late of the in the various stores one thing crone transportation, $36.00; Stainton lidwe.,
617 r "2 Town of Winghano in, the Comity of ivory forcibly to my mind, We have a Supplies, $2.79; Turnberry Township"'
' Debenture on S. S. No. 5, $418.40 1
FOR SALE—Mtaskrat Bali. Fur Ceet,1e 'et about the twenty-third day of NOV"Nt'‘.4 I guess most parents are the smite \Veg. Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co., 1 siee 16, also Sid Suit. Appty at ene.,, ember, este are i-,, t.:i; a to send t„)
Advence-Times. la - ' -"o ' "e - -, way. They look upon their children r$5.00; L J. Wright, phone calls and
,... I.,he undersigned, te-u or before thel thvent •-seventh.. 194e as being little more than infants, and mileage, $5.97; A. D. Smith, mileage,
GET READ FOR JACK FROST-;lull particulars of their claims in* writ-, then suddenly they discover that they-X54.48; Jack Willits, mileage, Se1.00; Y -
Have your CAR or TRUCK tuned ling. Immedia tely after the said twenty-tip for trouble-free Winter Driving. 1 seventh day of December, the assets
Have yeur radiator Idled with Ctiry-lof the said testatrix will be distributed tier Rest Resistant and treated too,emeaget th e parties entitled thereto,
retard evaazIatinn of unegorteze-- having regard only to claims of which :Erl,r .air Oil Fitter_ ,thaPgal• ‘-„hae ll'H the executer shall then have notice. ge Transmis.sien and aniterentiat tail DATED thi s eighth day o f Decent.
to \Venter tear Oil, Edward's Mot-,; ber, AD., 1941.
or Sales. Cnryeler and Plyanotth
Cars and Fargo Tracks, Phone 417, \\legit W = it:ghat-a, Oatario.
Selicitors for the ' Ontario. Executor,
JP BACis'ACHFS v 1 are _61,vitz.g ett teal 1, I inisticAn3. palts al:li aches A eaocaester men handed out matchl, tale
and reoe.,eol of ter t,,,,,e f irst 1st,- '1;oeks witlz a oiettre or Ids baby and
Kibla tte arta St ere. t a plea for an apartment, Anyway, at
. , la striking ideal
"WANTED—faire Durhein l'eall.1
aged 11 raenths up. Telit h..3te 12r2
\Vent:tete Ont.
WE'RE AGENTS far Hine le Chiake, ! 66
and strongly advise el n gtt. in te"ze:•7
with us ler prizes and order for 1948 ,
seeee. There's always a rash tater:,
oat, settle the matter r: w. Canada"
sNeereaed, breeders eel: an tested.
We -.31,--Sot if ...v..D.J. can get teeter
ehieks anywhere. ..5ezent. Frank
Grean. Wei:ratter. "pleene 5 r 17.
and material. Ple-ee or write litirate' Until Mid-Match
obligation. Guaranteed evarlenet.sitipr
With Blown Reek Wool. Prompt
Estimates given esitia ne,1
This Shop will he Closed
as I
Insulating Coe 117 Elgin Ave., Plenee',,
604w, Gederich, or phene 426, Wing
tiam. leave for Entail& Dec
Selool Caretakers 27 on a buying trip.
C. C. McRitiBON
CHARIS Foundation Garment Co.
trained Corsetiere for Wingham, sur-
rounding district and towns. If you
need a new garment, any size or
type of figure at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, opposite
Wingham Cemetery.
coner, and for the beautiful floral trib- — Teachers' Salaries: Receiver General,
FOR SALE—Registered Shorthorn, ores. These kindnesses have meant By Harry J. Boyle $35.05; Miss L. M. McDonald, music,
Bull. 9 months old, Apply Gordon much to us. Mrs. Phil` and I went in to the vil- $54.00; Mrs, Fred Selling, caretaking,
McBurney, 'plume 620 r 22, Wing-i Mrs. \Valiant Stokes and Family.! !age last Saturday afternoon to do • $15.00; Mrs. Vera Schnieder, caretak-
ham. some shopping. Patricia Ann and ing, $15.00; W. J. Gage and Co., sup-
, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Michael went along of course . . . this plies, $3.63; Hay Stationary Books,
FOR SALE-2 Heifers to freshen aft-
We have rubber moulding for all
makes of cars. We have a good stock
of Seiberling Tires, regular and Mud
and Snow tread. Chaco Batteries,
all sizes, .,guaranteed by Chrysler
Corporation, Edward's Motor Sales,
Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and
Fargo Trucks, Phone 417, Wing-
barn, Ontario.
FOR SALE—Pure Bred Registered
Hereford Bulls, Rosny Farms, Gude-
will be sold worth the money. Joh& ham Hospital Staff, Town Council, In- ordered paid.
Burastead & Sou, Wingteure tereational Moulders 492 Miss M. Fal-
and Regulated to perfect sewing
condition by experienced resident
mechanic. Telephone 318.
Nomination Meeting
A meeting of the ratepayers of the
Township of Turnberry will be held
at Bluevale from 1 to 2 p.m. on Mon-
day, December 29th, 1947, for the pur-
pose of nominating candidates to fill
one vacancy an the Township School
Board. Should an election be necessary
h will be held Tuesday, January 6th,
W. R. Cruikshank,
Returning Officer,
Children 20c
David Crompton
Gifts For All Occasions
"May the Yuletide
season and the days
to follow glow with
an abundance of
good things"... is
our wish to one
'and all.
LAZY MEADOWS on motion .by Willits and Kirton were
Rwrott, Spiuster, devAsed, who died on daughter who is growing up,
the meeting adjourn .and that we meet'
Apillizatlats for the positien ea re-e,
taker in each of time seltoels of Morris ,
School Arta will he eeceirted
January 6th. Duties to eanentenet
fluty 1st., 1.947. Iefeantatiett as to the'
duties may be obtained Item etc of the.
Trasteta or the Secretary.
Ralph Shaw, Ilinevale.
May your sea in 1948 be
calm and smooth and
may you sail through
the year happily. That's
our wish for you this
joyous Christmas season
Gorge R. Scott
Pry en Insurance
\\ Ingham Town Hail, at 2 p.m. (Car-
In the same old friendly way,
On the same old friendly day—
We extend . our very best wishes
For a' very joyous Yuletide‘
dolyn McDowell. Recitations by Dor-
een Howatt, Keith Rodger, Rosie Lutz,
Ivan Howatt, Silvia Wharton, Garth
Walden, Jimmie Carter, David Whart-
on, Bobby Carter, Ruth Cook, dialog-
ues "Clever Dr. Brown,” "Changing
the subject," "Monster's Mistake", "Be-
fore and After Taking", "Getting rid
of an Agent", Dances, "The lfuffin
Man," "The Christmas Tree is a Shin-
May your Christmas be
filled with a radiance of
happiness for you and
your dear ones.
pairs to furnace, $145; Maitland For- ' spending the week at the borne of Mr. lir Jack Wilson
ing Tbing," Highland Fling, "Sailor's
Hornpipe." Rhythm Band playing
London Bridge, Jingle Bells, Pop!
Goes the Weasel Drill, Wreath Drill,
A Pageant, "While Shepherds watched
• their Flocks, and the Manger Child,"
which was accompanied by Carol sing-
ing. A play, "Histl She's a Man," after
the closing Chorus Santa made his ap-
pearance, and unloaded the tree. Santa
then took his departure after wishing
every one a Merry Christmas.
During the Sunday School sessions
on Sunday Christmas Carols were
sung and Christmas readings were
given by Roth Cook, Lorna Buchanan
and Gordon Smith, Christmas Carols
were sung at the church service. Rev.
Hewitt. took as his subject "Emman-
uel". Christmas music was rendered by
the choir.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Carter and fam-
uncle, Henry Wilson, at Goderich on.
Miss Edna Moffatt, teacher of West-
field school left for her home at Lis-
towel onSaturday, to enjoy the Christ-
mas holidays, her sister, Miss Jean-
Ilene returned home with her after
ter's grandmother, Mrs. Hunking, at A very merry Christmas Auburn an Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Bostnan at- V
tended the funeral of Mrs. Itosman's —A very happy New
w Year—in the best Holi-
day Spirit.
ily attended the funeral of Mrs, Car-
T. Field
I & Co
Godericia on Monday, at 1.30 p. m. The
Mr and Mrs. Norman Radford, ?1tr. riet Leola Lorne Thomson, she was
of Myth, were Westfield visitors on Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson, Her
On this happy occasion
we Wish to you and those
Mrs. John Gear and *Marilyn, of lit year at her home North Street, Sat- WM COMAS!'
Eldan Kirton, mileage, 83.96; Jas. i
Walpole, mileage,$1.12; John McTav- li
ish, caretaking, 55.00; Stanley Den- ,1
nis, earetaking, §57.00; Reuben Apple-1
bv ca retaking, $50.00; ,Mrs. Joe Bailed.'„
earetaking, $40.00; Claire Ageevr t
_ ,
Transportation, $40.00; A. W. Ander-!i
ton, music, $55.00; Howard Fuller re-
ter, $24,20. • and Mrs. Fred Cook.
Motion by Smith and Willits that i Miss Pearl Jamieson visited On Sun-
day at the home of Mt. and Mrs. Fred this beard wish to express its thanks i — Je Cook. and appreelatiore to Mr. I. J. Wright .„tioorecigiciocirtrommiroomovoix,
who has so efficiently acted as chair-
rnan of the Township School Board for
three years. (Carried.)
The funeral of Mrs. Walter Bern aVit
again Jannary 8th, 1945, in tine svas held from her home, North Street, 104WrorpOtair.MelOrArj
Motion by Willits and Kirton that Mrs. Walter Bern
1 Mr. Warren tamford of Presten,
ich. She was a worker in church and
ing busitess in Wirtgha,m and Godr-
emperance circles, as a member of the
North Street United Church, the W.
M.S. and Women's Association, and for
several years was a member and
treasurer of the Goderich branch of,
the W.C.T.V. Surviving are besides,
her husband, fortnetly in the shoe bus-
mess at Goderich; a daughter, Mrs.
Herbert. J. Dawson, of Witalsor; a sis-
ter, Mrs. Ada Walters, Goderich; 'two
brothers, Henry Thomson, Wingham,
and Rev. A. E. Tito/name Windsor,
and two grandchildren.
ried.) private service was conducted by Rev.
C. Wesley Cope, of North Street Un-
ited Church. Interment in Maiden
Cemetery. Mrs. Hern died in her 70t
chener, are spending this week with her tirday night. Site had been in failing
rents Mr. and „Mrs. health for some years. Formerly liar- pa J . L. McDowell.
Ross Radford, Miss Shirley Radford, 'born ice Wingham, daughter of file late
Sunday. father was well known in the lumber-
you hold dear . • Merry
spending the Christmas vacation with
his parents, Mr. and. Mrs, Titos. Bent- Christmas.
Mr. Ronald Taylor has eeturned
home for the winter, after spending
summere sailing on the lakes.
The 'Christmas coacert of The West-
icell sehoel was held on Wednesday
evening. In spite of the stormy night,
the entrabera of the section met in the
little red schwa! house to listen to the
ere prepared by teacher and pup-
The Proararrt consisted of thorns-
cc, with irvtals of welcome by Given-
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, December 24, 1947*