HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-12-18, Page 14WROXETER Mrs. Colby of New Haven, Conn., airived on Monday last on a visit to her Spada' Train So' vice also Changes in Train Service Account Christmas, New Year's There will be certain changes in train service between Decem- ber 23rd and January 1st. Consult your local C.N,R. Agent for full particulars. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS .011011$ OF TIME 17 loves /Ammo* 17 towel* $3710 VICIOMA 17 Owe. $39" CANADIAN AIRMAN 21 Ow& $52" David Crompton Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 t $39" BEGONIAS, POINSETTIAS, AZALEAS, CY- CLAMEN, AFRICAN VIOLETS, CHRISTMAS CHERRIES and also a good supply of cut flowers, CHRYSANTHEMUMS and ROSES May we please warn jou again of, those last minute orders which are a disappointment to you and us. Please Order Early Evening ky the Radio, Harry's Pock, ets, A Great Saving,'The'Ce1164$ Tak- er, The Mail Order Hat, Waiting for the Train. Special numbers were The Boys' Chorus. Singing !Games by Jun- iors and a Skit. The. House that Jack Built. Perhaps the Highl:ights .of the evening's concert were The Balloon Drill, Rhythmn Band 'and An Irish Yemen's . Grill , Now booking Reserva- tions for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S DINNERS SHIRTS Whatever type Shirt your man prefers--- We have itl All styles famous realceS-- all quality otitis. TIES Rayons, pete and 100% English virgin wool Ties in a hugs variety of pat- ter:Lc, A perfect gift for the man who likes to be well dressed around his own castle. We have a wide selection of Dressing Gowns and Travelling Robes of fine English „Plaretel and Tartaes—with sizes for every male on your list. $12.95 to $22.50 XitliNtICIOCKOKAIKAttE1tkiNt0004 SMOKING JACKETS $11.25 to $13.95 msoctatoottoc0000coctoc000s SOX t000ec000rostmoor Give Him a Stetson or Biltrilore GIFT CERTIFICATE for Christmas It's so easy, too It comes in a miniature hat box, con- taining a miniature hat as well. $5.50 110.50 PAJAMAS A Gift of Comfort, An Invitation to Relax No matter what his tastes or preferences — you're almost certain to find a snit to meet his approval. rylatmelettes and Broadcloths. $3.95 $7.95 NO man complaes about having too :natty pairs of 'SOX tint he does 'rave ,abont the colorful, lection now on display at Hee- na's--Plains, Ribs, Patterna and Diamonds, 6Sc $2.75 MEN'S GIFT HANKIES lo 0 0 Perfect Man's Gift - • •-,r% iriMAMEKMAM-044t • • SHIRTS and TIES Like snow and Christmas . . . . bread and butter Romeo and Juliet—Shirts and Ties go to- gether to make a wonderful. Christmas gift for the men on' your list. See our finest quality Shirts in all styles, our superbly designed Ties in prints, solids, stripes, to please the most dis- criminating tastes. Practical Christmas gifts every gentle- man wants. A Particularly Timely Gift . . GLOVES A gift that will be warm1S, remembered on every cold May. Whether he prefers them lined or unlined — of cape, deerskin, goat or wool, 'hand-sewn or whip stitched, a glove to fit his hand is here. $1.50 $5.50 A practical last minute Gift item. The selection includes Initialed Irish Linen Hankies, Irish Lawn, Coloured Bordered Lawns and Plain Linens. 29c to 85c wocictrmstocmoctectototoluciacket A DRESSING GOWN For Him PHONE 65 Day or Night •R"TrAriller„ Dependafbolre Service COMFORTABLE CAR CAPABLE DRIVER • FAIR RATES f , Cameron's Taxi WINGHAM ONT. All Passengers Insured dir GIVE THE ADVANCE-TIMES AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT a Phone '101 W1NGHAM ►NT. 11 PAGE rouRTEN THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, December 18,1947 There 'will he 3 deliveries on the 23rd and 24th of December and 1 delivery Christmas morn. ing. No Phone orders taken after 5 p.m. on Dec. 24 will be accepted for delivery. OIVIay we please ask for your kind co-operation-1* i to know he is making a good recovery. Miss Ivy David of ()rancid% spent the week-end with her sister, miss I YoUng People's Union sister, Miss Bella MacDowell, Mrs. Russel Ridler and daughter, Lynda Jane, returned to Toronto after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. D. Draper and Mr. Draper. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McMichael and two daughters, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael, Mr. Adam Strong, Toronto, was also a guest of his sister and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd North and dau- ghters, London, were week-end visitors 'with Mr. and ,Mrs, Harvey Timm. Mr, Thomas Jacklin was taken to Wingham early last week when he un- derwent an operation, We are pleased Vice-President, Pete Dobson presid- Christmas Plants ed over the Young, People's Union of the United Church on Monday evening. The meeting was called to order with quiet music Thelma Denny at the piano. Following the Call to Worship, the hymn Jesus Shall Reign was sung. 1 Rev. U. E. Cronbielm led in one half hour's Bible Study. Speaking on the four Gospels, Where the chapters are somewhat similar and yet written dif- ferently due to the different occupa- tions of the writers. Mrs. Allister Green chose for the scripture lesson St. } Matthew, chapter 24 and followed with prayer. The Missionary hymn "lit 'Christ there is tea East or West'" was A sting. Mrs. Harold Hamilton was guest 'speaker and her subject A Christian Id Citizen. The speaker stressed the value iiiA making the most of 'tithe stating it X 'Was one of the most precious things stn the world. Thirteen members re- sponded to the Roll Call. The meet- s ing closed with the Mizpalt tetteclic- N tion, Florence David, Mrs. Hardy of ,Moorefield, is spend- ing some time with her sister, Mrs. James DOnglas,and Mr. Douglas. Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Blared Richol,in the death of her sister, Miss Holmes of Stratford. A number of farmers from this dis- tiet .attended a meeting of The Crop Improvement Association held at Clin- ton on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Erivr ' Ruth and PAM were LSAlnda:Y.guests Mrs. Wal- do Weir ,and Miss Edythe. Friends here ,are glad ,to learn Mrs. M. Sellers has been able to leave the General Hospital 'where she has spent many weeks ,and is now convalescing at the home of .her .daughter. Mr. Sel- lers is also ill at 'the home of his dau- ghter, suffering from a heart condition. Good wishes from their Wroxeter nei- ghbours And friends are extended for a speak), return to good health. Mr. and Mrs. David !Ireland, Bobby, Barry and Brian, also Kr. Robert Ire- land, all of Teeswater, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green. A bale of new and used clothing re- cently sent to Fort Stewart, Ontario, by the local. Branch of the Women's Institute was valued by the packing committee at $75.00. A very successful Dance was put on in the Town .Hall on Friday night by Howick Legion, Brown's Orchestra provided music. Mr. David Draper spent a few days, last week with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rae, Hanover, also Mrs. Hamel, were Sunday guests of Mrs. D. W. Rae, who is confined to. her home through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Stewart who have been living in the Dobson Block are taking up residence in the Laurence house on Main Street. Through the Co-operation of Wrox- eter Community Association and the Howick Township, the Wroxeter Rink is being prepared for Winter sports. The Howick Lions Club are planning an Ice Carnival during the holidays though plans are not yet completed. Messrs. Dave Draper and Wes. Heim- pel will be incharge of the Rink for the season. It is a fine thing for a vil- lage of this size to have a good rink. It is hoped young and old will take ad- vantage of it. St. James Guild The annual meeting of St. lames Guild was held at the home of the President, Mrs.. H. V. MacKenney on Tuesday afternoon. A new member, Mrs. Brothers Sr., was welcomed. Very encouraging reports of the year's work were read including the Bazaar reporet $100.00 being realized. All officers of the Guild were re-elected as follows: President, .alrs, H. V. MacKenaey; Vice-President, Mrs, George Griffith; Sec-Treas., Mrs. Ed. Bennett; Mrs, Edwards and Mrs. Lawrence, church and visiting committee. At the close the hostess served refreshments includ- ing Christmas cake and was assisted by Mrs. Caley. Sunday School Organized St. James Sunday School has been re-organized 'with Mrs. F. H. Millward, Miss Elizabeth Griffith and Mrs, J. Caiey as teachers, S. S. is held at 3 p. j rn, followed by Church services at 4, Flowers Placed In Memory A lovely basket of Chrysanthemums graced the chancel of 'United Church on Sunday morning, placed there in re/big memory of a former beloved member, Mrs. Robert Stocks, who died one year ago, a tribute front her four daughters. Rev. U. E. Crouhielm spoke from the words, Seek and ye shall find, knock and it will be opened 'unto you. The choir contributed A Christmas An- them, and Miss Thelma Denny and 'Miss Gilberta Howes, favoured with a duet, "in the Garden." Christmas Eetertrtintnexit The Spirit of Christmas was evident when on Wednesday evening, S. S. No. Turnberry, was filled to capacity to hear the Christmas programme pre- pared by the teached, Miss Helen Wal- ket. The music teacher, Miss Mac- Donald and 'pupils. Trustee Eldon Xit-- ton was chairman and from the open- ing Chorus "Once Again" to the clos- ing number "The Glad News", whith thorbs welcomed Santa Claus the pro- gramme was of a high order. Recita- tions were given 'by Elaine Kirton, Norma Felker, Marilyn Marjorie Mur- ray and Gerald There, jack Sanbuert, Billy Henning, Edith Sanbuti, joint Mundell, Jimmy Maellaughtm. Dia- logues with the following 'titles were enjoyed, keaditt the news,. A' (Inlet Nsoompotootwoom000coucioroeepoottocesoom000cionssioc You can solve those Christmas Shopping headaches and tired, aching feet by phoning 101 our Florist They have for sale assorted decorative such as WE CATER to Large or Small BANQUETS. Book your Yuletide DINNERS EARLY ! You may have YOUR CHOICE of TURKEY - STEAKS or CHICKEN ,igkirdsaatooditiataaggattaaawi Dance, by eight pupils. The last two were recalled for encores. The costum- es for the different numbers were col- orful, The school house. was decorated . in keeping with the season, including A Christmas Tree from which Santa Claus and his helpers distributed gifts and treats delighting the children. Lunch was served and dancing enjoy- ed, W. Dettman, Harold Gram, Lloyd Felker and Mrs. Raymond Elliott pro- viding. music. Miss Walker, Miss Mac- Donald and pupils are to be congratu- lated on their splendid annual enter- tainment.' ' S. S. Social Evening The annual Sunday School , Enter- tainment and Christmas Tree will be held in United Church school room on the evening of Dec. 22nd, at 8 p.m. The various classes will contribute num- bers to the programme, A social hour will follow and for this the ladies of the congregation are asked to provide sandwiches and cookies, Women's Association The annual meeting of the Women's Association United Church was held in the church school-room on Tuesday, (continued on page 15)