HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-12-04, Page 14• a WIK-00174401 l*K tatta0t0eXteff2414*Statfter thrititina0 GIFT - LAMPS Make it the brightest Christmas ever . give her a beautiful LAMP this Yuletide. Come and see our tremendous selection of new, magnificent Lamps in Porcelain, Leather and etals . . . all designs, all colours, with MATCHING SHADES. • CHOOSE IT NOW • McGill Radio Service WINGHAM ONT. • 4.3tDiMarNeatroatir74-2*****ZtVatVa4tIlltratraftltiltabiDaWatDoZZIZIMbitlia221410ti... Her many friends are glad to know that Mrs. E. J. mom has returned from Victoria Hospital, London, and is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Thompson, Lucknow. All the members are urged to attend the annual meeting of the Beef Ring in the Hall on Thursday evening. The W.A. of the United Church held a very successful Bazaar and tea in Lucknow on Saturday. Mrs. George Stewart has returned after spending. a week with her sister, Miss McGregor of Lucknow. The teachers and pupils are prepar- ing for their annual Christmas concert to be held on Friday evening, Decem- ber 12th., in the Community Hall. Twenty-one ladies were enrolled for the Women's Institute Course in Oven Meals, with Miss Broadfoot of Toron- to in charge. The course proved most ved by the hostess assisted by Mrs. McKinney. Miss Audrey Hunkin spent the week-end with her parents at Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'Street of Kit-. chener, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. M. L, Aitken and Miss Duff. ST. HELENS interesting as well as instruction and; was much enjoyed,' 'FIRST CLASS Watch Repairs For the Present, Watches Only. George Williams John Street Wingham ' - Next to Masonic Hall JENSEN & CO. EXETER - ONT. Manufacturers of Store Fixtures, Displays, Kitchen Cabinets, Etc. in up-to-date design and finish If you have eproblem, maybe qve can help you. Give us a call. Box 166 'Phone 268j indant the winning one Such conduct is in- deed the very essence .of spprt, Not for a moment can I possibly be- lieve that the players in the Southamp- ton team grudge Wingham its triumph; and not for a moment can I entertain' the thought that if Souharopton had' won the series, the Winghato . boys would have begrudged them their vic- tory, To say, as the writer of the articles. I am referring to, do say that the final game was not decided on the Diamond but by a committee in a Hall, is ar- rant nonsense and is absolutely devoid. of factual evidence. Anyway Wingharn won the cup;.. the best team usually wins and Wingbain's win in this re- pect was no exception. - Yours truly, Jas. • G. Webster: BLUEVALE Worpen's Institute The monthly meeting of the Worn- en's Institute will be held on Thursday, December 11th at 2.30 o'clock at the home of Miss Margaret Curtis, Roll Call, a use for old Christmas Cards. The theme of the programme will be Christmas. Music by Mrs. Corrigap. Member's are requested to bring a gift for the Christmas Cheer Boxes. Visitors arc always welcome, Church News Sam ALCOCK respectfully solicits YOUR VOTE TO RE-ELECT HIM Councillor for MORRIS TWP. You will benefit from my two years' experience as a Councillor Your VOTE and SUPPORT TO RE-ELECT Chas. R. COULTES COUNCILLOR For MORRIS for 1948 Will be sincerely appreciated. YOUR VOTE Respectfully Solicited to ELECT W. J. PEACOCK Councillor FOR MORRIS Your support will be appreciated OUR SERVICE ALWAYS DEPENDABLE HUDSON Sales and. Service Cars and Trucks SEE OUR LISTING OF USED CARS Helps Tires Wear Longer Wheel Balancing • Saves unnecessary wear • Easy to check • Balanced scientifically Wheels "out of balance" cause dangerous shimmy . wear out tires prematurely, We have modern, precision equipment to balance wheels properly and add extra miles of service to your car. Make a date for this service today. MERKLEY MOTORS GOODRICH TIRES SHELL PRODUCTS WINGHAM TELEPHONE 84 I IIWOCKICKWOCMCIVEICKW•CAKNEWCAMPIPPEZIOCKIVCIMMIVINKICRVOCICKiCIMPOPROCtOMMOCKIVVIORCIPILVVIEVelq iF #..a.Nr4; t Orif • v/ Rhys 1 0 ' P 110 Ck $ I SHOES FOR ALL'. THE FAMILY you itattuLT LIPPER VITTS Prom Oldsters to Youngsters—Everyone likes SLIPPERS. It's a practical gift—yet a luxury of comfort, too. Please everyone this Yuletide—Give SLIPPERS TO ALL I rid:\\ fir 1 1H Pass Hostess Slipper, open , Needlepoint Slipper, toe and heel. Adjust- Wedge heel, opeii toe, able „ .. — ..., $2.98 $3.29 Sturdy, smart Leather Slipper for the head man — „ . , „ — „ .$3,50 .20 Black Plastic 'wedge Heel Slipper, $1,95 ostacivomesicum Furry-lined Moccas sin Slipper of Soft- est, supple calf $1.29 RHYS POLLOCK Thursday, Decemt)er 4, 194T VIMPIPN.Mak, NOOTHWNIIIP FOLTRTION TH1 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Xte'Velette .14404 The United .Church Sunday School concert will he held on Monday, Dec; 22nd. The regular monthly meeting of the. Women's. Institute will be held' on Tuesday next in the Memorial Hall, With the roll-call, "My Favorite Carol" and Mrs,. Jas, Falconer will have .charge of the topic, The Christmas Story, Miss McKinnon, teacher of S. S. No.. 9-10, Kinloss, will hold her 'coked next Thursday, December 11th, in the Memorial Hall, Don't forget the Dance in the Hall this Friday, with Farrier's Orchestra proViding music. Mrs. Bill Parker and children re- turned to their home in London on Tuesday last. Miss Lucille St. Marie returned to her position in Toronto last week, Coyne - Robinson The marriage of Agnes Ruth, young- est daughter of MI% Thos. Robinson of E, Wawanosh, and the late Mrs, Rob- inson, and Mr. Leonard Coyne, son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Coyne, of Belfast, Ireland, was solemnized in Calvary United Church, Windsor, on Saturday, November 29th; at 1.30 p.m., with Rev. A. Macintosh officiating. Miss Audrey Humphrey and Mr. Donald Willis of Windsor, were their attendants. They are spending their honeymoon with relatives in E. Wawanosh,and a fam- ily supper was held at the home of Mr. and and Mrs. CalviRobinson, of Belgrave, on Monday 'evening in their honour. Mrs.. Jos. Thompson of Courtland and Messrs. Roy and Ross Robinson of Delhi were home for the family gather- ing, The many friends of the bride in this community extend best wishes for a long and happy wedded life. CONTRACT BRIDGE To the Ratepayers of the Township of Morris VOTE TO RE-ELECT Joseph YUILL COUNCILLOR Your support will be appreciated. After two years experi- ence I am in a position to serve you better leads of clubs. This confines the loss to one trick each in spades anti hearts, and for one declarer it meant a high score. BREAK-DOWN OF A SPORT 1.•••••••••••=. We frequently hear, from time to time, such expressions as "He or she is a good spOrt" or He nr she is a poor sport"; the poor, signifying bad; the good, genuhn. I contend, however that lire person referred to, tither is or is not, a snort. I further maintain that sport if divested of its lawfully estab- lished Rules and Regulations ceases to be sport and is transformed into an ignoble gamble, or a pestiferously par- tizan squabble. It is indeed permissible to speak of one as an ardent sport, a spirited sport, or, of another, as an indifferent or luke- wain sport. Both classes may teeth-tate- ly claim the name of sports, however, if and only if they willingly subscribe to and believe in the efficacy and wis- dom of the regulations attached to the Particular sport they favor. I am releasing these sentiments now becuase my attention has just been dir- ected to certain excerpts clipped from idighbourhood papers, all commenting unfavourably on the decision made by officials of the W.O.A.A. declaring the Wingliant Softball Team district cram lionsand awarding it the group cup. Notwithstanding the charge of unfair- ness hurled at the heads of those offic- ials by angry and disconsolate scribes, I venture to affirm, that, the officials, adamantly true to sport colour, to Sport , precedent and to the stern voice of duty, did pereisely the only thing their I conscience permitted, and the laws governing Softball allowed. Somewhat reluctantly, therefore I call upon the writer of the aiticleS al- luded to, to disabuse themselves of the idea that THEY ate sports. Sports accept -defeat as they accept 'victory. This is chatty demonstrated at the end of each game, When the losing team never hesitated to nice themtelves for At the morning service in the United Church, Rev. J. A. Burden spoke on the subject, "Doing as we please" based on the text, Judges 17-6. In these days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. A solo "Near to the Heart of God" was sung by Mrs. Alex Mc- Crackin, At Knox .P resbyt erIan Church, Rev. Leland C.' Jorgensen meditated on psalm 36, pointing out the wonder M the exxcellencies of God. The Sunday School Social was announced for Fri- day evening, December 5th. The Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper will be observed on December 14th. Triple Group Of Ladies Aid Mrs. Burns M.Offatt opened her home this week for the• annual meeting of the Triple Group of the Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church. The pres- ident, Mrs. Wm. Mundell pesided and opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. McKinney read the scipture lessoh. The treasurer's report showed that the group had raised over $57.00 during the year. Mrs. Harry Elliott was appointed as Secretary-Treasurer, as plans were not complete regarding the dividing of the group, the president was not elected, but a president will be named at the January meeting to 'be held at the home of Mrs. R. F. Garniss. Lunch was ser- WHITECHURCH The play, Lena Rivers, was called off last Wednesday night, on account of the heavy snowfall. Mr. Russell Purdbn has purchased a new snow-plow, which he works with his jeep. Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer of Lucknow, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Fal- coner. Mr. Andrew Stein and Mr. George If it's an Overcoat you want We have them These are old stock and we are selling them at Reduced Prices $4O UP Regular Price $20.00 and up See tham at DOBSON'S GENERAL STORE in WROXETER Wraith of Paramount, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pardon on Sunday. Rev. W. J. Watt had charge of the services in Londesboro United Church on Sunday. Mrs, Thomas Moore received word that her sister, Mrs. Will Shaw had gone through a heavy operation in Tor- onto General Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes and Mr. ,and Mrs. Jas. Coultes and son, Wayne of E. Wawanosh, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Coultes. the family of the late John 'T. Currie, "Pass E, Wawanosh. Mr. Currie passed e.way 4C* Pass 41-i* in Wingham General Hosni=3 oz, Fri-IP.ass Pass P day night, following several mfrs ' * Elz‘z7zwzDa ar-d response. ass ,during the past year. .1 The ET:.:7c1-mal3r.Tn—by the Blackwood The Ladies Aid of the Presbs•-.%0:=1,:e.spanse ef inns harts—that South Church met last. Thursday at the. ih-r=e z dispels North's int er- of the President, Mrs, W. S. Snther- •4e1„. land, This was the business race:E'r;;;J Cen--si..lerimg the bidding, East's pro- and the following officers were elected. babe lead is the nine of spades. On President, Mrs. Jas. Mclirath; ist.lwinning, West might have the happy Vice, Mrs. Walter Lott; Sec., Mrs. Ez-l!inspiration to switch to a diamond, and ra Welwood; Treas., Mrs, Fred New- thereby hold the contract to four, but man. The ladies decided to withdraw he is more likely to disbelieve the drop the December meeting and then hold of the ten from the North hand, and the January meeting at the home of !continue the spade suit, hoping his Mrs. Lunch was served by partner can ruff a third round. the hostess and all enjoyed the social When the deilarer obtains the lead, time. ;his play should be to lead the ace of Mrs. Roy Brooks, Lois and Frank, Itearts, then play four rounds of clubs, of Toronto, are spending this week at discarding the two diamonds from the the home of their aunt, Mrs. ins. Mc- South hand on the third and fourth ,y0WAAZIfstselM•olfroZroteroilaglair.kritragkroillatrieu.kkiriC-211 1.0iergartlOriatit Liv4 20, Is It Difficult to j,b1 find Something ? The hand under review was dealt at Bridge Club two weeks ago, and was played in hearts at every table. The in- teresring point is that only one declar- er made five, West dealer. Neither side vulnerable. 10 *V KA1Q0 s5 63 KQJ S Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Weiwood and • * K T , Gordon, visited on Sunday with Mr. ,„ Q 9 8 .64 2 and Mrs. Clifford Heif er of Turnberry. i • ; 92 Mrs. Mac Ross and Miss Olive Te-1 4 A.10 riff visited one day last week at Paill merston with Mr. and Mrs. David Cox. i Mrs. Cox has been quite ill, and Mrs. Graydon Cox of Conniston has been there taking care of her during the past few weeks. The c=ezt biding is: This commuity extends spropPi',y to ,';West "arch East Snuth A 9765 • V 7 AD.° 5 7532 KJ W E • •742 S A 964 A.A Q 8 4 2 W HEN you've just about completed your shopping list, there's always the family next .door who've shared their lawnmower, the Jorieses in the country who were so nice to Billie . not to men- tion brothers and sitters, or sons and daughters. OF COURSE they probably get THE ADVANCE-TIMES now, but a year's subscription payment will please them whether it is new or renewal not once, but 52 times between now and Christ- mas, 1948, they'll recall your thoughtfulness. IT'S EASY SHOPPING, TOO. Just let us know, by mail or at !the office, whom you wish to remember this way. They'll get a card advising them of your gift. $2,00 anywhere in Canada