The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-12-04, Page 2LY E,istreittR E MATINEE Saturday Afternoon at 2.00 p.m. TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting, at 7.30 aunt ...... .!otf!mtnyttsiti.uttim ...................... ‘mottst .......... nun ttttt Hit ttttt muss Friday and Saturday December 5 and 6 "LADIES MAN" EDDIE BRACKEN VIRGINIA WELLES 0.1".""gaumranint.aan ........... aStanaaaaaantatatsliMatmanallal, ... . )..anti t rot ten ...... morn Monday and Tuesday December 8 and 9 "FRAMED" (Adult Entertainment) , GLENN FORD JANIS CARTER 01,1114441Utfiataatiltakalalf ..... nut nu,un nautouu... ...... 1111111talaiall ..... F tttttttttt tttttttt Wednesday and Thursday December 10 and 11 "Hit Parade of1947" EDDIE ALBERT CONSTANCE MOORE vntrikusson ttttttttt allatilailakkaanitana tttttttt F ttttt F ttttt Ya11tmttttt ttttt IfitakalaltrIttlnaFlatta ttt ataIllasa ttttttt tatAlalla We invite you to leave your" name at the box office, to be added to our Program. Mailing List .FoloaampaolomminommoommaidanommaramealialiolalammiamsamaimmanonlOmomill eatapetatt Yon wont admire her skill. Alert and poised, she calmly speeds the many calls with deft, sure move- ments. With, switchboards busier than ever because of the many new telephones, this skill is being called on as never.before. Afore tejephones arebeing added right along. Our coo stain aim is to provide more and better service.. always atthelowestpos.sible cost ... to give greater value to every telephone user. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OE CANADA • ttttt anattaalSialam trattalatatialtartUlarltirtalaW1414111.1110' DAY OF DAYS Mary Crane emptied the last tub and stood it against the shed to drain, sigh- ing her thanks that if she must wash clothes on Christmas Day the job was at least over and done with by noon. She had just returned to the kitchen. wheri a knock came at the door. It was her neighbour, Hattie Jamieson, deck- ed out in her finest, "Aren't you the one," Hattie ex- claimed, "washing clothes on Christmas Day?"' Mary conceded it wasn't the besf way to pass the day, but added that it must ,be done, "I wonder if you'd do me a favour?' Hattie asked. "John and Fanny have asked us to come to town for Christ- mas dinner and the tree tonight. You know,. times were a little tough for e9 5, g xvixtvgictoriveigiomigtooKtocgtvocupommumovelicnimocsoppocamk What Would You Expect g To Find In A "Good" Furniture Store For Christmas Published at is magician's trick, .to see the way his AVINGHAM - ONTARIO 'guards got out of the car and were out to- the opposite door exactly iii Subscription Rate — One Year $2:00 the niek of time as Mr. ;Molotov step- Six Months $1.00 in advance ped into the open. Behind was the in- ,. To U.S.A. :2.50 per year , variable limousitte with his 4)odyguard )Foreign Rate $3,00 per pier , who remained inside since no one Advertising rates on .application threw any !eoliths or otherwise misbe- haved. Authorized as Seeend Class Mail Post Office Depertment Vol, — No. 14 .*. STUDY IN PSYCHOLOGY The arrival of Foreign Ministers at Lancaster House, London, England, on November 25th last, for the opening conference on Germany and Austria, provided a striking contrast in psycho- logies. Incidentally, not much more is expected from this meeting than re- lout on the correct side and started to cow, when -very little real progress was )walk into Lancaster House. The fifth arcade, man got out on the roadway where The first to come to the London meet- there was no policeman to hold the fag was V. M. Molotov and all the world door open. He walked quietly around knew it, There were tragic outride the back of the car and was starting in British car labelled in large letters "police" and then three superb Amer- era on motorcycles, a whizzing little when.crowd the suddenly recognized hint and hastily cheered and applauded. It was Secretary Marshall. The antomobeie after Mr, Molotov's l !processieu. contained John Foster Dul- les, Republican adviser to Secretary of ,State Marshall. Then came Georges Bideplt very modestly in a borrowed 'British car. Next came Ernest Bevin •in the third car and he also had no out- riders, police or guards, and did not y need an, Finally came a small but fine new American car with six persons squeez- Edwards' Motor Sales '5l0t FOOD/ COOK ER'-SIV BE mat t F Wake r g REFRIGERATOR AND ELECTRIC RANGE Made only by General Motors open seasons, and no person may hunt in more than one toweship. Licenses may be secured from the township clerk in each area open to hunting. "a 'Et A.DEMON titATIONNOW .STEWART Home Appliances saw him plain as could be!" "You're right," said Mary, "Andrew Craig is a man, if ever there was one," 'Not the man in the fur coat," in- sisted the child. "It was another just behind hint. All tall and bright and— and beautiful," "Well," said Mary. "I'm not surpris- ed. Some folks might say it was shad- owe and lamplight an snowflakes, but" _tapping the papers"-wherever there's things like this gain' on Christmas night, I'm persuaded He's theta' DEER SEASON Thursday, December 4, 1947 No lob too big for us to handle or too small to interest us. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Your Sati%factiort Our Guarantee ONE HOUR SERVICE ON WASHES ONTARIO HOLIDAY gscalnpingt ilwieneniteg and oboe trips that -make a vats- tarn for you, then head for AlgonquinPark.For complete details, cite to Ontario Holiday, Room 1004, Victory Buildfi/g, Toronto. UT'S MAKE MEM WA W( TO COME BACK Let'S see they get the best Nye have to offer., Everyone benefits front the income tourist busi- ness brings to Ontario. So it's in your interest to encourage friends from otherpartstoshare onr Ontario Holidays. TOURIST BUSINESS IS Goo» BUSINESS lican-made litnousines. In the first was .-leir."),Ikelotov and it was. as always, like FINOWNIPMFMNIa * * * ANIMALS NEED MINERALS In recent years, much information about the miner) needs of livestock has come to light Nearly everyone knows that if animals could not get water, they would die, but not all seem to appreciate the fact that if the same animals could no get mineral matter in • their feed ,they' would die also. For- tunately, most of the different kinds of minerals are found in different quant- ities in all plants that animals are like- ly to be fed, and there is not much oc- casion to worry about them. There are a few kinds of miner-Ai', however, that are very frequently lack- ing. Some of these are: Calcium, sod- ium7 iodine, phosphorus,echlorine, cop- per, iron, manganese, magnesium and. cobalt. Not all of these are of equal importance, but there is enough infor- mation about them to know that when 'they are deficient in the feed supply,' certain effects follow. The lack of calcium, for instance, weakens the bon- es of animals, and decreases'the production of cows. It can produce ric- kets in young animals, stiff lege and swollen joints. The lack of phosphorus leads to what 'is known as depraved appetite, with which animals attempt to clieW bones and other abnormal materials in an en- , 1 deavour to secure sufficient of those materials which their instinct tells ' them they need.eLack of phosphorus '.'also leads to lack of appetite for rough. age, which results in poor growth and poor reproduction. Where sodium and chlorine are lacking, there is a marked hunger :for salt, together with a general ' loss of appetite and eventually a break, tart of the animal's system. Iodine is often lacking in areas away ,from the sea. Insufficient quantities of mineral produce goitre in calves, colts and lambs, and hairlessness irei pigs. The lack of iron and copper gives1 a pale skin color, pale blood, which; mans emaciation and poor hair .quale. ty in cattle, sheep and goats. In pigs it is responsible fir the fanalliatei 'thumps." Insufficient eeltait prodeets .lessness, with eempaeatively ac- tive elands, and tack of appetite. Where there is insufficient manganese, peeltry are likely to have split to dives and, produce eggs esiti: hatelia?Jility. .ehce tameness re suite, and sheep be-0, t. LADIES and GENTLEMEN, at the request of a number of the ratepayers of the Township of Morris I have allowed my name to stand for Councillor for 1948, If elected, I will do my best to serve the interests of the Rate. payers of the Tovmthii. Drive to Teeswater Sunday Afternoon Chicken Dinner $1.00 Served 5;30 to 6:30 Bailie Parratt HOTEL TEESWATER WEEKLY 'THOUGHT A hen is not supposed to have much common sense or tact, yet every time she beep an egg, she cackles forth the fact. A rooster hasn't got a lot of in- tellect to show, but none the less most roosters have enough good sense to crow. The mule, tho osk despised of beasts, has a persistent way of letting folks know he's around by his insistent bray. The busy little bees, they buzz, bulls bellow and cows moo, the watch dogs bark, the ganders hiss, and doves and pigeons coo, The peacock spreads its tail and squawks, pigs .squeal, and robins sing, and even serpents know enough to hiss before they sting, but man—the greatest masterpiece, that nature could devise, will often stop and hesitate, before he'll advertise, * * * KNOW WINGHAM The first blanket of snow brings forth the fact that Wingham is a winter sports' Paradise. The many Splendid steep hills invite tobogganing-, bob- sledding and skiing. had walked to the store and spent 'her few peonies on two tiny pair of red mittens, which were now hanging on the little spruce tree Mary had cut in i dle back yard. And in the kitchen a het, hearty supper was waiting. , Mary sat in the living room, wait- °hag. 'Lucite I did that extra washing today, so I feel justified spending those pennies on the youngsters. Those children must have a Christns, and maybe--" she sighed—hi shan't have a house another year!" Waitiug there in the old rocker, her • head dropped slowly, and Mary Crane fell asleep. 'PAGE', TWO risiormarropmaromr Wiugham Advance-Times NO PRIVACY FOR THEM Princess. Elizabeth and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh; have gone to their Scottish retreat, near Balmoral,, a week earlier...hen they had intended. Their hope 9.1: • ew week's. privacy after the ordeal of -wedding festivs hies and .the weddieg 'le,self, has been frustrated hf. the exceptionally methinks ing behaviour of the public, There is something almost pathetic about the fact that , this popular young . couple couldn't even have a little priv- acy on their honeymoon, because the rest of their lives will be spent in pub- lic service and they will have about the same freedom and privacy as goldfish in a glass bowl. The poor and etn- known, may desire wealth mid fame, and some eventually win their heart's desire, but the rich and famous, though they often wish to be as unnoticed as the more hhmble folk, seldom are granted that heart's desire, Adoration and notoriety can be cruel as well as kind, The succession of in- cidents, such -as the one when a press cameraman followed Princess Eliza- beth and Prince Philip during a walk in the woods at Romsey, England, and, jumping suddenly from concealment behind a tree, took an informal picture of the young couple, has „caused the honeymooners to go to a more isolated spot in Scotland. We hope that Scot- land affords them the privacy they have been denied in England. CREATE AN APPETITE Anameitistiowcwoosgmlogvcee-ts Little Tots BABY SWINGS BATHENETTES CARRIAGES COMMODE CHAIR CRIB & MATTRESS DOLL CARRIAGES DOLL HAMPERS g HIGH CHAIR LUNCH SET (Table, 2 Chairs) if VELOCIPEDES 1'WHEEL BARROWS )13114tst3aa-mbwittsiDtsmt trometextommeztatowstot Dad I BRIEF CASE CARD TABLE SETS GLADSTONE BAG g FOOT-STOOL I LUGGAGE SMOKER ffl l V SUITCASE ,lz.A2MtOrDtlattX.Vt2t2r2t2iDtDaatkat Front the 4th of December to the 6t1t of December both dates inclusive ti the year 1.$47 in:- 1. 'The township of Dunwick, in the county of Elgin, 2. The township of Sullivan, in the county of Grey, 8, The township of Harevick, in the unty of Kent, 4, The township of Mosa, in the y of Middlesex. (Residents Wee. he townships of Miele, Essa, Floe, Gwillimbury West, Intmisfil, Matched- ash, Metionte, Nottawasaga, Orillia, Oro, Suneidale, Thy, Teem/teeth, Tiny„ Tosotontio and Vespia in the eremit of Simcoe. 6. lite township of Wainfleet in the tonnty of Welland. /. The township of Paslinell in The oente of Wellingtbn. . The township of Ileverle, in time county of Wentworth. 9. The toes iships .of Gwillienbetry East, Gnillirnhory North and Georgia, in the County of York. A tpecial license to hunt deer wilt be required in emit township tiering These Henry and me this year, so I took those two little State orphans to board. I if Now, I don't want to leave them at home alone, and Fanny wouldhat want them to come mingle with her young- sters." She sighed faintly. "Would you letth come stay with you for the evening?'" "Why, of course," .'Mary replied, smiling. "It will make. Christmas for me, who was spendin' it alone. What time will they come?"' "Fanny's sending the car for us VENDOME about five o'clock, and we'll drop them ,oif here on the way." After Hattie had left. Mary mused I that she didn't suppose the Lord 'thought Fanny's children too good to mingle with these two orphans, but after a moment she realized there was much to be done. I3y five o'clock. she .,! "One thing I'd like to do before din- the cheery tree, and the sleeping old ner," rich odd Andrew Craig said tOadY• He tip-toed In and placed his fli5 wife. eseiripse there's time ? you )basket on the table, papers on , top. remember Mary Crane had some tough , The latching of the,door aroused Mary. kick a few years back. She ;borrowed Her .small guests rushed in a few , . . s` "",cre4,2,:alrlenr,tfrozotit tle pbatralike. ovna3limerenhtsou.sk \-a.,tnIdi, rapaipneVirtseStolahleerr findhtoreart, h elttaf face holdingwtilttlei - twee netiteifty. eV:mats reeelaing tit- I:tar stMiztZtively, for the meet pert,' tie directors decided net to give her joe:::Iterry. Christmas, Mary," cried the suffieient neaett&hetel beeenne teritable., what is geed for them. They will eat ‘;any mere time. lose 'centred el their nerves, have poor'; the hest food they ern .fied, 'let it f. , "1 eouldret help remembering our , little girl ."Tbere was a luau on your apeetites. Cale ee get tenet:lee eee, important to hear hi mind .the need for ' kart yeere, Sue,. when Mary was our • steps when we came down the lane, We All over the world there is dateget ef';retinerals- slippier:tents when ketheig live reeighber and worked day and ,night to ztE ittene, the essential minerals in .seilleletotk. The lade of. 'sufficient mit:crate. guI: you through pneemeela. So I just .o. c A:tint:PI it disetineette creopiego may Meat a differecee between prefit- eathered in that debt—it was only 0I'-.. mils he se their fertility atini champ-; able and teeprofitable feedieg. Salt few ,Inandreds—and bad some papers s at the fertility of the soil &feet elH elne.'e is not eneogla. Boree are a :peer made taut to Mary. I'd kind of like to ceen- &sitheta e.i the :talent erewie Aril- i;sitlestitute for good ',feed. Profitable take them to her bet Christmas : niehtee tnels are selective Iceelees. Thew ne.'q ihreating is impossible ea tempt/ewes See pelted his head down end kissed only know what they hior, but they 4. sells, until they aro built up. him. "It will take jest 10 minutes to THE A.M ADVANCE-TIMES eateneheepceseareetehgtgegleteleeteMftfle Mother BED-SPREAD BOOKCASE CARPET $WEEPER COFFEE TABLES EASY CHAIRS, HASSOCKS KITCHEN STOOL LAMPS MIRRORS NEST TABLES RADIO REFRIGERATOR SATIN CUSHIONS SEWING CABINET, SOFA BED STEP-STOOL STUDIO COUCH or eentnennentetenee ezeth Misses * (or .the Girl Friend) WALNUT CHESTS imzsTI,raraotabrotzotzeof This will perhaps surprise you—the number of gifts to be selected at our store—and ALL FREE of tax. m "GIFTS THAT LAST" SF , It 3 legetAterecegar4-..eejagae. V I VSe A. J. Walker ., .seV 31 . FURNITURE and FUNERAL SERVICE • Telephone 106 , Residence 224 tig '-s• tM70tAX111101:114111tDMIMMtMDrUA-AltAlarltat,e2019AVADt,ta tIttlibUt To The Ratepayers of Morris Township 41•010•1110110•11111•10.1•11IMMI•11•111.11•1•• pack a basket for you to take along," she reckoned swiftly. "If you drive there and back in half an hour, you can do it. Remember, we have guests com- ing!" It 'was snowing when Andrew alight- ed from the car. A lamp showed him Mary's kitchen through the window, re***Isseriet*teeetieseiteeres