HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-11-27, Page 101 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 f f i lI MM 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 0 •••••• ••••••• •••••111 inamale .1.1210 WM..* MINIE.111 11•11.01. M▪ ONISM 100▪ .11111 Y▪ EI M▪ OM, •••••••• 0...,11111 YI1 111.4.011. YIP ••••••• YAr =1.11OF •••••••• mid••••• ••••••• • • • • • - • • iimp • •••••••• im I Imd•••• dmie •••••• •NYI.• Udy••• Yid dm.m* • MM.* ••••••• • =MOM 1.111. • • • • • • • • • ▪ • • IMMMIP MOMM• !NM •••.••• •••••• IMMENt .11.11 MIIONo • • • • n MONO •••••• 1•11.• =MEW 1•••••• gldMie “MM• •••••• 111M.N. •MIMI1 0..•• 6.1111M MMEN dd▪ isOMM WM. Yld fly INIVMS =WM! MM.= WNW'S MMMON Iay•MI dMaddED •••••• NOANS •MMOO awaNd• INNMN. Mda•Ma .••••• 111•010 glY ••••••• immOb ••••••••1 aaa••• row. ,••••• raw., Spatial Mettitigs,-bEe. 1-a44 Jesus said: "Behold, I. tomb qunekl :.and reward with me, to pre every Irian aocOraltg AS his work shall be, Hey. 22:12 Bert Deltic ,r Wm, Riehl, joint Watson and Geo, Radford. So far there -dots not seem to be much interest taken in MO event. ,Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Wettlaufer of Burgessville, visited the latter's par- ents, 3, H. IL Elliott and Mrs, Elliott on Sunday. Mrs, Elliott returned home with them, Word :from Mr. Robert Newcornbe, who is a patient in' Victoria Hospital, London, intimates that he is improving and hopes to be able to return borne in a few days, Mr.. Irvine Wallece, who purchased Miss Olive McGill's general store busi- ttess last week, is now in. possession. We all wish Mr. Wallace success, Mr and lifts, Harvey McCallum were in London bri Sunday visiting the latter's brother, Ray Vincent, who is otifined to the hospital, .1.46It000r le-ove Witted .r jOrtty reeve of the village and warden t4 Bruce County, suffered tHn Salvation Army Sunday Service-4-11 lam, 7 p.m. Sunlay School, 2.30 p.m. Captains V. Davis arid E. Baker, from Hamilton, hi charge Tuesday- 'The Rome League, 2-30 PA% . Youth Rellorrship, 8.00 „Thursday- Prayer Meeting, 8.00 p.m. Christirits Program TUESDAY, DECEMBER JD Captain C. R. Onodwin, Corrimandkig Officer LY E-riiiVETfR BAPTIST MU SPECIAL SERVICE Special services were held in the Baptist Church on Sunday, with Rev. J. N. Bedford, B.D,, President of the London Bible Institute as guest speak- er both morning and evening. Assisting in the services were several young people from the Bible Institute, who sendered several vocal and quartette selections, to two appreciative audi- ences. Miss June Burnside was soloist and the mixed quartette comprised Misses Muriel Barrie and Muriel Van- derlip, Gordon Rindle and Alvin Dick. Rev. 0. J. Coupland, pastor of the shorch presided at both services. Rev, J. N. Bedford, B.D., speaking =at the morning service brought a timely anessage on the text, John 6, verse 15, -"And it was now dark and Jesus was not come to them." "Our purpose as Christians stated Mr. Bedford is to be twilling to sacrifice for the welfare of others, service on the Foreign field and at home is the great Commission to all believers." The purpose of the ehurch to-day in this dispensation is to .preach Christ Crucified Risen and Corning again, "There will be no last- ing peace in this world of unrest Mid disOrskr until the Prince of Peace re- -turns for His own reiterated the speak- -cr. The only wall of security against the world and worldiness is through the Grace and spirit of God which is found in Hint, when we except Christ as 'our personal Saviour. Rev. Bedford chose as his evening theme "The Glory of our Sated Lord." BELGRAVE Trinity A.Y.P.A. The A.Y,P,A. of Trinity Church held a meeting last Friday night at the Rec- tory in Blyth. The president, Nora VanCamp, presided. The secretary, Ruth Bradburn, read the minutes of the previous meeting and Tom Wade gave the treasurer's report. After the business meeting, Irene Logan played a clarinet solo, accompanied by .Mrs. Henderson. A game period was then conducted by Mr. Henderson. A tasty lunch was served by the host and host- ess, bringing the enjoyable evening to a close. The sixth line Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor with an attendance of twenty-four. Our Co-Operative Hospitalization plan is new yet, but we thought if more benefits could be added this would increase membership. It was decided that ceiling and sub- sidies on feed grain had been lifted at a very unfortunate time as grain crops were light here and also some Western farmers had sold their grain before the price rise. It was thought that hog and poultry raisers would suffer the most front this action, The next Forum will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith's with Ivan Wightman as leader. Contests and games were enjoyed under the leadership of Bud Scott and 4ti • tk David Crompton Gifts For Ali Occasions. WINGHAM PHONE 59 Ross Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wildfong and baby 42404' Of Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jack. Wilson. Mrs, Penholm of Goderieh, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Gordon Walsh, WHITECHURCH Miss Edna Haines who -has been in ;bed and under the Dr's. care for the past three weeks, with a severe attack of quinsy and tonsilitis, is now much improved, Whitechurch Farm Forum met..on Monday evening at the home of Reeve and grs, J, P. Beecroft with an attend- ance of thirty. Mrs, 0. G. Anderson was the special speaker of the eAping and explained the Hospitalization plan for the Huron Co-Operative Medical Services. The Forum Group decided to take on this form of Health Insur- ance and appointed Mr. Cecil Falcon- er, as Secretary-Treas. The group ten- dered Mrs. Anderson a hearty vote of thanks and many joined in' the dis- cussion of the .subject, and many signed up, so that these services would be ef- fective now. The Lunch Committee served lunch and the social time was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Montgomery of Belgrave, is visiting with her granddaughter, Mrs. Angus Falconer. Mrs. N eil Robb of Belleville spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Brooks, at the home of Mr, and Mi.'s. Lester Falconer of Culross. Mrs. Brooks has been very ill during the past week. 4, Mr. and Mrs, John Aitken of Dar- mody, Sask., arrived home last week to visit at the home of her father, Mr. John T. Currie, whp has been very ill during the past few weeks. Mrs. Gal- braith of Detroit is home also, and Mrs. K, Bibb of Detroit, also spent the week-end there, Thursday, No ember 27, 194T gligilifiliiiiiiiIHIIIIIIIIIIIIH111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111119011111HIMM110101140111101Miliiiiiiiiiii: .1,-. fr .-. ...... • et ..... 040•01 ,,,, , *Outdoor Playmates for Rough and Tumbling LittleP‘ople adiam. mown./ mor.41 toalcummucumwentontateuvocattoottontatattoct0000tiomooctocoomcomittota 44411iSW4444,481 E. Snowsuits, Coat Sets, Mittfl, Hose, Parkas and Sweaters SNOW SUITS of all-wool Blanket Cloth, quilted lining, smartly designed with appliques on jacket. 3 pieces, of Jacket, Leggings and Parka-Navy and Red, Green and Brown, sizes ,4 to 6x. $10.50 SNOW SUITS Practical All-wool Blanket Cloth, quilted lining, two-piece, plain color of wine or brown. 4 to 6x $8.95. ONE-PIECE SNOW SUITS, Parka to match. A warm, good wearing All-Wool Blanket Cloth, quilted lining, in red, maroon or brown, sizes 3 to 6x $10.00 COAT SETS for dressier occasions. Three-piece, Coat, Leggings and Hat; some with velvet lined parkas, all Fur- trimmed. Colours, Mulberry, Blue, Green, Red. Sizes 2 to 14 years $12.50 to $16.95 'It,", LITTLE GIRLS' 3-piece COAT SETS, of warm Chinchilla Fur-trimmed, and zippered leggings. Fully lined; in colors of green, pink; white, blue and red. Sizes 1 to 4 $8.95 to $13.75 GIRLS' PARKA HOOD-Warm Blanket Cloth or heavy Brushed Rayon. Fur-trimmed, all colors, 89c to $2.19 CHILDREN'S SKI MITTS- Fully lined, and gauntlet style strap-at-top for snugness. Bright colors in all-leather Capeskin. Per pair $1.50 GIRLS' WOOLLEN GLOVES- Scotch knit, in green, brown, red or blue, up to six years . . 8k GIRLS' SPORT OR SKI SOCKS, heavy all-wool in bright colors, sizes 7 to 91/2 79c t111111111111111 0 ttttttt11141111411t111111ttl ttt KNEE SOCKS of Botany Wool and Cotton, elastic tops, in navy or brown. Sizes 6 to 91/a . .. . . ....69c ..... lafinUltOPOOPO .. .. ttttttt • BOYS' GOLF HOSE, heavy wool worsted weight, or wool and cotton. Just 'right for breeches. Plain col- ors with contrasting tops. Brown, grey, navy, green. Sizes 7 to 101/2 85c to $1.19 • TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 7.30 MATINEE Saturday Afternoon at 2.00 p.m. .. oo ! oo ... . .. 00000 j 000000 p tttttttttt tttttt tt )11111alliwtatml tttttt W1111,14414,40 tttttt tt t tt tt 01.1414/41.0101041,4411101 THURS., FRI., SAT., NOV. 27, 2$, 29 "The Mighty McGurk" WALLACE BEERY EDWARD ARNOLD The following pictures play TWO DAYS EACH- MONDAY and TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 2nd "THE VERDICT" SIDNEY GREENSTREET PETER LORRE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, DEC. 3rd, 4th The Perfect Marriage LORETTA YOUNG DAVID NIVEN PAGE TEN d ttttttt tt ttttt das tttt tttttttt ,:..„ 0-titeeth,#44, *BUM .9 5° Her Excellency "A" 21 Jewels TERMS . Buying Electrical Appliances for Gifts this year? It will pay you to BUY THEM FROM YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER ! Drop in and look over our fine selection of Irons, Toasters, Heaters, Food Mixers, Egg Cookers, Vacuum Cleaners, Heating Pads, Bed- Lamps, Desk Lamps, Radios, etc. Suggestions for your Farmer Friend: Moffat Electropails, Poultry Water Warmers, Electric Fences, et,5. • SPECIAL Boyco RECORD PLAYERS-Reg. $19.95 - $14.95 Brand & Miller ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPH Reg. $54.95 for $39.95 Pt/ft/SOO RPOIll SERVICE THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES - - Mom. 11••••10d1 I • • 1•••••• ••••••• 4•1=1. .10,111L WINNOW 1•11.20.1. Yid 11•••••••• gdandada d8/.80S 0.1111•10 11••••••• OM.* •VIVOR • • • I ydd 111111111 yit Yd. 11111•10•10 yid 1111••••• %Milan •tra •••••••• *MOM fMg•••• ••••0111 Yid Small Boys' All-Wool Knitted Suits in plain color pants and attractive striped tops, with braces. You'll like these for appearance, warmth. In red, green, navy, brown-2, 4, 6 years $3.75 t ttttt 010111111 ttttttt ttttttt All Boys' or Girls' Pure Woollen Pull- over SWEATERS, the quality that will last all season. Pleaiing' colors of green, blue, brown and red, $2.69 tttttt I ttt lututtnun !"Ill Children's Pure Wool • CARDIGANS in ribbed knit, serviceable and warm in beige, brown, green and red, sizes 2, 4 6 \••440**0 tttttt **be* $2495 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VCICtOtrCkSt4V AlcwicicatotuockOvoclairoxatiotwevociairavociatatoOst000tioocnoutioctoalotiociovelocat MP' A. Beauty PrImer-•-created specially for the Young traveller and possessing all the klot you expect of an Elizabeth Arden creation. It tames prettily packaged in book Design, bound In blue linen 'and contains 7 Essentials for loveliness ...7.50. Out& Make-Up kto-noart and efficient, fat the 'worniti who goes plates...a hand- some tase to tuck under your arm, into your Suitcase. tomes In 'simulated, alligator in Black or IN-Own containing -8 Essentials for Lovelinesi . s s 5.50. leautv 56,60-another grand gift gestute-frogrant • tettilettlar of your good wisher for months 10 come simulated leadser Morocco veto to Islesk or brown containing 9 Essentials for loveliness0010. • Megfibbollis In 'Drugs xf let XALL TWO DELIVERIES DAILY Smith's Economy Food Store McCormick's Salted or I Crosse & Elatktrell's P'lairi Sodas, lb, pkg. -...:.20t Date and Nut tread, tin. 23c Oxford Inn Aylmer Fancy Pork & 'leans, 20 oz. tin etc Wax Beans, 20 at, tin „ ttt 20e mut SUDS fOR DISHES AND VINE WASHABLES 2-piece KNIFE SET Only SOc and 1 I3ok TO. Per package, 29c Choice Quality Strike Anywhere! Canned Pumpkin, 28 OM tine 17c I Sol IVIatches . 2 boxes 29e Ground While You Wait SPECIAL 1-/igh Grade Rex Coffee lb 59t VALUE sores aking Powdery 22 oz. jar . 35c 1 I C t City Harry Ifornes tan Nu-Style Flavours, bottle 2.1c HRIS'rMAS EAXING TIME IS HERE LOOX I , CALIPORN/A PAN CV SEEDLESS RAISIN'S . tt ttt2 lbs. 45e P resh Clean •SHELLED QUARTER WALNUT 2lc AUSTRALIAN` 'FANCY CURRANTS -.... .„ tttt „ tttttttttt 2 lbs. 39e PANCV LARGE SHELLED ALMONDS % 25e AUSTRALIAN SULTANA svaitass „. ..... 190 CHOI CE 1.1AL/T11 COORING PIGS, Its. c 1111•••11.0 111011111•• For Men's • Ladies' 0 Children's GIFTS - VISIT • KING DEPT. STORE lud 1.0.1111 IMMO. 911.111m111 11.1•••• 11.1111••• ••••ilMi MUM= 1111•1•011 -..., k MININIMI II mi MI 0 II .101! OMIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111ffilllik "THE FRIENDLY STORE" BLYTH Blyth is laving a contest for the fedi/di* and council on Monday neat. P'or reeve, W. G. McNall and P. T. Balaton, Connell, Harold Vodden, Her- BAPTIST CHURCH tor. 0. Coeplaad, Pastor 11 atii.-,-"Chrises Law' of Love* 1.30 .p.tn.*`"The Measure of Righteousness" •••••••••••••••-••• 111111••••••••alie A Cordial Welcoine Awaits 'You. badly fractured right leg when be fell while rounding up cattle at his farm at St, Helens, Mr, Joynt had both bones its his leg hteketi in two places 'between the knee and ankle. •