The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-11-20, Page 4Men's Tweed and Worsted Pants, in plains, donegals and herringbone patterns-all sizes, up to $9.95-SALE 5.95 6.95 7.95 Winter Overcoat Reductions PAog IOTJR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, November 20, 1947 MAMOW4irieas'r4ftwome e,44,,4,f 0 64,AeAcw4MeirrAtiggeovaix NNA' WINGHAM 1. ONTARIO M AKE HISTORY WITH THE LOWEST CLOTHING PRICES IN YEA FALL TOPCOATS Now-in "The Store for Men"-you can choose the Topcoat that suits you best, from a wide selection of fabrics, styles and colors-in a price range you'll appre- ciate. Don't miss this chance to own one of these superb Coats, selling regularly up to $39.50. NOW ON SALE for 19.95 = 24.95 - 29.95 MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S WEATHERPROOF' COATS Vulcanized Gabardine Raincoats in blues and tans. Regular up to $8.50 SALE PRICE $5.89 Better Quality Vulcanized Gabardine Coat, in tan only. Regular price $14.50 SALE PRICE $11.49 SELF-LINED GABARDINE Shower-Proof COAT, expertly tailored. Regular $19.50 SALE PRICE $12.95 PANTS. Clearance SALE SUITS for Son and Dad Yoti'll marvel at the outstanding values in the group ranges of Imported Donegals, Herringbone Tweeds and Smooth finish Cheviots ... Harmony Silk lined through- out. 27,Young Men's and Men's SUITS, up to 39.50 SALE 28.95 23 Men's SUITS up to 49.50 On Sale 37.95. 25 Boys' SUITS On Sale 11.95 20 Student's SUITS • Up to 30.00 On Sale, $21.75 0111110.•.<1.weel•P.1111W.V1101 Buy your next • I) Made-to-Measure at clothing specialists the Hanna Men's Wear During the Sale SUIT The Season's Latest Styles from world famous mills- packed full of value. Select your coat today. Fleeces, Meltons and Tweeds-Values up to $39.50 for 24.95 32.95 The above is a sketch of the World Famous Kenwood by Warren K. Cooke. Select yours while the selection remains good. Priced to sell, nation-wide, at $55.00 Special Introductory Offer with Discounts 11111•111M IF YOU WANT GIFTS that look impressive, but don't cost a fortune. then this section of bargains was planned for you. Men's Fine Quality HANDKERCHIEFS - -45c or 2 for 25c Men's GENUINE COWHIDE BELTS, sturdy construction, Regular $1.50 - SALE 99c Men's SILK TIES, value up to $1.50-On Sale 69c or 2 - $1.35 Attractive Clear and Colored PLASTIC BRACES - .95c Better Quality TIES-Reg. $1.50 and $2.00-On Sate .$1.39 The finest in IRISH LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, rolled edge, hemstitched or initialed, boxed or separate-39c, 50c, 75c DIAMOND SOX - All sizes and color combinations Reg, $2.75 ON SALE $2.25 A Gift Royal for Santa himself-SOX - ..... - .65c and up FLANNEL DRESS SHIRTS Checked patterns-Reg. $2.50 ON SALE $1.69 Men's Scotch All-Wool GLOVES, reg. $1.25-On Sale , 79c Limited ' of Men*s TOPS and SHORTS, each - .95c Young Men's "HOMESPUNS"-All-Wool TIES, solid shades Regular $1.50 ON SALE 79c or 2 for $1.50 Imported Botany All-wool Worsted Ties in Tartans and Stripes - - - - . _ For the man who is "scarf conscious" WHITE SILK SCARVES - - 11P A GLOVE for every hand, whether it's Wool, imported cape, lined or unlined - - - . - - $1.50, $2.50, $3.50 and up vattopocbmtztl.cwrvettostosic (two= JUST ARRIVED! Boys' Winter OVERCOATS, Men's UNDI WEAR, GLOVES, SKI-MITTS and Horsehide LEATHER JACKETS Our stock of WINTER UNDERWEAR is now complete, including Penmans No. 71 and No. 95, also Stanfields. All-Wool Ribbed. Watch for Special Bargain Counter of slightly damaged or soiled Underwear. The Red and Yellow Sales Tags will Amaze You! Tut MUM; 111,112111111111111304111111111E11111111101112111111111111111111111 SPORTS WEAR The leisure gift supreme for a man, affording casual smartness throughout the year. Men's and Young Men's immaculately TAILORED SPORTS COATS. Group No. 1-Reg. up to $21.50 - .Sale Price $13.75 Group No. 2-Reg. up to $24.50 -Sale price $16.75 Young Men's Two-ton SPORT JACKETS, tailored from Pure Wool Glenelin Cloths. Reg. $16.50-Priced to clear .... $11.75 Young Men's Wool Polo Cloth KNOCK-A-BOUTS-Regular up to $13.50 Priced to clear - - . $6.85 A SUPER VALUE EVENT for Christmas Shoppers - The CLUBMAN POLO JACKET Knitted Cuffs, Zipper Front-Ideal for the Sportsman or Student. Reg. $12.50 Sale Price ....... , . .$7,95 Men's and Youths' Gabardine WINDBREAKERS Reg. $6.95 for $4.99 ist[tial tatimesiirsuilimmintlamosim warm -111, at U ii A' Iw U A MULTITUDE OF GIFT BARGAINS YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO OVERLOOK FOR YOUR SON! Boys' Blanket Cloth SNOW SUITS-Reg. $14.95 for .. .$8.95 Brushed Wool and Rayon PULLOVERS-Reg. up to $6.50- SALE PRICE $2,49 No. 1.--Group of assorted SWEATERS, reg. $1.49-Sale $1.19 No. 2-Group of Boys' Wool Sweaters, reg. $1.49 -95c No. 3-Boys' All-Wool JERSEYS'-Reg, $2.95-Sale $2.39 BOYS' KNEE GOLF HOSE-On Sale -..79c BOYS' ALL-WOOL LONGS-On Sale . ...$3.95 Junior FLANNELLETTE PAJAMAS- Reg.‘$1.50-Sale 98c BOYS' Warmly-lined PARKAS, all sites .$7.95 up Boys' WINDBREAKERS-Warm and sturdy , $4.49 up BOYS' MACKINAW COATS ............ , .$7.95 up BOYS' BREECHES, Double Knees , ,$3.50 up BOYS' PELT HAT-Reg. $2.95-On Sale ....... - .$1.69 vorlotttoocictsittatcovoocctszockektootectociortkierctson*rstoctestmcv -HERE'S A GIFT LIST FOR THE WORKING MAN that's often imitated but never duplicated in workmanship or value Heavy Duty Dairymen's OVERALLS-Reg. $3.95----Sale $3.39 Sturdy All-Wool WORK SOX by Hanson & Fields . 69c Boys' Sanforized OVERALLS-Reg. $2.15. „ . .On Sale $2.29 Genuine LEATHER. CAPS with fur lugs-Reg. $1.79 for $1.25 Men's Tweed and Melton CAPS with concealed lugs, reg. $1.50 ON SALE for $1.17 Boys' Leather Aviator HELMETS - Regular up to $1.59 ON SALE ..- .89c, $1.29 Men's and Boys' SKI CAPS in blues, browns and tans-Reg. up to $1.S0 ALE PRICE ..r. ..69c and $1.19 Men's Winter Weight WORK SHIRTS, plaids and plains $1.50 U U a U a rAiiillf1.111,1131:1111;tilltliallilillilliilliffitillief1111111011 111111 111111111i111101111111111111111I1111111111111111111111110 There are many other OUTSTANDING SAVINGS that even Old St. Nick himself will be'cashing in on- such as Genuine Horsehide Windbreakers, Melton Windbreakers, Heavy Mackinaws, Sheepskin-lined Horsehide Coats, Mackinaw Longs and Breeches, - 4-1 •• I, I