HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-11-13, Page 10• •••••••• amei••• Geortetown; Wm. McLau- ghlin, Listowel; Win. Mayberry, Woodstock. 1111111U lllllllll llllllllllll 1 lllll 1110 llllll 11111111111111 llllllllllll FOR ELECTRICAL Wiring Supplies and DEVICES of ALL TYPES look over the, fine assortment at &libel. RR1110 'SERVICE Serving your since 1935 4kokkommankroki•marlIa.••1. • LAMP CORD in various Colours including WHITE. Aylmer Fancy Quality Oxford Inn Golden Wax 20 oz, tin II ept, r orK OE Deans zac 13EANS 20c - In t ornato, Sauce, 20 ot. FRESH RRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORANGES a- LEMONS a- GRAPEFRUIT ,-. LETTUCE -.,. CELERY TOMATOES.... GRAPES CABBAGE*. PAR, SNIPS -- CARROTS a- POTATOES ETC. CA.L1EORNIA RED EMPEROR, GRAPES lb. lde FLORIDA SEEDLESS GRAPEPRIHT site Vk I for 25c NEW BRUNSWICK NO. 1 POTATOES 15 lb Uid PHONE 161 P PAGE TEN Thursday, November 13, 1947 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ..••••••••••` MATINEE Saturday Afternoon at 2,00 p.m. TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT itarting at 7.30 t i a to k k ks ti k kt l k llll I ll 0 YIIYIY11 It ttl; tf 01 k i 0 l IIIIrlll lei llllll list tt, lll tttttikkk;Ok opium!) rlko toksstkokst lll ; l THURS., FRI., SAT:, NOV, 13, 14, 15 HANDBAGS • 404eimorom-Karfor. Pre, ebtiottimi' Clearance SWIM in lovely Satin-lined Box, containing powder, soap, for $2.39 SETS (Three piecei) Reg. $4.50-TO CLEAR at $2.25 Molinard for Men JUST THREE SETS Left in this fine line for men 1 at reg. $5.00 for SHAVING BOWL and LOTION--Reg. $3.00 for $150 WE ARE CLEARING CERTAIN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT HALF PRICE. in novel packages--priced from $5.00 down All at Half Price containing powder, perfume and cologne for $2,88 • Cedar Chests Guardsman Cologne h4cKibbons Sets For Ladies $5.75 Satin-lined, Mirror-Topped A Real Bargain By Molinard of Montreal $7.00 Sets PROPHYLACTIC NYLON 2 at reg.. $4.00 for. $2.50 $ZOO 2 Piece Sets $4.75 Sets D'ORSAY Perfume If It% REXALL tea Itiglitt Brushes DRUG prat LY E,l1.4"c7TIR E (Adult Entertainment) HUMPHREY BOGART LIZABETH SCOTT "CALENDAR GIRL" "Dead Reckoning" • Brass & Bakelite SOCKETS • of all types llllllll ntUytnlY hllllltifl. • 2-WAY SOCKETS TELEPHONE 161 ti • , ,x•R R ..•11 Palmy Mr••••• Wm. ••••••• %••••• !ERROR •••0100 1••••• ORM. Iry W••••• IRY 1.000•0 11.1mY ••▪ ••• ,•••••• ••••• •••••• g•III•F• •••••• 0•1••• i••••1 Rm. ar•PRI WAVY YR, Omar. 40•1•• Ii•••Ms ray ••••lea •▪ 10•00 ••••••1 lar•R• lounimoninummonnummonominiunonnuniminommumninininowniimomonommilloollionnow2 Plan Your Gift Giving Now Durable Leathers in Pouch, Underarm or in Shoulder-Strap Styles, also Plastic Patent and Plastic Kid-Black, Green, 'ran, Red. $3;95 to $11.95 SCARVES Square or oblong styles in florals' or plain colors. They will make a smart coat smarter. $1.00 to $1.75 N G S with the New Season Smartness! t)k.vk, fr. TAvaRITES TWO DELIVERIES DAILY Smith's Economy Food Store l l Fresh Roasted tholte Bulk 21c PEANUTS in shell IVIIIICEMEAT Canada Dry 30 oz. 914 1Dishes Sparkle vVith 9A GINGER ALE Bottle filigt; I DREFT pHoicg, WALNUT QUARTERS lh lb. pia THOMPSON SEEDLESSI RAISINS lbs. 45c LARGE SHELLED ALMONDS% lb. pkg. 490.-.4/41b. pkg. 25e CHOICE CLEANED C1.1;12A.NTS l 2 'lbs. ssd - tivtrrIt's Dare's Cherry Creme FOUR O'CLOCK BLACK SANDWICH BISCUITS :‘01+11114 EA lb: 45„.._ Campbell's New Prick 1 1 , Pkg. Lo TOMATO SOUP tift Shipment of Carr's of Cathie, England DISCUITS last arrived, Come itt and see them, Wingham Horse Show (Continued from page one) Dougall, Erin; Miss Ironsides, Arva, Draft Teams-Mr. St. Clair, Inger- soll; Chas. Halliday, ,Chesley; Fred Roney, Mitchell; Peter Graham, Eder- ton; Fraser Dewar; McQuarrie Bros; Corbeton. Carriage Singles-Wallace Munroe, Embro, Ken McMillan, Georgetown; Jack MacKay, Georgetown; W. Mun- roe, Embro; Billy MacLaughlin, Lis- towel; Dr. Foster, Galt, Lady Drivers-Mrs. Foster, Galt; Mrs. Thibideau, Markdale; Mrs, Mc- Dougall, Erin; Mrs. Munroe, Embro; Mrs. McMillan, Georgetown. Tandem Hitch-4-in-hand-Mr. St, Clair, Ingersoll; Mr. Listman, Embro; Zimmerman Bros., Tavistock; Mrs. Conklin, Brantford; A. F. Armstrong, Georgetown; Chas.' Halliday, Chesley. Road Singles, over 15,2-Les Wright Listowel; Clayton Fryfogle, Wingham; Wallace Munroe, Embro; Dr. Foster, Galt; Wm. Mayberry, Woodstock. Hurdles-Top Flight, 1bir, Thurston, Stratford;, Red Prince, Robert Marran, Stratford; Grey Dawn, Mr. Thurston, Stratford; Acatia Queen, Mr, Thurs- ton, Stratford; Champ, Mr. Thurston, Stratford; Black Bess, „III.. McDuff, Walkerton. Shetland Pony Singles-Miss Iron- sides, Mr, Shantz, Mr. Tye, Mr. Tye, Mr. Shantz. Carriage Teams-Wallace Munroe, Ken :McMillan, Wallace Munroe, Dr. Foster, W. McLaughlin, Win, May- bury. Line Class-Mr. St. Clair, A. F, Armstrong, Zimmerinan Bros.; Mr. Listman, W. Munroe, Dr. Foster. Evening Show Wagon Singles-C. W. Kent, Em- bro; Mrs, Conklin, Brantford; Decker, Zurich; Mrs. Conklin, Brant- ford; Shewfett Bros„ Kincardine; Sch. roader & Beaver, Exeter, PercherorA Belgian Team-E, Armstrong, Georgetown; Zimmerman Bros., Tavistock; Zimmerman Bros„ Tavistock, Road Tearns-Leslie Wright, Lis- towel; Wallace Munroe, Embro; Clay ton Pryfogle, Wingham. Agricultural Teams-L. G. St. Clair, Ingersoll; Leonard H. Listmati, Em- 'bro; Peter Graham, Iliterton; Charles 'Halliday, Chestey; Fred honey, Mit- ' then; Gordon Johnston, Moorefield. carriage Singles 15-2 and under- Embro; Wallace Munro, Erabro; Dr. Foster, Galt; Wallace Munroe, 0••••• •••••• r••••• ARMOR ••••• •••••• rIMOMMI limrrORI Nyl •••••• •••••• 00•100 ••••••• •••••• ••••o• WMPRO ••••=0 •Mirms NYI ROHNER, •••••• RORY* a••••• anrmr amiml ZNIMMR• mMm- i mwm• MI.M• •••••• ax&OR• =Rem •ORI•• m•••• =Rm. !Mr •R•Rmr IRON. •••••• •••••• •••Or• •••••1 •••.• i▪ nf 11•••=1 rmr.0•• Rmy•• romorre Immon• MORON. REMY rmORO. ••••. •10••• IIMPARM *OREM ••11.• •••.• •••••.E a••••• 1Y• •▪ ••••• •••Ye• on• mao.• yor u•••• 4.m.0 ww••• .40 qmolimb •••••• Immo. W.Ame faMme •••4•0 mMon• yr. •••b••• wat••• kr..m IRRY•Nr IROM•0 IrMismr •••Y•• Im••• •••••• IRRMER Road Singles, 15-2 and under- Wallace Munroe, Embro; Wallace Munroe, Embro; Leslie Wright, Lis. 1-/tirdles-Acatia Queen--Mr. Thos.. ton, Stratford; Red Prince, Robert Marren, Stratford; Grey Dawn, Mr. Thurston, Stratford; Top Plight, Mr. Thurston, Stratford; Black Bess, Mr. McDuff, Walkerton; Champ, gr. Thurston, Stratford. Hackney Tandem-Wallace Munroe, -Embro; jack MacKay, Georgetown; Dr. Foster, Galt: Writ Mayberry, Weedsteek. Pour-In4lancl Driving Competition -Charles Halliday, L. G. St. Clair, Pred Lawrence; Zimmerman Bros; Listman & flalliday; & Johnston; Conklin & Armstrong; Peter Graliagri. Bike speeial-Waliaee Munroe, Ent. Ivo; Clayton Pryfogle, Wingham; Mayberry, Woodstock BIRTHS HICKEY-In Witightin General Hos- pital, on November Sth, to Mt. and iMrs, Robert Winghatn,a. ton, VANSTONE-Iti Wingham General Hospital, On November Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Paid Vanstorie, Wingliarn, a son, cWHIRTER-In Wing-ham General IlostAto.1, on November Stii, to and Mrs. Writ, McWhirter, Brussels, tviitis, a boy and girl, VOGAN-411, Wingham General Hos, pita!, on November Pitt, to Mt and Mrs. Ron' Vogan, a son WELTZ-4tt Winghain General HoS., tiltal$ on Novernber 10th, Ur. and; Mrs. Earl Weitz, R,• It.. 1, Wingham, a daughter. •••••••• •00•Ire yolt MOOR IRANI/ •••••• ••••••1 0001•••• raromma •••••••- 11.••• ORREIRR. .1••••0 MINIM 10111M0 11/•••• 00010•1 •••••• • •••••••- • llama limpRi•R arr•••1-irry OMR= e•R••• amy yr, ••••••• •wrom R•••• •••••• •••••• ••.••• rm.= MOON. a••••• ••••••• IMYRRO OrRa•• SWAM& 110.••• ••••• 1•••••1 imeNar iya ••••W t.••••• .Y•me MOPED •••0•• MN! IMERRM ••••••I •••••• •••••• ars••• •Ns•O MINER• RM.* •••WM• MOM. Mee. WRENN ••••••t ••••••R ram•ID •••••• WINOIN 00•0• rift•Rd• INN•ima ••••OR •••••• ORREMO 00••••• •IY••• •••••0 1100••• a▪ rourob IMYG Ve•••• ir•••• U1•••• Mry, 111•ROP 1•••••• 100•Er yRe 1•••••• OPY 1••••R r••••01 •I••••- P ROY •••0••• •ROY •,••••• ilrol•••• 41•••• SIMOIRON ari•ORRIf 1111•1•01 ••••••01 OaRrmIll •••••• IRRIRRIR lemma Ihr•••• 1.111•1•01 MINNA 10•1111•IIr AMMON YOI INORINO lkokikk* laRrifOR ••••••• -FARROW Irrimari -•••••11- ammo ARROW •1•10•00 BAPTIST 111111Ell Rer. Colima) Pastor II 4.et vitztEss POR SER. VICE ".. Dedication of children at this service 7i30 p.m. '"THE CALL OP THE PUBLICAN". ALL WELCOME "Who thall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Who shall stand in His holy plate He that ma't'h clean hands and a Vire heart, who bath 'not lifted up his soul into 'vanity nor sworn. deceit. Psalm 24: S, 4. UMBRELLAS $3.95 to $7.50 HANDKERCHIEFS Pure Irish Linen A selection to be proud of, in Florals, Plains or whites, also Boxed Handkerchiefs in assorted patterns. An Ideal Gift for Someone Special One that will lasti Make your choice now while our lines are so completely new and different. Plain Rayons, Stripes and Plaids, also Black and Plastic cov- erings. 25c to $1.00 DOESKIN .GLOVES Slip-on Style, made in England. :These fresh white doeskins are at their best, They're washable, too. In the new four-button length. Sizes 6 to 754 Per pair, $3.95 ANGORA GLOVES of all-wool with novelty em- broidery trimming, snug as well as colorful. Grey, Green, Blue, Red, Brown $2.95 - $3.95 Snuggle Down Gowns and Pyjamas of Brushed Rayon. So cozy and comfortable, in long sleeves,- Gowns, Blue and Rose $3.50 Pyjamas, Blue and Rose, $4.25 Penman's WOOL HOSE An appreciated gift when extra warmth is required. Full fashioned in new Fall shades-Wool and Cotton $1.35, Wool and Rayon $1.49, All-wool $1.65 PENMAN'S SKI SOX-An All-wool Sock for the sport-minded girl. A heavy rib, ideal for skating and skiing. Whiter red or blue in medium and large, per pair • l , • • 4 • • * • lllll • •• $1.19 FUR MITTS with leather palms, elastic shirred wrist and fleece cotton lining. Every girl will love them for their warmth and gay appearance l - llllll $2.95 AFTER-SKI SLIPPERS For comfort during relaxing hours t These Slippers are all-wool with nov- elty embroidery and cork soles. Red, Blue, Green .$3.25 10,000100004tciOtOCCICOPOCttiC4SIOCIMOCI*41041091fittOtiet00010400fteneneeiktttiteilttlelt'4000410000,11 FOR PRACTICAL GIFTS in Ladies`, Men's, or Children's Wear VISIT KING DEPT. STORE = = "THE FRIENDLY STORE" • - _ iiiiifiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinfillitilliiiilliiiiiii0001000000100.0100001000000001iiiiiiiiliMiliiiiffi#010004 containing powder, perfume, soap, cologne- beautifully packaged in Mirror-top wooden Cabinet for $3.50 JANE FRAZEE WM: MARSHALL 111 llllll 1 lllllllllllll 11; llll 1 l 0111 nl/lrylnulunnnmllu11n11 llllllllll t lll 1 ll 111 l II 1 YII I r1lllllllI llllllll I l I llll 11 ll 1 ll 1 l 11111 MON., TUES., VVEDNES., NOV. 17, 18, 19 EXTENSION CORDS for Ladies Reg. $1.50 for 98c Beautiful Sets for Men Desinged by Molinard in the lovely Maroon Glazed Crockery Containers • SCREW BASES SHAVE LOTION and SHAVING BOWLS, Regularly $1.50 for 75c Guardsman In Sets-3,piece SETS, reg. $4.50 for $2.25 "Guardsman" is a very attractive package. The bottles are dressed to represent His Majesty's Guards-very clever packaging in the Crimson, Black and Gold Motif -A Beautiful Gift rktorwinkkinti. OW; tikkiillikt vvvvv thrinViktoirkrkklYwkutimMkkkikttiOknkiiktrikVirtkimfiikillOklirit*fflitoffitrkTOE A Few Brush, Comb aid Mirror Sets TO CLEAR AT BELOW HALF PRICE SEE THE SOUTH WINDOW at our Store ', YnlYYillYY iIY,YIiner1Y11YNnitrrnrlYnYrnunuru YiiNr8mlYYImllii'inY Ovii1002402finiii t t tiettirklYikkritekv