HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-11-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR AUCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock. and Implements, will be held at W 112 Lot 15, Con. A. Howick, at 12,30t pan., on Thursday, November 20th. No reserve as farm has been sold, Terms Cash, L. G. Bryce, Airco, Mothers Bros., Props., Fral- fele, Clerk. WANTED—A man to do chores for winter months. Jack Thymic, Brisk sels, phone 3149. WANTED-.-Man for Rawleigh busk ness. Permanent if you are - hostler. For particulars write Rawliegh Dept. ML-K-453-103, Montreal, DIED GEDDES-a—In War Memorial Hos» pital, Perth, on Sunday, November 9th, 1947, Adam Geddes, in Isis 77th year, Remains resting at Currie's Funeral Home, Wingliam, where service will be held this afternoon, Wednesday, November 12th. Inter- ment in Brandon Cemetery. CASSELS—In Ottawa on Monday, November 10th, 1947, John Cassels, aged '75 years, beloved husband of Eliza Jane Neill. Funeral at Ottawa, Thursday afternoon, Interment in laferriville cemetery. OBITUARY Minnie Fessant Bradwin There passed away at her residence on Ontario Street Toronto, on Wed- nesday, November fifth, a former well- known resident of Wingliam, Minnie Fessant Bradwin, beloved wife of Dr. E. W. Bradwin, Principal of the Fron- tier College, Born near Teeswater, her parents, the late William and Maria Button Fessant, were pioneer settlers in South Bruce, In the early nineties her father came to Wingliam, where he engaged in manufacturing. All her life Mrs. Bradwin was interested in choir work and other church activities, dur- ing the first great war she gave large- ly of her time in the promotion of local patriotic funds and other work for the welfare of the soldiers. Twenty-seven years ago she married Dr. Bradwin and has since resided in Toronto, where she became an active member of MetropOlitan United Church.. The funeral conducted by her pastor, Dr. Bryce took place on Friday after- noon and interment was made in Mount Pleasant cemetery. Her only sister, Sarah, predeceased her several years ago. She is survived by her hus- band and one brother, John of Spring- field, Mass., who was present at the funeral, THANK YOU! Having disposed of my Hairdressing Shoppe, I take this opportunity of thanking my Patrons and Friends for their loyalty and support during the past twenty years, and I ask your continued patronage for Mr. and Mrs. R. Donald Adams, as Successors, who are both capable and efficient operators, The Shoppe will he continued as The Adams' Hairdressing, Mrs. W. Clare Adams NOMINATION NOTICE is hereby evert to the Municipal Electors of the TOWnShit, of Rovrielo in the Comity of Huron, that in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf, / require the presence of the said Electors at the TOWNSHIP HALL, GORRIE, in the said Town- ship of Howick, at the hour of 1.14 p.m., on MONDAY,"` NOVEMBER 24, 1941 for the purpose of riontinatirig fit and proper persons for the, office of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Three Councillors ;: also Two 'Public School Trustees in each School Area, for the Township of Howick; of vritich all Electors are hereby required to take notiet and govern themselves accordingly, and if a. greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices are tiomioated, and make the requira tad dedaration, polls will be opened in the following plates:—N'o. 1, in &heel No.1; NO. 2, in School No. 2; No. 3, in Township nail; Gerrie; No. 4, in Continuation School, Vordwich; No. t, itt School No, 18; No, 6, in Orange Hall, Newbridge; No, 7, itt 'Township* Wroxeter, in the said Towtiship, of lieitviolt, on MONDAY, DECEMBER8, 1941 and will be open from o'clock a.m. until 5 olcrock p.m., and nei longer. GiVert under to band this1.0ffi day of govettiher, 194't. PHIL/P TAI ST, Returning Otticer. WINGHAM ADVANCE,TIMES Thursday, November 13,- 100, 111111111111111111111111$111111111$1111110111111111111111110MilMni Ilt • a • a • • Super Pyro ANTI-FREEZ a • • • . Qts. 49c • • III HOTPOINT ELECTRIC KETTLE Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs, 'Bromley will reside in JMYth, rep- at/ ara and Farao Treks, Phone 417,1 County of Htiron, Married Wamato de- . it I 'et SI.E-NDOR TATILETS are tife,.,,..e.,,i ;4, ----Wigl'at.n. 0nt—alizI'' ' ' ' N°TICE IS lignV GIVE'N' 'TuntberrY1 County of 1111")11 kivaltthiteer'je‘rs'oer; waithflofoinrgelerntgitph veil, 11Sh°ef aTa-intr li5ehrIPpaarnencitse,atthhec late Sir. lktfhri.satilisItlitrcst. retar4 evaporation of an is 'I- V: 000es. Chrysler and Plytneuthiatd the Town of Wingliam in the ge Tranarnissior - „ro-rlan8Lea,.. Chan-' 7:3 FE'"et. ocir Oil. El-ward's Mot-;of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, slog Rust Resistarat atai treated to Have yonr 0i lans'oel hamPer, Sit . StaintolV n,aiint the. Estate of the late Bertha, complied with Secticn 8 of the Voters'iWilloughby, was her bndeataaal and She teas married on December 25th, llooawara. Por Sale from spraved ittees, per , ., and raitte,eottal. Oil. Bergin L 1. r". -(1. theCity 1 Fil ter .., ,,oreese.: gto ,,particnlars cf their elairria doly nerd office, on the 27th day ©f October, feta with matching fingertip veil and .away on February 23rd.„ 1911. She had IL. Legkeridge, are required to send List Act, and that I have posted up in was crocked in floor length pink tafa aggfoi to Thomas emotes. who passed CEVESCIL 'creditors and others having NOTICE T..,0 CREDITO°° iN ;THE imxrrER of the Estate of. Township of t UKiNt5t.KK I was united in marriage to Harold Les- On Saturdao„ No‘,.ernaer nth, firs. to j. W. Beal:field, K.C.. the *alai 1947, the list ci 5r persona entitled toiunquet of tarok roses, :sr, Willis ,lived irk Illrevate aimnet alt her life. .. 0,-NC1-11 s,e, tali o.. .taints Notice i,..,,, herby given that I have carried red rt'se. Her sister, Pkirete '361113 111P lirsn't'T11fmati te:151)than. Clerk's Notice of pin, Posting of . Inc Brorniey, son of Ur. and NIrs. Wm. 'Hannah Ditroota widow of the Late, S Municipality of the Township of A Voters' List for Year 1947 tolerk ax6,,,:ek •rup.,, Sieling, Patrick at., Was the scene of —. g.„4,.....gg........,,,,...favhen their eldest daughter, Alice Irene, ‘Vroxeter, OnLa quiet wedding on Saturday, Nov. 1, licroft officiated. I The bride, given in marriage iby her Mrs. Conites was born in Wiltnet '1 111tornley of Blyth. Rev. W'. A. Ike- Mr. Thomas Coultes. died at her home in Blifevale, hi her 97tli year. lvt7h ritaen sia C yr) It It '''''''''ks' s'atrr-l'IY' SIM ' 12 iNceksj aitor far the Admitistrater with Will'i vote in the said Muticiriality, at Matialt reagtey ‘1.t.s the heat ma ,. •:•-'5: '11 7q.'-Kil'han' & IleAv°s's ',:trineaerl of the said Estate, cri or be-ad; a; Eleations and that sada list re-i DnIg Stores. - • --e the twentv-second day of -Itiovern-tmaios there for inspection, and I call SSe had a 'bright, clicerfol disposition, seeraayEn—or co ok, f rom Lot la, iber, A.D.„ 19:47, and that after suellaton all voters to take intinediate pro- aoa Tote of moans. ore' ao /as., one/:date, the Administrator wilt proceed tot coadii:gs to hate :my errors or onssi- Soo lbs. Anyaoe aocaong Noltera.: distribute tae said estate, having re-1 cars corrected aceording to law, the last ..ta It . .0 a bet-as, please van I, Jo hnst on, Bard only tote claiens CI Which Lei clay for appeal teing the 18th day of `.PaTe4lissaibt stair) musk issURNIALemts olicite calezt trossels 71-16. ', sr:all then have had notice. ' November, 1947. * ' WAS EN Oil Gat WO •Statt.t. ota -rii'ine4880%- - I! DATED at Wince .._an, Ottario, this; Dated this 27th day of October, 1947. Moo -No -rmstee' ALWASCS SOME Vis4 SUPPERiNG PROM BACKACHES. , fourth day of Novem 7•-r A.D., 1947. 1 W. R. Crulksharik, ra.a..... POOL. WHO 1-1404ren ITS In' ItiSFIT Riteninat.c Pane, aziatiza, Ltienbao.ol 3. W. -1.11:5lliik:fc.D, K.C., 1 Clerk of Toroberry. ,,,...3..,,,,,,,t, 'MAE TO eaulem uPSOMe.04.1) Rolea,VA i= roa eozassary. Use RUMAC.;PS:' Winglitim, Ontario. at ortze for quick relief, ,McKibz,513:!, SO!zoter tar the Adnuntstrat Drug Store. with -Will arenexed. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED „ NOTICE. TO CREDITORS and Regulated to perfect sewing ...,..............,i condition --''Y experienced mechanic..? All persons havino tlainis azainst tbe: Municipality of the Towtt of Winghatt,i Telephone 313. . estate of William GeorgeN tolk late cf i County of Huron WANTED--Plocks to stioply us witli:tEe Town P:t.)t c'i AVEngl'a'n 41 thel hatehirt eggs for the 1948 hate.an County of litiron, Partner, who died:: Notice is hereby given that I have season. Flocks toned and wool,. on or aban' the. faiii day of October,:eernalied witla Sectien 8 of "The Vo test ed f re e, Gua ranteed prerniur,IP47, are nottfi,a-1 to aeod to tbe undinr-iteret-Lista Act" and that I have posted plus 'hatchability premium paid. Also szgnedt on or be-,:re the fifteenth daZluP at zany ofikey Town Hall, %Ingham, wanted to 'Purchase t')4:etel,,s suit. of November, 1947, full partizo:ars tolrin the 23rd day of October, 1947, the ; able for breeding, For fut cle taraa ,t!zeir 'claims in ,avriang. itnneaiateiY'!list of all persons entitled to vote in write Twecia?. Chick natehtitts After the said fifteenth (lay rai Novernol the said Municipality at Municipal' Limited, Fergus, Ontario. •••ber, the asses of the sahl in atin2! elections and that soch llsts. rtmain . • be b•distrzited amongst tire parties en-'1 there for inspeztion. WANTED.--Good rt,-,, nomad, good titled thereto, having regard onlyu to! And I hereby tail upon all Voters to worker, Apply at Asa.anee-Ttm es, claims of which the aCalinistratrix soall!, take immediate proceedings to have . •• - then have notice. San} errors or caniasions corrected at- WANTED TO BUY—Piano, must be DATED thistwer.ty-Third d day eV, cording to law, the last day for apoYeal in good co:al.:aim-a Also a good rgar: October. 1947.; being the 14th day of 'November, 1947a and stool. Write or phone to W. J. CRAWFORD & IIETI-IERINGTON" W. A. Galbraith, Clerk, Roberts, Box 43, Listowel, phone Wingham, Ontario Town of Nil'ingham. IRaW. I Solicitorsfor the Adritinisltattix, October 23rd, 1947, BOARD AND ROOM by the week CHARIS Foundation Garment Co. CHECK YOUR DOORS for Drafts. We have rubber moulding for all makes of cars. We have a good stock of Seiberling Tires, regular and Mud and Snow tread, Chive° Batteries, all sizes, guaranteed by Chrysler Corporation. Edward's Motor Sales, Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks. Phone 417, Wing- ham, Ontario, CLEANING WO,MAN WANTED- 4 hours per day, 50 cents per hour and dinner. Apply Yemen's Grill. Applications for the position of Night Constable for the Town of Wingharn, will be received by the un- dersigned up to 4 p.m, on Friday, November 21st., 1947, Applications "Electric and Gasoline WASHERS, should be made in writing and should immediate delivery, from $139.50, state age, qualifications and experience, Transportation prepaid, Budget if any, Details as to duties may be ob- Terms, special discounts to dealers. tanned on application to the undersign- Christian's Electric & Hardware, ed. Duties to commence on December Oshawa, Ontario," 1st., 1947. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk, Wingliam, Ont. FOR SALE—Two Female Hounds, black and tan, and black and white, partly trained. Apply Stewart Hig- gins, Wroxeter. FOR SALE—Nice Smooth Sorrel, General Purpose Gelding, rising 3 years. James Paisley, R. R. 1, Glen- annan. FOR SALE—Universal Milking Ma- chine, used slightly over a year, guaranteed in excellent condition, good reason for selling. Apply Ad- vance-Times. Hello Homemakers! Purple and gold are predominant colors of the fall har- vest festival, Just gaze upon the rich gold of the pumpkins and squash, the deep purple of egg plant and grapes, and you are aware of Mother Nature's artistry. Nat only do these vegetables and fruits with their regal colorings attract the eye, they tempt appetites as well, deserving an honored place on Canadian tables. Today our recipes pay special attention to the late har- vest. BAKED STUFFED EGGPLANT 1 medium-sized eggplant, 1 cup raw mushrooms, 4 tbsps. bacon drippings or butter, % cup chopp- ed onions, 1 cup minced ham, la tsp, salt, % tsp, pepper. Cut slice from top of eggplant or cut in halves lengthwise. Scoop out eggplant to within a half-inch of outer skin. Peel mushrooms and chop them along with scooped out eggplant coarsely. Do not grind. Saute in ba- con dripping or butter with onions for 10 mins. Add ham and seasonings. Fill eggplant shell, cover top with wax- ed paper and keep in refrigeratoroantil ready to bake. Bake in hot oven.(400 degrees F.) until thoroughly heated through and brown (about 20 to 30 minutes). Yield: Four servings. SPICED RED CABBAGE 1 small head of red cabbage, 2 tact flavorful apples, 3 whole clo- ves, 1 tsp. caraway seeds, brown sugar to taste, Cut a medium head of firm red cab- bage into shreds; put in pot and add 2 tart flavorful apples, peeled and diced The family of the late Alexander FOR SALE—Mans Camel Hair Coat, Dickson \visa to express their sincere .3 whole cloves, 1 teaspoon of caraway size 42, excellent condition. Apply and heartfelt thanks to their friends I seed, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 1 table-Advance-Times, or phone Wroxeter and neighbours for their many acts of spoon brown sugar or enough to suit 5r6. sympathy during their recent bereave- taste, 1 tablespoon of butter or other FOR SALE—Blue Sunshine folding merit. fat and salt and pepper to taste. Add buggy in good condition, also high CARD OF THANKS very little boiling water. Cover close- chair and baby sleigh, Call 434, Mrs. ly and cook slowly until done, about E. X. Hutton. The family of the late Mr. Thos..% hour. Serve with roast pork, FOR SALE-2S Essex. and 34 Ford Vittie wish to express their sincere VS both in good condition. Apply to thanks to all friends and neighbors for Box 23 or phone 59, Wroxeter. kindness and sympathy shown during their recent sad bereavement, for the FOR SALE—Girl's WinterCoat, green beautiful floral tributes, loan of cars, Herringbone tweed, size 10-12; also alit; to Rev, J. C. Coley. 1 boy's windbreaker, detachable par- ka, dark green, size 10-12. Apply at Advance-Times. COUNTY COUNCIL )F IN THE MATTER of the estate of FOR SALE—In the village of 'Wrox4,ta, 1 Evan.s Gregg; late of the 'Town- eter, an roomed solid brick house,'! ar Nvith large store front. good size cel..i s,alp Ft ..ow:ck, in the County of Hur- kr• Fri Partientarg, Lox KW, Ad":,,'i:n•T`. Alla7Enerla""OdTeeIeCasEed.that creditors and oarace-Tinies, Wingharn, os.thers having claims against the estate of the said Carroll Evans Gregg, de-'FOR SALE—Lody'a black cloth Coat, cloarzios :Ming. size 40, coag,,ceased, are required to file their claims •n; Girl's Brown Winter Coat,i,'ItiV verified with the 'undersigned befa;se the twee nin sea-et collar,. size 1243, cona,a3t aelepacte 184.. ember.. A.D. 1947, and that after sail.inunicipality at Municipal Elections, G date the Executors will distribute the.' and that seell list remains there for )t .5,00 a week ', estate having regard only to th e dims inspection, and I call upon all voters to GIRLS WANTEIN-a, and their meals. Apply Yemen's which they will have notice. take immediate proceeding to have any errors or omissions corrected according A.Do 1947. • DATED this tenth day of Xaraara.. to law, the last day for appeal being GET READY FOR JACK FROST—• A. H. McTavish, the 26th day of N,irember, 1947. have )aaar CAR or TRUCK tanedi Teeawater, Ontario. Dated this 6thpu dna.y Dar NRosaTa. 1947, I up for trouble-free Winter Drivirig.1 Have yotio radiator `ltd with for the tseciters. The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Gode- rich, commencing Monday, November 17th, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts ,notices of deputations FOR SALE—Six dairy heifers, 10 and other business requiring the at-months to 2 years old. These include' tention of Council should be in the 3 Holsteins, 1 Ayrshire. and. 2 , hands of the County Clerk not later Guernsey Jersey crosses. Bill Crud:- titan 'Saturday, Novem- ber 15th. shank, Phone 377. 1 N. W. Miller, FOR SALE—Black coat, fur trimmed, County Clerk, size 36, only worn a few times, Goderich, Ont. SPle'ld5dcondition, Will sell reason- able. NOTICE TO CREDITORS able. Also black toot size 14, in good' condition. Apply Advance-Times: I FOR SALE—Road Mare 6 years old, or will exchange for pigs or young cattle. Apply Hugh Rinn, Belgrave, Wirighain Phone 621r3. AN OPPORTUNITY wanted by workingman, in Wing- Established Rural Watkins District limn, Reply to R"°' 12, Ad vance' available. If You are aggressive, and Tunes. between the ages of 25 and 55 have or can secure travel outfit, this is your trained Corsetiere for Wingham, sir- opportunity to get established in a pro- rounding fitable business of your own. For full reed anew garment, district and towns, If you any size or particulars write today to The J. R. n Watkins Company, Dept. O-W-2, 2117 type of figure at reasonable prices, Masson St., Montreal, Quebec, call on Mrs. Wm, Kennedy, opposite Wingham Cemetery, NOTICE The Court of Revision on the As- sessment. Roll of the Township of Mor- ris for 1948 will be held at the Town- ship Hall on Saturday, November 22, 1947, at .10 a.m. Geo, C, Martin, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hutton wish to • thank those who so kindly remembered Rosemary while a patient in Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, and a spe- cial thanks to Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Crawford, McLeod family, and niegh- hors for the kindness during her entire illness, CARD OF THANKS NOTICE PUMPKIN- CHIFFON % cup sugar, 111 cups pumpkin, cooked or canned, % cup milk, % tsp. salt, % tsp. ginger, % tsp nut- meg, % tsp, cinnamon, 3 egg yolks, 1 absp. granulated gelatine, IA cup cold water, 3 egg whites, baked tart shells, chopped nuts. Put cup sugar, pumpkin, milk and seasonings in top of double boiler. Heat and add to egg yolks, slightly beaten. Return to double boiler and cook until thick. Soak gelatine in cold water and add to thickened pumpkin mixture. Mix thoroughly and cool. When mixture begins to thicken, beat egg white until stiff, beat in remaining sugar and fold into pumpkin mixture. Pour into tart shells and serve garnished with chop- ped nuts (if desired,. GRAPE AND CARROT JAM 2 cups coarsely grated carrots, 1% cups water, 5 lbs. slightly un- derripe ,Concord grapes, 4 cups sugar, % tsp. salt, Combine carrots and water, cook un- til tender and most of the water has evaporated. Wash and stem grapes. Measure to make 7 cups. Place in an- other saucepan, crush and add sugar and salt. Mix well, then cook slowly until sugar dissolves and mixture boils, stirring frequently. Rub mixture through fine sieve into large saucepan and add earrots. Bring to boil, cook for 10 minutes or until of desired con- sistency. Remove from heat and skim. Pour into clean, hot sterilized jars and seal. Our favorite jam. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. J. A, says: Tell me how to pickle beets in the oven. Pickled Beets to'4 quarts beets, 4 cups cider vinegar, 2 cups water, 1 to 2 cups sugar, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon allspice, 1 teaspoon clo- ves, 1 tablespoon white mustard seed, 1.% tsps, salt. Cook beets until tender, Plunge into cold water and slip off skins, If the beets are small, leave whole. If large, slice in even ;flees or cut in quarters. Pack beets in clean hot jars and pour over them. the pickling syrup made as follows: Combine vinegar, water and sugar. Add spices, place in thick cotton bag, removing the bag before pickles are George of Bluevale, a younger son, canned Fletcher, served in the 2nd Gre'at 'War . Notice is hereby given that I have Bring mixture to boiling point, slat- and died four years ago. Two brothers complied with Section 8 of the Voters for 5 minutes then pour over caoncl,oniletlissi:etevratanles,o sluirvanro.bio:11nsaPtneeas- I men List Act and that I have posted up in , beets in the jars. Two or three whole my office in the Village of Gorrie, onletoves may be placed in each jar, if Peacock and Mrs. George Thornton, i the 5th day of November, the list cf all d esir el Partially sea l jars. (Mary). Bluevale. persons entitled to vote in the said i Process in preheated electric oven The funeral service was held on at 275 degrees for 30 mins. Remove; Tuesday afternoon from her late resi- seal tightly and store in cool, dry place. t:ictlec, conducted by Rev. J. A. Bur- den. pastor of the United Church. In- m terent was made in the Wroxeter WEDDINGS icemetery. The pallbearers were toe Breekenridge, James Breckenridge, The hoentler6moileYM'aSi:iii:Mrs. Geo'. Smith and Hillard Jefferaon, Peacoelt, Wilson Thornton, A. D. hews of the deceased. Voters' List, 1947 Municipality of the Township of How- ick, County of Huron imoimormin.r.o. HYDRO NOM( ECONOMIST ateloar424 David Crompton Gifts For All Occisions WINGHAM PHONE 59 0111110111•••••• Bulova HER EXCELLENCY "A" 21 Uwe's $4950 -GOOD TASn at a GOOD PRICE Mrs. John Fell Death came suddenly on Sunday, November 9th, to a life long and res- pected resident of Bluevale, in the per- son of Mrs. Eliza Jane Peacock, widow of the late John Fell in her '78th year. Mrs. Fell was born in Morris Town- ship, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, George Peacock, pioneer settlers in this district. Following her marriage she continued to live in !Morris Town- ship, later moving to a farm on the Boundary East, two miles from Blue- vale, after the death of her husband, 17 years ago she moved to the village where she had continued to reside. Since early summer her health had not been very good and on Saturday she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, front which she did not rally and passed on about 24 hours later, Mrs. Fell attended S. S. No. 10, Morita, was .HANn-PICKED SPY APPLES:: porsoatt to The Trustee Act that all THE OW HOME TOWN i'0•41"3:i4.446 By STANLEY 1112ES OR SOME-1141 W* .4 TOWN OF WINGHAM Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List, 1947 11 III • IN II a • N. a a a • Stainton's Hardware S • a • a. • a • m • a And Farmers' Supply House "Quality, Price and Service Sell Our Goode a n n a n a U a a • a • n n • n a n n • • a n a n a • • n n • No. 40—Regular $15.95 for $13.95 • • • No. 5—Regular $25.50 for $22.50 • • No. 7—Regular $32.00 for $28.95 • iimunnuminnussumienistinamil FELT WEATHER STRIPPING, 20 ft. x 34", 20c RUBBERIZED WEATHER STRIPPING, ft. 5c 4111111MMEMP • • NI 21. N. n SPONGE RUBBER CUSHIONS 95c It 200D Bulk Cod Liver OIL, gal. $3.25 Green Stripe ALL-PURPOSE LIME, per bag 70c a • • • • • RUBBER, 18 x 30 95c • • EXTRA HEAVY RUBBER, 18 x 30 $1.29 • No. 1 STEEL GAME TRAPS, 40c ea., doz., $4.30 • • • • (Capacitator-110 or 220 volts-60 cycle only) a • • 1 a a. a COCO DOOR MATS $1.15, $1.20, $2.00 No. 1 Banner ASH SIFTER . , ..... ... $3.95 Westinghouse Ball-Bearing 1/2 h.p. MOTOR $59.75 PRESTO COOKERS MATS Gals.$1.95 $15.00 1.11...1•111 • and had endeared herself in the hearts of those who knew her. She was active and energetic and performed her household duties until about one year ago when she fell and suffered injuries which confined her to bed, She is sur- vived by two sons and two daughters, Mrs. John McIntosh (Emma), Moles- worth, Miss Mabel Coultes, Toronto; 'active in the work of the W.M.S., and Charles of Listowel and Dr. John la member of the United Church, and' Coultes of Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. Woman's Association. During the years One son, Dr. Edgar S. Coultes and one .of t he war she was on „f the most !daughter, Mrs. William Manning, cinda) died some years ago. She had (La- faithful, ardent workers in this com- munity. She is survived by one son. eight grandchildren, three of them are deceased and nine great grandchildren. Also surviving is one brother, Mr. Henry Diment of Wingham. The funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the United Church, Bluevale, of which she was a member, The service was conducted by Rev, J. A. Burden. In- terment took place in Wingham ceme- tery. The pallbearers were: Harold Fullerton, Ace Fullerton, Will Kress, Alvin Smith, Burns Moffatt and Geo. German. VONNONIN*11104