HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-11-06, Page 4Rubber Boots NOW IN STOCK IN NATURAL RUBBER Im•••••••••.••• CHILDREN'S RED Pull-on Rubber Boots and CHILDREN'S SHINY Black Rubber Boots Just Like 'Mother's and Dais! LADIES' and CHILDREN'S - White Rubber Boots EXPECTED THIS WEEK hys Pollock "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY "lie Featuring HA R T T for aShOe SHOE REPAIRING SHOE .,SHINE. 4 Nice Things To Rave , 1, An Umbrella When It's Raining 2. A Doctor When You are Sick 3, A Spare Tire When You Have a Flat 4. A Dependable Place to buy Groceries and Meats "We Appreciate Your Orders", 'Phone • Free 193 • RUTHERFORD'S Prompt Wingham Delivery Superior Food Market (SUCCESSOR TO H. P. CARMICHAEL) New Brunswick POTATOES Orders taken now for your Winter's supply ROBIN HOOD FLOUR, 98s $4.95 Yellow Freestone PEACHES 35c Packed in 45 per cent. sugar syrup-28 oz. tin 10 oz, tin Aylmer VEGETABLE SOUP 9c Nabob COFFEE 1 lb. bag a 55c Fresh, Daily shipments of Fancy Pastries — And — - BREAD , PORK & BEANS _ CANNED TOMATOES MMI IVIII111411111M, LUX TOILET SOAP 3 bars,,25c Dr. Ballard's Health DOG FOOD 2 tins 31c Quaker PUFFED WHEAT, pkg. 12c Neilson's JERSEY COCOA, 1/2 lb. 23c, 1 lb 34c CATSUP (All the popular brands) We are as near to you as your telephone, 'phone 193 — PARKING SPACE ••• PACT VOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANM-TIMES Thursday, November 6, 194' CLASSIFIED A D..5, CHECK: YOUR DOORS for Drafts, We, have rubber moulding for all makes of ears. We have a good stock Seiberling Tires, regular and Mud. And Snow tread, .Chrsyco Batteries, all sizes, guaranteed by Chrysler Corporation. Edward's Motor Sales, Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and Fargo. Trucks. Phone 417, Wing- ham, Ontario, CHESTERFIELDS—Rich, beauti- ful, stylish, comfortable-at the gild- may Furniture Store. Also huge Stock of bedroom and kitchen fur- niture, Free delivery. "Electric and Gasoline WASHERS, immediate delivery, from $139.50. Transportation prepaid, Budget Terms, special discounts to dealers. Christian's Electric & Hardware, Oshawa, Ontario." FOR SALE—Hudson Super Six Four Door Sedan, cOlour black, with heater. 1946 model; all good tires and low mileage. Excellent con- dition and reasonably priced. Apply to C. Bondi, FOR SALE-1931 Plymouth in good condition, tires, price reasonable. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Boy's Hockey Skates, tubes, black, size 6. Phone 216. FOR SALE—Front axle suitable for trailer, 21x450 tires, new, also quan- tity Apple Butter. Apply Thos. Shearer, Wroxeter. FOR SALE-6 lbs. Dressed Roasting Chickens. Telephone 625 r 4, Low- er Wingham, FOR SALE—One Wood Heater in excellent condition. Apply to Don. „MstcLean, Albert St. FOR SALE-100 one-year old Leg- horn Hens from the Roe Hatchery, Atwood. Apply H. McClenaghan, Telephone 618 r 12. FOR SALE-1929 Model A Ford Coupe, also Pram and Stroller. Ap- ply Mrs. Fred Doubledee, R. R, 1, Wroxeter. —FOR-•SALE-33-acres Farm sight at Wingham. Good brick house, , fur- nace, good barn, Hydro throughout , all buildings; running water, Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Electric Frigidaire, good family size, in good condition, Tele- phone 396. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED amt Regulated to perfect sewing condition 'by experienced mechanic. Telephone 313. WANTED—Sewing Machine in good condition. Phone 469J. Dor particulars write Rawliegh Dept, ML-K-453.103, •Motitteal, WHY. SUFFER the agony of Rheum- atic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbage, when Rumacans will give you quick, wel- come relief. McKibbons Drug Store. NOTICE A Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll for the Town of Wingham for the year 1948 will he held at the Town Hall, Winghain, on Friday, No- vember 7th, 1947, at 8 o'clock. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk, Town of Wingham.. October 29th, 1947, COUNTY COUNCIL The -next meeting of the Huron county Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Gode- rich, commencing Monday, November 1.7th, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts ,notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 16th. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Godetich, Ord, Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Municipality of the Town of Wingham, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of "The Vo- ters' Lists. Act" and that I have posted up at my office, Town Hall, Wingham, on the .23rd day of October, 1947, the list of all' persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that such lists remain there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 14th day of November, 1947, W, A. Galbraith, Clerk, Town of Wingham. October 23rd, 1947. AUCTION SALE A Clearing Auction Sale of LIVE STOCK and IMPLEMENTS will be held at Lot 29 Con. 5, East Wawanosh, three and one half miles North of Auburn, and one-half mile east on, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1947 commencing at one o'clock sharp: The following chattels will be offer- ed for sale. HORSES—Percheron Mare, Team of matched Clyde Mares. SHEEP-40 Oxford Ewes, three years old, 10 Oxford Ewes, two years old, 15 Oxford Ewes, one year old, 20 ewe Lambs, Oxford Ram; 3 years old, GEESE-3 Geese and Gander. IMPLEMENTS — Massey-Harris Binder, Massey-Harris Mower, Hay Loader, Side-Rake, Dump-Rake, Fleu- ry Plow, Quebec Sulky Plow, set of tion Drag-Harrow, Cultivator, Scuffler, Tractor Double-Disc 16 plate six-sec- Land Roller, Wagon, Flat-rack with rolling rack, Sleigh, No. 15 Deval Cream Separator, used one year, six Range Shelters and poultry equipment, ,2 sets of Harness, several horse collars and other articles. Positively no reserve as Proprietor is giving up farming. TERMS:—CASH Lewis Rowland, R. R. Redmond, Auctioneer. Proprietor John Buchanan, Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Bertha L. Lockeridge, late of the City of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, and the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Married Woman, de- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims, against the Estate of the late Bertha L. Lockeridge, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly veri- fied, to J. W. Bushfield, K.C., the sol- icitor for the Administrator with Will annexed of the said Estate, on or be- fore tieVenty-second day of Novem- ber, A.D., 1947, and that after such date, the Administrator will proceed to distribute the said estate, having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this fourth day of November, A.D., 1947. J, W. 13USHFIELD, K,C,, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrator with Will annexed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Joshua W, Scott, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Re- tired Sectionman, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Joshua W. Scott, are required to send par-ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, K.C., the solicitor for the Executrix of the said estate, on or before the eighth day of November, 1947, and that after such date the Executrix will proceed to distrib- ote the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then havehad notice. DATED at Winghani, Ontario, this twenty-first day of October, Ai/ 1947. J. W. BUSHFIELD, K.C., Winghatt, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. LOCAL AND PERSONAL R, Sidney Hill visited with relatives in Listowel last week-end, Miss Mae Williamson has returned after visiting at Red Lake, Miss Mary Johnston has returned from her vacation in New York, Mrs, Wm, Kerr of Toronto spent the week-end with her brother, A. J. and Mrs. Walker, Mr, and Mrs, A. D. MacWilliam and daughter, Sally Lu, spent last week- end in New York. Mrs. Theodore Robertson of Toron- to, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson, Mr, and Mrs, Leigh Johnston of Brampton are visiting with her brother, Win, and Mrs. Lepard. Dr. J. R. Lockhart of Bath, New Brunswick, renewed acquaintances in town over the week-end. Mrs. Maude Dodd has been holiday- ing during the past week with friends at London and Stratford. Mrs. W. J. Greer is in Toronto this week attending the funeral of her brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Greer, George J. Legris and Craig Arm- strong, Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, W. W, Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Baird and Mr, and Mrs. Kaley of Flint, „Mich., spent the week-end with relatives in town, Miss Marion Hind; R.N., of Free- port ,San., Kitchener, spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. C. Hinde. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hare and Miss Elizabeth Hare of Strathroy, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs, Mabel Hare. Mrs, W. B. Wellwood of Minnie St., has returned home after visiting for a week in Toronto, the guest of Mrs. Pearl Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. S. McLaguhlin of To- ronto visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morgan, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Payne, Mary and Danny, were guests of Rev. E. 0. and Mrs. Lancaster during the week- end. Danny, the infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Payne was baptized in St. Paul's Church on Sunday afternoon by the Rector. Miss Caroline Wellwood, formerly of West China, is on a trip to Winni- peg, Man„ returning to that city in company with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. 5. McKenzie, who have been motoring and visiting rela- tives in Eastern Canada. Dear Land to which Desire for ever flees; Time cloth no present to our grasp al- low; Say in the fix'd Eternal shall we seize At last the fleeting Now? —Bulwer-Lytton Township of TURNBERRY Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List for Year 1947 Municipality of the Township of Turnberry, County of Huron Notice is herby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up in my office, on the 27th day of October, 1947, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Muni- cipal Elections and that such list re- mains there for inspection, and I call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or omissi- ons corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 18th day of November, 1947. Dated this 27th day of October, 1947. W. R. Crulkshank, Clerk of Turnberry. David Crompton 'Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 'BORN Winghani 'General Hospi- tal, on October 29th, to Mr, and Mrs. James Reid, R, R, 5, Teeswater, a daughter, McKEE—Io Wingham General Hos- pital, on October 30th, to Mr.. and Mrs, Norman McKee, Teeswater, a son. SEHOOP—In Wingham General Hospital, on October 31st,, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sehoop, Teeswater, a -daughter. BUTTON—In Wingham General Hos- Pital, on October 31st., to Mr, and Mrs, Russell Button, Lucknow, daughter. NIXON—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on November 1st., to Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Nixon,. .Wingham, a • son. PIERCE—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on November 2nd., to Mr. and Mrss Harold Pierce, R, R. 2, Tees- sirater, a daughter. OBITUARY Mrs. Robert Shaw Mrs. Robert Shaw, formerly Annie Fraser, died at the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs. Milton Fraser, "on conces- sion 3, Morris Township, early Mon- day. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin Fraser, pion- eer settlers of this district, and was married 55 years ago last April. She and her husband settled on a farm on the boundary ong mile east of Bluevale, but about 40 years ago they bought a store in the village which they opera- ted for 20 years, after which they re- tired. Six months ago, Mrs, Shaw suf- fered a heart attack and became un- able to attend to her household ,duties and with Mr. Shaw moved to the home of her daughter and son-in-law. Mrs. Shaw was highly esteemed in this community. A member of the for- mer Methodist Church, she was active in the work of the Woman's Mission- ary Society and Woman's Association and served,a term as president of the Women's Institute. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Milton (Luella) Fras- er, Morris; Mrs. Earl (Bernice) Heis- lip, ,Dunnville; one brother, -William, Burnham, Sask.; and five sisters, Mrs. John Geddes, 13elgrave; Mrs. John Mustard, Morris; Mrs. James Robert- son, Mrs. Robert Nicholson, and Miss Martha Fraser, Bluevale. There are five grandchildren. Her youngest dau- ghter, Wilma, Mrs. Leonard Gates, died four years ago. The funeral ser- vice will be held at the Bluevale United Church, on Wednesday, November 5th, at 2.00 p.m., conducted by Rev. J. A. Burden. Burial will be made in Wing- ham cemetery. ° Alexander C. Dickson There passed away at his residence, on Sunday, Nov. 2nd, Alexander Con- nell Dickson in his 82nd. year. Mr. Dickson had been in ailing health for some time and suffered a stroke on Wednesday last. He was born in Pus- linch township near Guelph, but had resided in Wingham practically all his life. In 1906 at Wingham he was mar- ried to the former Melissa Dennis, who survives, also surviving are, a son, Hil- ton of Arthur, and a daughter, Mrs, Jas. (Cora) Irwin, Dundalk; one bro- ther, Thomas of Wingham, and two sisters, Mrs. Christina West, Preston, and Mrs. Agnes Foster, Goderich, also five grandchildren. The funeral ser- vice will be held at his late residence, William Street, at 2.30 this afternbon (Wednesday), and wilt be conducted by Rev. W. A. Beccroft of the Wing- OR. W. M. CONNELL- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 I am United Church of which he was a member, Interment will be made in the Wingham Cemetery, The, pallbearers will be six nephews: Earl Dickson, Harold Moffat, Melville Dennis, Harvey Dennis, Orville Welsh, Arnold Dennis. J. W. BUSHFIELD 9 LC. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block. Wingham 1 CRAWFORD & IIETHERINOTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. Crawford, ICC., R. S. Hetherington, I.C. DONALD B BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties Of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ill plEyr Ontario True dignity abides with him alone,. Who, in the silent hour of inward: thought, Can still suspect, and still re- vere himself, In lowliness of heart, —Wordsworth. ••••••••1••••••••••• Moses advanced a nation to the wor- ship of God in Spirit instead of mat- ter, and illustrated the grand humais capacities of being bestowed by im- mortal Mind. —Mary Baker Eddy, HARRY FRYFOR Licensed Embalther and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109 W. Night 1093. • FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Officesitentre Winghani Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wirighani. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K M MacIENNAN .rVeterinitry Surgeon Office Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 190 vrinsum, storm FOR SALE--s1937 Ford Pickup Truck in good condition. Apply to George Michie, R.R.4, Brussels, 'phone 15-13 FOR SALE —1 Double-door Reach-in Refrigerator, 17 cu. ft.; used 1 year; _s_dtable for farm use. Telephone 29. ss. FOR, SALt:-'s200 H X W and H X R real 'good Fisher-bred Pullets ready to lay, also several head of. Young Cattle. Apply Arthur Lewis, R. R. 1, Wingham. GET READY FOR JACK FROST— "^ Have your CAR or TRUCK tuned 'Cif up for trouble-free Winter Driving. Have your radiator filled with Chry- W sler Rust Resistant and treated to retard evaporation of antifreeze. 'Tave your Oil Filter changed. Chan- 'ransmission and Differential Oil Winter Gear Oil. Edward's Mot- T ! Sales, Chrysler and Plymouth ears and Fargo Trucks, Phone 417, Wingliam, Ontario. CHARIS Fouridation Garment Ca. TOWN OF WINGFIAM trained Corsetiere for Wingliarnt sur- rounding district and towns. If you need a new garment, any sizes or Voters' List, 1947 type of figure at reasonable prices, call on Mrs. Wm, Kennedy, opposite Wingham Cemetery, be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administratrix shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-third day of October, 1947. CRAWFORD HETHER/NGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • IN THE MATTER of the Estate of t Agnes Short Rao, late of the Villa ''''W '''''XTE1)--1-1411 for "us' Wroxeter, in the County of Huron. ness. Permanent if you are hustler. .‘ ti NOTICE TO CREDITORS All peri'ons having claims against the estate of William George Boyle late of the Town Plot of Wingham in the County of Huron, Farmer, who 'died on or about the third day of October, 1947, are notified to send to the under- signed, on or before the fifteenth day LOST—A considerable sum of money of November, 1947, full particulars of several weeks ago. Finder please t h ei r claims in writing. Inunediately notify AdvancesTimes. Reward. after the said fifteenth day of Novem- PIANOS—Reconditioned, refinished at her, the assets of the said intestate will the Mildmay Furniture Store. Also new, pianos and radios. 60 cycle insigerators and washers, Free de- liver. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,1 pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Agnes Short Rae, are required to send par- ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, K.C., the solicitor. AN OPPORTUNITY for, the Executor of the said estate, on Established Rural Watkins District or before the eighth day of November, available. If you are aggressive, and A.D., 1947, and that after such date between the ages of .25 and 55 have or the exetutor will proceed to distribute Can secure travel outfit, this is your the said estate, having regard only to opportunity to get established in a pro- the claims of which he shall then have fitable business of your own. For full had notice. particulars write today to The J, IL DATED at Wingliam, Ontario, this Watkins Company, Dept. O-W-2, 2177 twentieth day of October, A.D. 1947. Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. J. W. BU.SHFIELD, K.C:, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. Pay 50% 'Freight Carload Shipments On Feeder Cattle In order to relieve congestion result- ing from the slowing down of cattle marketings during the period of the packing house' strike, and to assist in the movement of feeder from areas in Western Canada in which there is insufficient winter feed, the Right Hon, James G. Gardiner an- s,fiounced on October 23 that he has arranged for allowance of a refund of 50 per cent of the actual freight. char- ges on carload shipments billed to Eastern Canada during the remainder 'of the calendar year. Shipments limited to steers born after January 1, 1944 and to heifers born after January 1, 1945 may be billed from any point ie the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta or Sask- atcrewan to any point east of the prov- ince of Manitoba. The freight refund will be payable when the applicant is in a position to certify that the cattle have been re- tamed in his' ownership for a period of at least three months from the date of shipment. To facilitate prompt pay- ment of refund, it is important that a shipment be consigned to the prospec- tive applicant. Where the consignee shown on the freight bill is other than the applicant, it will be the obligation of the latter to satisfy the Dominion Department of Agriculture that the cattle' in respect to which application for the freight refund is made arc those covered by the accompanying freight bill. Applications for freight refunds should be made to the Assistant Di- rector, Production Service, Live Stock, Dominion Department of Agriculture, receipted freight bills and by affidavits Ottawa, and must be accompanied by on forms furnished by the Department indicating that requirements have been complied with. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office -- Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingharn Wy A. CRAWFORD, 4:11. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham THOS. FELLS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER mid THE But OP SERVICE. PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE Timm 231 Wingham In time there is no present, In eternity no future, In eternity no past, —Tennyson McTAVISH Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone Teeswater 1203 Business and Professional Directory