The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-10-30, Page 1Single Copies—Faye Cents
The Wingliam Bridge Club held its
first game of the season on Thursday
iievening, October 23rd., with 91/4 tables
in the play. The following is the re-
!stilt of the play—
North & South—lst. R. S. Hether-
ington and 3, Mason; 2nd., D. 11, Par.
ter and Mrs. H. C MacLean; 3rd., D.
Crorimton and D. israsmita; 4th; R. Ps
-Hoban and W. W. Armstrong.
East & West=-J. H. Crawford and
C. Gaminage, end,, G. MacKay and
Mrs, V. Sturdy; 3rd„ Mrs. J, A. Wil-
son and Mrs. j. H. Crawford; 4th, G.
'Williams and a aliss M, MacLean,
The Bridge Club cordially inviteiall
Bridge players to conic to their open
might on Thursday, Otcober 30th, in
the Legion Rooms at 8 p.m. sharp.
Visitors may choose their own part-
`hers or draw for partners,
Dance At Belgrave
In the Forester's }fall, on Friday
,,evenieg, October 31st, Music by Par-
aler's Orchestra, Admission 50 cents.
Lunch counter in the hall.
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Finley McCallum,
Brussels, wish to announce the eti-
gagement of their daughter, Irene
May, to Nelson MeTaggart Hershey,
sof Sudbury, son of Mr. John and the
late ;Alm. Hershey, of Mount Forest.
The marriage to take place in Toronto
-the middle of November.
With Which is AmalgaMated, The Carrie News and Wroxeter Vidette
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1947 Subscription, $2.00 a Year in Advance
Another. iii to Sale has paesed
into history and was again an otitstands
ing suttees. This sale was held last
Saturday in the Witigliain Armouries
sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to
Wingliant Hospitals and it was tetime
attd that there was a larger erased
than at any•previous sale, The doors
opened at two o'clock and in a very
iew minutes the whole town was pack
sett with eager buyers. Anything and
severythitig is sold and these articles are
given by the 'people of the town and
surrounding district. Many Winghant
meeelialits were very generous, sending
in new articles or clothing and thereli-
ledise. The total proceeds amounted
to $521.44, nearly $100.00 more than
the last sale, and this is how the -motley
tame in:
Furniture $ 44,80
Itelfs and Women's Clothing 221,85
Childree's Clothing 89.25
Novelties and Dishes • 60,24
Shoes .. . -....-. 43100
Hats, ,, . ........ .....„ . -ea,- ... . 28.40
Groceries arid. Miseellaneoas....a 33.90
Inaugurating a recruiting drive the
"Travelling Circus" a part of the Can-
adian. Army's Publicity Campaign to
.establish the army as a part of ,Canad-
ian life was in Wiugharri all day Fri-
Capt. E, H. Shuter, a staff officer
sof the Western Ontario District Head-
quarters, London, was in charge of the
display of weapons and equipment of
-the Second Great. War.
Included in the display was a tank
transporter on which was meunted
sone of the deadly V-1 buzz-bombs.
Another of the large items was the 5.5
gen of the type used in North Africa,
Italy and Northwest Europe This ar-
atillery piece fires a 100-pound project-
ile at a range of 16,500 yards or an
SO-pound projectile with an extreme
o.ange of 20,000 yards.
The item that took the fancy of the
youngsters and who all had chance to
.'operate it, was the Bofars 40 millimetre
.gun, a fully automatic anti-aircraft
weapon that proved deadly against
low-flying enemy airicraft.
Reserve unit military trebling makes
alp a total of 30 days a year, with one
.week at camp and one parade each
week. The rate of pay starts at $1,67
a day for a private on entry, and in-
creasing to $.03 02n qualifying as a
private first-class. With promotion, a
-scan earns $2,33 a day as 'corporal,
42.77 as sergeant, and on up to $4,27
as a warrant officer class one. It k pos-
sible to earn 45 days pay each year.
Anyone interested in joining Can-
ada's Reserve Army may call at the
Armouries and receive all information.
A Large Number Viewed With
Interest EquipMerit Displayed
Nomination and Election Set For
Nov. 24th, and Dee. 1st.
A regular meeting of Wingham
Town Council was held Monday even-
ing with all members present except
Coun. Reavie.
Mr. Sam Burton, Recreational Dir-
ector, was present and gave a short re-
port. He stated that during this
summer nine teams in tooth had
been entered in the W,O,A:A.. and of
these four had won championships. In
all 114 games had been played, the In-
termediate A team playing 52 of them
of which 31 were home games. $744.45
had -been spent by the Association in
resurfacing and levelling the park, and
$355 in new stands and fence, A total'
of 22,113 had attended scheduled W.
O.A.A. games.
A. letter was received from the Dept.,
of National Defence asking for a one
year renewal of the lease for the area
nert to the Fire Hall,
Upon request for assistance from
tre Wingham Horse Show, the usual
$100 was gratited.
Mayor Kennedy reported that ap-
proval had been received from the
the Dept, of Municipal Affairs for the
construction of sewers.
A number of accounts were ordered
paid when properly certified.
Coen. Rae reported that a bulldozer
had been at the town dump levelling it
off, and it was now in good shape
Court, McKibbon brought up for dis-
cussion the question of whether of not
town lots would be sold for $1.00 to
returned veterans from outside of
Winghatn. The council agreed that any
veteran was eligible providing an ap-
proved home be 'built.
Coun, Gurney reported that the Fire
Department had received the new nozz-
les, and that the heating pipes were
through from the town hail.
By-Law 1171. was given its third
reading and passed authorizing the
construction of sewed under the local
Improvement Act.
The date for the Nomination meet-
ing was set for 7.30 p.m., Monday,
November 24th, and if a poll be de-
manded the election will be held 'on
Monday, Donate with pelts open
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Clerk was instructed to prepare
a statement to be sent to the Dept, of
Highways asking for a payment on
account for road work.
The matter of securing a copy of
"The Foreclosure of the Mortgage", a
fatuous painting, the work of the late
George Reid, a native of Wingliam,
was discussed. The clerk was instruct-
ed to make inquiry regarding this, and
if procured, to be hung in the Town
Hall in his honour.
A letter was ordered sent to the Fire
Chief, requesting him to inspect several
buildings and ascertain if they were
fire hazards.
Conn. Rae brought to the attention
of the Council, that four local teams
had won championships this year, and
thought some fitting recognition should.
be made. A committee was appointed
to meet with the Director of Recrea-
don and arrange a bight for bihquet
and procure crests.
The Council decided that all mem-
bers should comprise the Court of Re-
vision to be held Friday, Nov. '7th.
Application for Building Perniits
were received tram Harold Sperling
for a Nati:let-ice, corner Victoria anti
Catherifie Stsa anti from Jelin P. Mc-
ihibbott for a residence on Edward St.
These were passed when approved.
The balance owing on the Anstett
property was ordered paid when deed
is delivered.
Rev, C. E. cram m. A., 11.D., At
United Church, Anniversary
Large congregations gathered- at
both services in Wingham United
Church on Sunday to greet a former
minister, Rev, Q. E. Cragg, M.A„ B.
D., of Toronto, who Was guest speaker
at the Anniversary services of the
Church. Rev. W. A. Beecroft, B.A.,
B,D., had charge of both services.
At the morning service Mr, Cragg
took as his subjec "Tile Christian
Resources", speaking from Corinthians
"All things belong to me because I
belong to Christ." ,fie said that many.
things belong to us; mature, great -lead-
ers, and even life itself, if we have the
proper knowledge and appreciation of
them. In the everting, his remarks
were directed to the young people,
choosing as his text, Matt. 6, 33, "Seek
ye first the Kingdoin of God and all
these things shall be added unto you."
He compared the negative Christianity
of the Old Testament with the positive
Christianity of the New Testament. If
people remembered and practi$ed the
positive commands of Jesus, there
would soon be righteousness and peace
in the world. It is twer)ty-two years
since Mr.. Cragg lefe,this congregation,
ibut fie spoke with his usual forceful-
ness as he recalled ,many incidents of
his pastorate here,
The. music was led by a full choir
under the leadership of Mr. Claude
Hughes, organist and choirmaster, In
the morning the anthem was "Daugh-
ter of Zion" and in the evening "The
Lord gave the Word," The choir was
assisted by the Harmony Male Quar-
tette from Division St. United Church,
As we have stated before the in- Owen Sound, Three selections were
creased cost of newsprint and produc- given at each service: "Rock of Ages",
don have made it necessary that all "Steal Away", "The Old Rugged
subscriptions must be paid in advance. Crops", "Crossing the Bar", ."Think
A large number of subscribers have co- on Me", and "Softly and Tenderly
operated on receipt of these noticessof Jesus is Calling." Their beautifully
arrears by paying promptly. To those blended voices made the rendition of
who are still in arrears we would ask these numbers a delight to all who
that you send in your remittance
Commencing the first of the year,
all those in arrears past ,a limited per-
iod will be discontinued. on the plates.
"The Mummy and
The Mumps
A three-act farce will be presented
by the Ripley Junior Institute under
the auspices of the Wroxeter Branch
of the Women's Institute in the Town December 6.
Hall, Wroxeter, on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 4th. There will be a dance after
the play with music by Wilbee's Or-
chestra. Admission, adults 50 cents,
children 25 cents, will include Play and
dance. Dance only 50 cents, Booth in
Takes Over Grocery Business j/
Mr. and Mrs. Jackert Rutherford
and family of St. Thomas; have taken
up residence in town. Mr. Rutherford, Champions here Saturday afternoon,
who recently purchased the Superior when they defeated them 13.10 to caps Food Market (North End Grocery), turc the Grand Softball WOAA
from Mr. H. P. Carmichael, took Championship and the Western nun- Possession this week. —. dry Trophy, Wingliam won the first
game here Wednesday 3- take the Engagement Announced
Mn, and Mrs, Alva J. Walker an-
nounce the engagement, of their dau-
ghter, Olive Joyce, to Mr. John Ed-
ward Heal, son of Mra and Mts. Nor.
man C. Heal, Witigharn. The marriage
to take place in the Witighant United
Lions Club Will Again Sponsor Told Of the Part Music Played In
Evening For Youngsters German Camps
This Friday evening the hobgoblins The Liens regular supper meeting
will meet at the Wingham Town Park was held at the Quens Hotel Friday
at 7 p,m. where a huge bonfire will be evening with Major Brian McCool of
burning. M 7.30 sharp the Town. Band Toronto as guest speaker. Maj. Mc-
will lead the parade up Josephine Cool is Assistant Director of Music in
St. to the Town Hall where a program the Department of Education at Town-
of movies, a skit and contests will be to.
staged, President Frank Madill introduced
Bubble Gum Contest Major McCool and told the Lions of
Experts at bubble gum blowing are his fine work with the Department of
urged to enter the contest for the best Education and sof his war services and
his -capture at Dieppe, Mr. McCool blower of bubbles—See Sam Burton about this. To round out the evening gave a most interesting account of the
eats will again be served, place of music in the prisoner of war
If all goes well, Oscar, the educated camps behind the German lines.Among other activities, a brass band horse will be on hand to entertain the
crowd, was organized, a symphony orchestra
A Teen Dance for all the Teen alters as well as seVeral smaller musical
will be held in the Masonic Hall fol- groups were in successful operation.
m! lowing the jamboree. Prizes will be A listening group was organized at recorw avale.
Tins. the
for the best dressed hob-gob- man fine ere
Mr. McCool felt d ings music was on
the important items in the school cur-
riculum and his Department were work BOWLERS HELD ing hard to improve the musical educa-
tion, ofthe people.
i oonf thanks
sBurton t,. moved
hearty ii is
greene camoBage netting decorating, sent his thanks to the Lions for flew-
the Guests were received by era and reported good progress. Malta
Laureson, and Lt. Col. G. W. Howson
room they with their families held their
second -get-together, The evening was
spent iii games and -refreshments were
log at Rine-vale on October 28th.
the Mitpall benediction • after which the Town Halt— Good Prizes. Meet
The meeting closed with a hymn and LEGION Bingo Saturday tights at
refreshments were served by the hos- your friends Saturday nights at the
teas and committee, Legion Bingo.
Memberehips Now On Sete
With thirty-eight salesmen at work
it looks as if citizens of Wingham
will have to step lively to obtain mem-
berships for this season's concerts, The
following artists hava signified their'
willingness'to come to Winghain this
Neil Chettem, Pianist; Eugene Kash,
Violinist; Zara' Nelsova,_Cellist; Ern-
est Vinci, Tenor; Lubka Kolessa,
Pianist, and the following groups;
Elizabeth Guy, soprano and Andrew
MacMillan, Baritone; Frosia Gregory,
Soprano and Tova Boroditsky, Pianist;
Randall Rawlyck, Tenor and Yvonne
Guiget, Pianist.
Three artists or'groups will have to•
be chosen from this number with the
possibility of a fourth concert, depend-
ing upon booking dates, Representativ-
es from Lucknow, Teeswater, Wroa-
eter,_ Belgrave, Blyth and Bluevale
have signified their intentions of acting
as salesmen in their own communities.
A Non-Profit Venture
To clear up a rumor that the con-
cert series would raise money for the
Recreation Programme it is pointed
out that all monies received from mem-
berships will be spent on the concerts
so that citizens get the full benefit of
their subscriptions. The Recreation
Director acts as organizer only and
all funds received will be accounted.
for publicly. It is again emphasized
that no tickets will be on sale for a
single concert. The Only way to gain
admission is by presenting a member-
ship card at the door,
The sale of memberships will close
by Saturday, November 8th. In the
event that a salesman does not call
upon you within the next week mem-
berships may be obtained at the Town.
Clerk's Office,
W. K. Riddell, Agricultural Repre-
tative for Middlesex,
O.R.M.T.A. Held Meeting
Ontario Registered Huron County
Music Teachers' Association held a
meeting Ott October 25th in the Gams
eil Chamber of the Town Hall, Clin-
ton. Members were present from Godes
rich, Clinton, Myth and. Belgrave. The
next meeting is to be held Myth,
November 17th, at 8,00 pan,. at the
residence of Miss E. Mills.
Total $521:44
These Rummage sales are held twice
a year by the Hospital Auxiliary, and
the proceeds used to purchase supplies
for the hospital, The Auxiliary wishes
to thank all who •assisted in any way
to Make the sale such as success.
Removed ;Front Hospital
Mrs. Phil Dawson, sr W1 o has been
4 patient in the Winghatn General
Hospital, for some time, was removed
On Friday to the home of lien brother,
Mr. Thos. Reusell, Barks Falls, Ont
Goforth Evening Auxiliary
The regular monthly meeting of the
Goforth Evening Auxiliary was held on
Tuesday, October 20th at the home of
Mrs, W. W. Gurney. The meeting was
opened with the Call to Worship by the
President, Mrs. jolin P. McKibbon.
Iryine 141 was sung after Which the
Scripture Reading was read by Miss
Marjorie Gilmour fellowed by a prayer
by Mrs. Swart ahfclaherson. Follow-
ing the business part of the meeting
the tole from the Study took "To-
ward a Christian India" was taken by
Mts. Hasttegs, 'The offering was re-
ceived and Miss Emma Hardie gave
the Dedicatory prayer, The meeting
was then brought to a close, with the
singing of Ifyinti 146 and a social hour
was enjoyed.
Dance At Royal T
Saturolay Night
To the 'mole of Wilbee's Orchestra.
Moderate admiesion. Dancing, 3 to 12.
Prize Money Increased To $1200
This Year
A rare treat is in store for the horse
lovers and enthusiasts of this district
at the Fifth Annual Horse Show, next
Thursday afternoon and evening, Nov-
ernber.6th, in the Wingham Arena.
This prize money has been increased
to $1200 this year and a large number
of entries have already been received.
The afternoon program gets under
way at 1,30 and the evening perform-
ance at '7.15, The official opening
will take place at 8.30 and will be made
by Elston Cardiff, IM.P,
A special feature this year will be
an exhibition of Sheep Dogs• by Mr.
John Annisley of 13rantford, These
dogs will be shown both afternoon and
The admission for the afternoon,
adults 50 cents, children free. Even-
ing, adults 75 cents, children 50 cents,
An interesting program has been ar-
ranged, so don't miss it Last year's
show was tops, this year it is expected
,to be better than ever.
Our mailing lists have been correct-
ed up to and including Monday, Oct-
ober 27th. All subscriptions paid in
our office or mailed in time to reach
us by Monday should be shown cor-
rected on your label. Please look at it
and see that you have been given cred-
Wingham Hurons made it two
straight over the Linwood B WOAA
Two Straight Games
lead in the series, This was the Hut-
to decide the winner by a close margin
as Wingliam defeated Ltindesboro, 15-
14 in the final game in Loiniesboro Ott
Sammy afternoon. This game had all
the thrills of a big time ball game with
nearly every play in the book made.:
The outcome was in doubt right down
to the last batter as Listideshoro had
the tying mid winning runs on bases
with two out le the last of the ninth.
Hasseltivoed and. Colgulioun Were the
batteries for Lemdesbote amid Jenkins
and Fry worked for Witighant.
The Wingliant Dements are to be t endertda barignet by Borden Jenkins
*ho assisted Sam Burton in toacbing
duties, on Wednesday everting.
Wingliam . 1 2 315 0 0 315 21 4
LoMiteboro 4 4 10 0 0 4 1 14 17 4
Mr, Sam 13tirtoa would like to thank
Mr. William Ihrowalie, Mr. Miller
Davis who transported the young ball
teams on several occasions this gems
mer and to all the other Citizens who;
so generously keeled their tars. Thatilcs
are also due to Vie Lone/dean 'who
helped *coach whenever Sam Burton
could not he present.
heard- them, both in the church and 21; fourth, Mrs, H. C. MacLean, /sirs.
over the Maio. The quartette also sang D. Rae and H. Green, 2 plus 14; fifth,
at Sunday School, As an Anniversary H. Browne, Mrs. M. Hare and W. W.
thankoffering almost $3000 was placed Gurney, 2 plus 11,
Apron Sale and Tea The Ladies Aid of Chalmers Pres-
The Ladies... Guild will hold a sale byterian Church, Whitechurch, are holding a Bazaar and Tea in the Corns of aprons and home baking, also serve
afternoon tea in the parish room of St,
Paul's Church on Saturday afternoon,
ecutive, who stood behind the team alt
the way. :Saturday's fixture completed Clittroli Satutday, November 22nd. Brigadier H, A. Sparling, C.II.E.0 iLions signified their approval of the
ing and were ordered to sing "Let Me
Call You Sweetheart." Lion Tamer
Jack Reavie led in several vigorous
sing-songs, ably assisted at the piano
with Harold Victor Pym,
Secretary Don Nesmith read a letter
ett the first annual Regimental Ball on's secodd championship, having from Mr. Carl Bennett expressing Ids
ea13- 'held by the 21st AiTk. Regiment in turgid the Senior A crown -against thanks to the Lions for the flood lights
Listowel Armouries last Friday even
Soethatepton in the final showdown at the Park and their backing of the
big. It was a brilliant affair, with ever- sof tba ll teams. ti ns Dm Ham il ton
2-1. Congratulations boys and hats off •
to manager Morris Bader and the ea-
for the Hurons one of the busiest sea-
sties with over fifty games being play-
ed, and a remarkable batting average
tabulated. The Humus iii forty-two
games recorded, combined for a total
of 558 hits, this does riot consist of
the complete total as several exhibit
In an exciting hard fought series the jolt were
Ladies Night for November 14th when
Mr. Game, Inspector of Public Schools
and Aitchison liketcise, -clouted doub-
les, All in the eighth frame.
For Linwood pitcher "Shorty' Knaarl- The President, Mrs. A. W. Irwin,
led the hit parade with threes 'with -conducted the business session. 'Minus
doubles going to &hummer and Xrae- tes and treasurer's report were read.
men. Both Foster and IC. Decked made and roll call responded to.
several timely catches in centre field. Mrs. W. 33. Tiffin WAS appointed as
The 1947 softball season is now his-' delegate to attend the Sectional meet-,
tory, and Wliat a year it has been, five
championships achieved, Wingliam
Havens two, Winghatn Red Sox One,
Midget and Bantam ont.a'pie'ce.
-(Continued on page nine)
pay off his wager with the Hurons,
by crawling around the diamond with
a rose in his mouth, and believe it or
tat Vic kept his appointment, but in-
cidently failed to toilet' first base.
Here's hoping Vic that history will re-
peat itself in 1948.
"Tommy" Jardine, veteran of severel
championship series, came through in
great style again, etrikigg out eight,. the teeth." closed with the usual songs and the
Lions Roar' and smashing out three drives hided- The Bible lesson was teed by Mrs.
ing a round, tripper and a double, G. Robinson, Mrs.. Ea Stuckey led in
Gardner likewise Vas credited with prayer. An appropriate story entitled' Lloyd Employees Social Evening
three.liits; with Hopper bashing out a 'rile Educated Heart" was read by Some tune ago the employees of C.
pair of two baggers. Groves, Niergarth Mrs. Harry Spry. The Thankoffering Lloyd & Sou Limited organized a
was rece ive d an d de dicate d by Mrs, Recreation and Welfare Club and on
Adams. Friday evening ie the new shipping
very interesting address. This was see-
With MiXed Trebles Wednesday onded by Lion Harold V. Pyin and
Afternoon and Evening President Frank Madill conveyed the
— thanks of the Lions to Mr. McCool
Ending one of the longest Bowling for coming to town for the meeting.
A Seasons on record the local Fowling As he was leaving the Lions placed a
Club finished with a mixed Trebles bushel oe spy apples in his car as a
Tournament on Wednesday afternoon souvenir of the occasion,
and evening last. Sixteen rinks were Lions Al Walker and Jack McKib-
entered with visitors present from bon introduced a motion to record the
Lucknow Seaforth and Teeswater. regret of the Lions at losing a mem-
_ her, Lion C. hicAaroy so recently. Two games were played in the after
noon and one in the evening. Guests of the Club were Rev W. A.
The winners were first Mrs. G, Beecroft, Mr. Lindsay Meicer and
Godkin, Mrs. H. Campbell and A. M. Mr. Andy Andrews of Western Ont-
Crawford, with 3 wins plus 30; second, tario Motorways, Bill Conron, Mr.
Mrs. J. Mason, Mrs. A. R. DuVal and Albert Rutherford and Mr. Hart. Pres-
0, Haselgrove 3 wins plus 18; third, bidechnatifFoafetkheweclIcoobmed all the guests on
Mrs. H. Agnew, Mrs. A. Solomon Celebrates Birthday _
and W. McCoy, Lucknow, 2 wins plus Tailtwister Wally Armstrong was Mrs. Lucy Marsales, Leopold St., active as usual and rather than argue, celebrated her ninetieth birthday op
a number of Lions settled promptly. C. A ounuay and spent a very happy day
Lion Clayton Gammage did not deny opening letters, wires and cards front
that he came to work one day recently old and valued friends. Relatives who
with one brown and one black shoe, spent Sunday at her home included,
Bazaar- and Tea For such carelessness he was seitaaly Mr. and Mrs. Harry maeolee M r, and
fined. Mrs. Richard Matsales all of Buffalo,
President Frank, newest father in Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Murdison, New the Club was taken in hand by Lion market; Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Mar Art Irwin and after suffering much. sales, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Robin- =nay Memorial Hall, on Fr iday af- questioning he was presented with a son B. Marsales, West Flarnboro; Mrs.
ternoon, November 7th, commencing at silver cup for his new son. Lion Frank F. A. Coryirl, Toronto, Mr. J. R. Rey-
2,30 o'clock. thanked the Club. Mr. Bill Conroe nolds, Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Noble,
favored with a lively solo ninnber, Toronto, Mr. Fred Wesley, Fonda%
ong ofpen Father Dies In Scotland "Soul; the O Road" and was. Mr, and Mrs. H. MarsalesLondon,
Mr. Henry Ross received a telegram given a good hand. Music was the order of the evens IlliS8 Mar y Alurdisart'
sfathal r, idlthisad John edRoss of Ballater, trig mw adn ma faancytorneerfs q ua
r tett tes a p pLe Lr costs !iv e join in wishing her many more
.illarsales enjoys excellent health and
away, A fiRAND CHAMPIONS Toronto. Mrs.
on Monday with the sad news that his
Spry, Roberts, Tiffin and French ren- ppy birthdays,
W.O.A.A. Annual Meeting Defeat Linwood B Champions In tiered "Peggy O'Neil" very acceptably. Morris Federation Annual Meeting
The Western Ontario Athletic As- Lions McIibbon, Burton, Sherbondy Tile Morris branch of the Federation
sociation annual meeting will be held assisted by Bill Cannon sang, Let the of Agriculture will hold its minuet in the Witighatit Town Hall, on Wed- Rest of the World Go By. A trio, meeting and banquet at /Myth on Mon-
nesday, November 5th„ at 7,30 p.m. Lions McKibbon, Johnson and Basel* Iday, November 10th. The speaker will
Following the election of officers a grove failed to go to London to a meet:-
general discussion will take place. All
interested in sport in Western Ontario
are asked to attend.
Held Military Ball
Many guests from Wingham attend-
S.O., and Mrs. SparIiitg, Lt. Col. R. S. plan for seeming
Hetherington, M.B.E. and Mrs. Beth- , from the Vancouver Lions this year
Christmas Holly,aar.
CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY erington; Major G. Laurestut and Mrs, agai n.
mid Mrs. Howson.
President Prank announced the ilex
1Softballearn nose Saturdays win not only gave the AUTUMN MEETING.
:it dB:1178:: :voilloitg,ediyien::::::Itilittet i at tin Tiluoeinsd:oyi alttietrnaottodn .,,,oi.frsla,s
' of his ttip to ;Mexico City last summer , sixty relatives and friends gathered
Witighain Barnett t d gama" aYe .
out the Lontlesboro Bantatus. It was Ra eona th e asosei dey Trophy, bet a Simmons, Howick Township, to
necessary to play time limit, five games, ehasiee roe genial 4rtrie" assia gbasan t Lion Sant Burton outlined the et.' honour Mr. Simmons oil his 83rd hiss
The Autumn Thanhoffering meeting ltertaintnent for children, on Hallow.' thday, mid 'to extend congratulations
and best vsislies to both on their 60tit leen night. The Junior Drama Club is of time Evening Auxiliary of the Milted wedding anniversary. Mrs. Simmons
Church was held at the home of Mrs. ,P rePa,rini4 a Skit' Talkie Cartoons 'ill wasthe former Elizabeth latitierwood. R. R. Haden, Tuesday evening, Oct- !i3 e snown and several novel_ contests '
were being arranged. The Town Band' ober 21st.
Mrs. Alton A-dams was in the chair. p lead a Parade and P rizes will be awarded. Lion Sam -promised to have and led an impressive Thanksgiving Advance-
service beginning, with a Call to vh.ore an announcement hi the
shit, :and tic r a rot. the Beauty of: Times in plenty of time. The meeting
The rooms were tastefully tleconated
with candelabra, flowers and streamers
and during the afternoon the couple
received many lovely gifts. A little
grenade-tighter. Evelyn Simmons sang
"Believe Me, If All Those F./Ideating
Young Charms" after which followed
it address read by another grand-
daughter, Arnie Porter and the preset/.
tation of A three-storey wedding take.
and a fancy wool throw.
Of the eleven ,children born to Mr.
and Mrs. Simmons, nine are living,
Gordon and Margaret, (Mrs. ,Maitland
Porter), Wingham; Joseph, Harry
and Luella of 1,Vroxeter; Roy of Ford-
wida Stewart of Hillsburg, Fred -of
Stratford and Russell of Rock Glen,
Sash. There -are thirty-four grand-
children and eix great grand-children.
Mr. Simmons has three brothers;
Rev. Byron of South Ca.yttga; John of
Illtseels and George of llarriston.
Mrs. Simmons it the last surviving
member of her family,