The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-10-23, Page 6SIX
Don't Wait . .
Be smart and let us PUT ANTI-FREEZE IN
your car NOW Any day now, the temperature
will drop away below freezing. Drive in now and
we'll completely WINTERIZE and TUNE-UP
WINTER. Let us inspect your car today.
Bert Armstrong
Phone 181 B. A. Products Wingham
If Baby
Has ACold
throat, chest, back with Vappitub, Re-
lief•bringing action
starts righteway
while child sleeps,
Often by morning
most distress:of
the cold is eased.
NJOst-known home remedy
you can use to *relieve
distress of children's colds is
comforting Vicks VapoRub.
Even while You rub it on,
VapoRub starts to work to
ease distress .„and it keeps
on Working during the night. .
No wonder most mothers do
this when a v
IC KS cold strikes.
Tonight,try VAPoRus
Baby Band, presided and spoke words
of welcome to all present. The Wor-
ship service opened with call to wor-
ship and hymn 609, followed by a duet
by Sharon and Marlene Vincent, en-
titled "Jesus Loves Me this I Know."
Mrs. Vincent read a story to the
children, Mrs. Chamney contributed
on Guaranteed
Trust Certificates
ISSUED for any amount . , for a term of
five years . • guaranteed both as to principal
and interest Interest cheques mailed to
reach holders on due date, or, at holder's
option, may be allowed to accumulate at
compound interest.
An ideal investment for individuals, com-
panies; authorized by law for cemetery
\, boards, executors and other trustees.
Sterling Tower, Toronto
36 years In Business
Visitors at C. W. Hanna's home on
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Smith, and Wilbert, Donald and Alfred
Hanna of Atwood, also Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Hanna of Newry.
Men, Women Over 40
Feel Weak, Worn, Old?
Want'Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality?
flees weak, rundown, exhausted condition make you feel fagged out, old? Try Ostrex. Contains s_encral tonics, stimulants. often needed otter 30 or ao, Stipples Iron. calcium, phosphorus, vitamin 111. Helps you get normal pep, vim vitality. Get Ostrex Tope Tablets. Two economical sizes. For Vale at en good drug stores everywhere.
Don't let your house
be snubbed
Come on into the BEA-
PANY and see us about
for your home now I
This sturdy, weather-de-
fying Siding is every bit
as attractive as it is dur,
able . It's sure to give
you years of satisfactory
N. A. McLeod, Manager
Closed Sat. afternoons
,,aorpoo ,,, , , ,, pioio• .. sin . ooh; t ....
Large shipment of
Just a few of the
97 pieces - $69.50
66 pieces $34.25
63 pieces - $23.95
53 pieces - $33.60
Breakfast Sets, 32 pcs.
$12.95 up
Tea Sets, 21 pieces
$12.50 up
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt had as
their guests recently, Miss E. McLen-
nan and Mrs. J. A. Kieper of Russell,
Charlie Procter who has been tak-
ing a course in Radio Broadcasting in
the rehabilitation School, Toronto, has
left for Chalk River where he will
complete his course in the Electronics
Research Labratory.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Jacklin, of
Bluevale, Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Sles-
ser of Tiverton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Cook, Chatham, all visited
enadi '44 t 11111% " ..t4r 4 e
• 41.71-"4144L-4 030 St
lAttt PI0st
$4.06 DOOM is
If you have ever been
faced withan emergency,
You know how inaportant
it is for party line "part-
ners" to give each other
right.of-way on urgent
cells. Pleases clear the
line immediately.
Putting it into practice
on every call you make
Is your best guarantee
that others 'will do the
*awe tor you.
1. Keep cons brief.
2. $pace your tells.
3. Give right-of-way
to urgent tolls.
Necessity in every HOME.
Pero Water Softeners
avallabk Noivi
Because bard water is a needless expense . . . when you cart
so easily have all the advantages and conveniences of softened£
water with a budget-fitting DURO installation.
See your local Plumb-
ing Contractor today ... it
is easy for you to enjoy
DURO softened water in
your home.
In laundries, kitchens
and bathrooms, of thou--
sands of Canadian homes,
DURO- softened water has
saved many thlTusands of
dollars i n soap, clothing,
maintenance and fuel cost.
Your whole family will gee!
snore pleasure and goo el
from Dun softened water.
ovadas' suds
• DURO softened water-
saves over 75% on soap, yet-
gives richer, thicker sudse.
prevents greasy film an:
china, glass, silver and oa
the sinks andi working sur-
-faces of your kitchen.
DURO water softeners.
arc "Made-in-Canada!' front
,the finest materials obtain—
able, giving high quality
performance with long;
trouble-free service.
Roughing it in the wilds or
basking in the luxury of a
summer hotel whatever
their choice, our friends from
the States enjoy vacations in
Ontario's, northland. We can
all give them, a real welcome, when they Mime.. make them
want to come buck again.
ran 111101$0114.....$1161
Ontario profits. almost as Every tourist dollar
much front the botrisb shared this way business as from the 1, Hotels; Stores; gold 'mining industry. Ws 8, Restaurants; 4. Taxes,
up to us to keep this ete,; 5. Amusements;business ,growing., 6, Garages.
°,,,Ziselftoyedes4geWArrwoce44WPVerisssit groit3e7
'#'UhEic orreast BY
TIM WINGHAM ADVANa-MMES Thursday; .October 23, 1947
Whether on 'business or pleastire:hent, Make
this "Geodwill Hotel" you headquarters, Located
right in the center of everything . a block
east of 'Woodward :Avenue On Elizabeth Street,
Overlooking Grand Circus Park. Hotel Wolverine
attessibli to all sections of the City,
SOP rooms oath with tub end shower, Good
toad. AMA parking Spate; garage service &so avaltablL
Horne of THE TROPICS trent 'unusual night spot In betroth leaeriovi South Sees atteetpbere,
their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Mrs: Harry Cook, Miss Audrey
Cook of Wingham, and Austin were in
London, one day last week,
Messrs. C. H, Wade, R, J, Mae-
Kenzie, Laurence Vannan and Mason
Robinson, were in Meaford aver the
!week-end on, a fishing trip, They
made a nice catch.
;Congratulations to Mr. Ken Leitch
on his marriage to Miss Jean MeKagtte
last Saturday,
Mr. Fred Deacon was taken to the
hospital in Wingham last week suffer-
; ing from the effects of a fall, He re-
turned home on Sunday.
Mr. Dan Hallahan was taken to the
Hospital on Saturday suffering from a
relapse of the flu. His many, friends
wish him a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Fred Logan was able to leave
the hospital last Sunday.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Cecil Wheeler visited
in Lucknow on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Blyth,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jordan. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fralick of
Wroxetcr, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. MacKenzie. 1 a
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and fam-
ily of Brussels, visited with Mr. and
Mrs: M. Taylor.
Quite a number from Belgrave at-
tended the ball game in Walkerton on
Mr. Graeme Anderson made a busi-
ness trip to Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jamieson, of
Toronto, and Miss Dorothy Jamieson
of London, were home recently.
Mr. Stewart, Montreal, Quebec, is
spending a week with Mr. and Mrs.
'F. McCallum.
Word was received in. Belgrave on
Friday night of the death of Mrs. Rich-
ard Yule in London. Mr. Yule was the
station agent here for many years.
The sympathy of Belgrave friends go
to Mr. Yule and Berna.
Trinity Anglican Church
Youth Sunday was observed in Trin-
ity Anglican Church on Sunday. It ,
was marked by an impressive baptis-
mal service ;by Rev. Jolla Henderson,
when Joyce Marie, ' daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. R. Procter, Jean Isabel, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bacon,
Linda Caroline, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Clark Johnston, and Doreen Mae,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pat-
tison, were baptized.
Mission Band
The Happy Heart's Mission Band
held their Thanksgiving meeting in
the Sunday School rooms on Sunday
morning, October 19th. Miss Barbara
Michie was in charge and opened with
the Call to Worship and the Mission
Band Purpose, by Misses Marilyn
Moores, Marlene MacKenzie, Lorraine
Hanna and Evelyn Cook.
Miss Michie told two stories "Good
Neighbours to Jim" and "The Birch
Mark Bible".
The special Thanksgiving offering
taken up by Jean Hanna was for the
Sunday School of the Air and to tell
the children of Central India more
about the Bible. Twenty-four answer-
ed the Roll Call.
Young People's Union
About eighteen members, were pres-
ent at the.meeting of the Young Peo
ple's Union, last Friday night The
meeting was held under the auspices of
the ,Christian Citizenship department,
and was led by Robt. Grasby. Mr.
Earl Anderson gave the address, "I
Am My Brother's Brother". The re-
creation was directed by George Mick
Next week's meeting of the Y.P.U.
will be itt charge of the Christian Cul:
ture Convener, Jack Higgins, and the
games period will be conducted 'by '
Rev. W. J. Moores, It is hoped That a
large gathering of Young People will
be, present. On Friday evening, Oct-
ober SOth, there will be a Hallowe'en
Party and the Belgrave group will be
host to the Westfield Union. Iteep the
date open.
The Topic of the Sermon at the
United Chutch on Sunday last was
"Stewardship of Iraithfulnese in Chris,
tiara Service,' The minister -pleaded
or the same degree of faithful planning
and loyal support for Christian Ser.
vice, as is manifested in the business'
of daily living, and planning for the
Sunday, October t Gth, the service';
Will be in Charge of Rev. Wm. Itaitc
Of Thames Road. Rev. W. J. Moores
will be away in the rapacity of guest
preacher at Elmville.
The W.M.S. and W.A. of the Voited
Church held their October meeting at
the borne of Mrs. (Rev.) W.I. Moores,
The W.A. held a short business meet-
ing at which the president presided and
opened with Call to Worship, The
Scripture reading was taken by Mrs.
L. Bolt front Psalm 106, Hymn 578
was sting and the Lord's Prayer re-
peated in unison. /t was decided to
hold a Powl Supper on November SO,
.some arrangements were made and
'complete plans were left for tall of a
special meeting. There will be a tea
towel shower at the next meeting,
when each Member is asked to donate
one towel, A vote of thenks was moo-
ed to those who had dottelhe painting
arid laid the new matting at the church.
Mrs, Moores closed the meeting with
The W.IVLS, meeting followed 'when
they were bests to the Baby Band
and, the mothers. There were SI pies-
eat, ;gm, It. Chatriney, leader of the
Manufacturers of
Store Fixtures, Displays,
Kitchen Cabinets, Etc. •
in up-to-date design and finish
If you have a problem, maybe we
can help you. Give us a call.
Box 166 'Phone 268j
a reading ;followed by prayer by the,
leaders, Hymn. 534 was sung and Mrs,
H'. Wheeler read a poem. Mrs, W, J.,
Moores gave a talk on books that
should be read in homes of Baby Band
children. good reading must be pro-
vided for children if their minds are
to be moulded in proper channels. She
closed with a poetic entitled "Jesus
was a M4sionary,"
The President of the W.M,S, Wok,'
the chair .and conducted a shOrt busi-
ness period. The Treas, reported, that.
at the end of the 3rd. quarter over PS
had been sent to Presbyterial Treas.
Delegates appointed to attend the Sec-
tional meeting at Bluevale were, 'Mrs,
J. Wheeler and ,Mrs, L, Hppper. Visits
to the sick and shut-ins were reported.
Mrs, j, S. Procter is in charge of the
Study Book for Nov. It was decided to
have the autumn Thankoffering meet-
ing on a Sunday evening, the date to
be announced later. Lunch of sand-
wiches and cookies was served by the
a ssisted by the W.M,S.
Visitors at the home of Mr. ' and
Mrs. 5,C, Procter -this past week were,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hopper from
Bruce Mines, Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Mil-
ler of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. W. Byers
of Royal Oak, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Walden were
week-end guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Jardine and
babe, of Toronto, visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell, and Mr,
and Mrs, Thos. Jardine and other rel-
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Smith of Brus-
sels, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Taylor.
The Y.P. met on Thursday night
with. Ed. Taylor in charge of the de-
votional programme. Prayer by Mur-
ray McDowell. Scripture lesson was
read by Roy Buchanan. Topic was tak-
en by Ed. Taylor Rev. Hewitt gave
a short address. Murray McDowell was
elected president for the coining year
with Ila Taylor as vice-president;
Sec.-Treas., Gordon McDowell, Group
leaders, Eddie Taylor, Violet Cook,
Graeme McDowell. The meeting
closed with the benediction and a soc-
ial time was enjoyed.
Miss Da Taylor visited with Miss
Blanch Sillifant of Stratford over the
The Jr. quartette, Messrs. Norman.
McDowell, Lloyd Walden, Douglas-
Campbell, Harvey McDowell accomp-
anied by Winnifred Campbell assisted
at the Anniversary service at Crewe
on Sunday evening.
Miss Roberti McVitttie of Goderich,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. McVittie.
Mrs. Wes. McKechnie of Blyth,
spent the week-end with her sister,
Mrs. Walter Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 5. S.
McLean of Whitechurch.
Members of the W.M.S, were guests
of the W.M,S. of Whitechurch United
Church on Wednesday afternoon, .
Mrs. G. S. McIntyre and Donald,
returned to Meaford on Friday after-
noon, after spending the week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Miller.
They were accompanied by Miss Iso-
bel Miller and Anne Todd, ivito were
their guests for the week-end.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Blue of Detroit,
were week-mid visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. J, D. Anderson.
Many members and a few of their
husbands of the Women's Institutes of
Lueknow, Dungannon and White-
church, were guests of the local In.
stitute at a social gathering in the
Community Hall on Thursday even.
log. Rev, M. G. Newton was thaitman
for the interesting program consisting
of Community singing with Mrs. E.
W. Rice at the piano. Solos by firs.
J. W. joynt of Lucknow, a solo by Mr.
Garnet Patrice of Whitechurch, duets
by Messrs, Roy Rutledge and Everett
Pluttigan of Dungannon, by Mrs.
Lome Johnston and Mrs, George
Fisher of Whitechurele by Mrs. Rice
anti Mrs. Wm, Rutherford and by Mr.
and Mrs. P., W. Rice; mouth organ tel.
ectione by Mt Fired Me(Nillite a, piano
solo by Miss Donna Hodge of Dee-
gallium, readings by Miss McLeod of
Ltteknow and Mrs, Grain of White.
thumb, trios by Reti M. G. Newton,
Iktr, W. I. Miller acid Mr. Rice, and
chorus by the men who had taken part
in the programme. At the conclusion
lunch was served after which a pleas-
ant hour was spent in dancing.
Don't forget the meeting of all the
Red Cross workers in the hall on
(Thursday) afternoon.
Mr. Charlie 'Maxwell also Mr. Gibbs
of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert McDonald.
Mr. Thitnite Paytt.
There passed peacefully away-On
Wednesday evening, Mir. turnite Payn,
in his 17th year. ;Mr. Payn had not en-
ioyed the best 'of health for sometime
although had been going about until
Monday When he was confined 'to his
bed. Almost,fifty years sago 'he 'GAS
married to ary Smith, who is left to
mourn bit loss, to this union there
were three 'children, two tiaItqhtera and
One son, (Pearl), Mrs. tired 1'"owlet of
Chesley0Gertrude, tanever and
Cecil of "torotite, else five grand.
children and one great grandchild.
Mr. Pon VAS 'a good neighbour and
had :a cheerful disposition and will be
grea 'ly missed.
T1 e' funeral service was conducted
by the Rev. Wilson of the Brussels
United Church on Friday. The remains
were laid to rest in Brussels cemetery,
The pallbearers were Messrs. Law-
rence Willis, Alex McDonald, .Rich-
ard Jacklin, Gofdon Holt, Russell
1 111
Sewing MachineRepairService
Work Guai-anteed
Free Estimates
Machines Electrified
Needles and Belts
Telephone 30 Wingham
Bradshaw and Fleming Grainger,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pearce and:
daughters of Toronto, spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs..
Lawrence Willis.
Mr. T. C. Wilson and daughter,.,
Betty, of Glen Orchard, attended
funeral of the late Mr. Payn,