The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-10-23, Page 4KITCHEN RANGE with coal grates,
water jacket, Hot Water Tank and
Pipes, Chest of. Drawers, Wooden
Bed Frame, eintzman Square
Grand Piano, Quebec Heater with
Oil Burner, Coal Oil Stove and Ov-
en, 6 tons Coal. R. Vogan, R. R.
1, Wingham, 'phone Wroxeter 12 r 7.
LOST—Illack Leather Pocketbook,
contains Driver's License, and Bank
Book. Finder please leave at The
Advance-Times office.
E'rIAN BLINDS—Steel or Alum-
inum. flees newly designed slat
makes it possible to remove slats for ,
cleaning purposes without dismant-
ling or taking the blind out of brack-
ets. No extra cost. King Dept.
Store, Wingliam,
AP-PLEB FOR SALE — Northern MAN WANTED—For Rawleigh bus-
Spy, $1.00 per bushel on tree. (leo, iaess. Sell to 4500 families, Good
Kennedy, Highway 86, 7 miles west profits for hustlers. Write today.
of Winghaut, Rawleigh Dept, ML-J-453, S., Mont-
real, M1
choice Town Plot Property, Imple-
ments and .corripleta.liousehold Eff ,
gets will be held at the residence of
the residence of the late George
,Boyle, Lower Wingham, one-half
mile West of the Foundry, at 12
p.m., on Saturday, October 25th,
Chattels cash. Real Estate subject
to reserve bid, terms made known
at sale, Mrs. Geo, Boyle, Admin,
istratrix: Donald B. Blue, Auction-
eer;.Robt. Craikshank, Clerk,
Reg, Hereford; 8 Grade Cattle, 40
Hogs and 2 good Work Horses, will
be held 2nd Lot North of 33irr, 10
miles North of London, on Highway
No. 4, at 1 p.m., on Tuesday, Octob-
er 28th. Terms Cash. Milas ,Moir,
Prop,; W. S. O'Neil and Matt. Gay-
nor, Auctioneers,
CHARTS Foundation Garment Co.
trained Corsetiere for Wingham, sur-
rounding district and towns. If you
need a new garment, any size or
type of figure at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, opposite
Wingham Cemetery.
We have Dubber moulding for all
makes of cars. We have a good stock
of Seiberling Tires, regular and Mud
and Snow tread. Chiyco Batteries,
all sizes, guaranteed by Chrysler
Corporation. Edward's Motor Sales,
Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and
Fargo Trucks, Phone 417, Wing-
ham, Ontario.
FOR SALE — Large 8 room frame
house, near Jamestown, enough
material to build two dwellings.
Lightening rods not included. Apply
MEN WANTED—$35, to $60 a week,
Your own business. No boss, no
timeclock, independence, The lead-
ing line of Home Service Products,
If you own a ear, operate in the
country, otherwise pick a city terri-
tory. Full information FREE on •re-
quest, FAMILEX, Dept. C, 1600
Delorimier Montreal.
WANTED — by young lady, typing
or office position. Phone Wingham
Registered Hog For Service
• The 3rd, line of Morris Pig Club
have purchased through the Ontario
Dept, of, Agriculture and Mr, Gordon
Schweitzer of Kitchener, a Pure Bred
York Hog, this hog won second priZe
at the Galt show, this summer in the
Advance Reg. Class and will stand for
service at the farm of Jack Wickstead,
Phone 32r19, Brussels, Stewart Proc-
ter, President.
In WROXETER at residence of the
late Alvin Sharpin, at 2 p.m., on
3-piece Parlour Suite, 1 Couch, 1
Buffet, 1 Glass Cupboard, 1 Battery
Radio, 2 Stands, 1 good Beach Range,
1 Corner Cupboard, 5 pairs Curtains,
5 Window Shades, 3 Congoleum Rugs,
1 Rocking Chair, 7 Kitchen Chairs, 5
Congoleum Mats, 2-burner Coal Oil
Stove, 1 Extension Table, Raymond
Sewing Machine, 1 Bedroom Suite, 1
Clothes 'Horse, 3 Tubs, 1 Vacuum
Washer, Dishes, Cooking Utensils,
Pictures, Pails, Numerous Other Items.
Auctioneer. Proprietress.
FOR SALE—GO cycle Easy Spin Dry
Washer, 60 cycle Home Freezer,
Beaver Grinder with 3 h.p. 60 cycle
motor, also wiring Supplies;,Romex
in any quantity, J. H. Stratton,
'phone 5X, Brussels,
FOR SALE—Spy Apples, pick your
own if you desire; tree or bushel. H.
Jones, 624 r 2, Wingham.
FOR SALE--Lady's Black Coat,•
Chamois lined, fur collar, size 34;
also !Girl's Tweed Coat with Fur'
Collar, 12 to 14 years. Telephone
432w, . „ . •
FOR SALE-4 well-bred Cows, with
calf at foot, ranging front 3 to 7
years. Will be sold cheap as owner
is not able to look after them. Also,
an ideal \Vagon Horse, 1400 'tbs., ris-
ing 4 years, sound, and a grand
worker, Apply James Forster, R. R.
1, Lecknow, 'phone 43 r 12, Luck-
FOR SALE 7- About Sixty Sussex N
Hampshire Pullets, 51,:m months old.
Apply Wallace Conn, 'phone 607 r'21
FOR SALE—New Phlico DeLuxe mo-
del Refrigerator, 71't cubic ft. ea-
pacity, GO cycle unit, cash only,
Telephone Mrs. Hawkins, Clinton,
GIRLS WANTED—Minimum wage
$15.50 per week. Yeomen's Grill,
Wingham., .
Have your CAR or TRUCK tuned
up for trouble-free Winter Driving.
Have your radiator filled with Chry-
sler Rust Resistant and treated to
retard evaporation of antifreeze,
Have your Oil Filter changed, Chan-
ge Transmission and Differential 011
to Winter Gear Oil. Edward's Mot-
or Sales, Chrysler and Plymouth
Cars and Fargo Trucks, Phone 417.
Wingham, Ontario.
IX THE MATTER of the Estate of .
Agnes Short Rae, late of the Village
of Wroxeter, in the County of Huron,
Widow, deceased.
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late Agnes
Short Rae, are required to send par-
ticulars of their claims, duly verified,
to W. lirtsltfield, X.C,, the solicitor
for the Executor of the said estate, on
or before the eighth day of November,
A.D., 1947, and that after such date
the executor will proceed to distribute
the said estate, having regard only to
the claims of which he shall then have
had no•tice.
DATED at Winglourt, Ontaricr, this
twentieth day of October A.D. 1947.
J. w. BusHrivti.t),
Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the 'Executor.
GILKINSON—In loving memory of
Richard Gilkinson, who passed away
October 25th, 194,
This be our strength as days go by,
The ones we love can never die,
In memory they linger still,
And in our 'hearts they always will.
—Ever'remembered by his wife and
IN THE MATTER. of the Estate of
Joshua W. Scott, late of the 'Town of
Wingham, in eft County of Huron, Re-
tired Sectionman, deceased.
Thursday, October 23, 1941
tainton's Hardware
And Farmers' Supply House
"Quality, Price and Service Sell Our Goode
Maple Leaf Fan Shape LEAF RAKES $1.25
Coleman Sport LANTERN, 300 candle power $8.95
Coleman Major Instant Light Lantern . • . $10.95
(500 candle power)
2-ply $2.45 3-ply $1.98
90 lb. Green and Red Slate Surface $3.95
Dinner and Breakfast Sets
28-piece DINNER SET $11.50
56-piece DINNER SET $22.00
(Mazarine Blue)
24-piece $9.75 - 48-piece $19.00
Reg. $30.00 $27.00
Westinghouse BULBS; 25, 40, 60 watt, each . .15c
(Three months guarantee)
25 cycle 1/1 h.p. MOTORS $24.00
60 cycle 1/4 h.p. MOTORS $22.00
McClary COAL HEATERS, med. size, 2 lids, $21.95
Granulated INSULATION, per bag $1.30
1 bag covers 30 sq. ft. 2 inches thick
Klee6flo FUEL OIL CONDITIONER, 32 oz. 75c
Improves Oil Burner Efficiency Faster Beating
Quicker Starting Cleaner Firing
The theme of this meeting was
"Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But
Deliver Us From Evil," The Medita-
tion wag' read by Mrs. George Olver,
and the Scripture Lesson, the Twenty-
third Psalm, was read by Mrs. Wm.
The Topic from the current fission
Study on India was taken jointly by
Miss A. McBurney and Mrs. Alex.
Ninuno, which was most interesting.
Mrs. IL C. MacLean gave the Glad
Tidings Prayer, After the. Offering
was received, ,.Mrs. W. Hammond gave
the Dedicatory Prayer. With the sing-
ing of a Hymn, and the elosiillg Prayer
by Mrs. McKague, the meeting ad-
The Y.P.U. had charge of the ser-
vice in the. United Church on Sunday
evening. Tne president, Miss Wilda
Breckenridge presided and following
a period of quiet music read the Call
to Worship. The scripture passage
was read by ;Miss Mary Darling and
Rev. J. A. Burdett led in prayer, Mrs.
Burdett gave a reading, "The Patch-
work Window". Mrs. George nether-
ington gave a talk on "The Royal
Museum" in Toronto.
The closing gayer was offered by
Mr. Burden.
The Sectional Cotweittion of North
Huron Presbyterial of the W.M.S. of
the United Church of Canada, will be
held at Rinevale on Tuesday, October
28th., 1947.
The morning session will open at
9;30 and the afternoon session will
commence at 1.30, Miss Edith Spading,
a returned Missionary from West
China will be tne guest speaker.
Arnold Lillow has sold his store
business and property to Mr. Charles
Hoffman of Exeter, who gets posses.
1 sionNovember 1st.. Mr. tallow has
retained the property Where The gar-
age and sevice station is situated.
Rev.. Leland C. Jorgensen and Mrs.
Jorgensen attended the Young People's
Rally in First Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth, on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Higgins spent
Tuesday with relatives at London,
Over the week-end a windier of
children and grandchildren of the late
Mr. and Mrs, Thus, lenkins were en-
tertained at the old homestead, Blue-
vale Road, by the occupants, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Jenkins, Among the
guests were Lydia Jenkins, Mrs. Cald-
well of Xalkaska, Mich.; Grate Jen-
kins, Mts. Wm. Nicholson of Ridge-
town, Jennie Jenkins, Mrs. jos, Mir-
it8S, Islington, and Mr. Rurges Mr.
and 'Mrs. David Jenkins, of 'Calgary,
Mr. and Mrs. G., S. „gannibell • and
three sons of Scotland, Ont., Miss Dor-
othy Burgess of Islington. Mrs. Camp-
bell and Miss Burgess are granddau-
ghters, Mrs. Caldwell is the oldest
of the family and does not appear to be
in her 87th year.
Surviving members not present, Ben
Jenkins, California, James of Flint,
,Mich,, and John of Kalkaska.
Iterp PON she but et thee &lei 1441
Ili ifweken ytlf, due to rot WI the bestride
Ifni. belt'l Walt until your Fent. Pith
ire clews Wed wt.
You can tierce your posh lost 3 he 3 Prim
longer, for 3 to 4 tech per post, vsloP
'Demos*oSpecial hie, & Post MIxturist
reroattalsti preservothe ownhInef
Pre welMorown Industrial weed
*olives, and protects posts muds Ise wall
be outside ; e 2,000,000 *Onroney pniterved poles ari Vow gocirentwic
Steeply applied Igo petrit, 4° estAwe
4" the greormires, Ir h
*any, etteettve end lewistglael soloist
le VOW Ione* Peet relator: "
ewer Meat clearer, et writ. direst tor temPleld Prostrated Illetaturei
tiellerss $t,,5 Weide $0-1$0 Peetes
Order Through Your
.o-0p.. Store.
*tfilisteil with
The Vnited Farmers
Cc operative to, Ltd.
le taw it. vomit,
pursuant to The Trustee Act, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the EstAte of the late Joshua
W, Scott; are required to send par-
ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to
5, W. Bushfield, Kr.„ the solicitor for
the Executrix of the said estate, on or
before the eighth day of November,
A.D,2_ 1947, and that after such date
the 'Executrix will proceed to distrib-
ute said estate, having regard only
to the claims of whiCh she shall then
have had notice, •
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
twenty-first day of October, A.D. 1947.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executrix.
F BeY P -A . .
The F,B.Y,P.A, met for the weekly
meeting on Monday evening in the
church with a good number in attend-
The meeting was in charge of the
President, Mr. Glen Schiefele, The
opening hymn was sung and prayer
by Laura Collar. Business was then
discussed. Mrs. W. Harcourt and Miss
Marjorie Falconer were delegates for
the F.Y.P. Rally held in Brantford last
week. Reports were very capably given
reporting a great blessing on all the
Mr. Glen Schiefele read the' history
of the hymn "Wonderful Peace" telling
the the writer, after 'which Mrs. Schie-
fele joined him in the duet which was
much enjoyed.
Mr. Schiefele then read the Scripture
Romans 13: 8-14, bringing the topic of
the evening on "Temperance".
GAL/ Pp,
17. towels
14 k1, gold
• ,
0)0df0A4,240.4f/ .elitcKEitsocicsit •
117 iewels :.
`4` s4E401 `3.5250
David Crompton
Gifts For All Occasions
with their French.
The Journal, read by the Editor,
Jim Hall, was full of interest, and gave
a welcome to the students entering the
school for the first time this year, Mr.
Ferguson acted as Critic of the meet-
ing, and after his remarks the National
Anthem was sung.
The Girls of the School report that
basketball time has rolled around once
again, and they say "Are we gals going
to sit back and watch the boys have
all the fun? Never! This year the en-
thusiasm has climbed to such a height
that there will be four teams in place
of the customary one, And to get us
in trim, the Armouries will be avail-
able for practising on Wednesdays and
Thursdays from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m.
Under the' capable management of our
The first meeting of the Wingliant
High School Student Body, the Lit-
erary Society, was held in the Town
Hall on Friday, October 17th. The
meeting opened with the singing of "0
Canada", followed by the reading of
the minutes by the Secretary, Mary
Ross. The President, Jim Hobden,
gave a brief address, thanking the stu-
dents for his election to office.
A program arranged by.the commit-
tee in charge for the meeting included
a solo and encore by Jim Beninger,
"Stardust" and "That's' 1y Desire", ac-
companied by Jim Hall; it piano selec-
tion, "Premiere" by Leslie Mae Wall;
a brief biographical sketch of Stephen
Leacock by Alice Laidlaw, which in-
troduced a short reading "Gasoline
Goodby" by Tom Lockridge, with or-
iginal sound effects, Lois Lockridge
sang "Mother Maehree", and a skit by
Grant Ernest and Jim Hobden, "A
Telephone Conversation in French"
Was amusing to all those who struggle
Mastic Tile Flooring
for Homes, Officesand
Norman Rintoul
Phone 251 Wingham
No 'more is Et heavy draggy overcoat
essential to warmth,
Warren X. oo Kellwood Overcoat*
we richly tailored from a specially
mitlecl 3Kertwood lobric—oimrconts that main-
tain their dinlinctive appearance through tuouy
long winter seasons.
at LOT 29-30, CON. 13, HULLETT
TWP., 2 miles West of Blyth and 3
FOR SALE — No. 23 Massey-Harris miles North-West of Londesboro, onl
2 furrow tractor plow, in good con- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1947,
dition. Apply to Ira Wall, Phone at 1 o'clock sharp, as follows
626r5, HORSES-1 Bay Mare, rising 5
years old; 1 black Team of Geldings 4
Years old; 1 Chestnut Gelding, 5 years
old; 1 Bay Horse, 9 years old; 1 Grey
Gelding, 5 years old.
,CATTL1--109 Head-2 Regstered
Holstein Cows, due in December, 1
Holstein Cow, due time of sale, 4 Hol-
stein rows, due in December; 3Hol-
stein Cows, due in January; 7 Dur-
ham and Hereford Cows, due in Jan-
uary; 25 Hereford Cows, with Calves
by their side; 10 Yearling Steers; 15
two-year-old Steers, 8 Hereford Calves.
These are a choice lot of Cattle and
FOR SALE-.-An Electrolux Vacuum will be sold to the highest bidder.
Cleaner with attachments. 'Phone HOGS-2 York Sows, due to farr-
177, Wingham. ow November 12th; 14 Chunks.
POULTRY-150 Barred Rock Pull- FOR SALE—Poolroom Equipment-7. ets, ready to lay; 100 New Hampshire
2 Pool Tables, 1 ,Snooker Table, yearli ng Hens_ Cues and Balls, New Pepsi Cola Plan to Attend This Sale
Cooler. Will lease building with Terms Cash, Positively No Reserve
option to buy. Apply M. G. Beatty, Wilmer. Howatt, Harold Jackson, Wroxeter, Ont., or telephone Listo- Proprietor Auctioneer, wel 3828. EdWin Chesney, Clerk.
FOR SALE — 2 Purebred Shorthorn
Bulls, ready for service. Apply
Stewart Procter, Phone 33-12, Brus-
air, give them Lloyd's Corn Salve
care." 50c at McKibbon's Drug
FOR SALE — 200 .Leghorn x Rock
Pullets, 6 months old, started to lay.
Oscar Kieffer, Wroxeter 12-8.
FOR SALE — Quantity of new oak
Plank. 12 feet long, 2 inches thick.
Apply Harold Keating, Belgrave,
FOR SALE-4-ft, Slabs, mostly Elm,
$4.00 per cord, also Hydro Poles and EXECUTOR'S SALE
Posts. H, E, Rata Lumber Limited, There will be offered for sale on the
premises being Park Lots Nos, 2 and
3, in the
Village of WROXETER, on
at the hour of 2 o'clock, in the after-
noon, the following goods and chattels,
the property of the late Alvin Sharpin:
1 battery radio, 1 radio table, 1 set-
tee, 1 couch, 1 dropleaf table, a number
of chairs, a quantity of dishes, 1 step,
ladder, a quantity of wood, 1 light wa•
gon, 2 sows, a model "A" Ford Coupe,
1 kitchen stove and pipes, and other
articles too numerous to mention.
There will also be offered subject to
a reserved bid the following real prop-
erty, being Park Lots Nos. 2 and 3 on
the south side of Howick street in the
Village of "Wroxeter, on which there is
said to be situate a 7-roomed brick
Terms of Sale: Chattels-Cash, Real
property, 10 per cent on the day of sale
and the balance in thirty days.
DATEI) at Wingham, Ontario, this
16th day of October, 1947.
I ; BRYCE, Wingham, Auction
coach, Miss McInnes, the basketball
season looks to be a very promising
Last Thursday the students of the
Wingham High saw their boys' base-
ball team go down in defeat with Clin-
ton taking. them by a win of 15.8 on
home grounds, The boys played a her-
oic game with Grant Ernest and Alan
McKay pitching and George Gammage
catching, but Clinton had the better
teem throughout' the game. However,
being the good sports they are the
boys took it with a grin and warned
Clinton to ."Beware" next time,
The buses prevented many from
staying for the game but nevertheless a
crowd of enthusiastic fans was present.
Let's see this school ,spirit prevail at
all the games.
ELSTON—In Wingham General Hos,
pital, on Sunday, October 19th, to
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Elston, a son,—
Wayne William.
HUTCHISON—In Mountain Hospi-
tal, Hamilton, on, October 11th, to
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hutchison, Dundas,
a daughter—Sharon Lynn,
KEFFER—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on October 16th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Keffer, Bluevale, a dau-
LEPARD—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on October 16th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Lepard, Wingham, twin
STOKES—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on October 18th, to Mr. and
0 Mrs. Arthur Stokes, Wingham, a
TURVEY.—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on October 16th, to Mr, and
Mrs. Ross Turvey, R. 2, Bluevale,
a daughter.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church was
held on Tuesday afternoon, in the
Church Parlour, at three o'clock. The
President, Mrs. W. J. Henderson, oc-
cupied the chair and opened the meet-
ing with prayer. After the singing of
a hymn, the Secretary's report 'was
read, general basiness conducted and
the Treasurer's report was read. The
Roll Call was answered by repeating a
verse of Scripture pertaining to
Wingham Hurons Win
(Continued from page one)
Fifth Inning
Wingham-Jardine singled over third,
Gardner flied out to centre field, Nier-
garth flied out to short stop Master,
son, Hopper flied out to centre field,
no runs, one hit, no errors,
Sixth Inning
Wingham-Ward singled, Foster was
safe on a bunt, Niergarth was safe on
a bunt, Ward scoring; Groves flied
lout to centre field, Aitchison flied out
to short stop, Jardine struck out, one
run, three hits, one error to Southamp-
Seventh Inning
Wingham-Gardner grounded out
short to first, Templeman was safe on
a hit, was out at third on an attempted
steal, Hopper popped up to Brannick,
Ward singled, no runs, two hits, no
Eighth Inning
Wingham-Foster was safe on a bunt,
and advanced to third, Niergarth pop-
ped up to Brannick, Groves grounded
out third to first, Aitchison flied out to
centre field, no runs, one hit, no errors.
Wingham—Ward If, Foster cf, iNer-
garth ss, Groves c, Aitchison 2b, Jar-
dine p, Gardner 36, Templeman
Hopper lb.
Southampton—Rourke 2b, Brannick
c, J. Masterson ss, Porter lf, Hether-
ington lb, Bates 3b, L. Masterson cf,
Macintosh rf, Gateman p, (Johnson
relieved Macintosh in the seventh).
Wingham .. 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0— 210 2
Southampton 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— 1 6 1
Umpires Connelly, Smith, Stratford.