The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-10-16, Page 7SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE NEW The Brood Sow Has A Busy 12 Months The sow raising two litters per year may break down under the strain if not properly fed, Small litters, weak litters, puny pigs and failure to breed are common signs of a partial break-down. SHUR-GAIN 15 per cent SOW RATION helps to eliminate this danger. It means Larger Litters Large Individual Pigs at Birth Lower Losses. of Little Pigs Before Weaning The Foundation of 40 Pound Pigs at 8 Weeks Your Sows NEED a special feed balanced with high minerals and vitamins. A food ,that will maintain the heavy drain on their constitutions. is made FRESH at your local Feed Service Mill. SHUR-GAIN IS A TRADE NAME CANADA PACKERS, %IMAM McKINNEY BROS. BLUEVALE E. HEE DELMORE DAUPHIN & GRANT TEESWATER SHUR-GAIN 15% Sow Ration You'll be so pleased the way . little Va-tro,•01 in each nostril quickly soothes irritation, helps reduce congestion and relieve stuffy head cold VICK S misery Relief is grand because Va-tre-nol works right where trouble is to ease distress, Used by VA•TRO•NOL maligns, So try Vicks Vaetro-nol, yourself! HARRY FRYFOGLE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109 W. Night 1091 FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTtOPATII Offices: Centre St., Wingliam Osteopathic and Electric Treat. tnents, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Terapist. RADI0100 EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K M. MaeLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 199 Vfingharn, Ontario Sun-Tested Wallpapers FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE Priced from 15c per roll up THE WALLPAPER SHOP FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNE RAL PARLOUR A. 3. WALKER 'PHONES 100 - 224 WINGHAIVI WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 Att all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Read Office — 'Toronto IL C. MacLean Insurance Agency Whtghani A. H. WTAYISII Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4,30 and by appointment. Phone Teeswater 1209 W. A. CRAWFORD, M. II PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Windt:us: BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block Wingham DR W. Mt CONNELL CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 Barristers, Solicitors, tit. Winghant, Phone 48 J. H. Crawford, ICC, R. S. Itetherington, R.C. Collections... It's our long experience hand- ling ocilections that makes poss- ible the splendid results we effect for our clients. That is why so many business and professional men send us their lists year after year. Send in yours, too. KELLY & AIKEN THE COLLECTORS Orangeville - Ont. FIRST CLASS atch Repairs For the Present, Watches Only. George Williams John Street Wingham Next to Masonic Hall - General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE S. J. Pyinin R, 0, Box /4 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW - ONTO YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Exatnitt. tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. Fr F 1101111411 Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston Enjoy Fall Driving If these cold mornings are proving a strain on your good humor when you have to start your car, you owe it to yourself to COME TO CROSSETT MOTOR SALES for a thorough Fall and Winter Check-Up We are experts at conditioning cars to face the coming cold months and have a complete line of SUPERTEST quality Oils and Greases to fit the needs of your car. Drive in today—You'll get a friendly smile of welcome. Crossett Motor Sales Your MERCURY and LINCOLN Dealer Telephone 459 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS S E E — Bennett & Oasemors 'Phone 447 Wingham Chesterfields and. Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Free Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY 42 Brunswick St. STRATFORD — ONTARIO Local Dealer R. A. Currie's Furniture Store OW* Best By Test Costs Less To Operate Because WRVS exclusive features permit softening capacity and regenerating facilities—it CostS less to operate a DURO. Your first cost with DURO is really an invest- ment paying dividends not only in better . but in reduced soap bills longer life for washable clothes, sheets, towels elimination of costly repairs to your heating plant reduced fuel bills for domes- tic Water heating. ouseiz I Yet DURO Softeners are not expensive. There is 'a DURO price and size to fit your budget. See your local plumbing contractor today and learn how easy it is for ,you to enjoy DURO softened water Yet your home. act ually' greater 111111111B) 0 _'N .'TAY;- 1 0 PUMPS AN LONDON DURO water softeners are "Macle-in-Canacla" from the fin- est materials obtaintahle, giving high quality performance with long trouble-free service. PRICED AS LOW VAN F.O.B. LONDON, CANADA THE NSTINQIIA/vT ADVANCE-TO/TES SEVEN -Thursday, OctoberlOth,19.47 end with Toronto friends. Miss Aliee Howes of the Bank of Commerce ,Staff, Wingliam, has been transferred to Toronto, leaving on Sot- urdoy aedompanied by her sister, Miss Gilberto Howes, who spent the week- end there, Mr, Lloyd Weir and Miss Pearl Bul- lough both of Toronto, were holiday guests of the former's mother, Mrs, W. Weir, , Mr. and Mrs, John Lane were Stiat- ford visitors on Saturday. Mr. Laurie Vanvelsor, of ,Hamilton, spent the post few days with his Mier, Mr. W. E, Vanvelsor who is in poor health, , "Mrs-Alvin Moffat, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, arrived home on Saturday, ,MisS Eleanor Sanderson, Toronto, was a week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. Frank Sanderson, . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane arrived home from a seven week's trip to Wes- tern Canada via the State on Wednes- day last week, visiting Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Sproule, Detroit, on their return journey. Mr. and Mrs. Dane are spen- ding this week-end in Hanover and Mr. Brothers, who has opened a jew- ellery business in Wroxeter, has moved his family to the home formerly owned by the late Miss Ellen Young. We welcome the family to the village and ex end good wishes for every success. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hay of Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. J. Lov- ell. Owing. to the Salem fowl supper on Monday evening, the Young People's Union of Wroxeter United Church will hold its weekly meeting on Thursday evening at .8.15 o'clock. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Durst wemMr. and Mrs. Gordon Parr, Stratford; Mrs. Parr, sr. of Brus- sels; Mr. Alvin Hudson, Toronto. Miss Edna Lawrence, Mr. aiid Mrs. Jerry May, all of Toronto, were holi- day guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence. Mrs. Bert Nixon, Winnipeg, arrived on Saturday and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nixon, also Mr. Jack Me,Cuteheon. Rev. Stewart Miner of Fordwich, will be in charge of services at Wrox- eter and Salem on Sunday next. Womes's Institute . Mrs. D. S. MacNaugliton opened her home on Wednesday last for the Oct- ober meeting of Wroxeter Women's Institute, with an attendance of thirty. Mrs. A. Munro presided and the meet- ing was opened with the singing of the Ode and repeating the Lord's prayer. Mrs. W. T. Maclean read the minutes. Plans cvere completed for the coming play' The Mummy and the Mumps" to be presented in the Town Hall on No- vember 4th by a 'group junior farmers and junior Institute members of Ripley, to be followed by a dance. Mrs. Wm, Hart, Mrs. Michel and Mrs, H. Timm were named a booth committee; Mrs. MacNaughton, Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs John Lane were appointed to arrange a program for the Inter-Institute eon test being sponsored by Gorrie Wom- en's Institute group on November 17th. Mrs. J. H. Wylie presented the good cheer report. The roll call, "A hint for fall sewing" brought helpful res- ponse. The all members programme brought an interesting variety of jokes, readings from the comics, to the more serious poetry, Current highlights on Canadian Industry, piano solo, month organ selection and vocal duet. Guests at the meeting were ,Mrs. Jim Arm- strong, district president; Mrs. Stan, Wheeler, district secretary; Mrs. J. Harold Speir, past area chairman, all of Brussels, and members of Mejestie THOS• FELLS 3 REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and THE ,;BEST, OP SERVICE PLENTY OP EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 Wingham Mrs. J. J. Allen, Jimmy and Mar- jorie, also Miss Ross, all of Toronto, arrived on Friday and with Mrs. J. N.•Allen and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill spent the week-end at Dyers Bay. Miss Frances Wylie spent the week- DONALD B, B BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of H URON & BRUCE AU Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ontario Branch of the Women's Institute. Each spoke briefly expressing pleasure'at be- ing present at the Wroxeter meeting and a word of encouragement for the work of the Institute. Mrs. H. V. Mac Kenney gave a very interesting report of the recent Guelph Area convention. Community singing was enjoyed with Mrs. J. N. Allen at the piano. Tea was served at the close with Mrs. J. New Rugs Chesterfields Fine variety of Cloth Rugs. and Chesterfields — AT — SCHUETT & SONS MILDMAY ALSO 3 NEW PIANOS 60 cycle WASHERS Get SCHUETT'S Price on VACUUM CLEANERS RADIOS OIL HEATERS FREE DELIVERY Lovell presiding at the, tea table, assis ted by Mrs. W, 'T. Maclean, Mrs, H, Timm, Miss E, NfacEwen and Miss Florence David. Mrs, Reg, Pacey ex- pressed appreciation to the hostess and all who had taken part. Several visi- tors signed the Book of Memory. Women's Missionary Society The October meeting of the W. M, S. of the United Church i.vas held on Friday afternoon at 3 p,m; in church parlours, The president, Mrs, 'Munro, was in charge and opened the meeting with the invocation and hymn "Hark my soul it is the Lord", Mrs, Gilbert Howes led in prayer; Mrs, Harvey Timm chose for the scripture lesson, Heb, 9:24-28; Mrs, Vern Denny pre- sented the minutes and the financial report. Reference was made to the Sectional meeting to be held at Blue- vale, Oct. 28th. Each member attend-. ing to bring a brief report. The presi- dent announced Rev. U. E, Cronhielm to be the speaker at the Autumn thank offering meeting, "Father of Mercies in Thy word" was the second hymn chosen. Mrs. Conhielm introduced the Study Book "The Bible for all the World" The speaker said the bible had been translated under such diffi- culty, yet from it had come everything worth while. The Old testament was made by many in all walks of life and took over 1000 years to write, and said where the bible is sent everything is changed, schools, hospitals, advances made 'in Agriculture. We should ap- preciate and study the, bible. In keep- ing with the subject Mrs. H. Hamilton sang "Look in the Bible", Miss Hazel- wood accompanying at the organ. The closing hymn "The Spirit breathes up- on the Word" and the benediction brought the meeting to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rae, Brant- ford, spent the week-end here, on their return they were accompanied by the former's mother, Mrs. D, W. Rae, who will spend a few days with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ozier and baby son of Mitchell, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Eli Bolt, . Birthday Celebrated Monday, October 13th, 1947, was a very special Thanksgiving day for the family of Mrs. Robert Hupfer when they gathered at the homestead to cel- ebrate their mother's 81st birthday. In- cluded in the family party were; John, Lloyd, Vernon, Miss Evelyn, Mrs. Grif- fith, Mrs. H. McMichael, Mrs. C. Mc- Cutcheon and families of this district, also Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hupfer, De- troit, Miss Elva Hupfer, Sudbury, who was accompanied by Miss Evelyn Sim- pson, Miss Marjorie, Guelph, a grand- daughter, Miss Betty Hupfer and Mr. Blair Sharp of Windsor. Rememb- rance of friends with flowers, gifts, let ters and cards brought happiness to this dearly beloved mother, A three story birthday cake, made by a daugh- ter, Mrs. Charles McCutcheon, centred the table when refreshments were ser- ved, Friends and neighbors in this community extend hearty congratula- tions and good wishes to Mrs, Hupfer for many more happy birthday cele- brations, Salem Anniversary Rev, U. F. Cronhielm was in charge of anniversary services in Salem Unit- ed Church on. Sunday. Special music was given by the choir who were as- sisted by Messrs, Gilbert Howes, Vern Hupfer, Art Gibson and Mrs. Albert Gallaher, all of Wroxeter. Flo\v- ers and fruit in artistic arrangement added much to this special Thanksgiv- ing service. RENICK COUNCIL I • WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. -Jack Barton and daughter, Ruth Ann, Toronto, were Thanksgiving day guests with Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster. Business and Professional Directory is the time to get your BOOTS AND SHOES We are selling them out AT THE Old Price WHILE THEY LAST DOBSON'S GENERAL STORE in WROXETER Ls Us BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 W1NGHAM ONT, Gorrie, October 6th, 1947 The council met in the Clerk's office according to adjournment, the Reeve, John '1,,V,inter, in the chair. The mem- bers all present. The minutes of the last regular and special meeting were read and on motion of Strong and Gowdy were adopted as read, Moved by Parrish and Zurbrigg that we release the deposit of the Drury Construction Co. on the Day Drain. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg, and Parrish that the folloWing 'bills be paid.—Cartted, Relief $118.30; Advance -Times, ad. for tenders for Wroxeter sidewalk 2.25; Wm. Sothern jr., drain tile for drain No. 10 branch G $1.50; Elmer Downey, earething at Gorrie Hall $17.50; Glen Williamson, sheep killed by dogs, $12.; Daily Commercial News, ad. for tend- ers for Catliers drain, $9.60; Allan Ad- ants, fox bounty $3.00; Carl Dinsmore, lamb killed by dogs $15:00; P. Durst, postage $5.00; P. Durst, O.A.P. $25.00; I P. Durst, part salary $60.00; John Pin- lay, work at culvert on Day 'drain $3.60 Mac Newton, shovelling and drawing stones at Day drain $9.80; Cleve Vit- tic,shovelling at culvert on Day drain $3.0; Wes. Underwood, shovelling at culvert on Day drain $7.20; Alan Un- derwood, shovelling at culvert on. Day drain $3.60; Glen Underwood, shovell- ing at culvert on Day drain $2.60; Treasurer Co. of Huron, hospitalization re late A. Sharpin $24.75; Drury Con- struction Co. balance owing oil Day drain $3406:83; allowances on the Day Drain: 'John Benninger $65.00, Delbert Clegg $208.00, Frank King $129.00, Cecil Day $15.00, Harry Farr $13.00, Robinson $14.00, D. Catliers $15.00; Howick Agricultural Society, grant $250.00. Moved by Strong and Gowdy 'that the toad accounts as approved be paid. —Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Strong that we instruct the Road Superintendent to call for tenders for 'sloughing snow roads in the Township of Howl* sub- ject to cancellation any time after Jan- uary 1st, 1948. Tenders to be hi the bands of the 'Clerk not later than 12 o'clock noon, October 22nd, 1947. Lo- west or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted.—Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Zurbrigg that we instruct the Clerk to prepare a by- law setting the date for the nomination in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on Mon- day, November 24th, 1947, and if an election is demanded said election will be held on Monday, December 8th, 1947.—Carried, • Moved by Gowdy and Parrish that we do now adjourn to meet again in the Clerk's Office, Gorrie, November 5th, or at the call of the Reeve.—Car- ried. P. L. Durst, Clerk. John Winter, Reeve,