The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-10-16, Page 4TOUR
11/4 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
CHARIS Foundation Garment Co.
trained Corsetiere for Wingliam, cur-
rounding district and towns. If you
need a new garment, any size or
type of figure at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs. Wm, Kennedy, opposite
Wingliam Cemetery.
We have rubber moulding for all
makes of cars, We have a good stock
of Seiberling Tires, regular and Mud
and Snow tread, Cluyco Batteries,
all sizes,. guaranteed by Chrysler
Corporation. Edward's Motor Sales,
Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and
Fargo Trucks. Phone 417, Wing-
ham, Ontario.
BULBS for Fall Planting for sale—
Positively this week only, Tulips,
Daffodils and Hyacinths. Lewis,
, Florist, 'phone 101.
FARM FOR SALE-0000 farm for
$4950. Lot 25, Con. 9, W. Wawan-
osh, It has one of the finest bank
barns in Huron County, 64'x72'; lit-
ter carrier, separating room, box
stall, etc. Twelve-roomed house;
never-failing well at barn with wind-
mill, well at house, also cistern and
spring at sideroad. It is a corner
lot on County road. This farm has
constantly produced more than any
other farm in the community. Own-
er 1/.1., must sell. apply to .tuex.
Anderson, 14 Blythwood Rd., Toron-
to, or Bert Thompson, R. R. 1, Bel- •
FARM FOR SALE-150 acres first
class agricultural land, five acres
hardwood bush, balance all tillable,
tile drained, 12 acres wheat, good
buildings, good water supply, good
roads, close to Highway. Alex Suth-
erland, Holyrood, Ontario.
FOR SALE — Homemade 'Rubber
Door Mats. Apply H. Collar, Minnie
St., Phone 276J.
FOR SALE—Heifer, due November
1st, Apply John Potter, Lower
= Wingham. ..„„.
One Furnace Blower
Unit, including reconditioned lit h.p.
motor; thermostat, no-blow unit and
shaker grates. 'Phone 334w.
FOR SALE—Leather Settee, Electric
Toaster, other articles. Mrs. J.
FOR SALE—Good building lot on
Catherine Street. Apply to A. C.
Adams; Wingliam.
FOR SALE—Two Quebec Heaters, in
good condition, one new last year.
Apply A. C. Adams.
FOR SALE—Northern Spy Apples by
the tree. 70 year-old Hens, 80 Pull-
ets,"Ilarred Rocks and White Leg-
horn. Apply Harold Elliott, tele-
phone 609 r 4
FOR SALE—Child's Wine Coat, Leg-
giegs and. Bonnet Hat, size 6 years.
Apply at Advance-Times„
FOR SALE—Spy Apples. Apply to
Wm, G. VanCamp, Belgrave, tele-
phone 15 r 15, Brussels,
FOR SALE—A Premier Duplex Va-
cuum Cleaner. Telephone 341.
FOR SALE-1 Youth's Bed in good
condition. Apply to Mrs. I). H.
FOR SALE—Tulip Bulbs, cheap, also
some Citrons, at Dave Finlay's.
FOR SALE-1938 Chevrolet in good
condition. Apply ,at Sturdy's Pool
FOR SALE—Chesterfield Suite, Brass
Bed and Springs. Apply Advance-
Times. .
FOR SALE—Roan Shorthorn Bull, 1
year old. Apply Gordon Mellurney,
'phone 020 r 22.
Vii4e4 Ciet,
'Wainer en tantnets ar inteeitUre-bent, Make
thit "deattwill Hetet" your headquarters, toonted
right id The tentet . bleat
east of
Avenue on tiitabelh Street,
overlooking Grand tiretit Park- 'Hotel Wolverine
is ataittiblit to all editions of the thy.
SOO toeing ... Oath with tub and thenvet?.. Good
toed. Ampel parkin§ spares garage *invite also
Home of THE Ilona ... matt Unottial eight
spot . luxurious South Seel
1#74C (Ina deed( " 114
A , tAh-et 11.1 1.44117, I
0 $1010
RATU 1110At
$4.00 Dolist
Garden Valley PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. tin . .I7c
Club House PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. jar . . .39c
Robin. Hood FLOUR 98 lb. $49.8
Royal York CHEESE, 1/2 lb. pkg. 24c
Choice Quality
Dried Fruits
Currants, fancy, lb. I9c
DATES, pitted, lb. . .24c
Raisins, Seedless, lb. 19c
Pure No. 1 WHITE
4-lb. pail $1.60
Mixed Honey, 4 lbs $1.30
Arriving Daily
PEAS Choice Quality
PEAS Standard
Case Lots or
2 tins 30c
2 tins 25c
iiiiii 11,111flif101it iiiiiiiiiiii iiiii 11111111 iiiiii 1111111111111111 lllll I llllllllllllllllll 1 lllll llll lllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Coming Soon - Leave Your Order
Ladies' White
IN NATURAL RUBBER—With Side Zipper Fastener. Sizes 4 — 9
Children's White and Red Pull-on RUBBER BOOTS
Children's Shiny Black RUBBER BOOTS
Featuring HART T for Men
Articles Made of Sacks Featured
at Bazaar
Ideal weather contributed to the suc-
cess of the bazaar held in the Comm-
unity Hall on Wednesday afternoon
under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid
of Knox Presbyterian Church. One of
the speeial attractions was tile contest
for the best articles made from two
sacks, for which prizes of angel cake
and a sack of flour had been donated,
by the President, Mrs. Harry Elliott
won first prize for a child's two-piece
dress and sun suie; an embroidered
lunch cloth, the work of Mrs. R. F.
Garniss was given second prize, and
Miss Olive Scott was awarded third
prize for a pair of colored embroidered
pillow slips,
The Preildent Of the Society, Mrs.
Roy Turvey, 'welcomed the guests, ex-
pressed thanks to all who 'had assisted
in any wary and declared the bazaar
open. Tables of home-made baking,
candy, aprons, articles made from
sacks, miscellaneous articles, and farm
produce were soon all •cleared. A plate
lunch was enjoyed by the patrons.
During the afternoon Mrs, I, C. jor-
FOR SALE — Man's Lightweight
Overcoat, size 44; Coal Oil Heater,
almost new. Apply Mrs. j. Haugh .•
Have your CAR or TRUCK toned,
up for trouble-free Winter Driving.
Have your radiator filled with Chry-
sler Rust Resistant and treated to
retard evaporation of antifreeze.
Have your Oil Piker changed, Chan-
ge Transmission and Differential Oil
to Winter Gear Oil. Edward's Mot-
or Sales, Chrysler and Plymouth
Cars anti Fargo Trucks, Phone 417,
Wingham, Ontario.
Mr, arid Mrs. Murray Wilson of Lis-
towel, With Mr. and Mts. Roy Mann.
Doti 141aeLeati, Toronto, with his
grandmother, Mrs. J. J. Sellers.
„At the Morning service in 'Knox
Presbyterian Church, Rev. Leland C.
Jorgensen spoke on the subject of
"Giving Thanks" based on the words
of St. Paul to the Ephesians, "Giving
thanks always for all things unto God
the Father in the name of our Lord,:
Jesus Christ". The that sang a
Thanksgiving anthem. Ministers and
Elders -of the Presbytery with their
wives are holding „a retreat in the
Presbyterian Church, on Friday, Oct-
ober 17th,
Rev J. A. Burden's anksgiving
on. Sunday morning in the
United Church 'was from John, Chap-
ter -4, verse 35, "Lift up your eyes and
look oin the fields for they are white
already to harvest". The choir sang
the anthem, 'Come Ye Thankful
People, Come".
Miss Mary Darling spent the holi,
day -with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs, Newman at Haeriston.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lillow with
the latter's father at Palgrave,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S, McEwen,
with Doilgal Strachaii and Mrs. And-
rew Lamont, near Si-easels,
Me end ursi, Johnston with
friend's near tritstels.
Roy Mooney with his parents in
gamer entertained With piato music. - A thahittghohiroisitrir fir Whighatti
FOR SALE-100 Sussex and New
Hamp. year-old hens. A good
healthy flock. Apply Leslie Bolt,
Belgrave, 'phone Brussels 72 r 7.
MAN WANTED—For Rawleigh bus-
iness. Sell to 1,500 families, Good
profits for hustlers. Write today.
Rawleigh Dept. ML-J-453, S., Mont-
NERVOUS, rundown men need VIG-
QRINE—the "pep" tonic, for new
vitality. 15-day treatment $1.00. At
McKibbon's Drug Store,
SLENDOR TABLETS are effective.
2 weeks supply $1; 12 weeks, $5, at
McKibbons and McAvoy's Drug
WANTED TO RENT-100 acres of
fairly level land, with barn or build-
ing suitable for storing machinery.
Apply to Box BU, Advance-Times.
WANTED—To rent or to 'buy—in or
near Wingham, a six or seven-room-
ed house, Telephone number may
be left at The Advance-Times.
requests for our guaranteed products
in your locality. Why not handle the
agency and derive an income of $35
to $60, weekly? Exclusivity assured.
If you have selling ability, start
NOW! FAMILEX, Dept. B 1600
Delorimier, Montreal.
colour restored to your hair with
Anglique Grey Hair Restorer. $1.00
at McKibbons and all Druggists.
To those who so kindly remembered
ne in any way during my recent ill-
less, I wish to express my sincere
Mrs, Alvin Moffat
The mother and family of the late
Clifford H. McAvoy wish to thank
friends for kindness and remembrances
during his illness and their bereave-
Mrs. George Boyle and family wish
to extend their sincere appreciation to
friends and neighbours for their kind-
ness shown to them in their recent sad
bereavement of husband and father,
especially to those who sent flowers
and cards. A special thanks is offer-
ed to Rev. Lancaster for his kind
words of sympathy.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Alvin Sharpin late of the
Village of Wroxeter in the County of
Huron, Labourer, who died on or a-
bout the twentieth day of September,
A.D. 1947, are notified to send to the
undersigned, on or before the eigh-
teenth day of October, 1947, full par-
ticulars of their claims in writing. Im-
mediately after the said eighteenth day
of October, the assets of the said tes-
tator will be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to claims of which the executors
shall then have notice.
DATED this twenty-sixth day of
September, A.D. 1947.
Barristers, etc. •
Wingliam, Ontario
Tenders for Snow Ploughing.
Tenders will be received by the
Clerk for the ploughing of snow roads
in the Township of Howick, subject to
cancellation any time after January 1st,
1948. Tenders to be in the hands of
the Clerk not later than 12 o'clock
noon, October 22nd. Lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
P. L. Durst, Clerk,
Wroxeter, Ont.
Ripley Approves $43,000 Project
Establishment of a $45,000 water-
works system for this village was ap-
proved by ratepayers on Thursday, A
special by-law was passed by a heav
ier-than-usual vote of 86 for and 45
against the measure.
We extend our sympathy to the sis-
ters and brothers of the late Hugh
Stanley McDonald, who passed away
'on October 3rd, in his 48th year. Stan-
ley had not enjoyed very good health
for sometime, and bad come home to
David Crompton
and Bluevale, was Mr. Jan Flett of
Welland, He returned home by way of
the picturesque village of Formosa,
which he had not seen before,
Women's Institute
for ls,f r s
R. j
\Vo ds
was i 4hostesshost
Institute at which 17 ladies were pres-
ent and which was presided over by
Mrs. Elwood Barbour. Mrs, E. W,
Rice was appointed as delegate to the
Area Convention to be held in Lou-
don, It was agreed not to apply fon
the Legislative Grant. "
Plans were made for a social meet-
ing to be held on Thursday afternoon,
October 23rd, when Mrs. Hornell of
Lucknow will be present and present
pins to all those who assisted in Red
Cross work during the war years,
A committee was appointed to ar-
range for a social evening when the In-
stitute members and their husbands
from Dungannon, Whitechurch and
Lucknow will be guests. Members
please note that the date has been set
for Thursday evening, October 16th,
at 8.30. The topic was given by Miss
Mary Murray. Lunch was served with
Mrs Gordon, Mrs. D. Todd and Mrs.
F. G. Todd as hostesses,
the family residence, where he passed
away. The funeral was held on Mon-
day, October fiat to Brussels cemetery,
where the remains were laid to rest in
the family plot,
Miss Mary Bradshaw spent a week
recently with her friend, Miss Betty
Wilson of Glenn Orchard, Muskoka.
Miss Jessie McDonald who is work-
ing on the staff of the Bank of Mont-
real, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert
McDonald, '
We extend our best wishes to Mr
and Mrs. Harvey Mulligan nee. (Doris
Galbraith), who were married on Sat-
urday, October 11th, Doris is well
known here, having taught school for
the past three years in S. S, No. 4,
Grey, We wish them many years of
health and happiness as they journey
through life,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell and
children of Toronto, attended the fun-
eral of their uncle, the late Mr. Stan-
ley McDonald.
Mr and Mrs. Selah Breckenridge
visited on Sunday with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stokes, Turn-
Mrs. J. McKenzie of Toronto, spent
the week-end with her sister, Mrs, Clif-
ford McAllister.
Anniversary services will be held in
the United Church on Sunday, October,
19th. Rev. Robert Oliver of Toronto,
will be the guest speaker. Special mus-
ic by the choir under the direction of
Mr. A. E. Cook will be a special feat-
ure of the service.
Mrs. Carman Hodgins is a patient
in Seaforth Hospital.
Mr. Dan Rhiel who has been engag-
ed in the cement business opened a
plant on Friday evening, south of our
village. A large number of our citizens
were in attendance. Mr. Rhiel intends
to engage in making of tile products.
Mr. Lorne Vodden of Hamilton,
spent over the holiday with his brother,
Mr. Harold Vodden
Mr, Jas. Lockwoo'd is making con-
siderable improvement on the front of
his furniture store.
Mr. Albert Sellers has purchased a
vacant dwelling in Hullett Township
and is making preparations to remove
it to his lot on Mill Street.
There does not 'seem to be the
amount of interest one would expect
in respect to the waterworks project
which will be voted upon on October
Thursday, October 16th, 1947
Telephone 193 Telephone 193
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 16, 17, 18
Real. Money Saving Bargains
Campbell's Vegetable SOUP 2 tins 21c
Carnatioh Fancy Pink SALMON, 1/2 lb tin . . .20c
Lipton'4 Orange Label Orange Pekoe Tea, 1/2 lb. 52c
Hillcrest TISSUE 3 rolls 27c
Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Williams of
London and Mrs. Jack Macintosh and
son, Jim, of Toronto, were recent
week-end guests at the, home of Mr.
and Mrs, J. C. Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney were
Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Webster and attended
Anniversary services in St. Helens Un-
ited Church.
Miss Lucy Thompson of Ayr, spent
the holiday week-end at her brine
Mr. Warren Bamford, Preston, was
home over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs, John Freeman and
daughter of Brantford, visited over
the week-end with her mother, Mrs. A.
E. Johnston.
Mr„ and Mrs. J. C, Robinson and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Naylor and
children, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Herb. Dabity at Camp Bor-
Mr. and Mrs. John Tiffin and Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Thompson and children
of Wingham, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson.
Miss Jean Webster of Clinton, spent
Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs.
Stuart Chamney.
Relatives and neighbours held a mis-
cellaneous shower on Monday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Inglis of West Wawanosh, in honour
of Miss Pauline Inglis, a bride-to-be
of this month.
Mrs. Milton Bruce and son, ,Chester,
of Wallaeeburg, visited on Monday at
the home of her sister, Mrs, John Per-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Theis and fans-
fly of London, spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Gifts For All Occasions
Mastic Tile Flooring
for Homes, Offices and
Norman Rintoul
'Phone 251 Wingham
The proceeds
Visitors for Thanksgiving in thie
vicinity included:
Mrs. Charles M. Fraser of Vancouv-
er, B.C., with her sisters-in-law, Mrs.
Arthur Shaw and Mrs. Richard Johns-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street and
Tony Mitchell of Moorefield, with
Mrs. M L, Aitken and Miss Duff.
Mr, anti Mrs. Thos. Inglis of Bel-
more, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robs.
Spence McKinnon, Georgetown, with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mc-
Miss Flora „MacTavish, Toronto,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
George Thomson, attending Toronto
University, Miss Helen Thomson ae-
eompanied by her friend, Miss Jean
Marshall, Sarnia, with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Thomson.
Misses Joyce and Yvonne Mackie of
Drutnbo, with their grandfather, Mr.
Andrew Holmes.
Miss Eileen McKinney, nurse-in-
training at Victoria Hospital. London,
with her mother, Mrs, W. H. McKite,
Mrs. J. Killough has moved her
household effects to her new home
which she recently purchased at Dun-
gannon. We regret her moving from
this locality. -
Mr. R. Redmond of, Kingsville visit-
ed in this vicinity last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Speigleberg and
children, of Waterloo, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell.
Miss Minnie Snell of Toronto spent
the week-end with her sisters, Mrs. J.
L, McDowell and Mrs. Elwin Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor and Miss
Eileen spent Monday with Mrs. V.
Kretsenger of Goderich.
Mr. Warren Bamford of Preston
spent Thanksgiving with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bamford.
Miss Josie Medd of Brussels spent
the week-end with her cousin, Miss
Winnifred Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman and
family of Brantford visited on Monday
with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Campbell
Mr, and Mrs. John Gear and Marilyn
of Kitchener.visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell and
Mrs. Thos. Gear.
Mr. and Mrs. Olga Miller of God-
erich were week-end guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Camp-
Miss Roberta McVittee of Goderich
visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. MeVittie.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell and
Miss Winnifred visited on Monday
with Mrs. V. Kretsinger of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs Leslie Scholtz of Dun-
gannon visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Reg. Scholtz. ,
amounted to more than Misses Edna and Audrey Walsh of
Hensal spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Walsh.
Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman McDowell on Sunday were:
Mr. and Mrs Wesley Stackhouse, Miss
Eva, of Brucefield, Mr. and Mrs. Stare
ley Neal and family of Glencoe, Dr.
and Mrs. James McClinton and chil-
dren of Tommins, Miss Mildred
Thornton of Kitchener.
Mr. Elvin Wightman of Toronto,
Miss Evelyn Munn of Whitby spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and
family, Mr. Ivan Wightman and Miss
Mae Wightman visited on Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh.
Smith of Molesworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor and
familywere guests on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James E.r.
Simth of Molesworth.
Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Bosnian of
Wingham visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Bosnian.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman, Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Bosnian visited on
Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Duncan
McNichol of Walton.