The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-10-02, Page 6WHITECHURCH Don't forget the Plowing Match that will be held on the farms of Mr, Geo. Carter, Mr. John Currie, Mr. Lawrence Taylor in East Wawanosh on Wed- nesday, October 8th, commencing at 9 a.m. The committee has procured a large number of tractors and teams and the coaching class was held at the farm of 11‘fr. James Michie, Morris Town- NNW gm Sieathe yournose some-times fills up with stuffy transient con- gestion—put a few drops of Va-tro-nol in each nostril. It quickly reduces con-gestion and makes breathing easier in a hurry ... gives. grand relief from sniffly, sneezy, stuffy distress of head colds. Follow directions inthe package. WICKS VAIRO-NOL ship on Tuesday, September 30th. A banquet will be held in the evening in the Belgrave Hall: Mrs. Ed, McClenaghan had her ton- sils removed in Wingham General Hospital, on Friday last. Mr, Russell Farrier and Mr. Mc- ELECTRIC FIXTURES Dominion Electrohome Mantel and Console RADIOS McGILL Radio Service AIM Best By Test Costs Less To Operate Because DURO'S exclusive features permit greater softening capacity 4n4 regenerating facilities—it actually costs less to operate a DURO. 1' Your first cost with_. DURO is really an invest-, ment . . . paying dividends not only in better living . but in reduced soap bills longer life for washable "'''*clothes, sheets, towels . . . elimination of costly repairs to your heating plant . . . reduced fuel bills for domes- ' tic water heating. 0444 Idea,/ Yet DURO Softeners are not expensive. There is a DURO price and size to fit your budget. See your local plumbing contractor today and learn how ,easy it is for you to enjoy DURO softened water in your home. DURO water softeners are "Made-in-Canada" from the fin- est materials obtaintable, giving high quality performance with long trouble-Free service. PI! I:1 RS :iMITED err rr .011. et lh DETROIT'S "FIRST" IN CONVENIENCE .COMFORT • QUALITY in the heart of the downtown., ofnce, theater, and shopping area. friendly, teurfenot iervIcis to mate your stay in Detroit 0 pleatant mime/. The Tuner Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel- lent Food modestly priced. The hotel Tufier, Detroies largest, h the place to stay. vim °tie Cocktail ,Coatigc ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH 11A111 FROM $275 Rote! ruller I14 ~gpi 11 ""‘" FACING GRAND ORCUSFARK RICITAPD HODGES, Manager Il i 111 1111 111 r 011 0"1 Ella PRICED AS LOW t4LN ' P.O.B. LONDON, CANADA t. Nei II Thursday, October 2nd, 194T At her fingertips... allffgralegiablta..• Aftlt.V.04.47tra otr140XOSO.C4V1Warm,y. '"'4401.!•km#O.wirtmAw.. >1*,0444MItt EVERY LONG DISTANCE operator has every telephone literally at her fingertips. Through her switchboard and over a network of lines and cables,, she kaehes out across the country-- or across the world! 'Every month we are adding some 10,000 new telephones, catching up with unfilled orders as materials become available. More telephones mean more calls both local and long distance. To-day our operators are handling more long distance traffic than ever.before. Our aim is continuous improvement — better service. More service plus better service and always at the lowest possible cost means greater value to every telephone user. 'MR BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA * SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP MEALS LUNCHES FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Sodas and Sundaes Bricks always available Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM "Warm A)ouge"" Telephone 475 —INTERIORS— DRAPERY VENETIAN 'BLINDS __WALLPAPER ANTIQUES LAMPS GIFTS ALL THE LATEST BOOKS PICTURE FRAMING A Specialty Front Monday, October 6th HOURS OPEN 9 — 12 a,tn. 1 — 6 p.m. SATURDAY EVENING Until 10 p.m. C. C. McKIBBON Harvest Home Services will be held in the Anglican Church on Sunday, October 5th., at 2.30 p.m. Rev. J. C. Caley of Gorrie will be the speaker, and Mr. Jack Reavie of Wingliam, soloist. I 11111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 Auction Sale of 100 Horses Wednesday, October 5th, 1947 at 12:30 sharp. Sale to be held at Rus-Mar Farm, 3 mile south of Arkona m on No. 7 Highway, in the Township of Warwick 10 SHETLAND PONIES-7 Weaniings, 3 mature ponies. 17 20 Registered CLYDE MARES—front the herd of 1 - Mitchell Hepburn. 15 WEANLINGS—by Briar Hawk and Haytime— Thoroughbred Crosses (Hunter Type). 1 35 WEANLINGS—Clyde, 13elgian, Percheron. *20 USEFUL MARES—A number of them with foal § NO RESERVE -- TERIVISt CASH Horses will be sold as listed. RUS-MAR FARM LESTER BROS. FARMS E. M. LESTER, Audioneer. Are You. Deaf? Brought'to you 'kil l., Gillette Safety Razor Co. CKNX' 920 ON YOUR DIAL RAIL FARES Ate You Troubled A BRAND NEW DURATRON some, neavy Batteries Invites You 'to Hear Dangling at the end bt a BETTER! string TtiggE:11.tttg /ristrument,.cord and crystal receiver. Fingertip Volume ari.d. elcacting, discrinrinallig tone centrol. Yes, both fingertip and volume control. Choice of receivers Mid receiver cords in both black and natural flesh tolout--an exciting, spituous Utah cedour, designed 'and created for more pleasing appear-ante. FREE PRIVATE DEMONSTRATION AT BRUNSWICK HOTEL, _WINGHAM FRIDAY, OCTOBR 3rd nbuRt: ELM to 'pan- Ask lor NIL tEAN V on ate also invited to, try our ENGL/SH VIBRAPHONES NO BATTER/ES -• NO WIRES Batteries fitted to all Makes of instruntents Bring in your pretent act. Liberal allowance. EACH INSTAtivrENT FULLY 'GUARANTEED HEARING AIDS — $25.00 INDIVIDUALLY FITTER by COMPETENT TECHNIC/AN DURATRON HEARING AID CO. Office: 104 Borden. North, 'Phone `64/94 With Head Noises? No more Clumsy, Cumber- THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Intyre„of Wingham,, and Mr. Lorne Johnston, spent the week-end on a fish- ing trip to Dalrymple, near Mrs. J. 0. Gillespie accompanied them and spent the week-end at the home of her son, Mr. Jack Gillespie at Kin- mount. Miss Jessie Gillespie has been a Pat- Writ in Wingham Hospital, during the past week. Tally Day was held in the United Church here an Sunday, with the S, S. Superintendent, Mr, Jas, Falconer, in charge of the service, Miss Muriel Watt read the Scripture lesson, and Mrs, Clarence IMcClenaghan told the Story of the Friendly Church. Mr, Gar- net Farrier sang, My Task, Five little ones were baptized, Nancy Anne, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Sim- mons; Leonard. Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter James; Wayne Bevin, son of .Mr. and Mrs,. Donald Martin, Roo- ad Alphonse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore, and Larry Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zinn, by the pastor, Rev. G, M. Newton. Communion service will be held in the United Church next Sunday, World Communion Sunday, and .chur- ch here will be withdrawn on October 5th on account of Anniversary services at St. ,Helens, when Rev. W. J. Watt will have charge of the services there. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Watt ,and son, Ronald, of London, visited with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Watt.and other relatives here last Monday, after at- tending the clinic at Goderich. Rey. and Mrs. W. J. Watt motored to Tottenham on Thursday last to meet Mr. and Mrs. George Watt, who have spenet the past five months as Student Missionaries at Golden Prairie, Sask., Miss Muriel Watt who spent the past two months on a trip to Victoria, returned home With them. Mr. and Mrs. George Watt left on 'Monday morning for Toronto where he will register this week at Emanuel College, to commence his studiei for his third and last year in the University, Mr. and Ms. Jos, McInnis, Tees- water, and Mr, and Mr's. Russell Rit- chie, of Langside, spent Sunday visit- ing with relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft and family, spent a day last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson of Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, Mr. Jas, Dow and Mrs. Norman Coultes and daughter, and Mrs. W. Dow, attended the funeral of the late John Dow at Mitchell on Friday. Mrs. Kenneth Mason and little son, Peter John, returned home from, Wing- ham Hospital, on Saturday. Her mo- ther, Mrs. Skinner of Centralia, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Mason. Church services were withdrawn in Brick Church on Sunday on account ogfrate. :Anniversary Services at Bel- ve Mr. and Mrs, Parker Campbell and family of Wingham, Mr. Lloyd Mason of Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Flem- ing Johnston of 13luevale, spent Sun- day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Coultes and children spent Sunday at the home of her father, Mr. Thos. Kerry of Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, were at Carlow on Sunday where Rev. Dr. MacMillan of Toronto had charge of the service in Smith's Hill Church. Dr. MacMillan had been ordained at._ Smith's Hill Church, sixty years ago. His son, Sir Ernest ;MacMillan was at the organ for the service. Mrs. David Kennedy celebrated her eighty-fifth birthday at her home here on Sunday. Her family gathered for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Tichbourne, of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dur- nin and son, of St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy and sons of W. Wawanosli, and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy of Wingliant, and Miss Annie Kennelly of Winghatn.'Her many fri- ends in this community extend best .wishes for many mote Stith happy tie- casions. Mr. George Ross of Owen Sankt Spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ross, MtS. Neil MaeKayof Toronto, spent a few 'days last week at the :home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. Mr. and Mrs, Prank Vaither and son, Prancis, of London,. mid Mrs. tail- ty of Wingliatti, spent Suptiday at Ott home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Corrielitts. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Lott and Marie - of Waterford, spent theweek-end . with his patents,. Mr. and Urs..Wai- to Lott. aft. Lott was able to be up over the week-end, „.., BELGRAVE Mrs. Thomas Smith and daughters, Amy and Irene arc going to Vat to be the guests of Mrs. Smith's par- ents, Mr. and ,liras. john Allem, for A tlefki g Agatha Coultes of Ma' Hoot Ontario is in flelgrave fot a few dos with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Coultes, Mr. mid Mrs. Gordon Walsh and Miss Elaine have moved to their new home in Belgrave, the former Dr. Kirkby residence. Belgrave gives them a warm welcome. Mr. and Mr's. lriorrnati Keating and. Catharine visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Robt, Coultes hi Sunday. Sunday afternoon, in some Chad-, countable manner, Mr. Thomas Smith's tar took fire and did considerable damage. The garage is connected the tarn and Mr. Smith is very for- tunate in not having his buildings burned. /fr. and Mrs. Merrill Bigness and BOXING 8 Bouts Fri., Oct. 3rd at 8:30 p.m. WINGHAM ARENA THREE MAIN BOUTS ABE. HEIBEN, 126 vs. Hanover A. C, BILL SCHLIEMEN Twin-City Boxing Club Return Grudge Battle G. SCHMALTZ 175 vs. Former Canadian Welter-Weight Champ. Battling BANNING Sudbury Inco. Club RUSTY DICKSON 175, vs. Sudbury Inca. Cluj: GLEN KREITZER Twin City Boxing Club FIVE OTHER OUTSTAND- ING BOUTS Prices: Ringside — 75c - 50c StUdents — 25c FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP GOOD GOINGt ROM 12 o'clock noon, Priday, October 10t1t to pAn.,IVIonday, October 13tho RETURN Mut Leave destination not later than 12 O'clock mid- night, Tuesday* Octoher 14th; Per ..tilormsstioof and reservations consult any Canadian Pacific Railway Agent, small son, Bobby, of Windsor were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Vannan. -Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Walsh' were in Toronto last week, Miss Lois McGuire of London was home for the week-end. Belgrave friends will be sorry to learn of the tragic accident of Lloyd, the 5% yr.-old son of Mr. and Mrs, John Lake of Thamesford, The little lad got his ,area in the power 'take off of the tractor, which tore his arm` off below the ehoulder, Mrs...Lake, was the, former Marjorie Jamies,on. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walsh were girests of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Walsh on Sunday, Dr. Kirkby of Walton, was in the village recently. Miss Maude Yuill and Miss Margar- et Yuill were guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. J, MacKenzie. Mr. Clarke Johnston and Miss Nora VanCamp and Mr, and Mrs. Athol Bruce were guest artists on the pro- gramme in Dungannon Fair night. Miss Barbara Michie was home for the week-end. • Serious Fire Averted What might have been a serious fire was checked at the home of Mr. Wm. Kelly, 4th line of Morris; East of Bel- grave last Thursday, when a tractor owned. by hii son, Russell and opera- ted by Harry McGuire of Belgrave, caught fire as it-was being filled with gasoline. A neighbor Harry Goll, brought his tractor •and towed the burning vehicle away from the building which had caught fire and was housing several drums of gasoline and a drum of oil. Willing hands fought the fire and had it out before the fire truck -arrived. Russell received burns about the hands and the tractor was demolished but it is not known as yet what caused the fire. Mr. -Leslie Vincent lies returned to his home, having been a patient in In- gersoll Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Purdon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Ted Mc- Clenaghan, Whitechurch. - Rev. R. J. M. Barr, D.D:, and Mrs. Barr, of Los. Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Bak- er and Miss Annie Baker of Wingham, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, How- ard Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCrea were at home to their friends on the occas- ion of their 40th wedding anniversary. In the afternoon Mrs, Norman Walsh, the bridesmaid at the wedding poured tea and the assistants were Mrs, John Anderson, Mrs. Will Kelly, Miss Edith Procter, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler attended the door. In the evening Mrs. Lawrence Van- nam received at the door and Mrs. Herb Wheeler poured tea with Mrs, John Anderson, Mrs. Nelson Higgins, Miss Procter and Miss Donna Ander- son assisting. Mr. James McCrea, Toronto, only son was not present, having been home very recently but suit a beautiful gift of roses. They have one grandchild. Many called during the day to ex- tend congratulations. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Cook of West- field, spent Sunday with Mr. mill Mrs. Geo. Cook. Held Anniversary Services Knox United Church was beautifully decorated with autumn flowers for their Anniversary Services on Sunday, September 25th, Rev. Harry Mahoney of Exeter, and formerly of Brussels, was the guest speaker. Many old friends' and members of neighboring churches carte to join in the service to fill the church to capacity. Miss Elaine Walsh was at the organ. The chore, in the morning, sang the anthem, "Exalt Ye the Lord", and a Ladies Double trio sang "Let us With a Glad- some mind." In the evening the choir sang, "Fray for the Peace of Jeru- salem." Ladies double trio "Now the Day is Over," Guests of Mr. and Mts. Roy Mc- Sween on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex ItIcSween, Mrs. Murdena Mac- Donald, Anne Marie and Dianne, Mts. Terrettee O'llrien and Sean, mid Mr. Sack Ferguson, all of Kincardine. Miss Edith Procter has gone to London to visit friends fora few days. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hanna on Sunday were Mr. and Mts. Eight Mayberry and family of Listowel, and Mr. attd 1rs. Mayberry and family of Mt. and Mrs. Clarence McClenaghari of Whiteelturth, were Anniversary guests of Mr. Ratty and. Miss Edith MeClettagban. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rxibinson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson and Mr. and Mts. Cook. Mr. Fred Cook is home from spend. big several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ings of Varna, Mrs. Ratner and daughter of Zurich, and Mt. and Mrs. Geo..Gierhart of Detroit, tailed on Mrs. 14, Perdue and Mrs Brandon last week. Miss Agatha Coultesof Maynooth, is visiting with her parents, Mr: and Mrs. kobt. Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Norman keating of Wingham, were Sunday 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Conites, A 'very pleasant time was spent in the PorreSter's Hall, last Friday even- ing, when neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Glen VanCamp gathered and presented their. With a iniscellan- Otis shower and a purse of Money. Mr C. R. Coultes called The newly-wed to 'the platform and after a few words welcoming Verlaine to the emninunity, Weed uteri to accept the gifts, Glen that-aced everyone for Their goo-d wish- es and extended an invitation to visit them in their :new MoDOWell"S Orchestra supplied the musk fot the