The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-10-02, Page 411011001111111111111111111iimismummumisnout n a 3 "Quality, Price and Service Sell Our Goods” a a a a a ill 2-ply Roofing $2,45 3-ply $2.98 ! 90-lb. Red or Green ROCK SURFACE $3.95 a , ASPHALT ROOF COATING, gallon , • , , .89c a a One-Finger WORK GLOVES, per pair 55c a a . RUBBER COATED GLOVES, pair 75c a a a Whitewashing or Spray LIME, per bag 65c a a • I. WAX . in OLD ENGLISH WAX, 1 lb. 49c 2 lbs. 89c a a • JOHNSON'S WAX, 1 lb. 59c 2 lbz. 98c a A ol RIDGE ROLL, ft. a a EAVETROUGH, 4-in., ft. 12c iii Barn Door Covered or Bird-proof TRACK, ft., 22c HANGERS, per pair $2.25 BRACKETS, with Coach Screws 25c ELECTRIC HEATERS, $7.95, $11.98, $13.98, $15. 11•••••11NNOIMIEM.. Oil Burners $98.00 Stainton's Hardware I •.• And Farmers' Supply 1-louse n n n n a a n a n n n a • 611 insiamemonsimumnommunummuna ROOFING 10c a n n • n a a • a n n n a a • n a • N U to a a a a a n a 111 • n 1.y, cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. armithaers . STOCK INDUCING SALE Kellogg's ALL BRAN lge. pkg. 23c DRIED FRUITS DATES, pitted;lb. 25c RAISINS, lb. 19c CURRANTS, lb. . .17c SALMON IS HERE AGAIN COFFEE SALE Chase & Sanborn and Maxwell House 1 pound bag 49c USE WHEN AVAILABLE D RE F T, pkg. 31c OXYDOL, small pkg., .. .14c lge. pkg. ... 34c IVORY SOAP, lge. .15c med. 09c CAMAY SOAP 3 bars 25c SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 1:11LLCRESTjTISSUE • 3 rolls 25c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 - 25c LEAVE US YOUR ORDER FOR WINTER SUPPLY No. 1 ONTARIO POTATOES No. 1 NORTHERN SPY APPLES OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 tins 19c CANNED PEAS, Choice Quality, tin 15c ALSO—BY THE CASE STANDARD PEAS 2 tins 25c TOMATO JUICE, 28 oz. 2 tins 29c Tomato Juice SPECIAL 105 oz. tins 48c FRUIT and VEGETABLES ORANGES LEMONS BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT PLUMS GRAPES LETTUCE CELERY CABBAGE CARROTS TOVIATOES POTATOES 111114. 1 Fillets PALM GARDEN LYONS DALY GRANGE , All ORANGE PEKOE Old Price yi lb. 50c Fresh, Cured, Cooked FISH MEATS Fresh Salmon and Cod A good selection of LEON G. CANTELON Representing the Crown Life Insurance Co., of Toronto "Guaranteed Protection for 'Your Every Need" SUBSCRIPTIONS Taken fot ALL Publications 'Phone 160 WI NGIIAM Bo* '201 ONT. 'Angelique Grey Hair Restorer effect- ively returns natural colour and bea- uty to grey hair. $1.00 at McKib- bon's and all druggists. CHARIS Foundation Garment Co. trained Corsetiere for Wingham, sur- rounding district and towns. If you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable prices, call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, opposite Wingham Cemetery. dash profits, If you have selling abil.e ity, a small capital and a desire to establish a profitable business of • you•r Own join use I RODLL. KNOWN THE WORLD OVER FOR THEIR QUALITY. Sell dir-' ect from door to door full or part time. Products sold throughout the year. Details and cataloaue FREE • on request. FAMILEX," Dept. D., 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. FOR SALE—Lady's Black Winter Coat, size 20, also Grey Winter Coat, size 14. Telephone 872. FOR SALE—One Durham Bull, 1% years, progeny of Mitchell Ranson, Apply Earl Hamilton, Phone 608r13, FOR SALE Huronican Cook Stove. Apply 'Geo. Tervit, Phone 636r4. FOR SALE—White Baby Carriage, folding and reversible; also steel spring runners for same. Lady's Brown Fur Coat, size 18, in good condition. Double-bed sized Down- filled Comforter, green and gold taf- feta, 8 ft. Verandah Gate. 'Phew 118 VAMILEX is the easy nay to g FOR SALE-1 Good Cheer Kitchen Range equipped with oil burners. Apply W. A. Heughan, Phone 80w. FOR SALE—Lean to, size 12x57, shingle roof, at building formerly Farrier's Welding Shop, on Victoria St. Lot 6, north side. May be adued to a barn or other suitable building to be used as an implement shed, garage or workshop. Purchaser tO dismantle and remove same from property. Set your own price and date of removal Apply at Edwards Motor Sales, SALE—Modern 9-piece Dining- room Suite, walnut finish; Organ, (Princess Beth); Cream enamel. Cook Stove, 2 Cabinet Model Radios; one with Record Player; Steel Crib, Steel End-Table, h.p. 'Mende 110.220 Motor. 'Phone 270, \\Ingham. FOR. SALE—Two Harris Tweed' Coats, 1 Suit and some Sweaters, suitable for girl 14 to 18. 'Phone 217 FOR SALE—Lady's C.C.M. Bicycle, l ,new. App y at Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Bulbs for Fall planting., Tulips, Daffodils anti Hyacinths.' Lewis, Florist. 'Phone 101, . , FOR SALE—Circulating Pump, com- plete; cheap for quick sale. Tele- phone 101, The Greenhouse., FOR SALE-4937 Plymouth Coupe, Heater, defrostet, Back seat added for two extra passengers. Good condition. Arrange to see by tele- phoning Wingliarn -330. HOUSE _FOR SALE—All modern conveniences; built-in cupboards, etc. Telephone 279, Wingham. Men use "VIGORINE" if weak, run- down, nervous. Get renewed pep, vit- atty. 15 day treatment, $1.00. At Mekibbon's Drug Store. ALMISTRY and Teacup Readings by experieeeed reader. To make ap- pointments 'phone Brussels 89 - 28. With New System since 1st August 1947. Miss I, M. Sellers, R. 2, Blue- vale, Ont. 'ROOMS TO RENT—Unfurnished Apply Mrs. A. Finley, John St. Sletidor Tablets are effective. 2 weeks* supply $1.00; 12 weeks, $5.00. at McKibbon's and MeAvoy's Drug Stores. VANTED—Oliver Riding Plow in good condition. Apply Wrri, G. Van- Camp, Belgrave, 'phone 15 t 15, Brussels. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of David Halliday, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired Carpenter, who died on FOR SALE-1029 Ford Coach, good about tile 80th day of July, 1947, are notified to send to Crawford &' condition, with 16" tires. Apply at Hetherington, Barristers, Winghain, Advance-Times. Ontario, on or before the eleventh day FOR SALE—About '70 Barred Rock of ()tuber, 1947, full Particulars of X White Leghorn, year olds, about their claims in Writing. Immediately 80 Pullets. Phone 699 r 4, after the said 11th day of October, the assets of the said intestate will be dis- FOR SAI.E-259 New Hampshire tribeted amongst the parties entitled Pnlletts, 6 months old, 20 pigs ready thereto, having regard only to claims ter liVoitt: SOO White Brick. Appl' of which the Admittistratat shell then R. 3. McMurray, Phone 635r18. have 'notice. ,FOR SALE-1081 Sedan, good icon-' dition, or excliatige for light truck or coupe. 'Phone 808j. „ . FOR SALE—General Store, good 10H cation, with dwelling. Bargain. :ref • cash. Beeknet Bros., Lucknow., °rite R. R. 7, FOR SALE-125 Choice Leghorn X Red. Pullets, laying. Priced right. Robert Wood, Lakelet, 'Phone Cliff- ord 17 r 7. WANTED—Capable Girl or Woman for general housework, adult family, highest Vtrageai good borne for right person, apply 22 Centre Street, El- 'infra, Ontario, Phone 528, 9 FEMALE HELP WANTED OFFICE WORK Young ladies wanted for junior office work. Experience and ability to type not a requirement but should have at least three years High School. Ideal conditions, steady em- PloYment and opportunity for ad- vancernent, Accepted applicants will be assieted in finding living accommodation. APPLY THEMHTUAL LIFEOFCANADA HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONT. Winter Employment for FARMERS We have openings for men and boys during the winter months. Good Pay, five-day week Experience NOT NECESSARY Apply to Mr. Walter Johnston at Kitchener Plant opposite C. N. R. Station, and to Mr. Clayton Reitzel at Waterloo Plant, 50 ALLEN STREET WEST , Canada Cabinets ES Furniture Limited were also present. Mr. James Dow, Mr. Chas. Robin- son, Mrs. W. Dow, and Mr. James Falconer had the Hydro power turned on in their homes on Friday last. Miss Isabel Fox, RN., of Kincar- dine, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. A, Fox. Mr, James O'Dowd of Brantford spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dawson and with other rel- atives in this community.' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bott and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bott of Elora, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Purdon, and Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and sons, of St. Helen's also spent Sunday there, also Mrs. Archie Anderson and her daughter, Miss Lizzie Anderson, R.N., of Montreal, who had spent the week- end with relatives here and at Luck- now. On Monday; Mrs. Anderson and Miss Anderson left for Montreal and Mrs, Anderson will spend the winter there. Mrs. John McGee has been laid up for a few days, haying injured her back while opening a gate at the 'barn on Monday evening. Mr. Fred McGee spent the week-end with Teeswater friends, Miss Louise Martin has been visiting at her home here during the past week, CARROT SALAD 2 cups grated. carrots, 1 cup grated cabbage, 'A cup nasturtium seeds or chives, % cup French Dressing. Toss vegetables together. Pour on )ressing just before serving. 'PAGE POUR . THE wiNOHAivi ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday,: Octo(ker Znd, 1947' MeEibleons MCAVoy'S WHITECHURCH Mr. Roy McGee of Toronto is spend- big this week with his father, Mr. Henry MeGi.P4 And Gordon, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Irwin and little son returned from Vancouver re- cently, and Mr. Irwin left last week to register at 0.A.C., Guelph, for the course in Veterinary work. Mrs. Ir- win and son will make t' it Home with ,Mr, and Mrs. Herson Irwin. We we- come her to this community. Misses Margaret and Maude Yuill of Carleton Place, Ont., have been visit- ing at the home of their 'mice, Mrs. Edward McBuril y, Quite a crowd of relatives and neigh- bours attended a reception held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gregg Shiell on Monday evening, in honour of the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Young of Morris. Miss Helen Al- brecht and Reeve Ailig. Nicholson of Tuckersmith, were winners at the pro- gressive euchre games, Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. Alec Rob- ertson read an address and the happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts and each thanked the folks for their' kindness and the thoughtful gifts, Relatives attended from, Tuckersmith and Turn- berry. A vote of thanks was tendered by Mr. Herson Irwin, to the host and hostess, who were that day celebrating the twenty-first anniversary of their marriage. A reception was held in the Memori- al Hall here on Monday evening in honour of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer. Farrier's orch- estra provided music for dancing. Af- ter lunch was served, the young couple were called to the front and Mrs. Ern- est Beecroft read an address and the presentation followed. Archie and Bill Purdon presented the gifts of the sec- tion, a card table and a rocking chair. Mrs. Lance Grain then addressed them humorously and presented the mis- cellaneous gifts. Mr. Aldin Purdon presehted the purse of money that had been contributed. Mr, Falconer thank- ed the folks for their gifts, to his bride and himself. Relatives were present from Lucknow, Teeswater, Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin W,elwood, Mr. Bert Coleman, Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur Cronin and son Jack, all of Caledon, DATED this nineteenth day of Sep- tember, A. D. 1947. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario. Sblicitors for Administrator, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claim against the estate of Charles B. Wilkinson, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of July, 1947, are notified to send to Crawford & Hetherington Barristers, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the fourth day of October, 1947, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said fourth day of October, the assets of. the said testat- tor will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this twelfth day of Sept- ember A.D., 1947, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, etc., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Alvin Sharpin late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on or a- bout the twentieth day of September, A.D. 1947, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the eigh- teenth day of October, 1947, full par- tienlars of their claims in writing, mediately after the said eighteenth day of October, the assets of the said tes- tator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATEli) this twenty-sixth day of September, A.D. 1947.* CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, etc. Wingliant, Ontario IN MEMORIAM eNtlt--lit loving memory of our dear daughter, Margaret H. Austin' McNeil, wife of Cecil McNeil, who, , passed away, September 28rd, 1945. At early morn when all was still, She closed her eyes, it was God's willf Sadly missed by Father, Mother and sister. CARD OP THANKS itottomitittou66 We desire to express to our kind neighbors and thoughtful friends our heartfelt thanks for their many expres- sions of sympathy. The beautiful flor- al offerings were much appreciated also the loan of cars. The Sharpin Family CARD OF THANKS ...•••6kia6,6* Mr. Elmer B. Alton and family wish to express their grateful and heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the very many expressions and tokens of loving sympathy and helpfulness, including the floral contributions and services at the time of their recent bereavement in the loss of a dear, loving -wife and mother. CARD OF THANES 11.4.660•.6.. M grateful thanks are extended to the Sun, the Dominion AO Royal Fire Insurance 'Companies for their prompt settlement or 'claims; to the Fire Bri- gade for quick and 'efficient service foie lowing the alarm; 'especially to those. who se, carefully and hastily removed' my lionSehold effects„ and to neighbors' and Mots for their kindne's's and syrn, pathy.- MM. Mande Dodd. By her own enthusiasm and knowledge she aroused a great deal of inWeSt in the subject for the corning year, Mrs. W. Dow .putlined the lives and works of John Wycliff and William Tyndale, thus illustrating the sacrifices of those who translated the Bible, • • During the business discussion it was decided that the autumn Thank Offering meeting should be held in October, The meeting closed with the hymn 380 and the benediction by Rev. Mr, Moores. BLYTH The 'vote to decide whether the Cor- poration will install a waterworks sys- tem in the village, will be held on Oct- ober 24th. The remains of Mrs, Ruby Smith were laid to rest on Monday in the Union Cemetery. The late deceased was .a highly esteemed lady and her passing is much regretted. A meeting of the Agricultural Soc- iety will be held on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Carman Hodgins is confined to her home through illness. Miss Ada Stackhouse of Ridgeway, attended_ the funeral on Monday of the late Mrs. Ruby Smith. Mr. Orval McGowan is showing his sheep at the Owen Sound and Tees- watei Fair this week. Rally Day service was held in'the United Church on Sunday with a large attendance, a choir of young people rendered several fine selectiOns. Master Jack Kyle read the scripture lesson, Miss Clara McGoWan, gave a reading entitled, the Friendly Church around the Corner. Mrs. Marshall presided for the distribution of Diplomas and seals to the members of the Sunday School. Rev. W. , Rogers closed with prayer. BORN SANGSTER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, September 23, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sangster, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, a daughter. STOKES—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Wednesday, September 24, to Mr. and Mrs. John Stokes, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, a daughter. KROHN—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Saturday, September 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Krohn, of Wingham,' a son. HELM—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Sunday, September 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Helm, R, R. 3, Lucknow, a son. LORUSSO—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, September 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Lorusso, Lucknow, a daughter. SPARKES — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, September 26, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sparkesi daughter. GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ford.and family of Hanover, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrish, Mr. Farrish of Aslifield was also a recent with his son. Mrs. Burns Stewart spent the week- end with friends in Milton. PUBLIC SCHOOL HELD FIELD DAY (Contniued from page one) ter ;Doug. Murray, John Congram. Foot Race—Doug Murray, George Waine, Robert Gamniage. Running Broad Jump—Robert Gam- mage, George Waine, Douglas Mur- ray. Running High Jump—Geo. Waine, Ross Hayden, Donald Biggs. Three-Legged-Race—Douglas Mur- ray and George Waisie; Donald Biggs and Willis Walpole; Robert Gam- mage and Bill Centric% Running Hop-Step and Jump—John Congram, Douglas Murray, George Waine. Standing Broad lump—George Waine, Robert Gaintnage, Bill Connell. Soft Ball Throw—George Waine, Donald Biggs, Bill Foster. Champion—George Waine. latiiiiter-'Up—Douglas Murray. Senior Girls Events Running Rate—Lorraine Anderson, Jean Bain, Shirley Templeitaii, Softball Throw—Florence Waine, Jean Hobden, Lorraine Anderson, Book on Head Pace—Florence Waive, Patsy Brophy, ioatt Irwin. Running Broad juttnp—Lorraine. Anderson, Plotence Waive, Joan Ir- willaLunning Hop, Step and Jump—Lor- - miee Anderson, Jean Hobden, Jean MacPherson. Three Legged Race—Jean Hobden, Florence Waine; Helena Slcirm, Joan Irwin, Iris Newell, Jean McPherson. Relay Race—Margaret Sanderson, Audrey Henry; Shirley Templeman Jean Bain ;Patsy Brophy, Florence Waine; Lorraine 'Anderson- Eleanor Browne; Jean attaePhersori, Mt New- ell; Jean Halide»; Sally Lou MAC- William. Novelty Race—Florence Waine, Patsy Brophy, Joan Irwin. Running High Jump — Florence Waine, Lorraine Anderson, Betty Goe- butt. Standing Broad Jump—Jean Bain, Florence Waine, Lorraine Anderson. Senior Girl Championa,-Florence Waine. Runner-lip—Lorraine Anderson. Intermediate Girls Running High J'erripee-joan Seddon, Uneetta Bennett, Jean /twin, Running Boerd Jump--Joan Sed- don, Sean /rwitt,,FratiCes Newman, Standing Board Jurnp-,Joan Se& don, Ululate. Bennett, Jean Irwin. Novelty Race--Joan Seddon,, Jean Irwin, Patsy Carmichael. Three Legged RaceaLineetta nett, Joan Seddon; Frances Newman, Donalda MacDonald; Patsy Carmich- ael, Patricia Dawson. Softball Throw—Linnetfa Bennett, Frances Newman, Pauline Swanson. Relay Rate—joatt Seddon, Francis 1\ieWman, Pauline Swanson, Donalda MacDonald. Patsy Carmichael, Gwen Arthur, Jean Campbell, Jean /twin. Running Hop, Step and Jump— Joan Seddon, Jean Irwin, Patsy Car- michael and Gwen Arthur, tied. Book on Head Race—Joan Seddon, Patsy, Carmichael, Katherine Iteating. Running Raee—joart Seddotalean Irwin, Frances Newman, Gwen At- thug, tied. Intermediate Girl's Champion—Joan Scarlet, Runner-Up—jean Irwin. Jr. Girls' Events Running Broad jump—Doreen Ata., than, Patricia Datesori, Louise Camp- bell, Running High jump—Doreen Ma- than, Geraldean • Stone; Genevieve Skinn, Standing Board Jump—Doreen Ma- chat), Patricia Dawson, Louise Camp- bell. Book on Head Rate—Sally Slosset, Gail Pardon, Doreen Machan, Running Rate.—Doreen Ma Oman, Geraldean Stone, Joy Cowan, Novelty Race—Joan Armitage, Lou- ise Campbell, joy Cowan. Tai & Legged Race Geraldean Stone and Genevieve Skala; Doreen Meehan and Patricia Dawson; Sheila Laidlaw and. Marie James. Softball Throw—Mary Hotchkiss,, Sally Slasser, Joy Cowan, Hop, Step and Innip—Gerattlean Stone, Patricia Dawson, Louise Camp- bell. Relay Rate—Doima Gerrie, Genev- ieve Skinn, Shirley ,Cliettleburg, Joy Cowan; Anna Porter, Geraldean Stone, Alice Moore, Patricia Carmichael; Mary Stapleton, Louise Campbell; Sheila Laidlaw, Marie /antes (tied); Doreen Machan, Gail Purdah, Joan Loughleare Patricia Dawson. Jr. Champion—Doreen Machan. Runner-Vp---Geraldeatt Stone. RACES Boa Grade 1-13obby Rintoul, J. Ilotefi kiss, Ken. Crompton. Grade II—George Chettleburgh, Charlie Moore, Barry Gibson. Grade III—Frank Gibbons, Jim Bain, Jamie Rae. Grade IV—I.,eVerrie Newman, Jim- my Seddon, David Slosser. Girls Grade I—Ann White, Irene Saint, Marilyn Rheil. Grade II Joan Arthur, Ruth pry- Togle, Mary C. Gibbons. Grade In — Florence Sanderson, Doris 11/fachan, *jean 'Wilton!, Garde IV—Marlene Staintati, Mary F. Currie, Carol Detbeeker. obit on urge Itoco Boys, Grade IV--.David Slosser, Verne Newman, 31mrnse Pendent. Girls, Grade W.—Barbara Edwards, Mary P., 'Currie, Marlene Staintoim. EAST WAWANOSH The regular meeting of the Brick Wial.S.was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Collates on September 11th with a good attendance. The meeting opened with quiet mus- ic played by the organist, Mrs. How- ard Walker, followed by the singing of hymn 182. Mrs, S. &tell conducted the meet- ing owing to the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. 14. Irwin. The theme for this Meeting was "The Bible For My Life". Mrs. Snell led in prayer followed by the offering e nd singing of hymn 187. Mrs. G. Beecroft ietrodtteed the new Study Ileole, "Great Is the Company"