The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-09-18, Page 1Treasurer Reported Summer Frolic
' Netted $840.00
The Lions held their first meeting
for the Fall season at the Queen's
Cafe on Friday evening. Lion Tamer
Jack, Reavie was right on the job and
many Lions had an opportunity to
exhibit their singing powers. One quar-
tette, Lions Merkley, Pollock, Cruick-
shank and Bushfield came through
very well under the Lion Tamer's coa-
ching. Lions Harley Crawford and
Omar Haselgrove offered many alibis
for their showing during the Globe and
(Mail Tournament and denied that their
names were in the paper.
Guests at the meeting were Rev,
Jack Roberts from Alberta, Rev. Fa O.
Lancaster of town and Mr. Anderson
of Western Ontario Motorways. Presi-
dent Frank Madill welcomed the guests
on behalf of the .Cluh, Lion Fred Spry
caused quite a comMlotion titlen he an-
swered to the occupation of "Stove-
ologist" during the roll call. Many of
the Lions argued that the word was
not in the dictionary and Lion Fred
finally settled with the Tail Twiste'r,
Wally Armstrong. --Lions Jack Mc-
Kilibon Ron Rae, Clarence Richey and
Geo. Howson, held forth with a very
acceptable number. Lion Murray John-
son was accused of trying to start
something with his recent fire.
A feature of the evening was a fire
report from Lion Otto Gallagher on
his attendance at Lions international
Convention held in San Francisco.
Lion Otto was the official delegate of
the Lions Club of Globe, Arizona.
President Frank requested Lion Bill
Galbraith to read the report which was
quite lengthy. tIt was: very evident
that Lion Otto hadlea; suffered any
loss of wit as he 'desc.0 many hum-
orous incidents. Liotr e unanimous
in their opinion that, -eport should
be published in thekT ns News".
Secretary Don Nastrita.-• as instructed
to write Lion Ottc.aa, letter of apprec-
iation for his fine'report.
After introductory. songs, "For Me
and My Gal" and a solo number by
Lion Jack McKibboh, "Leave • the
Dishes in the Sink, Ma." Lion -Wilbur'
Tiffin was called to the .-front,. • Lion
,Wally Armstrong garbed aa'a minista n
'announced "WeddinOells'..were lting-
[lug," When Lion,."-Df0,.Vie,tot.'„RYm
"Sir tiek'titp 'the e d dilittaf. de
entered on the arm of Lion Fred Spry.
She appeared to be very nervous. and
her bouquet of "Sweetheart" asters cer-
tainly received a great shaking up.
She was beautifully gowned iii white
satin with a train of troublesome leng-
thsome length. The "parson" began
the usual 4itestioning but some of the
qUestions \ appeared to be unusual - and
caused some embarrassment to the
happy couple. The, bride finally mana-
ged to light a cigcar and her nerves
promptly settled clown, The ceremony
was finally completed when the happy
couple embraced each other, Lion Wil-
bur emerged with considerable lip
stick on his face and the bride prompt-
ly fainted and fell on the floor. She
was assisted from the room, Later she
entered the room in the person of Lion
Doc Irwin and finished her cigar.
Lion Bob Hobden reported the pro-
ceeds from the summer frolic as a pro-
fit of $340, Past President Jack Mc-
Kibbon felt that this was the right kind
of frolic for the Lions to promote and
suggested improvements for another
year. President Frank Madill reported
on his attendance along' with Lion
Stewart Beattie at the -Convention at
Windsor. Tailtwister Wally Arm-
strong announced a report from Lion
Bill Hamilton that lie was feeling bet-
ter and hoped to return soon, Lion
Harley Crawford presented the Past
President's button to Lion Jack Mc-
Kibbon. Lion Harley commented in his
remarks on Lion Jack's fine record as
President and expressed his regret that
we might not have as good a President
this year. President Frank Madill took
strong objection to Lion. Harley's re-
marks and promised that Lion Harley
would not 'be called upon again during
the evening,
Lion Jack McKibbon thanked the
Lions and was accorded a Lions' Roar.
Lion Fred Spry presented. a Past
Secretary's button to Lion Stewart
Beattie and Lion Stewart expressed
his thanks, The meeting closed with
the usual song and the Licins Roar,
The monthly meeting of the local
branch of the W. 1. will be held in the,
Council Chambers on Thursday, Sept,
18th, at 2.30 p.m. The subject "His-
torical Research" will be in charge of
the leaders, Mrs. A. R. DuVal and
Mrs. W. S .Hall, The roll call will be
answered by each member 'recalling
some event of her earliest recollection.
The hostesses are Mrs. S. 13ateson,
Mrs. P. Fuller, Mira, R. Oalbraith,
Miss M. Johns, Mrs. N. Keating and
Mrs. V. Sell
Many Visiting Clergy Assist
At Service
The Ven. Archdeacon A. A. Bice, B.
A., L Th, of London, conducted the
impressive service of Induction at St,
Paul's Church on Monday evening,
when Rev. E. 0, Lancaster became
Rector of the Parish. He was assisted
by Rural De,an Farr of Goderich, Rev.
J. L. H. Henderson of Blyth, Rev. 12.:
M, P. Bulteel of Clinton, Rev, James
Caley of Gorrie, Rev, Mr. Jones of
Clinton Air Schpol, Rev, Jack Roberts
of Mirror, Alberta, and the Rev. Alvin
Harrison of Ilderton, The special
preacher was the Rev, Harry Jennings
Rural Dean of -Kent, who gave a chal-
lenging sermon.
The choir under the capable organ-
ist and leader,. Mr. Roy Mundy render-
ed impressive music during the ser-
Besides those assisting with the ser-
vice other dignitaries included the
Ven. Archdeacon Hartley of Kincar-
dine, His Worship Mayor Kennedy
and local clergy.
At thy close of the service in the
fine hall; which was beautifully decor-
ated with floWers and candles, the
Ladies Guild in their usual efficient
and, charming manner served a much
enjoyed luncheon,
The People's Warden, Mr. Bert
Mitchell proved himself a very able
chairman, when he called upon the
Archdeacon, Rural Deans, His Wor-
ship the Mayor and clergy for words
of Greeting. The Rector's Warden, Mr.
Roy Manuel officially extended the
welcome of the Parish -to Rev. E. 0.
and Mrs. Lancaster and 'boys. Mr.
Lancaster replied thanking all who
had honoured them by their presence
and kind words of Greeting. He also
expressed his appreciation to all
church members who had in any way
contributed to the impressive service
and reception, and asked for their con-
tinued co-operation,
The Ven. Archdeacon Hartley closed
the meeting with the Benediction.
Bowling Tournament
A Twilight Mixed Doubles Tourna-
ment will be held at the Wingham
Bowling Green on Friday evening of
this week at 7.30 sharp. Next Wed-
nesday, September 24th, commencing'
at 1.30 theapbs tpe SingleS Tour na-
merit for the Hamilton' Optical Co.
trophy will be held.
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Casernore,
,Morris, wish to announce the engage-
ment ,of their younger daughter, Ruby
Grace Winnifred, to Henry James,
younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Pattison of East WawanOp. The mar-
riage to take place the latter part of
Junior Teen Town Dance
Wednesday, September 24th
Teensters from thirteen to fifteen
years of age will be having their first
dance of the season in the Town Hall
at 7.30, p.m„ next Wednesday evening.
All teensters wishing to learn to dance
are especially urged to be present. Re-
freshments will be' served. Low admis-
sion fee.
Presented On Marriage
Many lovely gifts were received by
Ma and Mrs. Victor Showers, who
wJre married recently. Among them
were, from Fry & Blackball Ltd., a
chair, and from the men in the mach-
ine shop, a bookcase table. The Stain-
ton Hardware with whom Mrs, Show-
ers has been employed for over five
years, presented them with an electric
vacuum cleaner, and from St. Paul's
Anglican Church choir they received' a
lovely vase,
Trousseau Reception
Many guests were welcomed last
week at the home of Harold Logan,
Highland Road, London, where his
bride-elect daughter, Arlene, entertain-
ed at a trousseau reception prior to her
marriage on Saturday to John Wilkes
Cram, Miss Logan was assisted in
receivieg, by Mrs, H. W. Cram,
mother of the groom-elect. A Sheffield
bowl of flowers centred the supper
table which was covered with a linen
cloth embroidered in pale blue mosiac,
and lighted by tall white tapers in sil-
ver candelabra.
Mrs, V. A. McKillop was in charge
of the dining-room, and those pouring
were Mrs, George Logan; grand-
mother of the bride-to-be; Mrs. Felter-
dtt Logan, Mrs. J. IL Douglas and
Mrs. Lew Summers,
Mts. Wm. Dawson, Shuter St., who
is al grandaunt of the bride elect, was
a very special guest.
Dance At Bluevale
In the Community Hall on Thurs-
day, September 26th Music supplied
by Wilbee's Orchestra, Minting 10 to
1, Popular prices, Ltirldh Counter.
Proceeds for Building Fund,
Will Meet Walkerton Or Southampton
In Finals
Wednesday evening tinder the lights
Wingham Hurons defeated the Ches-
ley Blue Bombers 6-2 to take the semi-
finals three straight. During the entire
series the Chesley nine garnered only
three, runs off the hurling of Jardine
and Ledieta.
Striking out 9 batters and allowing
no walks, Jardine was never in trouble
as his team mates played practical-
ly air 4tight ball. Although the visitors
outhit the locals 10-8, the Hurons.nip-
perl any scoring threats the Bombers
could muster. Chesley broke the goose
egg in the eighth when they rallied for
three hits, and were rewarded with
two runs one of which was scored as
the Huron's only error.
Fenton for Chesley issued five walks.
Wingham now meets the winner of the
Walkerton-Southampton series for the
Men's Senior A WOAA championship.
The regular monthly meetineofrathe
Women's Missionary Society of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church Was
held in the Church Parlor on Tuesday
afternoon, September 9th, at three
o'clock. The President, Mrs. W. J.
Henderson, occupied the chair and
opened the meeting with prayer. There
was an excellent attendance, this being
the first meeting since the summer
months' holidays.
After the general business had been
conducted, and the Offering received,
Mrs. P. D.,Kinggave the Dedicatory
Prayer. The Theme of this meeting
was "Forgive Us Our Debts as We
Forgive Our Debtors", and Mrs. H.
McKay gave a lovely meditation along
these lines.' The Scripture reading
was given by Mrs. George Coulter.
Miss K. Pringle had charge of the cur-
rent MisSion Study on India,- the sub-
ject for the afternoon being "The
Church Takes Root in India." She \As
assisted by Mrs. Horace Aitchison,
Miss F. Wilson and Mrs. J. W. Mc-
Kibbon. This was a .most interesting
and enlightening discussion and film.-
Ottghli an.inYtal by .all thnsU preaenh'
The meeting adjourned with Mrs. S.
Bateson giving the closing prayer.
SAT. SEPT. 27th
Once more the Canadian Institute
for the Blind will appeal to the citizens
of Wingham and the surrounding dis-
trict for funds to carry on. This will
be done by a Tag Day, Saturday, Sept.
27th, and the channel through which
they will work will be the Women's
Institute. More details will be given
in next week's issue.
Left For the West Coast
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jef fray of Glen-
annan, left last week for Victoria, 13.
C. They will visit friends at different
points enronte.
Dance At Royal T
Saturday Night
To the music of Wilbee's Orchestra.
Moderate admission. Dancing, 9 to 12,
The Annual Drunihead Service of
Zone Cl of the Canadian Legion, was
held in the Agricultural Park, Myth,
on Sunday afternoon, September 14th.
The service was in charge of N. • W.
Miller, Zone Commander, who intro-
duced the guest speaker, Rev.
Lieut.) T. D, Jones, Chaplain of the
Clinton R. and C. School. Words of
welcome were extended by A. Madd-
ticks, President of the Blyth Legion,
and Reeve F, T, Baititon. The local
clergy assisted in the service and the
music was led by Clinton and Blyth
Bands. The Last Post and Reveille
were sounded by Bugler Bill Hearn of
Clinton, Other bands in attendance
were Lucknow and Kincardine Pipe
Bands and the Goderieh Blue Water
The parade of nearly 600 was led by
Scout Ralph Hodd, and branches of
the Legion were present front Kincar-
dine, Goderich, Ltteknow, Wingham,
Brussels, Clinton, Exeter, Heim.%
Howiek and Blyth.
A wreath was placed at the Mem-
orial Hall by the incoming Zone Com-
mander, Mac McDonald, of Kincard-
1116A' n offering was taken to defray ex-
pefiseS and for Legion welfare, and
amounted to $01.10. It is estimated
that over 1200 were in attendance,
Local. Objective for Salvation Artily
Is $2400.00
The Salvation Army has endeared
itself to people of every faith because
it always serves humanity at the point
of need, at the time of need, regardless-
of class, creed or color,
Quietly, without red-tape, with little
publicity, the Salvation Army stands
mobilized 24 hours a day to extend
help when this help is required, wheth-
er it be a roof to the homeless, medi-
cal aid to the suffering, food to the
hungry or spiritual consolation to the
sick at heart,
Whenever need arises, the Salvation
Army does not hesitate. Help this or-
ganization to meet future needs by not
hesitating when your contribution is
Mr. R. H. Lloyd has been appointed.
chairman of the Red Shield -Campaign
for Wingham, and the local objective
is $2400,00,
September again brought the Young
People of the Baptist Church together
when they gathered for the business
meeting of the election of officers. The
following officers are, President, Glen
Schieffele; Vice-Pres., Harold-Pocock;
Secretary and Press Reporter, Lois
Burchill and Jessie Scott; Treasurer,
Mrs. Wilmer Harcourt; Pianist, Mar-
jorie Falconer; Social. Con., Ruth Can-
telon, Mrs. Bruce MacLean, Norman.
Pocock, Bruce MacLean.
Rev, Coupland then spoke to the
young people, basing his remarks on
Deuteronomy 18: 1-13, speaking on
fortelling the future which is definite-
ly against the Lord's Will. All joined
in singing a hymn and Rev. Mr. Coup-
land closed with prayer.
Teen and Tvv,enty Dance Friday
Teen Town cordially invites all the
young people teen and twenty to come
to their first dance of the, season at
the Masonic Hall. Refreshments will
be served. Reasonable admission char-
Entertained, At Silver Wedding .
Mrs. Jas. Taylor entertained at a
dinner on Saturday evening in honour
Of her daughter and se.n-in-law,
and Mrs. Wm. VanCamp, on the oCa
casion of their silver wedding anni-
Presentation At Foundry
A series of presentations was made- at
the Western Foundry to G, W. Tiffin
recently in view of his approaching
marriage. On behalf of the men in the
plant, Mr. F, C. Fuller presented a
purse of-money, and the Directors and
Office Staff presented a beautiful silver
tea service and tray. The firm also
sent him one of the newest oil-burning
ranges, to help equip him. for house-
keeping in proper style.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bundscho and
son, Billie, of Bloomfield, were visitors
in town last week.
LEGION Bingo Saturday nights at
the Town Hall.— Good Prizes. Meet
your friends Saturday nights at the
Legion Bingo.
Last Saturday afternoon and evening
Mrs, Arthur J, floe, Toronto, •entertain-
ed at a trousseau tea for her daughter,
Audrey Isabel, prior to her marriage
this week to George Wilber Tiffin,
Mrs. A, j, Tiffin, mother of the groom,
received with the hostess and the
bride-elect, Presiding at the tea table
were Miss Isabel Cook, Mrs. Beverley
Sinclair and Mrs, Wallace Wilson, As-
sisiting were the bridesmaids, Mrs. W.
Leamen, Miss Peggy Evoy, Mrs. G.
C, Williams, Mrs. R. 1, Eadie tied Mrs,
E. L. Stuckey, as well as Miss Muriel
Keeling, Mrs. H, Archer, Mrs. H.
Bade, Mrs. S. Harron, Mrs. H. I. Mac-
Tavish, Mrs. A, R. MacDonald, Miss
Mary Morrison, Miss Betty Boyd,
Miss Joy MacKinnon and Miss Ruth
Among those who have entertained
for the bride are her c.G.LI% group, a
presentation; the Wingham Badminton
Club a .presentation; Miss P. Evoy and
Mrs. 0, C. Williams, a .presentation
arid shower; Misses Phyllis ,and Mar-
guerite Johns, an evening party; Unit-
ed .Church Choir, a presentation; Miss
Isabel Cook a pantry shelf shower;
Mrs, R, I, Eadie a shower for both the
bride and groom. A group of the
groom's friends presented him with a
Tri-light lamp at the home Of Mr. and
Mts. Jack keavie. Mrs. Arthur 3. lion
entertained the bridal party following
the rehearsal Tuesday evening.
First Dance Friday
At a meeting of the Teen Town
Council it was decided that something
should be done for the young working
people of Wingham, Mayor Hobden
said "When Teen Town has a Dance
or outing the working young people
of the town want to come but they stay
away because some of our teensters are
too young for them". Reeve Swanson
asked what was to be done about the
younger teensters. 'We'll have separ-
ate events for them" suggested Coun-
cillor Buahfield. And so it was decided
that a dance would be held this Fri-
day in the Masonic Hall for the senior
division of Teen Town at which those
who are twenty and over will be wel-
come. Teensters who are under six-
teen will have a separate dance 'of
their own in the Town Hall next Wed-
nesday evening at 7.30 p.m.
It was pointed out that this is only
an experiment and would be continued
if it should prove to be successful.
Plans for a hayride and weiner roast
were also discussed. Mayor Hobden
extended his personal invitation to the
young people teen and twenty to at-
tend the first dance of the season in
the Masonic Hall this Friday evening
with a special invitation to young
working people,
Mrs. W. B. McCool spent the week-
end in Toronto
Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Howson spent
the week-end with friends in Toronto.
Miss Margaret E. Nimmo of Toron-
to spent the week-end with her par-
Mrs. C. W. Lroyd spent the, week-
end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Procter.
Miss Audrey Congram of Clinton,
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfrid Congram.
Mrs. E. Snell, John Street, has re-
turned home after spending a month's
holiday in Chicago.
Mr. David Todd of St. Helens spent
a few days last week with his sister,
Mrs. H. J. Thompson,
Miss Minnie Baiper visited over the
week-end with her sister, Miss Flor-
ence Barber,- at Toronto.
laffaS -Riath' 11/-itchell''of
spending a week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 3. H. Mitchell,
Mr. Ernest Buchanan of Toronto
was a week-end visitor at the home of
his sister, Mrs. E. Wilkinson.
Mr, Robert Bacon of To'ronto spent
his holidays at the ]tone of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mr's. R. F. Bacon,
Mrs. John Robinson of Kincardine
spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Jeffrey, 2nd Line of Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Nimmo and
children, Frances and Joy, of Toronto,
visited over the week-end at the manse.
Miss Olive Gallaher of Westminster
Hospital, London, spent the past two
weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Arm-
strong and other friends.
Mrs, W. J. Henderson is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London, where
she underwent a major operation on
Week-end guests at the "Queens"
with Mrs. C. Taylor were: Mr. and
Mrs. Odgen, Mrs. Jennetta Young,
Mrs. Ann McMaster, Mr. G. Raison,
all of Toronto.
Mrs. Jack Raby and Mrs, S. Hare
left on Saturday for a week's visit with
the former's -brother, David Small, of
Grand Rapids, Mich,, and also with
friends in Detroit.
Week-end visitors with Mrs. Joe
Guest were: Mrs, Lawson Bisbee of
Ingersoll, with her daughter of Lon-
don, and Mr. and Mrs, Sydney Coul-
son and two children.
Mrs, Vernon Smith and son Keitla
of Springfield, Ohio, and Everett R.
Henderson of Detroit, Mich„ visited
for the past ten days at the home of
their mother, Mrs. C. R. Henderson.
Miss Lenora Higgins, Reg. N., Su-
pervisor of Obstetrics, Victoria Hos-
pital, Loi;don, Ont., is spending a
month's vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Higgins and her
brother, in Fordwich.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford and Mrs. H.
McMillan of Fort Erie, also Mr. Win.
Roderus of San Gabriel, California,
have been guests of Mr. and Mrs, 3,
Crandall, Edward Street. This was
Mr. Win. Roderu's first visit in thirty-
six years to his old home town,
Bowled At Seaforth
Eight pairs of Wingham Bowlers
attended the Tip Top Doubles Tottrna-
metrt at Seaforth last Wednesday.
Harry Browne and W, 13, McCool wan
sixth prize,
Dance at Royal T
To Canada's Biggest Little Band
Eric Scott, his trumpet and,his Orch-
estra, Thursday, Sept, 18th, Dancing
9.80 to 1,
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie News and Wroxeter Vidette
Single Copiep--Five Cents . WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1947 Subscription, $2,0 .0 .a Year -in Advance
R. J. McMurray, Suffers Heavy Loss
When House and Contents Burn
The two-storey brick residence of
.Mr. and ,Mrs. K J. McMurray, second
line of Morris, was completely destroy-
aed with all furnishings except a few
chairs, when fire broke out Wednesday
morning' of last week. The cause of
the fire is -unknown, but it is thought
to have started in or near an electric
refrigerator. The Wingham firemen
were_sonn on the scene but when they
-arrived the blaze was beyond control.
Mr. McMurray was working in the
field at the time, and Mrs. McMurray
•returning from the barn after being ab-
sent for only about ten minutes, found
.the: and kitchen in a mass of
flames. She was unable to reach the
telephone and ran to a neighbours for
assistance. •
The large brick house was erected
by the late William Isbister about
fifty years ago, and since being pur-
chased by Mr, McMurray lad been
-completely, modernized,
Mr. McMurray stated thAt his loss
was partially covered by insurance,
.and it was his intention to rebuild on
-the same site.
Recently he' erected a large colony
louse, and for the present will convert
it into temporary living quarters.
FA. Y. P. A.
The regular weekly meeting of the
F.B.Y.P.A. met in the church with a
goodly number in attendance. The
Vice-Pres. -was. in charge.
The meeting opened with the sing-
ing of "There is, Sunshine in My Soul"
.and prayer by Mrs. Frank Collar. The
Secaetary read the roll call and busi-
ness was discussed and offering re-
*ceive d.
Helen Pocock -read "Shades of Mad-
ison St." Scripture was read by 1VI'r.
Bruce MacLean reading Hebrews 4:
1-16, after which Marjorie Falconer
led in a Musical Quizz. All joined in
singing "Toiling ° On." The topic of
-the evening was taken by Harold Po-
cock. "The Purpose of Young Peoples."
The meeting closed with the singing
•of "Hark tis the Shepherds Voice"
anti prayer' by Rev. Mr, Coupland.
—Ta,the Business
On Main Street
Saturday afternoon and night park-
ing in Wingham is becoming a real
Please see that YOUR car is not
'keeping a farm Customer of YOURS
from parking his car on Main St.
BusineSs Mens Ex.
Attending Stratford Normal
Teachers-in-training who have regis-
tered from this district at the Stratford
Normal School are Joan Patricia An-
derson, R 4 Brussels; Gladys Velma
Campbell, R 4, Brussels; Elinore Den-
nis, R 2, Bluevale; Herbert Ross Er-
rington, R 2, Auburn; Wilfrid Sanders
Spivey, R 4, Brussels.
- Tea and Baking Sale
The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion
-will hold a Tea and Sale of Home-
made Baking at the Legion Hall, Wed-
nesday, September 24, from 3.30 to
The Vatican has created R. A. Jeff-
ery of Arnprior, a Knight of St, Greg-
' ory the Great, this is one of the highest
distinctions that can be conferred on
-a layman, The announcement was read
at all masses in the church of St, John
Chrysostoin, Sunday morning.
For 30 years Mr. Jeffery was editor
and publisher of the Arnprior Chron-
icle. He has held every municipal office
and was mayor of that town for two
terms. He was twice president of the
Arnprior Golf Club, was chairman of
the Arnprior Hydro Commission, was
a member of the Ontario Payroll
Board for three years, when lie retired
last February.
He is a prolific writer arid speaker
-on the historical background of the
Ottawa Valley.
For several years he was slate de-
puty of the Knights of Columbus of
• Ontario and of the organizers
of the Catholic Army Huts during
World 'War- I.
He is a director of the Arnprior
Hospital and first vice-president of the
Canadian Branch Royal Caledonian
Announcement of his honor was
made tiy the Papal Delegation at Ok*
ova through Bishop Smith of Pent*
Mr. tleffay, is the father of Mrs.
C. E. Richey of town.
Mr. Hugh Carmichael Sells Out To
St. Thomas Man
A business deal was completed in
town last week when the North End
Grocery, a Superior Store, and owned
by Mr. Hugh P. Carmichael was sold
to Mr. Albert Rutherford of St, Thom-
Mr, Carmichael has operated this
store for the past font• and a half years
and during this time has built up a
large trade..
The building as well as the business
was included in the deal and Mr. Ruth-
erford will get possession in the near
Mr. Carmichael and family intend
remaining in Wingham but as yet his
plans for the future are very indefinite.
The presentation of a farewell gift
to Mrs. William Brooks featured the
meeting of the Catholic Women's
League of Sacred Heart Roman Cath-
olic Church, last Friday nightpirs.
Brooks leaves this month to take up
residence in Stratford. The meeting
was -held at the home of 'Mrs. Chris.
/ The presentation address was given
by the President, Mrs, Evelyn Smith,
Mrs. Newman presented the gift, a
blue Kenwood Blanket to Mrs. Brooks,
a member of the League executive. 1
During the business meeting ar-
rangements were made to distribute
Sunshine bags to each family in the
Parish. A novel way to collect money.
It is expected of each member of the
family to deposit a penny in the bag
for every day ,he sun shines.
A musical program followed. Miss
Francis Newman offered a vocal solo,
with piano accompaniment provided
by Mrs. Jack Ernest. Various piano
selections were played by Mrs. Larry
Benninger and Mrs. Ernest.
Refreshments were served by the
Hostess assisted by (Misses Mary Kay
and Francis Newman and Mrs. Evelyn
The Sunday evening Band Concerts
which have been enjoyed by the citi-
zens of the town, have been discon-
tinued for this season. The Wingham
Band will, however, continue With their
weekly practice each Friday evening,.
Anyone interested in playing in the
Band is asked to contact Bandmaster
E. Seddon,
Lack of finances to purchase new
instruments has greatly handicapped
the Band.. In order to secure money
they intend holding a draw for several-
good prizes and thte members would
appreciate your co-operation in pur-
chasing- tickets.
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold Currie,
Wingham, Ontario, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Virginia
Elizabeth, to Constable Arthur ,Stanley
Northcott, of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Sidney Herbert Northcott, of Vernon,
B.C. The marriage to take place in
Rosedale Presbyterian. Church, Tor-
onto, on October 8th, 1947, 7.30 p.m.
Euchre At Whitechurch
Under auspices of Women's Institute
in Community Hall' on .Friday, Sept-
ember 19th, Admission 25 cents, Lad-
ies of W. I. please bring lunch,
Provincial Police were planning to
continue questioning a man and two
women in the death of 56-year-old
Charles M. Bell, who died early Mon-
day afternoon at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Frederick Littlechild on Hincks
St., Goderich, after a sharp instrument
had passed between his ribs, near the
left shoulder, during what police offi-
cials described as a "brawl".
A post mortem was conducted by
Provincial Pathologist Dr, John Fish-
er of London, to determine cause of
Inspector Frank Kelly of the Ontar-
io Criminal Investigation Department,
Toronto, arrived in Goderich to con-
duct the investigation.
sharp paper knife, of the type is-
sued as advertisements by commercial
firms, was recovered by police, It was
bloodstained, The knife is being ex-
amined for fingerprints.
A. charge of murder was laid on
Tuesday afternoon against Fred Little-