The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-09-11, Page 7• - • * SMOOTH SURFACE ROLL ROOF * ROCK SURFACE ROLL ROOFING ASPHALT SHINGLES, COATINGS; AND PLASTICS . Order ?foie FoiFsiture Delivery Front' Bel rave Co-Op. Store — BELGRAVE 'PHONE 14 - 4, Brussels Affiliate= with United Fanner 0-operative Co. • Ltd. .i.41116411.411.4116,4111kA\Aulla.41.411 DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 THOS. FELLS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and TUE BEST O1 SERVICE PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 Wingham FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS' PUNE RAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER' 'PHONES 100 - 224 WINGHAM Whether on business Or pleasure.bent, make this "Goodwill Hotel" your headquarters. Located right in the center of everything . . a block east of Woodward Avenue on Elizabeth Street, ' overlooking Grand Circus Perk. Hotel Wolverine is accessible to all sections of the city. 500 rooms .. each with tub and shower. Good food. Ample parking space; garage service also available. Home of THE TROPICS most unusual night spot in Detroit luxurlobs South Seas atmosphere. ON ROAD-GRIPPING GOOD/WAR ' TIRES J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block. Wingham wow FREDERICK A. PARKER ,OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. - Phone.,272. Wingham. 'W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham J. II, CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of "HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49,, Ontario Iiiimemeememommerine J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K. M. MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office 'Minnie St. . Opposite and South of the United Church, PHONE 196 Winghatn, Ontario Ripley, on Guaranteed Trust ,Certificates D. SOP for any amount , for a term of five yeare . _guaranteed both as to prUtcipal and interest , , Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on doe date, or, at holder's pption, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest, An ideal investment for individuals,. cm-, pasties; authorized by law for cemetery boards, tosseeutore and other trustees, THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 36 years In Btfsiness House Confinement not necessary for daily benefit, The ideal plan for the family man. For complete details, send in this coupon. Ass Occupation MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION P. T. EGG, District Manager 402 Medical Arts Bldg. KITCHENER ONTARIO M.187 LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HEALTH AND ACCIDENT COMRANY IN THE WORLD I AM INTERESTED IN YOUR NEW PLAN "431". Name 1. Street City or Town 0 geh/ LED RUNNING water is a necessity in the farm home today. And in stables, barns, poultry houses, green- houses and truck gardens it adds production and profit enough to soon pay for a DURO Pump installation, The new DURO is the Farmer's Pump — built to give a life- time of satisfactory service. See us for complete informa- tion Emco Fixtures & Fittings Styled for Beauty and utility for EMCO Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry . . protect the health of your family . . . add to the comforts of daily living. Learn how easily and economically you can modernize your home. Call us today. H. MACHAN Telephone 58 — Wingham toa €111PIRE fillgSS• McGit CO LOltati•tillitill.T0t1 -1t 410htti-SuballaYitsittilllialaril*VAITC'600°V;‘ IrbursdaY, September 11, 1947 TJIE WINGHAM ADvANcryiVEs PAGE S'EMAll WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for Over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1,30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 1203 f1.41 response, Mrs, J, ft Wylie brought an .interesting review of local and World Wide news. The guest speaker was LT, R, IL Palmer, whose topic was nut lItailling 11.Daitit past middle age, Dr. Palmer stressed the need for slowing down from strenuous activity. The diet, care of the teeth, the value Of regular examination to prevent ill- ness and spoke of a hobby on recrea- tion to occupy the mind as one ap- proaches old age, Mrs, Munro moved the appreciation of all the members to Dr, Palmer for his excellent ad- dress. Mrs, W. T. Maclean contribu- ted a reading, The last hymn which was enjoyed. Mrs, Vern Denny moved a vote of thanks to the hostess, Mrs. Maclean, for her kind hospitality and to all Who in any way assisted in mak- ing the meeting a success. Refresh- ments were served when the hostess was assisted by ,Mrs. MacNaughton, who presided at, the tea table, Mrs. J, H. Wylie and Mrs. H, Hamilton, e.e Women's . Missionary Society The September meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of United church will be held on Friday, Sept. 12th, at 3 p.m., in the church school- room. The president, Mrs, Allan Mun- ro will preside, Mrs. McCracken of Bluevale, will be guest speaker. Roll Call, A Harvest Thought. There will bze special music. All the ladies are cordially invited to the W.M.S. meet- ing. Guelph Area Convention Area Board Miss Celia Synott, R. R. 4, Rock- wood was named chairman of, Guelph Area W.I. at the closing of a two day convention at O.A.C. She succeeds Mrs. J. Harold Speir of Brussels. Oth- er officers named were first vice-pros- Mrs. J. R. White, Ripley, '21).d. vice- pres., Mrs. Ford Sudden, R. R. 4, Galt, Sec.-Treas,! Mrs. Lorne Guild. Rock- wood, recording secretary, Mrs. Roy MacKenzie, Ripley. Executive Committee is composed of Mrs, J. Feasby, Centreville, Mrs. Wil- bert Cornnie, Fergus; Mrs. Arnold Darroch, Clifford, Junior Area Cone vener, Mishs Marjorie Ford, R. R. 7, Galt. Standing Committee chairman, Mrs. Alfred Wood, R, R. No. 1 Fer- gus; Home Economics, Mrs. J. J. Mat- thews, R. R. 1, Preston; Historical Re- search, Miss Gladys Parks, R. R. 6, Wiarton; Social Welfare, Miss Lily Dempsey, Stratford; Publicity, Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, Ethel; Pianist, Mrs. D. Hume, Arlcell; Press Correspond- ent. Mrs. D, S. ii\lacNaughton, Blue- vale; Auditors, Mrs. F. Reinhart, R. R. 1, Campbellville, Mrs. H. Hanlon, R, R. 6, Guelph, provincial board direc- tors, Mrs. Arthur Hamilton, Atwood, Mrs. Milton. Weber, Montrose. Out- standing speakers at the convention were, Dr. Flora Little, Guelph whose subject was "Growing Up", MiS's Irene McBride of Dept. speaking on Family Life. A Banquet was held on Thurs- 5ay night when 410 guests were wel- comed by President Reek of O.A.C., Hon, Russell T. Kelley, Minister of Health. On Friday a highlight of the programme was a debate on the sub- ject, Resolved Parents of the • Past sl Generation did snore to prevent juven- ile Delinquency than parents of today. Mrs. C. D. Fogerby and Mrs. Frances Kreager, both of Galt upheld the la- firmative, while Mrs, E. H. Marston of Elora, and Mrs. Lorne Guild of Rockwood took the negative. Dr. E. A. Reaman and Mrs. R. C. Moffat were the judges and gave the decision to the affirmative. The 1948 Convention will be held Sept. 2nd, and 3rd, at the Ontario Agricultural College. .arine were also visitors. at the Shearer home, Mr, and Mrs. Garry Gibson and baby, Darryl, Parkhill, spent last week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Gibson, aecompanied by Mr. Crawford Gibson they .attended the National Exhibition at Toronto. Mr. Calvin Moffat spent the week- end with friends at Toronto, Mrs, IL V, MacKeeney delegate from Wroxeter Branch W.I, and Mrs. D. S, MacNaugliton convener of Puh- hefty for Guelph Area, were in Guelph on Thursday and Friday attending the Annual Convention of Women's In- stitutes. Mr. George Harris arrived on Tues- day from the West . and will make an extended visit with his brother, Mr, John Harris and sister, Mrs. Archie McMichael, Miss Florence David spent the week- end with friends at Orangehill. Rev. W. and Mrs. Cronheilm and children, Mary and David, arrived. home on Tuesday from an enjoyable trip to the East Coast, Mr, Cronheilm was guest speaker at Bluevale United Church Anniversary on Sunday morn- ing. Rev. Mr. Burden of Bluevale, had charge of the service at Wroxeter. Word has been received of the safe arrival of Mr. Lorne Kaake at his home, Netv Westminster, B.C. Mrs. George Ash, Listowel, is a vis- itor with her daughter, Mrs, Kinley MacNaughton and Mr. MacNaughton. Mr. George MacEwen spent a few days last week at the Exhibition, Tor- onto. Miss Cassie Harris has disposed of her residence to Mr. Reg Newton, Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and daughter, Lynda, were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. David Ireland, Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs, Vern Denny and Miss Thelma Denny visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Denny,' Teeswater. on Sun- day and were present for the Baptism of their granddaughter, Patricia, in the United Church. Born—At St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, on August 22nd.; to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fleming, (nee Marian MacDonald) a son, Gilbeq Roland. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Munro and Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Pacey were Exhibition visitors on Thursday last. Mr. David Corbett of Kinsella, Alta, was a guest of his niece, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton during the week-end. Mr.- and Mrs. Harvey McMichael and Shirley, also Mrs. Thos. McMic- hael, visited with . the latter's .daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stafford, Port Burwell over 'the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Feaver who have spent the past week visiting their daughter. Mrs, Reg. Pacey and Mr. Pacey re- turned, to their home at Woodbridge on Sunday, Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Robert Gibson whose mother passed away on Monday in Detroit. Mrs: Gibson's sister and family hal just arrived here for a holiday, when the word came, They returned at once, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson al- so went to be present at the funeral services, Miss Cassie Harris will dispose of her household furnishings at an auction sale at her residence, September 20th. Women's Institute MA W, T. Maclean opened her home on Wednesday afternoon for the September meeting of the Wroxeter Women's Institute, vice-president Mrs. Allan Munro presided and the meet- ing was opened by the singing, of the Odes and repeating the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. W, T. Maclean presented the HARRY MYHRE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109 W. Night 1093. MORRIS COUNCIL All the members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Har- vey Johnston and Chas. Coultes. Moved by Jos, Vuill, seconded by Sam Alcock that Chas, Coultes be ap- pointed as Morris representative to the Wingham High School Area Board. Carried. Moved by Jos. Yuill, seconded by Sam Alcock that the road accounts as presented by the Road Superintendent be paid, Carried. Moved by Harvey Johnston, second- ed by Jos, Yujil that a grant of twenty- five dollars be given to the North Hu- ron Ploughman's Association,4 Car- ried, The meeting adjourned to 'meet a- 011111111111111311111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f. El • We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a ntem- I orial—and we provide only ma- 1 tl terials of unending serviecability, AI Design and workmanship are of -ffl the finest, and our prices are I! most moderate. lit CEMETERY LETTERING — Promptly Done All MODERN EQUIPMENT N • Wingham Memorial Shop 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton 5111111111111111111111111ilittU111111111111111111111111111Nir General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE S. J. Pymm P. 0. Box 74 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT. WROXETER Mrs. Robert MacDonald and Mrs. Vern MacDonald spent a few days last week with relatives in Toronto, Mrs. Harvey Timm and daughters, Marilyn and Marjorie were in Toronto over the week-end where they attended the wedding of Miss Dorothy Depew. Miss Marilyn was junior bridesmaid for her cousin. Mrs. Elizabeth Smeltzer of Regina, Sask., was a visitor last week with Mr. Thos. and Miss Beatrice Shearer, Mr. and Mrs.. John Warrell and Miss Cath- De _EAR DEALER Bert Armstrong B. A. PRODUCTS Telephone 181 Wingham minutes. During the business session Mrs. Munro and Mrs. Maclean were appointed a committee to purchase a Radio for the newly adopted soldier, Pte. Robert Reilly of Christie St. Hos- pital. A weekly letter will be written and' $1,00 per month be provided for treats. It was unanimously decided to accept the invitation of the Gorrie Group to take_, part in an Institute contest concert on November 28th. Mrs.. Vern Denny and Mrs. J, H. Wy- lie were appointed to contact a Dram- atic group and a Dance Orchestra with a view to putting on a concert and dance early in November. Miss K. Hazelwood was appointed. Assistant pianist. The Roll Call, Little Court- esies worth observing brought a help- wmareamoimegmomaIMM SewinadaehineRepairService ALL MAKES Work Guaranteed_ Free Estimates Agent STAINTON HARDWARE Telephone 30 Wingham THIS NEW PIANO Sold By SCHUETT & SONS Mildmay and Mount Forest Hear It! Buy It! Also at each store CLEARANCE SALE —of— BEAUTIFUL CHESTERFIELD SUITES J. F. Schuett & Sons MILDMAY & MT. FOREST BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTV Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM ONT. IND YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Ettatnin- tion enables Us tO givt you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F, F 110MUTII Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston Business and Professional Directory A. H. EAVISH Names I p p 4 gain on October 6, 1947 at 1 p.m. on motion of .Chas. Coultes and Harvey Johnston. The following accounts were paid: Walter Shortreed . valuator's fees, 2.00; John Clark, 1 sheep killed and 1 dam- aged, 18.00; Ivan McArter, 1 lamb damaged by dogs, 10.00; J. K. Krang, Rotenone powder and black disinfec- tant, 480.00; C. W, Hanna, relief ac- count, 17.98i Jack Wilson,. relief ac- count, 1,05; Richard Alcock, Ellisr Drain, 362.25; Nelson Higgins, stamps and Provi audit, 15,00; Cecil Wheeler,. Ellis Drain. 2,20. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk According 'to Ambrose • Bierce ana auctioneer is a man who proclaims with a hammer that he has picked a pocket with his tongue!