The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-09-11, Page 6fl J-11111111111 11 II SPONSORED SY YOUR BANK ltd"061 -Roko ttr II Jim H. lll DETROIT'S "FIRST" ,ON CONVENIENCE COMFORT• QUALITY In the heart o the downtown, office, theater, and shopping- area. Friendly, courteous service $0 make your stay'in Detroit a pleasant memory. VIto Tuner Coffee Shorts or Cafeteria for excel. lent food modestly pric'ect. the Hotel 'fuller, lhotrait's largest, h the place to slay, VISIT OUR &atoll ,Cotaile ONE OF DETROIT'S"FINEST 000 ROOMS WITH OATH FROM $21$ itatel FACING GRAND tIROIS PARK RIMATkD C 'HOWES, Manager 11+111! a ir "111111h , 00" lit I 111, ll ,11 ,011 it 1.11111 FIREPLACE FURNACE A POWERFUL HEATER FOR YOUR HOME The Tweed Steel Works Fireplace Furnace draws the cold air out of the room, heats it and sends it back into the room hot. It saves fuel. Why install an old-fashioned fireplace to let the heat go up out the chimney to heat the outside world. Send for free catalogue and list of satisfied users. You, will be interested in a• Fireplace Furnace. TWEED STEEL WORKS LTD. TWEED • ONTARIO YOU, TOO CAN WALK ON AIR I Fos not cooling, refreshing ICU' MINT to rid your feet of aching, burning callouses and aims. Tired Muscles respond quickly to the Ern application of soothing. creatny-white medicinal ICE,MINT.. The refreshing, tin- &leg sensation as you apply the cream tells rat that Its going Tight to work on the foot gap* that pin the wtinkles in your brow. Grt a pa todap--Srra size 500; 4 or ecnrwimc size st.00. McKIRBONS and McAVOY'S DRUG STORES Headquarters for Shoe Polishes and Cleaners, 13ruShes, Laces, etc immulignimmiummumusiinalilowninMON 1 OUR SERVICE ri ALWAYS DEPENDABLE I • • • um w I SEE OUR LISTING OF USED CARS • • 1 I 1 GOODRICH TIRES SHELL PRODUCTS I • • I 12KLEY N79111, 11..4 . The Public ate hwited to USE OUR Spacious 111 PARKING LOT BEHIND GARAGE, 11111110111111111111.112111011111111.1111100110110110.1011 HUDSON Sales and Service Cars and Trucks 'Thursday, September 11, 190 114.0111nSIMptil0 4+1•mmr,t4m,040e14..fow.ww.01.•t1i1io..1. l ll 000 o moivenz For approximately a Four-week period TO PROCESS TOMATOES H. J. Heinz Co. of Canada Ltd. LEAMINGTON GOO!) WAGES SPECIAL NIGHT BONUS EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS See your Local National Employment Service . lllll I llllllllll 111,11111.1111.1 1„1,1,111, 1 llllll 11111,11.111a RVESTERS HELP WANTED --tuamminsioamislasusumisseassetanumemoim Price 5% Preference Shares $20.00 per share With the privilege of Durchasing one coininOn share with each ureference share at $L00 per share The right is reserved to allot e smaller number of shares than appIlled for., A prospectus describing these shares, a copy of which has been filed under the proVisiona of The Companies Act, may be obtained from Murray. Johnson • Wingham PHONE WINGHAM 62 • r1.4 WE OFFER — Subject to Prior Sale New Issue • $300,000 The Western Ontario Motorways Limited (Incorporated under the Jaws of the Province of Ontario) 5% Cumulative Redeemable Sinking Fund Preference Shares (Par Value $20.00 per share) These preference shares are preferred as to both capital and, dividends. Cumulative dividend's it the•rate of $1.00 per share per annum will accrue from the First day of June, 1947, and will be payable quarterly on the First iday4 of September, December, March and June.. Preference shares are redeemable itt whole or in part at the Company's option at $21.00 on or before the 31st day of December, 1952, No bonds may be issued ahead of these preference shares' or any stock created which would rank equally with them. A sinking fund of at least ten per cent. of the net earnings of the Company‘ will be set up commencing on the first day of June, 1948. No dividends may be paid on the common shares when the payment of such dividends would reduce the working capital of the Company to an amount less than $45,000.00. The proceeds of the sale of this issue of both preference and common shares will be paid into the Treasury of the Company. CAPITALIZATION , (After completion of present financing) Authdrized To be Issued 5% Cumulative Redeemable Sinking Fund Preference Shares, par value $20.00 per share 50,000 shs. 15,000 shs. Common. Share r no par value 100,000 811.s. 65,000 shs. Transfer Atent and Registrar THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY London) Ontario THE ,WINGIIAM ADVANCE:,-TIMVS 'AGE SIX Watching the men at work on his new barn, Jim thinks of the friendly talk he had with his bank manager. "I've got good land and I can work it. With a little extra money I can really make a dream come true . ." So Jim got his bank loan. Soon, there'll be new farm equipment . . improved livestock . a well filled granary. More work for the community, more farm products, more food for home and export. Helping people in all walks of life to profit from their own enterprise and industry is One of the chief functions of Canadian banks. WI ITECHUR.CH Mr, and Mrs. John Gaunt and fun- ily, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Casemore and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt and family, from here attended the Gaunt family Re-union held in Goderich Harbour Park on Sunday af- ternoon, Over one hundred of the fam- ily attended, Mr, Thos. Gaunt of and committees were appointed for Wingham was appointed Chairman program and sport for a week-day meeting next year. Mr, Andrew Gaunt of W, Wawanosh was appOinted Presi- dent and Mr. Russell Gaunt of Kin- loss, secretary. Miss Ida Davey of California, and relatives from Tor- onto,.London, Newton, Ripley, St. Helens were in attendance, Mr. Thos, Purdoa of Powasson, spent the week-end with Mr. Wm. Purdon and Miss Mabel, and his sis- ter, Mrs. Cameron and Mr, Cameron of Lucknow, also visited there on Sun- day. Mr. Donald. Watt left on Friday for Toronto where he commenced his third year Medical Course at Toronto Uni- versity on Monday, Mrs. Mel Morrison (Reta Pardon). and baby daughter, returned home on Wednesday from Wingham Hogpital, Miss Gwendolyn E-win of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herson irwin„ Mr. G. R, Vincent of Blyth, the new assessor ,of E, 'Wawanosh, has been making his rounds the last few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wood of Lanark, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McGee and visited with other relatives in this commun- ity. Mrs. Gibbons and daughter, Marion, and Mrs., Basil Davidson of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leask McGee. Air. and Mrs. Arthur Cronin 'and son, Jack, spent the week-end at their home in Caledon. Mr. Cronin return- ed.= Monday to finish his work of wiring in E. Wawanosh community. The hydro Company have installed nine transformers on the 10th and around the 12th of E, WAVanosh dur- ing the fast week. Mr. Donald Martin has been laid up with a bad attack of the flu during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Edlington of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Windsor left last week to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke of London before returning to their home in Detroit. Miss Shirley Purdon of Detroit; has returned to visit with relatives here and at Wingham and Lucknow. Mr, and Mrs. Scott Paterson and daughter,Judy of Detroit, spent a few days last week with his father, Mr. F. McK, Paterson and all motored to 7oronto on Saturday and visited with relatives there. Miss Ella Macintosh of Vancouver, and her friend, have been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Albert /vIcQuillin over the week-end and many relatives gathered there on Sunday to visit with her. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Wall spent Sat- urday at Toronto at the Exhibition. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wall of Langside, carried on the work at home, Mr. Orton Grain has been able to resume his work with the Listowei Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ca, of WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BALANCE OF ANY CAN- ADIAN MUTUAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $444,115.39 Rates on Application PERCY J. KING AGENT R. R. 2 WINGHAM Also dealer in Fire Insurance Burn rCoal The Modern Way With A DEL(0.11EAT Stiker With a Delco-Heat Coal Stoker you can use bituminous coal for fuel and enjoy the many con- veniences oeautontatic beat. The Stoker can be installed easily in the boiler or furnace You are stow using. Regulated by accurate Delco. Heat thermostatic controls, the Delco-Heat. Stoker maintains steady, even warmth in your eooms —automatically. Many features developed by General Motors are incorporated in the Delco-Heat Stoker. Stop in today and get' the falai about Delco-Heat. Stewart Home Appliances Transport Co., and he and Mrs. Grain plan to Make their home at Listowel. Miss .Lorrinda and Mr. Warren Sandburn, spent Sunday at the home of their brother, Mr. Meldrum Sandburn of Turnber.ry, Rev. W. J.' Watt has been busy er- BROWNE'S Shoe . Repair Cain, a new hphouse at the rear of his lot in the village, Mr. And Mrs, Len Westbrook of Goderichspent Wednesday at the. home of Mr, and Mrs. Amos Cornelius, Mr. and :Mrs. Myles MacMillan left on Saturday for his ranch at Scots- guard, Sask,, and they will also visit with her family in North Dakota. Mr, Mr, Clifford Laidlaw also left for the West on Saturday, going to Regina, Rev, W. S. 'Sutherland was again able to take charge of his services at the three appointments on. the Presby- terian charge here on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patterson Cair- ine and Jerry, who have been visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, during the past week, returned to their home at ICapuskasing. Mrs, Irene Patterson and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery and son, Wayne, also re- turned to their home at Kapuskasing last week. Mrs: Pennell of Kinlough, has been staying at the home of Mr. Herbert Vettapiece, during the past two weeks. Miss Helen Thompson, R.N., is vis- iting this week at the home of her aunt, Mrs, Milton IMeRurney, London. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Wightman end family. spent Sunday at the home of her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Vipond, at Atwood, Mr. Roy Robinson of Delhi, .spent the week-end at his home in E. Wawa-. nosh, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson of Tilsonburg accompanied him and visited with E. Wawanosh and Belgrave relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Zurritt and children of Kippen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, an4 Mr. and Mrs. • Cecil Skinner and Sam and Doris of Centralia, spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Mason. Miss Doris Hutchison is speridin,g- thi;sweek at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sharpe of Thamesford. ST. HELENS Dr, Alvin and Mrs, Woods and children of Dundas, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougherty of Guelph, were visit- ors with Mrs. R.J. Woods, Mr. Win. Walker and his daughter, Miss Betty Walker of Preston, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller, Rev. M. G. and Mrs. Newton were visitors this week with their daughter, Mrs. Charlton and Mr. Charlton at Port Alma, Mrs, Wm, Bowes of Blyth, was a guest last w7ek with her cousin, Mrs. E. W. Rice and Mr. Rice; , Mrs, Chester Taylor was hostess for the September meeting of the Wo- men's Institute on Thursday last. The roll call was respOndedto by the'nam- big of a health or nutrition habit we should practice daily. A splendid paper- on Social Welfare was read by Mrs.. Gordon Rintoul. Mrs. E. W. Rice favoured with a solo and Miss Doris Taylor with a piano solo, At the con- clusion lunch was served with Mrs. G.. Rintottl, Mrs. G. McPherson and Mrs.. E. W. Rice as hostesses, Mr, and Mrs. McKenzie Webb :Ina Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Coulter- and Brian, left for the. West by motor- on Thursday.