HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-08-14, Page 9Campbell, all of London, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Timm. Mrs. Henry Timm and Mr. Bill Timm of Listowel, were also recent guests at the Timm home. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Hamilton were Mr, awl Mrs. Mor- ghter; Donna, 'al'so Mr. and Mrs. ley Wilson and daughter, Myrna, Sun Tested Wallpapers FOR EVERY ROOM IN,, THE HOUSE Priced from 15c per roll up .THE WALLPAPER SHOP WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reidt also 1\fr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson enjoyed 'a motor trip last week to Detroit and Other points. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd North and clan- R UPTURED? You Owe It to Yourself to Investigate THE DOBB.S TRUSS METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF RUPTURE It's Bulbless It's Beltless It's Strapless It has no bulb or ball to spread the weakened muscle tissue and enlarge- the rupture opening. It has no belt or strap to irritate the skin or bind the body, and impede free circulation. DOBRS -TRUSS A soft concave pad holds the rupture tightly closed at all times— while walking, lifting, working, or swimming. Prestes the body in bttt two plates. Cannot slip. Is sanitary—ean be washed, Aqualified, Fitter of The Dobbs Truss Co. will be at THE BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINGHAM WEDNESDAY, AUG. 20 — 4.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. AlS POR MR, GI1383 Free Demonstration No Obligation CL/I+ THIS AD NOW ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE, 9 Richmond Street East, 'Toronto 1, Ontario. Please send further information and an application form for the Ontario farm Service Force. Name. .... ........ ..... . .. . . . "Age ........ . .. (16 or over) Address . •--•-......"'..... ........ . . . ... . . . .......... Town .... . . . . ....... .. •... . .. .. . . .. . ... Available from .. . ......... . .... . . .lo. . . ... .............. amusing verse, Mrs. Morrison Sharpie on behalf of ' neighbors presented a !gift of money, other., gifts included a ; beautiful lace cloth from "The Chiv- !aree Gang", Clarke on behalf of Ruth land himself expressed appreciation for I the gifts. A shower of confetti and the ;singing of "They are jolly good fel, ' 6 w s completed the presentation. 'Clarke and Mrs, Sharpin will take tip residence in Wroxeter. Miss Harrington all of Elora. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Barton, Mr. and. Mrs. MacEwen and Miss Nina Tait, Were visitors last week with the for.' n'ter's sister,. Mrs, George Bdwards WO Mr. Edwards. Miss Eleanor Sanderson, Toronto, spent the holiday week-end with her, mother, Mrs, Frank Sanderson. Mr, and Mrs, 'Vern Denny and Miss Thelma Denny, are 'enjoying two Necks vacation at their cottage, 4EEEE, Amberley, Miss Alice Howse, Wingharn, .spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert liows'e, Mr, Arthur Green, also' Miss Gil- berta Howse, have joined the staff of the local branch of the Bank of Com- merce. Mr. and Mrs, George Edwards • are enjoying a few days with, friends at Inverhuron Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stutt of Bow- inanville, were week-end guests of Mr.' and Mrs .j. L, ,MacEwen and • other friends, Mrs. Maxwell MacFarlane and dau-' ghter,' Frances of Winnipeg, are spending a three weeks' vacation with' Mr.- and Mrs. George Allen. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira MacLean were, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MacLean, Whitechurch, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart • Cross and family, Walkerton, Mrs. W. A. Gibson, Cayuga, Mr, and Mrs. Earl MacLean, ,Listowel. Rev. W. Cronheihn is spending ten days at the boys camps, near Goderich, as ,a leader. Upon his return with Mrs. Cronheilm and two children, he plans to motor to the East Coast. This village and community *ere shocked and' deeply ,grieved when it learned on Tuesday evening of the death of Mrs. S, Bevington, who pass- ed away in Wingham General Hospi- tal, - following an operation on Mon- .day. Mrs. Bevington wh6se home was in Cleveland, has for several years spent the summers in her home town caring for her sister, Mrs. James Stutt, who is an invalid. Taken ill on Sunday and to the hospital early Mon- day, where several hours after the op- eration she suffered a relapse from which she failed to rally. Mrs. BevinE,Y- ton is survived by a daughter, (Elean- or), Mrs. Allen Schott' of Cleveland, who with her husband chine by 'plane to be with her mother, To her dau- ghter and members of the Allen fam- ily, deepest sympathy is extended in their -sorrow and loss. Born—At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday, July. 28th., 1047, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hilton (nee Lillian Aitkenhead), a son, Jeffery Malcolm, Wroxeter can now boast of one of the most up-to-date bakeries in the dis- trict. Mr. Lorne Robinson has - not only put in -new machinery but has an attractive store with white Walls, ven- etian blinds and tiled flOor. Miss Norma Brandon, Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ozier and fam- ily, Mitchell, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bolt, Mrs. Eli Bolt was also - a guest at the home of her son. Mr. Robert Muir, Sudbury, 'and his mother, Mrs. iMuir of Turnberry, were visitors one day last week • with Mrs. J. Lovell and Miss A. B. Fraser. Misses Marilyn and'Marjorie Timm spent the week holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd North, London. Mr. and Mr4. D. S. MacNaughton and Mr. John MacNiughton, were in London on Saturday attending the Wearring-Matheson wedding. Rev. T. M. Wesley, Cainsville, who was guest speaker at United ,Church on Sunday last was a guest for the day with Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Wearrifig. Rev. Geo. Wylie, Oakville, was a Sunday guest of relatives in town. • Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munroe returned with Mr. and Mrs, Allen 'Schott to Cleveland on Thursday, where they attended the funeral services of the late Mrs, Bevington, returning home on Sunday. . Congratulations to Mrs. George Wylie who celebrated her 84th birth- day on Saturday.. Mrs. Wylie who re- sides with her son, Mr. Jack Wylie of the 2nd. line of Turnberry,, is in good health and able to enjoy life. Her Many friends and neighbors join in wishing her many returns of the day, Bride and Groom Presented Mr. and Mrs. Clark Sharpin( nee Ruth McKerciter) of Jamestown, were guests of honour at a lovely party at S.S,No, 2, Turnberry, on Friday night last. Dancing was enjoyed with local I talent and refreshments served by the ladies, Mr, and Mrs. Sharpin were called to the platform. Miss Mildred Henning read an address in clever and SHOP AT DOBSON'S GENERAL STORE in WROXETER Ladies' House Dresses Vests Panties Nylon Hose Brassiers and Slacks Thursday, August 21st, W, A, Ask AsSiStastee During the week of August 17th, and while Rev. W. A. Cronheihn is absent on ,holidays, members of the Women's Association United Church, will undertake to do considerable de- corating of the Manse and are acing members of the church for assistance, If you can help kindly ,contact the president, Mrs. Wm, Hart, Community Club Active During the past week Wroxeter Community Club placed in the 'tillage park a 14 ft, table with benches attach- ed, also 4 long benches, Swings for the children was a previous gift, There is now available good water as the Club have had the well and pump put in working order. Wroxeter park 'with its grove of maple trees at one side is an excellent setting for sports and pic- nics and being ,just on the edge of the village is a safe and pleasant place for the children, The W,C.C. are to be congratulated on their interest in the Home Town and their, efforts should be appreciated by the general public, Church News „HOWKK .LIONS CLUB FIFTH ANNUAL 0 I. I TO BE HELD ON THE MAIN ,STREET OF WROXETER, Thur., Aug. 14 GIRLS' SOFTBALL GAME BRUSSELS vs. CLIFFORD — 6,15 sharp —. In Wroxeter Park BLYTH BOYS' and GIRLS' BAND will furnish music throughout the evening. GAMES BINGO BOOTHS RETURNING BY POPULAR REQUEST FOR THIRD TIME The Happy Cousins Concert Co. Vocal and Instrumental Solos; Duets, Trios and Quartettes Imitations, Comic and Character Sketches Township Hall, WROXETER-9 p.m. Admission to All, 35c Street Jitney MODERN DANCE—Wilbee's Orch. OLD-TIME DANCE IN HALL--lst class Orch, Two Excellent Dance Floors — First Class Music The DRAW for $375. in 24 Prizes to be at Midnight Tory Gregg will be Master-of-Ceremonies for the Draw, whieh is sanctioned by Municipal Authority. In case of rain, events will be held FOLLOWING NIGHT Listen to Entertainment Guide, CKNX; 6.30 p.m. for developments THE ONLY RURAL SERVICE CLUB IN CANADA Every Cent of PrzfloLorf.ILDREN'S WELFARE 4111M1111111:1111111MBINEMININWINS8 GRADUATE NURSES WANTED for the ONTARIO HOSPITAL ST. THOMAS • Eight-hour duty. Six-day week. Three weeks' annual vacation with pay and all Public Holidays. Opportunities for advancement and superannuation benefits. Living accommodation available in modern Nurses' Residence. Starting salary for Graduate Nur- ses $1440.00 per year, for Reg- istered Nurses $1540.00 per year, less perquisites. APPLY MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT Low Rail Fares to the CANADIAN NATIONAt. EXHIBITION AT TORONTO AUG. 22—SEPT. 6 , FARE AND ONE THIRD Por the Round Trip Good Going Thursday, AUgb 21 to Saturday, Sept. 6 inclusive Return Limit Sept, 10 Ptill InfOrmation front any Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL ST. HELENS Rev, G, A. Barnard of lona Station, renewed old acquaintances here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice. Mrs. Jas. Gaunt and Mr, John Ait- chison were week-end visitors with friends at Bronte. Before her return, Mrs. Gaunt will spend a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ward Shick- luna and Mr, Shickluna at Lindsay. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wilson and Jim- my of Whitechurch, and Mrs. Al. Fair- brother, Marilyn and Frances of Bronte, were recent visitors with Mrs. T, F. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller. Mr. G, S. McIntyre who has com- pleted a summer course at Toronto, is a" visitor with Mrs. McIntyre and Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller. 110WICK COUNCIL The Council met in the Clerk's Of- fice Gorrie, August 5th, 1047 according to adjournment the Reeve John Winter in the chair. The members were all present excepting Deputy-Reeve Elmer. Warrish. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on' motion of Zurbrigg and Strong were adopted as read, Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Zurbrigg that we refund the Gorrie Cemetery Board the sum of $4,00 for;excess rental char- ges. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Gowdy that we instruct the Road Superintendent to erect speed limit signs at Lakelet. Carried. Moved by Strong and Gowdy that this Council of the Municipality of the Township of Howiek request the De- partment of Highways to establish speed limit zone of 30 miles per hour on Highway 87 within the limits of the Village of Wroxeter and erect Signs accordingly. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Strong that we give a grant of $20,00 to the Clif- ford. Fair IlOard. Carried, Moved by Gowdy and Zurbrigg that the toad accounts as approved be paid, Carried. iMedred by Winter and Strong that the following' bills and accounts be paid, Carried. $115.88; I), Townsend Re- Whether on business or pleasure-bent, make this "Goodwill Hotel" your headquarters. Located right in the center of everything . . a block east of Woodward Avenue on Elizabeth Street, overlooking Grand Circus Park. Hotel Wolverine is accessible to all sections of the city. 500 rooms .. each with tub and shower. Good available. Home parking space; garage service also Home ot THE TROPICS . most unusual night -spot in Detroit luxurious South Seas atmosphere. A pure-bred bull will im- prove your dairy stock and earn its keep many times over. Better strains in all livestock produce increased returns throughout the year. This bank • is interested in all progressive farm operations. and we shall be glad to consider a loan to you for any worthwhile purpose. Applications for Farm Improvement Loans at 5% per annum are also invited. THE DOMINION BANK Estabtished 1871 WINGHAM BRANCH: O. C. GAMMAGE, Manager 6h Thursday, August 14, 1047 TIM WINGRAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE, NIN ti S AGRICULTURE - iStWee LABOUR, EDUCATION. DOMINION-PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE - ON FARM - LABOUR ONTARIO'S food crops are ripening fast and young people are urgently needed to help harvest fruit and vege- tables for a hungry world. The season of need extends from August 15th to October 15th and pay is good for everyotivilling worker. For four weeks spent in the out-of- doors, one way transportation will be given you free. Return transpor- tation is also yours if you remain until harvesting is completed. Share pleasure and profit with the hundreds of young people who are volunteering for this important work. Fill in the attached coupon and. join the Ontario Farm Service Force without delay. No mixed camps or accomodation for families. Children's Sun Suits Overalls Sport Shirts Cotton Jerseys Men's and Boys' Pants Dress Shirts Sweat Shirts Work Shirts Drill Shirts Bathing Trunks Plastic Belts Socks and Ties ALSO— Chenile Bedspreads, Motor Rugs Chenile Bedroom Mats Coco Mats • 4-ply P.X. Yarn Baby Blankets, Sweaters, Bibs BOOTS and SHOES for the whole family. We now have 5c to SLOG MERCHANDISE We carry a full line of Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery Where Quality Sells , and Service Tells Telephone 36 We Deliver kolisinittisisisislimilminisir i w ..ki ' U FT-7. i • -=. i ill 171 i i i iisSikou "1 i We realize our obligation when owrIjillai?Tu orderwreproie v fora mmema- i terials of unending serviceability, i Design and workmanship are of tmhoestfrosArgd our prices are i i CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done ti 1-Ti All MODERN EQUIPMENT ii Wingham 1 Memorial Shop II 'Phone 256 . ' R. A. Spotton TillIllii1111111111111111111111111111111112111111111111116111Zill Picnic Postponed Owing` to the death of Mrs. Beving- ton, a valued member of Wroxeter Women's Insritute the annual Com- munity picnic which was to have been oung Fordwich Teani Winners With two games each in the final series, Fordwich and Wroxeter, Soft- • teams held the final contest in the village park here on Friday night. The first half of the game was an even Contest, then Fordwich made a break awax leaving. the local team far bey hind with a score of 11-7. Carmichael • Wingham Was umpire, and a large crowd were on hand to support their 6 favorites. .5 U U U Leather aridPanco Soles Headquarters for Shoe Polishes and Cleaners, Brushes, Laces, etc BROWNE'S Shoe Repair pairing fire alarm at Wroxeter Hall, ,95; Gorrie Cemetery Board Refund excess Rental of IGorrie Hall, $4.00; Drury 'Construction Co. Part digging Day Drain, $1,862.70; Win. Maxwell Spreading gravel at Wroxeter, $2.40 A. Heibein Cleaning Gorrie Shed, $6,00; Gestetner Office supplies, $5.82; Ross Sanderson Fox Bounties, $6.00; A. Gallaher Fox Bounty, $3,00; Wil- fred Brown Fox Bounty, $8.00; How- ick ,Telephone Co. Telephone Rents and Tolls, $14.60; Huron, County Treasurer Hospital Expenses Re Mrs. N. Wray $60.35; P. Durst 0. A. P., $35.00; P. Durst Part Salary, $60,00; Clifford Fall Fair Grant. $20.00. Moved by Strong and Gowdy that - the Clerk is hereby instructed to a- mend By-law No. 2 for the year 1947 of the Township of Howick to author- ize the borrowing of $40,000.00. Car- ried. Moved by Gowdy and Zurbrigg that we accept the Tender of G. A. Gibson for building cement sidewalk on Water Street, Wroxeter. ,Carried. Moved 'by Winter and Zurbrigg that we do now adjourn to meet again in. the Clerk's Office, Gorrie on Septem- ber 5th, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried, Philip L. Durst, john Winter, Clerk Reeve September 17th will be observed as the annual holiday Sunday in Wrox- eter and Salem churches. Sept. 24th, Mr. Earl Anderson of Belgrave and Sept. 31st., Rey. Dr. W, T. Mahood of Fordwich will be guest speaker. Former Minister Guest Speaker Rev. T. M. Wesley of Cainsville, was guest speaker at United Church, Wroxeter; also Salern, on Sunday last, choosing to speak from the text, My Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you, St. Johns Gospel, chap- ter 14, verse 27, The speaker said four things 'kept humanity from the promised peace, namely, Fear, Covet- ousness, Sin and Selfishness, only when we are free from, these things can we know peace, The choir contributed an anthem. Mr. Wesley was resident in Wroxeter at the time of World War No. 1 and enlisted with the 161st Bat- talion as a padre, Mrs. E, Robinson of Minneapolis, U.S.A., is visiting at the home of her brother, Eldred and Mrs. Nichol. Dr, Harold and Mrs. Robinson and dau- ghter, Ann, Walkerton, also Mr: and Mrs, Cecil Wheeler, of Belgrave, were Sunday guests at the Nichol home. IT., El Mr, and Mrs. Clarence White, Tor- onto, are holidaying at their residence here. 74 The Women's Association, United 1.14 Church have cancelled their August meeting. Next Sunday being the annual holiday Sunday in, the United Church, fa the Sunday School will not be held. Mr. and Mrs. E. Nichol and Mrs. ill Robinson, of Minneapolis, visited with their aunt, Mrs. McIntosh of Kincar- dine on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Gibson are happy to announce the birth of their son. Misses' Lulu and Bonnie Gibson, their girl friend, Miss Learn of the Royal Bank Staff, London, visited with held on Wednesday was postponed to the former's parents, over the Civic Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Martin for- merly of Ansonia, Conn., have moved to Mechanic Falls, Maine, where Mr. Martin is employed with the Pond Ex- tract Co. Mrs. Martin was the former Mary Pope of Wroxeter,