HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-07-10, Page 8Thursday, July 10, 1047 MINN* Mom.. Children's Summer Wear II in COTTON PLAY DRESSES, 'SUN SUITS, COTTON JERSEYS, PLAY OVERALLS, SHORTS, WASH SUITS, and SPORT SHIRTS AT REAL F.7-7.: SAVING PRICES. MOM. MOMS dal111.• 11•111. MMOIM 01=1,- 1. 111Mami. NOVO* /NMI WSW= WRII.ONO AMOM .1.11101, 110111IIM MOON imlam SIM- M- S BROWN MMIUMI 11101.0 11.00M1 amimma Mam1110 DRAPERY SPECIAL SALE AN OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK UP ON YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS SOME OF THE SPECIALS Appear BELOW- IVY CHEK, regular 50c . , . .. . . .. . .... 39c REX-EME, regular 29c 2 for 49c GLOS KREME, regular 40c , .33c Gardenia, Jasmine TALCUM, regular 40c 33c PURETEST CASCARA, regular 50c 39c SILQUE HAND LOTION, reg. 60c 49c SILQUE TONIC, reg. 60c 49c TANNIC ACID JELLY, reg. 50c 39c GAUZE BANDAGE, reg. 25c ....19c Puretest TR. IODINE, 2 oz., reg. 25c 19c ASTHMA and. HAY FEVER TABLETS Regular 50c 39c NICE• DEODORANT, reg. 39c 33c Elkay's WHITE SHOE CLEANER, reg, 25c 19c THE ABOVE SPECIALS ARE ONLY A FEW OF THOSE AVAILABLE • ,DURING THIS ANNUAL EVENT See The,Clearance Counter FOR MANY SPECIAL VALUES SPECIAL CLEARANCE OF DRESSER SETS At Half Price Wm- .@ IMINO- MO IIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111M1111111111111011111111111111111111111111110 A motion moved by Mr. John Vin- cent of Goderich and seconded by Mr. Clark Switzer of Mitchell, Was carried that the'next re-union, July 1st., 1.048, be held at Mitchell. and Bob and Billie Barwick were very popular. MrS. Stanley Darling and Miss Mary Duff gave readings: The young people held a display and Sale of girls needle work and boys wood work. Miss Rona Breckenridge, pres. of the Y.P.U. thanked the. audience for their attendance. Miss Emma John- ston was the convener for the Art ex- hibit in the vestry where fine laces and curios from distant lands were al- so shown, AMong the paintings lent was one-hy Prof (retired) Albert John- ston of Emmanuel College and Picture by G. A, Reid. BENTLEY RE-UNION HELD AT hODERICH After having been discontinued dur- ing the war years, the Bentley Re- tnion was again held in Harbor Park, Godeeich, on july lst, with an. attend- ance of about forty (several families being unable to attend owing to the late season and rush of work.) The youngest attendant was PAW, flit ih- rant son di Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Logan, Belgrave, aged two weeks, The gat& ering waS somewhat saddened by the absence of one ofv the oldest snd best ItyVed thembers itt the person Of MtS, Thos. Kerttick, who passed Away sod- clerkly at her hothe Blyth, Pule 40'4 The day was Ideal and ,Afttif; a suth- Dhotis dinner had been enjoyed byt all, the .afternoon was taken up by ball games by the grown ups and races and games fa the thildi:en until supper- tiMe, There Were guests present from Battle, Tetswatet, Walton, telgrave, Myth, Auburn, Mitchell; 8t. Marys, Woodstock and London, Smith's Economy Food Store 111/1111 i11' Atli oilitai11114 lllll IIII)11 lllll llll lll I l lll l llll llllllll Iiiiall'ila11210101/4).40011 lllll hall! lull! 111 Four O'Cl'Ock Fresh Ground Black or Mixed TEA, lb.. 89c i REX COFFEE, lb. lll ....... .53c Fresh Viatt I Coleman's Salted SODAS ,2 lb. box 33c PURE LARD, lb. 28c 1L-Cut Heavy Red RUBBER RINGS,4 doz. ..29c Children's Sun Suits Overalls Sport Shirts Cotton jerseys Men's and Boys' Pahtt Sweat shirts Wtsroersks SShillirtttss Drill Shirts Bathing Trunks APILasstoic..*Belts Socks and Ties Menne Bedspreads, Motor Rugg Change Bedroom Mats Coco Mats 4-ply P.X. Yarn ati.kets, fteaters, Bibs BOOT nd SHOES ibir the w le family. We,t1OW bdi/d W5ce et°ar$ryir fttiViligliRneCogftgroDeViEee, Presh Prnits and Vegetal:ilea Tobaecos and Corl fectloirtr, Waero Quality Stilt and Service Tent - Telephone se - We Deliver SaVe on the whole family's shoe tOsts by keeping them in drOOD RBPAIlt Headquarters for Shoe POMO and Cleanerd, Brag/tea, Laces, ete IlltOWNE'S Shoe Repair - THE WINO.HAM ADVANCE-TIMES simmiimmoiiiiiiilimumminioniummonownowthisiniimulmonommuninioniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinunillIN E.- Par PAY R E Mr. and Mrs. Hay left for a motor trip and will reside in Zurich. The groom served for four and a half years of active service, The bride • is a graduate of ;Clinton .Hospital, Prestoyteria4 WAILS, The W443, of Knox Presbyterian. Church met in the Sunday School room this week, with the president, MrS. P. S, McEwen presiding, after singing a hymn the president led in prayer, Mrs. R. F. Garniss read a por- tion of the Is,t, chapter of Jeremiah,. and was followed by an explanation of the same by Mrs, y, J2 Elliott, The study dealing with the "Ministry of Healing" was given in very interesting manner by Mrs. Walter 51.111111e.. The Roll was called and Mrs:‘ Lillow read the Glad Tidings. Prayer. The section- al meeting for the Eastern Division will be held in Bluevale in the fall, Mrs, Jorgensen closed • the meeting with. prayer, Mrs, Roy Turvey con- ducted a discussion on plants for the Bazaar which the Ladies Aid will sponsor in the early Fall, David Irving of Sea View, Washing- ton, U,S.A., a former resident of the 2nd, concession of Morris Township, is visiting with relatives and friends. It is 28 years since Mr. Irving lived here, Miss Shirley Soiling is home from the Wingliam !General Hospital, where she had an appendix operation. Mrs. Elmer Sellers and baby son are home from the Wingham General Hospital, Mrs, Black, Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. Damrow and Mr, and Mrs. Meahan of Detroit, spent the hol- iday with ,Mr, and Mrs. Harry Elliott, Visitors at the Manse. pr over the week-end were Mr. Jorgensen's mother and sister, his brother and wife also a niece and nephew, all from Wiscon., sin, U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ross of Lis- towel, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mann, Spence McKinnon 'of the Staff of the Canadian,, Bank of Commerce, at Georgetown, is spending his vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon, Dr. Arthur Shaw, Mrs. Shaw and Barabara,.• Toronto, with Mrs. Arthur Shaw. Mrs. Leslie Clark of Port Rowan, and her two small daughters, Marilyn, and Janet, are spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb'Shiell. INOPOINI 5, laalaM11 4111100111• MN. 01•0110 Mal•••• MONO IMMO MOEN. NMI= UMW. 1••••••1 MOW. MOONY 601.110- 1 MOO* *MT,* K INGS Summer Sale Continues Men's, Ladies' and Children's- Summer Apparel at REDUCED PRICES On Tuesday afternoon, June 24th,, Miss Leila Agar, bride of this week, was guest of honour at a kitchen show- er given for her by Mrs. Ross Turvey, at Mrs, Ttwvey's home, Norris Town- ship, TWO SHOWS EACH NIGJ-IT-7.30 and 9.30 p.m. 4!!!!!1 44444414,!4,141.14440 4Wom41 Int!!!!!!,!!!!!! lllllll !I!!Ii4t l ! l ;m4)441444014 ll ! lll l ll q44tillimmommovielOt gang. .1,11 yam. m.o.= eammF byan• yam mamma m▪ amo. aly•a0 •Na•M• My= ••••••I yoga ..k•••1 NOM.. d m@ MOM. MOM. ..•••• EINEM Ma•••• aMMION M.= WW.- M4 MO▪ W. WOONIN MOW.. OSNIa• ••••••• ..MaM .104. 11,11.1.M WIMMI OPINIPM NM= WM= MOM. .01011.1 MOON •••••• AM. 0.•=1 OdMi. 0,0=- 1 apm1=4 1.010 ammd- ma ammala amm010 ON•▪ P• ••••- •• MOW.. MOONY MON110 ANIMA IWIMPO Id=MOW IMMO. amIMIa Mmmilm 401In P.MWS Monday, Tuesday,. Wednesday, July 14, 15, 16 HUMPHREY BOGART LAUREN BACALL In Induction Service At the induction of Rev. J, A, Bur- den, (Echo Bay) into the pastorate of the Bluevale and Ebenezer charges of the United Church held Friday even- ing: Rev. Mr. Brenton, of Ethel, pre- sided and addressed the congregation. Rev. G. G. Howse of Gorrie addressed the minister, Members of the Board introduced the congregation to the new minister and Mrs, Burden, Rev. Mr. Brenton presided happily in the Sun- gewommmommuclommusommuomimmmommaiwoommimmiumilmowill day School room and calle "THE BIG SLEEP" (Adult Entertainment) d on several workers for speeches. Refreshments were served and a social welcome was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Burden, their son, Arthur, and daughter, Irene. ..ELECTRIC CLOCKS i A fine assortment of KITCHEN and ALARM ri i CLOCKS just received. Such well known makes as TELECHRON SETH THOMAS and SCOTT ii Priced from $6.95 to $12.25 a- i plus luxury tax. 60 cycle only i a • a•••••• IMMO Church News The regular morning service at Knox Presbyterian Church was con- ducted by the minister Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen. He pointed out that the three fold work of the Holy Spirit was to convict of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. Rev. J. A. Burden's text at the morning service in the United Church was found in Matthew 4:9. "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men". Mrs, Alex McCracken and Mrs. W. J. Johnston sang a duet, "Shepherds of Love," For Mother - For Daughter - PLAY DRESSES IN . SEERSUCKER at $3,98. , ASSORTED COTTON DRESSES, reg. $5.50 $2.79 0- $3.99 9 MIAMI SPUNS and SEERSUCKER,S'in larger sizes ... $4.59 MISSES' Half sizes, VOILES, GINGHAMS, etc. $6.95 HOUSECOATS, glazed Chintz and Seersucker $3.39 SWIM SUITS . $2.59 - $5.19 and $8.59 SLACKS, SHORTS, SHORTS, BLAZERS and TENNIS OUTFITS ALL REDUCED r.-74 i -..=-..: ill Ei 1111 - TOASTMASTER AUTOMATIC $24.00 • i HOTPOINT TOASTERS $7.95 and $11.95 i 14 WESTINGHOUSE TOASTERS $6.95 ii WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC IRONS $12.50 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC IRONS $9.95 and $11.00 0-1 SUNBEAM IRONMASTER $14.50 i SILEX STEAM IRONS $21.50 i HEATING PADS $6.45 to $8.45 .,-= ... • ELECTROHOME FANS .$6.95 and $10.95 in i Juice King FRUIT JUICERS $9.25 ri HOTPLATES $4.95 to $12.00 i • (2-burner All types) a - 1 Coleman OIL SPACE HEATER (uncased) I il 50,000 B.T.U. $50.00 i 1 ,TIME SWITCH, 60 cycle. Will switch R lights, etc., on and off at set time each ii. clay. Ideal for window lights, electric , signs or poultry houses $13.50 N i N Ii i - I N i 1.1 N ammummemommommimmulmommfflumwsmommummiummimumemsm APPLIANCES N United Church W.A, and W.M.S. Mrs. William Nicholson opened her home this week for the Woman's meet- ings of the United Church. Mrs. Stan- ley Darling, president of the Associa- tion presided. Mrs. Fell read a pass- age of scripture and Miss Emma John- ston led in prayer. During the bdiness session plans were made for serving refreshments at the Induction service and also ,dis- cussed assisting the Y.P.U. with the pie and ice cream social. It was also decided to hold a Bazaar'in September. The past president, Mrs. Alex Mc- Cracken conducted the meeting of the W.M.S. and opened it with the Lord's prayer. The Associate Helpers Sec- retary, Mrs, George Thornton had charge of the programme, when Mrs. McCracken •gav,e a report of the an- nual meeting Of the Landon Confer- ence Branch held at Aylmer, Mrs, Wickstead sang as a solo, "There were Ninety and Nine," The Wor- ship service was observed as outlined in the Missionary Monthly. Refresh- ments were served by the hostess as- sisted by Mrs. Wickstead, Mrs. Wil- son Thornton and Mrs. W. J. Pea- cock and Mrs. Jack Nicholson: N N N N N N N U N BAPTIST CHURCH Men's Vacation Needs ley. O. J. Coupland, Pastor 10 a.m.-Sunday School. 11 a.m.-"The Great Need". 7.30 p.m.-"Rules of The Race". Come and Worship'-with Us "For God so loved ,the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life". John 3 : 18. • • SPORT JACKETS and SPORT SLACKS - 25 per cent. REDUCTION,, BEACH SHORTS or BATHING TRUNKS MEN'S SLACK SUITS TERRY CLOTH BEACH JERSEYS, white only SUMMER CAPS .....25c STRAW HATS . U a to, Pei $3.29 and $1.79 $9.39 S 0 1 $1.59 . . Half Price N RADIO ;SERVICE N U N n EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL REX ALL Health & Beauty CRETONNES, SPUNS, HAND-PRINTED COTTONS -- Reduced 25% FLORAL DESIGN CRETONNE-LIKE PAPER DRAPES, full size, ready to hang - SPECIAL $1,49 • BED SPREAD and DRAPE MATCHING -SETS, $25.50, to $36.00 for, $18.95 to $25.95 LACE BEDSPREADS, Full Size $6.98 BLUEVALE --- Hay - Agar • , The wedding was solemnized at Bluevale United Church, on June 28th., high noon, of Leila Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mts. Wallace Agar, Morris township,.and Mr. Charles David Hay, son of Mr, and Mrs.. William Hay of was held at the home of the bride's Zurich. Rev. Mr. A. Hewitt of Blue- vale, officiated. The bride wore a floor-length dress of Chenille silhouette on muslin de sole over taffeta. Her finger=tip veil was held in place with orange blossoms, and she carried a cascade bouquet of Briarcliff roses. - Attending her sister, was Miss Shir- ley Agar of Kitchener, wearing a floor- length pink net over taffeta with mat: thing gloves and headdress. She car- ried a colonial bouquet of white olli- veire carnations. Supporting the groom was Mr. Gor- don Prance of Exeter. Following the ceremony, a reception aaa • a.. ' • MINIM .11- 11.= MI.- M1 MINIM parents, where luncheon was served to about thirty guests. Miss Evelyn Scott was in charge of the refresh- ments and was assisted by Misses Lois Montgomery, Kathleen Youngblutt, Mary Watson and Mrs, Ernest Pleteh, friends of the bride. OMEN ORONO 11111MMI KING DEPT. STORE For travelling the bride wore a suit of powder blue, with black accessories. "THE FRIENDLY STORE" ammo •••••• 11•••••• TELEPHONE 161 'Mrs. Edward Johnston has as her guest, .her brother, Ri‘hard Spading and his wife of Vancouver. Mr, and Mrs, Snarling were fortner residents Gorrie. Turnberry Connell held their meet- ing in the Community Hall, on Mon- day evening; and had refreshmenp served them at the close. A successful pie and Lee Cream Social was held in the United Church Sunday School room on Mcmday even- ing, nnder the auspices of the Y.P.U. and Woman's Association. A pleasing program was presented with Rev. j. A. Burden as chairman. Mr, Burden knows how to tell a good story. Mrs. Carl Johnston was the adcom- panist for the sing song and . instril- mentals. Miss Delores Hamilton and Mr. jos, '11, Smith and Meldrum jet- tnyn played several violin solos, In voeal music Miss Phyllia Hamilton FAVORITES SHOP AT FREE DELIVERY - DOBSON'S GENERAL STORE in W'ROXETER Ladies' Ilouse Dresses Vests Panties Nylon note Brassiers and Slacks HEAVY GRADE ZINC RINGS, doz. ........ 3c For Jams and Jellies CERTO, bottle . PAROWAX, pkg. „ 15e CERTO CRYSTALS, pkg. 15c Expert Shoe Repairs SPECIAL VALUEI cAirtwax Cooked Spaghetti 2 tins 25c St. William's I tachange Pure Pure Plum jam, 24 oz. tin 37c 1 Grapefruit juice tins Mit AMIVION/A, pkg., .. .. . .. to I IdtrANSER Stithsvflake 4 pkgs., 25e it ASMMIZRY or sTgAvvguRny 4-oz, pkg.. JELLY POWDER WITH SUGAR .. , ..,„ .1Se McKibboints WOIDOW DXSPLAY ,S14 FRUITS a VEGETABLES at IVIARXET PRICES All Available Produce citi Bisplay SEE OUR WINDOW BBBOBB YOU BUY ' DRUG $TORE REXAL POR RELIABILITY